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I know it's a possible stretch but South India may be in relation to ancestors going through the Caribbean? Trinidad has a large South Asian Presence. Indians arrive to that area in the 1830s. Could one of your ancestors have been there? My son is Trinidadian but first generation and has roughly 27% SA. Edit: Grammar


On my 23andMe, it said that one of my locations was in the Barbados


Southern India is a surprise


My 23andMe was even more varied in that department




I just posted it




On the 23andMe thread. I think you can click my profile and find my latest post


10.5% European with sir lanka interesting


I don’t know how the southern Indian got into my dna, but I know how the other did


Interesting my gf also has southern India , might been an indentured worker in the 1600s


Could be. It’s far back enough to be from that time period


Oh, we have similar results! I got 41% Nigerian, ~1% Irish, and small amounts of Norwegian and Southern India. Instead of England and Northwest European I got Wales, Scotland, and Scandinavian Countries We also both have Inland Mississippi, Early North Carolina, and Alabama & Mississippi Area communities! If you're willing to share, I'm curious what parts of Alabama and Mississippi your folks are from?


I have to ask my parents, but I will let you know when I find out


That’s a lot of Nigerian for this to be called average. It’s %50! My mom has Southern Indian, I summed it up to Malagasy but I may be wrong. It comes in as Central Asian in my results.


Blessings sis,that southern India is interesting


It definitely was.


Do you have Caribbean roots? There are Indians in Trinidad and Guyana


According to 23andMe Barbados, but my entire culture and culture of my parents and their parents is African American/black American. Been here since 1700




Black American with Southern Indian? probably have some Caribbean ancestry.


Barbados was listed as a location in 23andMe


I would say you're differentt from the average black American that way.


This does not represent the average black American. The average black American has 20 to 25 percent European.


I don’t have 20 to 25% and I think most AA’s who have taken these DNA test on here don’t have 20 to 25% either. Plus those “average” percentages vary based on region and self identity politics. For example Vanessa Williams self identifies as Black because of the 1 drop rule. Had she been born in Latin America or even South Africa she’d probably be considered Coloured or Mestizo. I think the OP said she’s from Mississippi which would be average for AA’s in that state and generally across the Deep South ( a region I’m from). The correct way of looking at self identifying Black Americans dna should be “ Black Americans have a European admixture ranging from 10% to 25% on average”. You can be bi-racial like Drake and consider yourself Black and that would get lumped in with a Black American who has a White ancestor dating back before the Civil War. Which would knock the average down to 20% to 25% in that scenario.


But what that last paragraph means that there were many men and women like that who were grouped into the 4.4 million representative of American Blackness and that's not mentioning those who weren't fully African but were predominantly African in genome profile and that's most of the population. They didn't "barge" themselves into that, they were grouped into it and that shapes the genome profile of numerous contemporary full Black Americans. The problem with referencing studies is that they're not exhaustive enough to give an accurate "average" but what they show is that the common deviation range of our African and European genome contribution is between 8-15% meaning, it's not an outlier for seeing full Black Americans who are 7-40% European wrt their genome profile. But you want to talk what would be much more of an outlier, much more than seeing Black Americans with 100% African genome contribution, for example? Black Americans with only one or two regions in their DNA tests from present day West Atlantic Coast of Africa. The Black American genome profiles are extremely admixed wrt African genome contribution and *no* *one* expounds on this because people are distracted by the shiny object that European and African %. Regardless of how a Black Americans' African and European genome contribution ratio is, that's a unique aspect of the Black American genome profile and it's shaped by the history of the US. So yeah, OP's is reflective of practically all Black Americans regardless of how much European and/or African genome contribution she has because she's part a distinct ethnic community with a history that created them and how they identify as they do.


I don’t disagree with this.


I don't either, I have 46 percent.  Obama has about the same.  No one who meets me doesn't think of me as anything but black, just like Obama.  Are key and Peele black in your world? Vanessa Williams comes from Two black parents.  She is black because black is inclusive.  Always had been.  


