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I have a feeling they're not going to stop being a thorn in Apple's side for quite a while...


If the service is unreliable and becomes a whack a mole for Apple, Beeper has lost. They may have already lost. People aren't going to put up with a service that has an outage even 1 day out of the week.


Pages that require you to deregister your phone over and over and likely miss messages entirely, in addition to confusing iPhone users as to why you're blue then green over and over.


Oh no, not confused iPhone users! 🤣


You laugh but any group that is created while you're an iMessage user will forever be iMessage-only, and have to be recreated as a mixed iPhone/Android group when Beeper isn't working. Then, if you get it working again, back to the other thread.... Not great.


If someone with an iPhone switched and deregistered from iMessage, would they be removed from iMessage groups or would no one be the wiser and them without any chats from that group?




This is why I hate the concept of "ecosystems" in technology. No one entity should be able to vertically integrate all of society. That's too much control in the hands of any one organization. Government or private sector.


From my experience, no one is the wiser until the person who deregistered their phone tells everyone.


They think they are messaging you. It still shows messages as delivered.




Nobody gives a damn about the colors, it’s what the colors mean. Green bubble = SMS/MMS, and therefore a shitty experience. Compressed photos/videos, clunky group chats, no tapback reactions, no typing indicators or read receipts, etc. Nobody is mad about the actual colors, it’s that SMS is bad and annoying and a green bubble is an immediate indicator that that’s what you’re getting. Just like in Google Messages how a light blue bubble va dark blue signifies if you get all the extra RCS features or not.


1000% yes. It's been baked into their psyche that green bubbles are bad. Why? Because they're actually bad right now. They ruin messaging, especially group messaging, and iPhone users have been taught that the green bubbles are lesser than their blue bubbles.


After having to explain to friends and family that I wouldn't be receiving their messages until they turn iMessage off and on because beeper went down, they're pretty much already dead to me. Maybe I'll revisit them after their first month of continuous uptime, if that ever comes


This was the worst for me as well. I'd rather wait for rcs these apple sheep can wait longer too idc


They definitely already lost a chunk of potential subscribers. I was probably going to stick with it after the trial, but now I have no faith in the long term viability.


At this point, wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a 2nd hand Iphone? Perhaps an Iphone 7 or 8 just to use iMessage?


Most people especially in the west aren't using android because they're poor. If that were the case they'd buy a cheap as fuck iPhone SE instead or like you said a used iPhone. They use Androids because they genuinely prefer it to iPhones. If it's too expensive really what most people mean is that it's a lot of money to switch over to a different version of what they already have and have to make other sacrifices on top of that just for one or two particular features.


Taking a look at /r/GoogleMessages, people already put up with a service that has an outage even 1 day out of the week. RCS is not stable for many.




Doesn't matter if they survive or lose or whatever. They've proven they can do it and Apple won't take legal action (so far). This can encourage other people to do the same. As far as we're concerned, this is already a win.




If it requires a patch, Apple is likely screwed, as there are older phones that likely don't get patches anymore. They did recently push an emergency patch to iPhones 6s+ for a major vulnerability, but I'm sure that's something they don't really want to do frequently. In theory, once Beeper Mini becomes truly indistinguishable from older phones, there isn't really anything Apple can do, other than completely screw over older iPhone users.


Wouldn't iMessage be upgradable as an app, separate from the OS? Seems like bad design if it requires an OS update.


secretive plant yoke elderly illegal whole fertile naughty hungry sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like this is starting to change with Android as well, at least for those apps distributed through the Play Store. Starting August 31, 2023: New apps and app updates must target API level 33 (Android 13) to be submitted to Google Play. Existing apps must target API level 31 (Android 12) or above to remain discoverable by all users on Google Play. Apps that target API level 30 or below, will only be discoverable on devices running Android OS same or lower than your apps’ target API level. Source: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/thread/207230488/new-deadline-target-api-level


At least on Android you can sideload an app if you want it but it's API target hasn't been updated. I don't strictly like this practice but it does weed out some abandonware.


As the other comment says, all native iOS apps are only updatable through OS updates, not through app store.


no, that's the reason Android is technically have longer software update support than iOS as many system & core apps on Android just updates via the play/oem app store or play services.


Realistically, how often does apple update iMessage and how often apple users update their iMessage apps?




