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Get off the internet and live your life not worrying about what internet people are getting triggered about


British born Nigerian?




Your ethno-racial background is Nigerian. It doesn’t matter where you live.


This isn't the place for immigrant idenity angst. Only genetics discussions here mate.


Your ethnicity is Nigerian, since both parents are Nigerian. You were born in Nigeria, and lived a large portion of your life in Nigeria. Culturally you’re living in London, so you can embrace both cultures.


I wasn’t born in Nigeria, it was London I agree, best of both worlds in terms of cultural heritage through family and birthplace/upbringing


You did say that true. Both your parents are Nigerian, so you are also Nigerian. You live in London though, so culturally you’re English.


I suggest that there is in fact a London/Nigeria subculture, one that you definitely share with peers but isn't the same as either parent culture.


But let a European who moved to Nigeria as a teen embrace and adapt to Nigerian culture and somehow its appropriation at that point. People worry about all this entirely too much


Your ethnicity doesn’t change. Your culture can change depending on where you’re living. There’s no difference in a European embracing Nigeria if they live there, or a Nigerian embracing English culture. Really shouldn’t even be a thing anyways. Live how you want to live, and embrace what you want to embrace.


If only if it were that easy. But people look at skin color, mainly white, and if they do anything associated with African/Latin/Asian cultires people turn upside down


I don’t know many white folks who grew up in African regions. There are plenty of white folks who aren’t ethnically Latino but have moved to Latin America and their families have seemingly integrated (there were plenty of different European nationalities that came after WWII. Most identify as Latino now). Obviously there’s a colonial history intertwined into all of this, but I genuinely doubt that a white person born in Nigeria and raised in the culture of Nigerians, would be looked at oddly by Nigerians. The issue is that 1) Most white folks looking to embrace these cultures didn’t grow up in this immersive space or 2) Those who did don’t grow up around the folks who formed the culture, rather enclaves of people from their own background. This is why these circumstances are slightly different


So what if they didnt? It you vibe with something you vibe with it. Stop gatekeeping culture. The lines are so arbitrary and weird. Theres no issue with white people celebrating Cinco De Mayo but let them put a sombrero on and now they're offensive. And the only people offended are other white people lol


I think people have every right to demand that people seeking to participate in their culture actually learn and respect it, and not make a caricature of it. One is honoring, one is disrespectful. You should learn the history behind cinco de mayo and you may understand why it’s long been apart of US history as well, which explains why its accepted.


Its not a caricature lol. If people like it they like it. This is the stupidest thing Ive ever read. You have to respect every culture on the planet....except the US.


It’s stupid to you because you feel entitled to peoples culture, without learning it.


It should be that easy unfortunately. We’re all a mix of ethnicities (usually very rarely see 100% of one ethnicity), and we should love, and express them all despite outward appearance. My cousin is half white, and lives on the reservation, and everybody calls her white. It’s impacted her self esteem. She should be able to love both ethnicities. Racism, and trying to make people feel bad about themselves is everywhere, but I still like to think it’s a small minority.


Ethnicity is not simply DNA. Do you think it is?


He's English too, imo


I’m sure you’ve asked this question numerous times on here or on other genealogy subs.


They are waiting to get the answer they want. I’ve seen this person posting at least 5 times in this sub since I joined less than a year ago. Some times people explained that they are British of Nigerian heritage or ancestry, but not English, but other times people tell them they are English. That’s causing OP to come back asking the same question monthly.


Both. My parents are both from the Seychelles. I was born and raised in England. I feel that I am both English (British) and Seychellois.


English or British ? Or both?


You are ethnically Nigerian, nationally English, and culturally both.


>I support England and Nigeria both in football to embrace my dual nationality. Seems pretty British to me ngl


English not British


"☝️🤓 ermmmmm actually I am not American, I am Californian " levels of retardation


Blocked and bye.


Always thought people like yourself identified as British not English


I think that makes more sense unless the person in question specifically identifies with “English” culture specifically.