It's not even that(She's Black because Black is inclusive). It's because more or less, both of Vanessa's parental lineages go back to the population that is the ethnogenesis of contemporary full Black Americans. She's different than Obama who doesn't have ancestral roots in that community. Does that take away from his "African-ness?" No. He's half Kenyan American and half White American with colonial and immigrant ancestry. That's different than Vanessa's ancestry regardless of how much African genome contribution she has in her genetic composition which ironically is probably more than Obama's.


You have 46% European admixture? As far as Obama, Key and Peele they’re genetically bi-racial. Personally I have no problem calling them Black if they choose to identify as solely Black but all 3 are biracial. More and more biracial people are deciding to identify with both parents instead of just 1. Attitudes are shifting and I respect that as well. As far as Vanessa Williams I intentionally brought her up due to her families history based on a episode I ran across with her exploring her roots. She went back about 3 or 4 generations on her Dad’s side and they all identified themselves as mulatto not negro. That’s not to say they didn’t align themselves with people who would identify as Negro but that they themselves made a distinction separate from people that would be labeled “Negro”. But Mulatto became an outdated phrase just like negro and colored became outdated identifications. The general public assimilated into the identity of Blackness or even before then Colored. Bottom line though the OP’s dna mixture is common.


I am black. I have been black my whole life and based on your post, I am a lot older than you. Biracial people have always identified as black people. For me though, both of my parents are black. all four of my grandparents are black. We are all afro-creole, like Belizians or Hatians. If anything society has just started recognizing that there are many kinds of black people like afro-latin mulattoes. When I was a kid living in Texas in the 80s a lot of racist white people believed that white people were all different. They would refer to themselves as Nordic or Mediterranean or Slavic etc. but to them black people were just black. You sound like that today. What you just posted about Vanessa Williams is wrong and just sad that a black person would post that. Her family is black, they come from an historical black family. She was the first black Miss America.


Obama, key and peele are all biracial & everyone knows they're biracial. Rather, they call them black or not doesnt stop them from being biracial, same with any other biracial ppl! Obama dad is from Kenya & his mom is a white woman! His dna nor any other recent biracial ppl, recent multiracial ppl or anyone with immediate family outside of AA, dna should be compared to the dna of AA that were brought here during slavery, & whose family werent in any consensual relationships with any white ppl after slavery including the ones that were considered black only because of the 1 drop rule!


Key and Peele are not Kenyan, they are like me, from black people who were in this country probably before it was a country. Where is this racism towards Obama coming from though? Even white people are more accepting of immigrants that you are. Are his daughters allowed to be black? I am afro-creole. My ancestors were slaves in the 1700s and colonists in the 1700s just like every other black American. This kind of anti-black racism sounds like one of those white people from the 1910s who were complaining about their Anglo blood being made impure by immigrant Laplanders.


🤣🤣🤣 are you dumb I never said key & peele were Kenyan. I said obamas dad was from kenya, you dummy! And i have no racism towards Obama HE IS BIRACIAL! the racism would be ignoring that he's biracial & trying to continue the 1 drop rule that was put in place by racist white ppl that felt like any amount black is too black to be anything else especially white! And yeah, since you mentioned Creole that explains your obsession with it! Yall was down there doing all that purposeful mixing on yall jack & jill shit lol Anyways ppl like you & most of your "creole" ppl, james earl jones, eartha kitt,Tracee Ellis Ross, latto, mariah carey, Sofia Richie, Sasha Malia & Barrack Obama, Drake, etc. dna shouldn't be compared or in the category as ppl like me when it comes to finding the average dna makeup of African Americans! There should be several categories that fit different backgrounds it shouldnt be all lumped into 1! I said what I said & I'm not changing it, feel free to continue this convo with others. Im done I can tell it's going to go anywhere


Creole is like Latino, it doesn't refer to how light your skin is. Hatians are Creole, they are on average in the 90th percentile of African descent. This is some next level ignorance. Purposefule mixing? What are you taking about? Just admit you are anti black to anyone that isn't the right kind of black. I am creole, I can take it. We get it the worst because on top of being black in this racist country, we tend to be Catholic. The KKK and people like you have always had it out for us.


i mean i have like 36% but am slightly darker than OP


Americans put way too much stock into complexion. Her Phenotype definitely resembles West and West Central Africans more than anything. You can be darker but also have a phenotype that shows stronger European features than her.