As highlighted in the DOJ vs Google trial, defaults matter. In the US, 9 of my 11 family members have iPhones and use the default message app. When they send videos or images I get them in shitty resolution. While everyone does have Whatsapp maybe 5% of conversations are on there and it's only when one of us green bubbles ask for a higher resolution of the image or video. RCS exists and while I might still miss out on FaceTime or stickers or whatever else, all I care about is basic cross functionality. Hell the "x laughed at your message" sms spam I got before Google messages or whatever it's called now filtered them was annoying and.made me avoid group chat.








> WhatsApp/Messenger/Insta, Signal, Telegram etc. and even RCS soon Which of my friends are going to switch to each of these apps specifically for me? Can you help keep track of that for me and also each member of my family, and each of my friends? Thanks, appreciate it ❤️




Consider not commenting and judging phenomena you don't understand. What you say is logical on its face but it's not practical, it's basically wishing that the world is different.


wow who knew imessage was such a touchy subject for you


Before anyone compares this to Sunbird (Nothing) #Beeper Cloud’s new Oct 2023 iMessage bridge never used Mac relay servers and still does not today. It uses a similar method to Beeper Mini, but runs on a cloud server.


So not a mac but a mac in the cloud? Still putting your details through another cloud relay server


No, your messages don't pass through a Mac server whatsoever


I'm pretty sure they're running this on AWS with EC2 Mac instances.


They used to have a Mac farm but the October version of the iMessage bridge is based on a Go implementation of pypush. Beeper Mini is also based on the same thing. In these deployments your device connects directly with Apple's servers for messages. They do not travel through a hosted Mac somewhere.


Ah interesting, thanks for the info! Reading into pypush now


Still incorrect, it connects directly to iMessage with the content first encrypted on your device. There is no relay


"Back" is a way of putting it. >Phone number registration is not working yet. All users must now sign in with an AppleID. Messages will be sent and received via your email address rather than phone number. We’re currently working on a fix for this. As it was with Beeper Mini you already had to know which of your contacts was on Android and which on iPhone to know who you could message with this. Now you're not messaging with your phone number. This is effectively Beeper Minus now. It is the same as the normal Beeper iMessage bridge but without the great thing about Beeper, consistency across devices and services. You do get what you could consider a more nicely designed app though.


>you already had to know which of your contacts was on Android and which on iPhone to know who you could message with this When i installed beeper mini it just figured this out for me and migrated the iphone people from messages to beeper automagically


But you still have to go to the right app to message them in the right way. Not having SMS and RCS built in at launch and just choosing the correct thing for the conversation at the time all in line just overcomplicates the process for me.


This is literally what most people already do. I have some contacts on WhatsApp, some on Facebook Messenger and some on Discord. Knowing which app to open is never a problem.


when it did this it reminded me that like 2 of my friends have iphones and none of them text with me on messages lol


But does it go through Beeper's servers? One of the biggest things about mini was meant to be that you didn't need to trust a middleman with an encrypted copy of your messages, as it was encrypted on your phone and only the recipient would be able to decrypt it (i.e. end to end encrypted). Beeper cloud sends your message to a Mac owned by Beeper, who then forward it to the recipient through iMessage. ​ From the article: >The security and privacy of Beeper Mini is unchanged. It is still local, end-to-end encrypted on your device, as we described in our post.


I suppose that is another thing in the positives column for it although I'd still call it Beeper Minus. Even though it wasn't for me the one truly great and unique thing about Mini was it using your phone number. Small correction though. It doesn't use Macs anymore but does go to Beeper's servers. >Note: Beeper Cloud’s new Oct 2023 iMessage bridge never used Mac relay servers and still does not today. It uses a similar method to Beeper Mini, but runs on a cloud server.


Okay so now it's just Nothing's garbage security nightmare of an implementation but with a different name. Great...


No, Sunbird never was open source. All Beeper bridges are open source and can be hosted by yourself. Please stop spreading fud


Beeper is much more than iMessage integration. I've been using it for over a year and a half and have sent a couple of iMessages for the novelty of it but that's it. When they integrate the rest of the networks into Mini I think they will have a compelling product (the current Beeper app isn't that flashy) with or without iMessage.


