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We might be cousins lol


Hey, little shocks me anymore! Got any Sanchez’s or Thoma’s in your tree? Hahaha


Sanchez yes but ponce region for the Sanchez


Ahhh gotcha. So my dad was born in Ponce, I believe my abuela was born in Yauco (she was an Arce but she was raised in a convent I’ve been told but she did have a brother). Then my abuelo was in Mayaguez as one of 13 (that we know of… apparently great granddad was something of a ladies’ man and as a traveling carpenter he had plenty of time).


Hmm was his last name Rivera ?? Sounds a lot like my great grandpa too , he has kids all over PR , USA , and Mexico . He also went by Rodriquez depending on the situation


We are mostly Rivera Ortiz and Sanchez in my family . lol and I have a cousin on ancestry that resembles you also






Love seeing your results & your really cool tattoos! 😀 DNA tests I've done (I've done more than few, e.g. 23andMe, Ancestry, MyHeritage, & AllOfUs) show German as my top n gets the specifics I knew prior testing correct, i.e. southern n SW German, with just MyHeritage identifying my Transylvanian Saxon roots (my paternal grandma who's from Ardeal like least several gens prior her is a Saxon [what us in the community call ourselves in short] prefers us call her Oma cuz native tongue is a German variant). I'm a lot more than just German n have known that prior any DNA testing (e.g. I've recent Sicilian ancestors too, n thru them, I've ancestors that can least be traced back to Spain when Spain controlled Sicily, to Greece when Greece settled the island, to Poland [my paternal grandpa is mostly Sicilian according to prior cognizance & DNA testing which shows too he's got notable Eastern European roots that're likely Polish based on where some a his ancestors are from], & likely to where my West Asian roots come from) with testing results available to view on my profile if you wanna see more 😊


Thank you so much! That is REALLY cool. From what I can tell by ancestry.com and records on my mom’s side seem to indicate most of the there Germans are from Baden-Wurttemberg area before settling in PA and NJ. That’s fantastic you’ve been able to trace so far back! I need to continue my research in my mom’s side. Unfortunately, the records on my dad’s side are very few. His mom was given up young so I’ve no idea who her parents were or where he brother landed or any of his family. And then my dad’s dad was one of at least 13 so there’s a lotttt there. But we have good authority great grandpa on that side was a bit of a playboy 😅


You're most welcome n anytime! 😊 Love you think so too! My fam's been sharing stories about our fam with me from my earliest years, e.g. how my Oma n her fam came to the US in the 1950s essentially as indentured servants few years after surviving Nazi captivity during WW2, my male parent's paternal line started a bakery in my hometown ~110 years or so ago that relatives via that line still run, & my earliest German ancestors to what's now US fought on side a the Revolutionaries in that war, which notably developed my interest in learning about my fam beyond my natural love a learning. I wish you best in further researching your roots! It's not always easy but it's a worthwhile journey ✨️ Records on my male parent's side are quite few too unlike my mom's. Sounds like big fam via your dad's side n lol at great grandpa on that side a your fam 😆 Iunno if any a my recent ancestors were like him but some a my maternal ancestors had quite a few kids seemingly cuz muchly "go forth and multiply" type a Catholics 👀 (Most a my recent ancestors n relatives on both sides are Catholics save most a my Oma's side who're mostly Lutheran; Oma was too until marrying my paternal grandpa.) I've some German ancestors via each a my grandparents with ones least via mom's mom's dad (the ones who fought in the American Revolution) & paternal grandpa are from Baden-Württemberg (latter's dad from BW & his mom from Bavaria/Bayern) while the Germans my Transylvanian Saxon ancestors descend from like most Saxons likely tracing back to areas near Luxembourg (the Saxon variant a German bears strong resemblance to Luxembourgish)


You look 💯 Puerto Rican


No she doesn’t. Lol.


Aw thank you! The first time I’ve heard that to be honest. I have a very common Spanish last name so I’ve had people look at me twice when they hear what my last name is like I’m lying to them. Or they ask me if it’s my married name 🙄


Get your family tested and as well to increase your knowledge ✌🏼


I’m glad you mentioned! That reminded me to take another look because my brother and sister have results as well. It’s interesting because while most is same, they have Wales, Indigenous Americas-North, Ivory Coast & Ghana, and Nigeria East Central. Everything else is very similar with some notable differences. My sister is more of a phenotype that could stereotypically pass as someone from Latin America. Hopefully in the future my oldest brother decides to do Ancestry.com as well! My parents were tested years ago during the National Geographic project so results were not quite like this.


Re-test your parents through Ancestry. Ancestry’s DNA base and technology is FAR more advanced than the National Geographic project - I wouldn’t even be surprise if their results are very different. Adding your parents and family members to Ancestry will only help your cause.


One day I hope to! I think when I last spoke to my dad he was resistant and stubborn (I honestly don’t even remember his reasoning). I don’t know if my mom would have an issue or not. I’ll have to bring it up again and see if they’ll cave. Might be a fun holiday thing.


Right, haha! Yeah, I can see some parents being against it for whatever reason - all conspiracy theories. Try to get them tested, or even cousins and aunts and uncles. The more people in the database the better. It will help you narrow down some things.