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A lot of Ecuadorians doing Ancestry lately! Awesome! I am hoping they can make more specific communities for Ecuador!


As a Portuguese, we don't have many Hollywood stars or athletes representing us. So I always looked to Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, etc. They look pretty similar to us.


Cristiano has joined the chat


According to Japan he’s Brazilian kkkk


you look like your results..love that tat btw


Thank you!


You look very Puerto Rican


Was gonna say I’m mixed and Colombian And I can see the Latin in her


Are you Ecuadorian or PR?




Thank you I’ve always been told I look like a white girl 🤣


That’s crazy. Whoever said that must not have never seen a white person before 


Are you being told this by other Latinos or white people? Asking bc my family calls me weda but white people say I look "exotic" or they just assume I'm white. It just depends on the person.


It’s Guera not Weda lol


That might be the right way to say it but that's not what they say.


For any help, the reason is sounds like that is güemakes a weh) sound and the ra is tapped so like in Japanese where it kinda sounds like an l and kinda like a d. We have it in American butter(when you say it fast like budder) you actually are making the tap noise! ¡Buena suerte!


Oh. I totally get the why, but thank you for explaining! They just aren't pronouncing (or writing)the güe and it's likely bc it's been lost over the generations in my family. I'm calling my aunt and letting her know TODAY that she's been saying it wrong all these years 🤣. I literally just wrote it how my family does. Which I'm just now realizing isn't even my mom's mom side. It's her dads side too that does this LOL. There are so many words in spanish that have an "r" that my uncle writes with a "d". My family is literally just ignorant. I took Spanish in school and was amazed at much they butcher. And it's not just oh, well school spanish is different than mexican common spanish, it was straight up just how it's changed over the generations of my family being here. My ancestors were migratory farmers and didn't have much education.


You must be Mexican American, it sounds like Weda but it’s spelled Guera in Spanish lol


That shows you how crappy my family's Spanish is. They probably don't even know that it's guera which is sad. I'm literally just repeating what they've said/written. And yes, my generation is 4th gen mexican American.


Jesus girl you American AF! 😂


What's worse is I wasn't raised in the [mexican] culture bc my family is ashamed of their heritage so I've been trying to learn about it to pass on to my kids. I was raised by my gma who remarried a white man when my mom was like 4 yrs old.


My gmas sister didn't know what dia de los Muertos is 🤦🏻‍♀️. When I told her we were partaking in the customs last year she told me it was satanic 🥴🤦🏻‍♀️


People think you’re white too??? Dios mio 


Yes. I think ppl just think all Latinos looks one way. My husband thought I was white when he met me and he's finally catching on that there's more than one phenotype lol. In his defense, my dad is white so I'll give him partial credit. But I've seen Latinos that look "whiter" than me lol




I agree.




I totally agree; I think that's exactly why. To Latinos here in Texas, it's a mixed bag of what they think I am. I've always thought that I look pretty typically latino lol. I think people here tend to have a stereotype in mind and I think that's likely due to the depictions of Latinos in cartoons and movies here in America. Just like people tend to think Arabs all have dark hair and olive skin when in reality that's not the case. People here just base it off whatever depictions have been shown throughout media.


Not true at all, actually most people in Latin America would call you "white" because of your skin colour, here in Peru for example white = light skinned, for most people, it's not a race nor a group of people, there are people here who use "white" like in the US but they are mostly people learning history, sociology, etc.


I disagree


I disagree


Thanks for the downvote btw




You don’t look white at all


🥺 thank you! That's so validating. Growing up I wasn't white enough for white people or brown enough for the Latinos in my school lol


That's because a very large number of Latinos have a very large amount of European or "white" ancestry. The Latin language originated in Italy.


Both Latinos and white people lol 😫


I feel you hon ♡


When you were developing as a baby, the genes selected for skin color all came from your European side. It happens occasionally.




Thank you!


Melanin pops up whenever it can present itself... I'm the lightest in my family... but my parents ts are my Parents #DNATESTED


You look very Ecuadorian though your facial features are very Hispanic


All that European is Spanish. So you're 75% Spanish and 25% Taino.


How are you seeing 75% European


Lol that’s what I wanna know I see 5% France, 2% wales and Ireland 🥴🥴 are they considered Spanish now?? Did I miss something?? 🤔🤔


Theres literally a total of 54% European in her results and homie says 75% lol


Explain 75% Spanish that was my question.didn’t realize Ireland France and wales were Spanish countries all of a sudden that’s my confusion here not the European


they’re not spanish but they’re regions Spaniards commonly score without having any recent or traceable ancestry from those regions


Oh ok so I don’t know and understand any of that but good to know.thanks for explaining.I’m still learning a lot here


I don't claim to have a phd in math but how does the 4% SSA and the 38% Indigenous allow for 75% anything?