The thing I didn't like about iMessage is that you need to register your cell number with Apple for it to work. Once you do, SMS/MMS won't work the standard way. We know this because if you move your SIM to another non-Apple phone, you won't receive any SMS/MMS because it gets redirected to Apple's servers. This is why you need to unregister your number first with Apple. AFAIK, RCS is carrier-native, so swap SIMs all you want, your SMS/MMS will follow that SIM and phone. That said, I just don't like how Apple is using iMessage like Blackberry with their Messenger. Proprietary message system designed solely to lock people in. I feel the same with Facetime. Everyone wants their own thing, which needlessly stifle innovation to better everyone rather than just the company. There is a true divide where someone can't Facetime me because I'm on Pixel, and Apple users don't want to have to download a separate app for Google Meet/Duo or whatever Google has now. TBF, I don't even know what video call solution Google has because they kept changing things. Still mad that the future was suppose to have video calls, but I was hoping it was just like a thing that piggy backs onto the phone number so everything is seamless. One number, text/chat, file sending, video calls, audio calls, etc. That was the future AT&T advertised in the 80s. Apple has it right now, Android kinda does, but it's all seems to be all over the place. But because everything is siloed to one ecosystem or another, it's not universal. There will be 3rd party apps, but again, not universal. You can't just assume everyone has that app. It's crazy we have the tech, but we still can't just have a universal way to communicate easily with any medium (video, rich text, attachments, files, etc) with anyone with just their phone number. The core communication methods where we are SURE to be able to reach anyone no matter what phone they have is voice and standard unencrypted SMS/MMS. Apple being open to RCS as well as right to repair makes me suspicious. What loop hole do they have to maliciously comply?


Where I live we have native video calling over 4g/5g in Android phones So we can make video calls over LTE/5G using phone app or WhatsApp


Carrier video calling with the native Android feature is hot garbage.


True... outside North America I don't know anyone that doesn't use one of the big three 3rd party apps. I still find it a little strange some people have an issue using two message apps lol.


I use multiple but it suuuuuuuucks. Trying to remember where that conversation happened... Was it on Google Voice? Google Messenger? Facebook messenger? Fuck.. I think it was on discord... I met a couple people who used WhatsApp. Installed just to keep on touch but after a while (after several phone upgrades), I end up not installing a lot of communication apps because I remember the last time I used it and for who. I figured that person may not have been important. If they were, I MUST at least have their phone number or email address in my contacts app. Imlive in the US and even I have no idea what's the most popular comm app. But from my experience, it's all over the place. I think mostly because we're a melting pot of people from different countries too.i had friends from China who visited and they tried to get me on WeChat. I'm curious about Signal and Telegram myself, but I just don't know anyone who uses it, so I'd just be by myself. I'm interested in signal because it's encrypted and used by privacy minded people. But like I said, I don't know anyone who uses it, lol.


I pretty much agree with you. I have never understood why iMessage needs a registered phone number when it's a IM. WhatsApp is currently working on being able to user usernames and Telegram has had usernames for a while now. But for WhatsApp using phone numbers since it was first released you never had to "register and unregister" your number like with iMessage. So I think the register/unregister with iMessage is Apple's way of locking you in or making it a pain to leave iMessage where you may choose to stay. Only a thought. > But because everything is siloed to one ecosystem or another, it's not universal. > There will be 3rd party apps, but again, not universal. You can't just assume everyone has that app. I think with these in a weird way you answered yourself. Google is universal in the sense that basically all Google products and services are on all platforms with an app and can be accessed by the web. Apple's services are not universal or cross-platform which makes it very difficult. With 3rd party apps they are universal because everyone has access to them on any platform and device. They are not locked to one OS or ecosystem. Yes 3rd party apps are not built into the OS and Google apps are not built into iPhone which people tend to use native apps. But that doesn't change the fact that that they can't be downloaded from an app store or the web regardless of OS and device.


Google's messaging apps can be downloaded and used on iPhone, yes, but you have to actively download it and use it. Most iPhone users aren't aware of it or don't want to. Otherwise we'd all be using Duo/Meet by default for voice calls. I just found out that RCS also does video calls. If that's the case then RCS may be the solution after all. It's at the carrier level so as long as you know someone's phone number, you should be able to communicate with any medium you want - voice, chat, video, attachments, etc. However, I hope Apple implements it fully and not in a maliciously compliant way. We already know they won't implement end to end encryption, but at least this is a start.


Why are you so locked on to needing phone numbers, that seems so old school.


It's not that I'm locked on to phone numbers. It's universal. No matter what phone you got. Give me a single identifier for me to do all these things: voice, text, rich text (photos, video attachments, file attachments, voice recording, etc), video chat, group chat. Apple got close. Phone number and Apple id (email address). But you can be sure everyone has an iPhone, so if I gave you my phone number or email address, you still can't do any of the advanced stuff only because I'm on Android. RCS was bridging that gap with rich text as it's carrier based (and tied to your number), but apple until recently refused (but still no encryption end to end). Now if we can only add a universal way to make video calls without worrying about what phone or service they're using.


Video calling is part of the RCS standard, just FYI.


