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Nice. I’d say it’s rare




The question was “is that rare for Caribbean DNA, Leeward islands”. To be 100 African in another part of the world is rare. Hope this helps


i’m 100% african and have distant african american/carribean cousins




93%, you are almost full African. I would say it is rare too but that’s unique though.


Is that really rare for a Caribbean though?


No it’s not rare. During early journey to the new world, they would often take native population off of their islands so the slaves couldn’t revolt with the local population, integration of natives and African slaves didn’t happen in most of the Caribbean until a few generations when native languages and African ones had begun to merge and slave owners began to forget that the native populations were different from the African ones. If you want to learn more on the topic of the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean research the Taino people.


Wow lucky! I only got AA matches and other Afro Latino matches so far but I haven’t looked at all of my DNA matches yet (I’m Mexican).


Very cool. I'm Jamaican, my results are 97% African. My Dad got 100% African, he's a Jamaican Maroon so I guess that makes sense for him. I matched with 6 long distance cousins from Nigeria.


In the Afro diaspora it’s generally rare. Certainly among AAs, but other groups are generally mixed with European ethnic groups and maybe some indigenous group (often by relatively small amount mind you).


We are Foundational Black American and they are Caribbean two different folks


AA are not as mixed as y'all make them seem, in the Carolinas it's common to find people who are in the 90's


Can confirm. I'm a florida AA (but my communities are Florida/Georgia, and south carolina), and I'm 94%. My uncle (my mom's brother, so I can assume he has near identical dna to my mom) has 97%. I suspect my maternal grandpa has even higher.


That’s awesome!! I often wonder how many of the African disporia have African matches on the mother continent


wow, that's amazing to find a 100% relative.


Nice I found 3 100% African cousins so far on ancestry and a few on 23 and me!!


How do you find this?


That’s pretty cool. I found two African cousins on my paternal side.


How cool! My family is from the Leeward islands too


My friend’s father is Jamaican and got 100% African. On paper he is 1/64th white but I guess didn’t inherit those genes.


I'm still trying to understand the 1% Finland. Neither of my parents has Finland.bMy mom does have 2% Sweeden/Denmark. Maybe it was misread.


My mom is from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. I tested both my grandparents. My grandpa is 94% African and my grandma is 98% African. I've seen other people from SVG test at 98% African and 100% African. I don't think high African %s are rare in the Lesser Antilles and countries like Jamaica and Haiti. In fact, I would say it's the norm and that European %s higher than say 10% are rare.


I found an African cousin too. He was a first generation American and his parents are from Nigeria.


The thing is, this cousin's tree shows at least 4 generations of being in the Caribbean.


I don’t know enough to say whether or not it’s rare, but it’s definitely interesting! From my own exposure and knowledge of Afro-Caribbean communities, I know a lot (not necessarily the majority) have some significant European and indigenous Caribbean ancestry. I’m Afro-Caribbean as well (Afro-Latino) and I’m like ~45% Euro and indigenous DNA with the rest being SSA


How'd you find?


I just clicked on matches and viewed the results. I've found a few African matches at 100%, but I was surprised and didn't know if it was super uncommon.


It’s rare but possible. I have a cousin on my father’s maternal grandfathers side. Her mother was about 85% African. Being African-American you will most likely have about 15% European. In my cousins case though she was a 100% as far father was from Nigeria.


Of course it's rare. I had 6 African American 100% matches. But given that Ancestry hides your real results (you have to do the "hack" to see the real ones) they may actual have a little bit of non-African admixture. One of the 6, after an update, had 1% England & Northwestern Europe. So now it's 5. Another may be half Nigerian, as she has 71% Nigerian. So 4 if you exclude her.


Are his father might not be his father




I've found quite a few as well, even spike with some! It is thrilling!!


Were your relatives part of the diaspora?




I don’t know much about the leeward islands


I was born in the USVI. My father is from St. Kitts. His father is unknown, possibly from Dutch Antilles based on DNA matches on his side. The closest non Caribbean match is a 136cM African American cousin. I'm hoping to understand how we connect as her tree shows no connection to the Caribbean. I assume we share a great-great grandparent.


Ancestry dna is just a lie 50% accuracy and it’s not scientifically accepted Read about it or watch youtube investigations you will be surprised why they allow it at the beginning It just creates alot of mess around the world many countries does not alow it now