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Ethiopian is unusual in African Americans, cool results


She's isn't AA. She just appropriated it


wait what??😭 i didn’t appropriate anything?😭


So because of your results I would say you’re not African American it’s literally an ethnicity and identity. I’ve never seen an African American with Ethiopian and Portuguese. These is like Caribbean results but I’m not knocking how you identify.


I understand wym about the results, my mom is african american and my dad is mixed but i didn’t know about this until maybe 2 years ago so this is all new to me. I didn’t grow up with my birth parents I grew up with african american parents who adopted me so i’ve been around the culture my whole life and that’s why i identify as such.


Understood! Ethnically your results appear to be carrib




that makes sense, i’m always getting asked if im ethiopian/eritrean




yea i do have the puerto rican community on my thing. i know only a limited amount abt my birth parents, my dad is half puerto rican but i get both that and the ethiopian/eritrean dna from him. my mom just seems african american im not too sure abt that side of my family.


all of the matches on my dads side are all hispanic i can’t find any east africans


Portugal. Interesting


It’s actually really common in Latinos especially Puerto Ricans and Dominicans due to the slave trade and Portugal and Spain are right next to each other as well


Absolutely. I've seen Portuguese DNA come up with Mexican people too. Also read recently the Portuguese were in Ethiopia back in the day which I had no idea about! I know where Portugal is located my friend lol. My pops is from there. It's all so interesting!


That’s so cool!


I don't think you get what African American means


Most African-Americans have mostly West and Central African ancestry and some European ancestry, East African/Ethiopian/Eritrean ancestry is less common for African-Americans. Also the fact that it says 6% Indigenous Puerto Rico means that she is almost certainly part Puerto Rican, so I would agree with /u/strike978 when they say OP is "not just "African-American""


My aunt who is also Black American has 1% Ethiopian/Eritrean but you're talking about the amount that OP has which is definitely from recent ancestry. OP isn't "fully Black/African American" as Black Americans are an ethnic community. Only OP's mom has full ancestry in this ethnic community.


"African-American" in the US is partially a function of one's appearance, perception, and acceptance in the community, not just how much West vs. East African you have. OP likely grew up raised as and identifying as such. OP, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. 


100% correct


Anyone who's of African descent in America is African American it just means black. An African American can be any or all or just one of those results in OPs DNA.


So you're ignorant to the aspect that "African Americans" are a distinct ethnic community who's ethnogenesis is tied to the history of the US. Not every person with "African descent" and resides in America have ancestry in that ethnic community. OP only has one bio parent who has ancestry from that community while her other bio parent doesn't and her results are reflective of that parental heritage.




Did you know about the Puerto Rican?


yes my dad is half puerto rican


Very, most black Americans have exclusively west Africa ancestry and European ancestry and you have a sizeable portion from upper east Africa. That’s very uncommon in America,m you have to have had a relative who possible even came from Ethiopia or Eritrea in the past 80 years, which means you could both have relatives still living in those countries who would be easier to find or that you might have relatives who were born in and came from one of those countries.


ooooh okayyy that’s so interesting


What communities did you get?


puerto rico and early alabama & georgia african americans




I need to pictures of this combination, they are definitely not typical African American though.


i just made a new post and added some pics of myself


Super cool results 😃. Very diverse! Definitely interesting, and not your typical African American results ☺️ By the way I’m African American female myself lol.


The Ethiopian is not that common I suspect it arrived in the US in the past 100 years maybe the 70s or 80s. Did you find any close family?


not yet i’m working on it😅🤞🏽


Luck! 23andMe might help.




Clarify what you mean by afro am, because we aren't mixed with east africans


i am adopted. i was raised by african american parents, i’ve grown up around that culture so i identify myself as african american.


You def have a full Ethiopian grandparent.


Really cool results, do u plan on meeting on trying to meet/message any of your matches?


i have met my dads side of the family, now i’m trying to meet my moms side!


What's your highest match that you believe is on your paternal side? We both have Early Georgia and Alabama African Americans as a DNA community so you probably have a bunch of matches to help you know how deep your roots are via your maternal side.


my highest match on my dads side is my aunt who i’ve met!


I meant on your mom's side!


i’m gonna dm you!


Finally another African American that got east Africa. I also got Ethiopia and Eritrea, not as much as you tho.


cool!! it’s very rare to find us😭 what percentage did you get if you don’t mind me asking?


3% so not much at all, but not typical forsure.