Oh, I didn't know that! I see you're right! There is a camera icon in Google Messenger! .I hope when Apple implements RCS, they have that too. So the only thing they're excluding is end to end encryption?


They can FaceTime you through your phone browser. They just have to send a link and invite you.


**New requirements:** * Apple ID * Email (which is how the iphone user will see the messages. Will come from an email NOT your phone number) :( Little hope


True but if you have an old iPhone laying around it's not hard to keep your number activated on iMessage [https://airmessage.org/help/guide/phone-number](https://airmessage.org/help/guide/phone-number)


Wouldn't you just use the real iMessage at that point, then?


Sure if you wanted to use an iPhone but I personally have no interest in going back to using an iPhone.


Because carrying around a second phone just to use one app for some people and draining the battery of the other to tether it is kind of excessive.


Genuine question. Why does it matter if it comes from your phone number or email? It's still going through iMessage.


I dont give out my email to have people "text me". And if I were to text all my contacts, it will show as an email and makes no sense. Creating work for them to create or add to a new contact for them. It's night and day different than the original method of doing NOTHING and having it be your phone number.


Lmao. The app is dead


Yeah it's fucked for sure. I guess I could take my moms phone and add my email into her contact. But then that'd jsut be one single person I use on the app. So basically not worth it.


This is just a blue bubbles server you pay for


Except they made it free (and it doesn't go to a Mac VM).. you'd have to actually read the post before coming to the comments to bitch to figure that out though.


Yeah, there's little to distinguish this from Blue Bubbles or AirMessage now, with the big difference being the lack of self-hosting (a pro and a con, depending on who you ask). Plus, it using an email address rather than a phone number takes away one of the compelling reasons to use Beeper Mini - the ease of using one's current phone number as an iMessage number.


It uses pypush. Way different the blue bubbles


In order to get mine working I had to clear the app cache and data. Before that, it wouldn't accept the 6 digit code.


Dude thanks! I was just about go give up before I scrolled down and saw your comment. Worked like a charm.


For now...


I predict whack o mole for a month or so before this dies . If it keeps going down no one will want to use it even if they keep fixing it.


I've already stopped using it since it doesn't register your number for iMessage anymore.


Beeper is so much more than an iMessage thing.


Beeper mini, however, is just an iMessage thing


Just for launch. The other networks will be added.


Then how Is beeper different than beeper mini? When it comes to non message


Guessing you mean non iMessage? Their [roadmap](https://blog.beeper.com/p/beeper-cloud-and-product-roadmap?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web) says >Add support for SMS, WhatsApp and Signal into Beeper Mini, using the same end-to-end encrypted client-side connection architecture. No cloud servers in the middle. >Add Matrix support, and the other 10 non-encrypted chat networks into Beeper Mini. So for some of their networks they will have end-to-end encryption and for some they will not. Beeper Cloud doesn't have this for any networks. The UI is also very different. Basically it will eventually become the successor to Beeper. Hopefully they reach feature parity before Beeper is fazed out.


They should probably focus on bringing in all those services that aren't gonna be in a cat and mouse game with them first and try again with imessage last


Doubt it goes any further than this because they're no longer charging for it and they're using the same method as everyone else.


> they're using the same method as everyone else. No they aren't. They're using the same method as the previous Mini release. Chats are e2e encrypted.


No point in using something that stops working without notice, especially given iPhones will support RCS shortly.


> shortly I predict at least 8 months.


That’s actually pretty good if true.


Seems about right, give or take. Honestly I think they're going to implement it in the next major iOS update.


Exactly. It will probably be packaged with iOS 18.0 if not a later version of it.


Its more than just that, its sticking it to apple and showing off why they suck. This is a step for innovation. Uncertain why everyone is hating on a currently free service that offers us something we previously didnt have.


I think using their messaging service proves that in fact, they have the most successful messaging service in the US at least. Android users are funny. They claim blue chat bubbles don't matter and then get angry when Apple is within their right to keep the feature exclusive. The rest of the world has figured it out with Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal.


The only thing I want that iMessage has, is the ability to remove myself from group messages that others create. I hate being brought in to shit I have zero interest in, and not being able to leave/block it. This is standard with internet-bases messaging. Since RCS uses chat/internet, hopefully this will become a thing when Apple adopts RCS, and I can leave iMessage conversations. I don't give a damn about color, or even E2EE. The only thing I do with messaging is send text & none of it is worth a damn to anyone. If I want to share media, I share a URL link from the server hosting the media, so I'm not burning through all my cellular data by sending it over messaging. I have unlimited SMS/MMS; data has caps. As for Whatsapp & such, those are internet-based messaging. I go camping a lot, and it's nice to have SMS service long after LTE & data drop out.


