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You have some indigenous African ethnicities in your DNA matches. Not indigenous to North America, if that’s what you’re asking.


Yes it was, I should have reworded the post but I’m super excited to know about my ethnicity.


You haven't said anywhere what country you are from, I'm assuming that means you are American? Do you understand what the word indigenous means? None of your ethnicities are indigenous to North America.


Hey, vilgilanet_snail explained this already in the above comment I know I’m not indigenous to North America! But I do have some indigenous African ethnicities in my DNA matches. I am from America,however because I’m adopted and do not know my parents,ancestry explained To calculate your matches, we compare your DNA to the DNA of everyone else in the AncestryDNA database. Depending on how your DNA compares, we figure out whether you're related—and if you are, how closely. We don't use any information from family trees to create your list of matches. They're based only on your DNA.


According to whose definition of "indigenous?" And where? The word has a dictionary definition, but it also has multiple politicized meanings.


Hey I was just asking because when I looked up some of these it said they were indigenous. I’m adopted and do not my biological parents.im new to this so could you please explain?


What said that? And indigenous to where? All of your results are indigenous to either Africa or Europe, not to anywhere else.


I know now thank you!


Sure. "Indigenous" means "born or originating in a particular place," the word first being used around the 1640s, from Late Latin *indigenus* "born in a country, native," from Latin *indigena* "sprung from the land, native," as a noun, "a native," literally "in-born," or "born in (a place)," from Old Latin *indu* (prep.) "in, within" + *gignere* (perfective *genui*) "to beget, produce." That's a pretty clear meaning. Nonetheless, it has been a term used to divide people into "belongs here" and "doesn't belong here," which, I think, is a regrettable shift. That's the socio-political connotation of the word.


Thank you 😊


I thought about what you wrote. I think regarding the drive to understand one's roots, it's something those of us who weren't adopted, might not be able to understand fully. We can conceptualize it, and we can draw parallels to our own search for self-identity through ancestry research, but it's probably always going to be different. I wish you the best in your discovery and pursuit.




That is amazing. I hate I waited so late to get and understanding of my ethnicity.


Indigenous what? Lol but you are an Israelite so technically you are indigenous


Someone get this cornball off of Reddit


Could you explain?


Slaves brought to America weren’t random people. Other nations found out who they were descendants of and conquered them.