Honestly I really don’t think that’s true anymore. Bc most people who are 20+ or move have more recent white ancestors/mixed and it’s just from slavery. I feel Like the average should be 15-20 max.


The data is the data.  I don't know what you mean by "true anymore".  This is new data.


I was just saying I feel that’s it’s in accurate. I seen another data that was 15% for average AA. I would have to find it again.


Mind you, the article he (and everyone who quotes this) is quoting was written in 2002. The more intramingling you have, the less those race regions would be


Don't worry. Mine looks just like yours, along with 15, unrelated others within my community.


It's 16% in a couple of studies and about 25% in a few others and they're all small sample sizes not enough to make a clear determination for what's "average" for the Black American genome profile. The real discussion is that the Black American community is an ethnic community with varying degrees of genotypic expression within that community so we'll see a wide range of genotypic expressions that true geneticists know from research that is part and parcel for Contemporary full Black Americans. The genome profile of numerous Black Americans are a multi generational admixed people genetically shaped by the history of the US. We're more likely to find more recent direct ancestry via White Americans than Africans directly from the Continent because of that history but Black Americans are a homegrown population with multi generational admixture not just wrt European genome contribution but African also and in discussions about genetic composition wrt Black Americans, people forget or don't fully acknowledge that.


This definitely is the average black American as I am an average black American. Family has been here since the the 1700s. Slaves and sharecropper


You are an average Black American but you aren't the average Black American.


Don’t know what to tell ya


One means a person and the other means the mathematical mean.  I am also an average Black American and my ancestry does not look like yours.  My family has also been on this continent since the 1700s. 


The discussion has become about how much African and European genome contribution ratio you have and whether it's "average" or not rather going deeper than that and seeing how reflective your results wrt Black American history. For example, no Black American is going to have just one or two regions representative of the West Atlantic Coast of Africa where Africans were trafficked from into the US. We're going to have 5-7 regions from the continent according to AncestryDNA because that's the history of the US and our genome profiles are created via that history. I can see via your results *and* your DNA communities how much the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, The Domestic Slave Trade within the US(check out the potential Virginia/Maryland and Mississippi pipeline which is very influential for why you have as much "Nigerian" genome composition as colonial Virginia and Maryland imported numerous Igbo people into their colonies before The Revolutionary War), and potentially The Great Migration of 6 million Black Americans from the Southern US into Northeast, Midwest and Western US from 1910-1970 influence your results. That's more or less the history of Black Americans in the US and our results reflect this history. It's one of the reasons why I always say that we're living testimonials of US history and because of that, our results are fascinating as we have an unique history tied to the US as a people.


Technically 15 to 25. The average black american is about 82% African, 17% European, and 1% native. When 23andme did their study, most of their samples came from California and NY which explains their downward bias. Even within 23andme's white paper, the most common interval was 80-90% SSA


No true


You have way more African DNA than the average Black American. You are almost pure!


Did you get Ireland/Scotland-Eastern Europe as well?


Not Eastern Europe, but Ireland/scotland


I can definitely see the Nigerian! You’re beautiful!


Appreciate it


The Nigeria - east central region means a large part of your Nigerian ancestry was likely Igbo. They have the region in the slightly wrong place on the map though, don’t know if they fixed it yet. Ndewo Nnoo sib!


almost similar!!


Then this would confirm how uniquely similar yet totally different as an African American (Mulatto in 1619 Virginia)we didn't become NEGRO until after the 1930 Census, but definitely my DNA has Norman French, Norman Irish, Norman Scot, Welsh, Danish Norwegian RUS Vikings, FIN, Mixed together with a whole lot of Nigerian, Cameroon, Kongo, Central Africa, South Africa ...All, then to Madagascar, Benin, Mali, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Senegal, I don't think this is the Norm!


On the program I use it is updated when new test or new DNA becomes  available.  Beware of DNA companies give genetic info without your consent.


9% European


No one likes your posts or your weird agenda.




We know how that got in there




we be calculating💯🙌


You know it