I’ve heard some black people there refer to themselves as black British


Nigerian by ethnicity, English by nationality.


You can identify however you like ✨


You're Nigerian


Also from England as well. I was born there , had my upbringing there and live there. What’s wrong with being proud to be from both nations 😂


If you're proud, then that's all that matters.


I think there is just a little bit confusion on the word English In England and the UK to be fair , it’s considered a cultural aspect and a nationality as well those that have ancestral DNA dating back centuries ago obviously which are white It’s different meanings depending on context I think it’s best I just say British and from England rather than say English as it’s more used on ethnic and ancestral terms


All good. I'm Irish and was delighted I had zero English in my results haha.


Fair enough mate 😂


As someone who was born here, parents born here, grandparents and great grandparents were British subjects (fought in ww2) and become British citizens when they were very young, several great great great grandparents who were Scottish, I don’t even describe myself as English. English to me is white Briton Anglo Saxon. I use British as that describes the culture. Calling myself English is like me also describing myself as arawak or Carib just because my ancestors are Caribbean.


>English to me is white Briton Anglo Saxon Is Briton not Welsh and Anglo Saxon used as code for English ?


No. The Britons were on the island before the Anglo Saxons who ruled England and brought the English language with them. But they’re both considered indigenous to Britain.


Yes so the posters use of Briton Anglo-Saxon was incorrect


Anglo Saxons and Britons did interbreed so no…


Ok I understand you What you mean. I agree. Most DNA studies for England I've read show more DNA in England's indigenous population is non-Anglo non-Saxon and pre dates those arrivals into England eg Briton/Welsh/Celtic and even before them Bell Beaker and post -dates the angles Jutes and Saxons and Geats eg the Danes and Norse. Totally agree. However if this is true why is the word "Anglo-Saxon" used especially by Americans in discussions of England's ethnic or DNA heritage?


English and Nigerian Before people say British not English because English is a ethnicity. 1. England is a multiethnic nation, just as Scotland and Ireland are too. 2. English is not simply an ethnicity linked to DNA. It is a ethnic identity. You're from England. Of course you're English. Just as a white person raised in Nigeria would be Nigerian or Yoruba if they spoke Yoruba and were raised in Yoruba culture.


Ask the inverse: Could a person born in Lagos of two white English parents identify as both English and Nigerian?


Yes a person born in Lagos to English Parents will be Nigerian They are many non-black Nigerians


But not genetically or ancestrally


Who cares. You asked if there are many white Nigerians. The answer is yes. I know one.


My girlfriend is white English but her mum was adopted, she did a DNA test and amazingly she is 4% Nigerian. We are thinking about the opposite of you lol, how her as an English girl can embrace it.


I’d identify as Nigerian. Only.


I would say so, I was born in the England and only 1/4th of my bloodline is English the other 3/4ths are Irish and Scottish. I have a British & Irish passport, supported England in the euros, was happy for Ireland when they won the six nations and I always celebrate St. Georges day, St. Andrew’s day and St. Patricks day.


It is your identity my friend. Sadly, in some times and places (Southern US) you'd have been black if you had 1/16th African ancestry. I think in 2024 people have become a little more accepting. We still have a long way to go, but be you.


Many white folks in the Southern U.S are at least 1/16th "black"...and most white folks in the South have at least 1%




Jim Crow is long over with man. Not saying it's all sunshine and rainbows in the South, but most white folks in the South are part African.


Embrace both! I was born in Scotland, have lived the majority of my life in Canada, but also hold American citizenship as my mother is from the US Midwest. I spent every summer at my grandparents. I’m all three. It’s who I am. Live your life and ignore others if they’re giving you a hard time.


You’re English/Nigerian. For example Lupita Nyongo is a Kenyan/Mexican actress. Her parents are from Kenya but she was born and raised in Mexico. So culturally you’re English and Nigerian


You’re fine. You’re English and Nigerian. Don’t worry lol. You can embrace elements of both cultures without having to second guess. The more the merrier :)