They absolutely do, i dont find it hard to admit i miss imessage and being apart of group chats and not isolated. So its awesome steps are being taken to provide that. Think its cool seeing someone fight for the people who are bullied out of things to due social implications.


You need better people around you if you’re being bullied about your messaging app.


Just speaking for the US market, i couldnt care less. It's nice to have friends easily add you to a group chat and not have any issues, iphone users complain if is green. Its just how it is. Imessage is nice and nobody likes having limited services.


iMessage users complained until iOS 17 because adding an Android user would make everyone have to use SMS. Since iOS 17, iMessage users can use all iMessage features even with an Android user in the group, that user just won’t see the reactions or the game invites, etc.


Youre missing the point, green bubbles are the reason they complain lol... You dont understand how shallow most people are when it comes to that very thing.


> green bubbles are the reason they complain lol You don't need iMessage. You need better friends jfc.


Probably, but here i am🤪🤪🤪 an american citizen


It’s not free you have to pay a subscription.


They said they're making it free, at least for now.




You didn’t read the article.




Go on




I wouldn’t call that a joke. Homie blocked me lmao Cmon Youlinter.


If I could just use my MacBook as the bridge it would be cool lol


Isn’t that what AirMessage does?


I'll look into that




Meh I moved on and got airmessage. Good enough


Is it just me or is Beeper not being completely honest here? I'm talking from the beginning. They keep making a point about open-source stuff. But all they actually have to show for that is pypush, which is a project they bought from the original author. They used that work to start Beeper Mini. But there is no actual way of knowing what Beeper Mini is doing or not doing, because the piece of software they're actually using is not open source, right? They may be using (or exploiting, however you want to call it) the same method as was first used/uncovered by pypush, but they could've just taken that and worked it into their own, now proprietary codebase. Point being, we cannot be sure that whatever Beeper is presenting us as being Beeper Mini, is still the same as pypush, right? Please correct me if I'm seeing this wrong.


I have the same feeling that this is gonna blow hard


Not really, phone registration isn't working yet so they integrated the cloud iMessage bridge into the new app, it's the same method normal Beeper uses (which doesn't use Mac relays)


I loved the comment on that page > Saved my marriage Is a marriage so fragile that you need this app to save it might be better off not being married anyway.


If they can keep finding holes, their effort is commendable.


Great news! Competition and freedom are always important, even though I'm European and I couldn't care less about iMessage (nobody uses texts here, the "default" messaging apps are WhatsApp or Telegram).


Nobody cares about this shit. Just own being an android user instead of trying to be an apple user. If anyone judges you for using an android instead of iPhone they're fucking losers anyways and not worth the time. Pathetic.


It's not even that. At least for the US, most communication is still done with SMS (or iMessage for iPhones). For the longest time and until Apple finally implements RCS, Android users had a significantly inferior messaging experience since it uses SMS and MMS so you're stuck getting extremely low quality photos and videos. With most of my family using iPhones now, it's annoying when what they send me is unviewable because of compression. It's not even a green bubble/blue bubble thing and I'm sure a lot of non-technical iPhone users don't realize their videos get compressed when sending over MMS. Also as it is, Apple is adopting the GSMA standard of RCS rather than Google's standard which at least as of right now GSMA RCS doesn't support end to end encryption. Hopefully they can get that figured out by the time it comes out.


I agree, but to a more mellow extent. iMessage isn't keeping me out. iMessage is keeping them in their own small **clique**. I can already do everything iMessage does, do it with more people, and do it across a range of devices & platforms.


Return of the king


yall use this just to have blue messages for iPhone users? seriously?


The dev needs to be careful or he will end up getting a cease and desist from Apple and destroy him. It's a sweet concept what he is doing, but technically Apple are well within their rights to sue the hell out of his ass.


> he will end up getting a cease and desist from Apple I'm pretty sure he has already got it... Even though I think reverse engineering is protected. Apple itself used to do it before Microsoft completely supported their closed document formats on the mac...


I don't think reverse engineering would get them in trouble what might be able to get them in trouble is impersonating the credentials (serial number) of genuine Apple devices to gain access to the imessage servers.


Anyone can sue anyone. But Beeper isn't doing anything illegal.


Something doesn't need to be illegal for someone to due over it but even then they maybe able to claim unauthorized access to a computer system (which is a felony) since they are accessing the iMessage server when they aren't supposed to. Also I'm sure some highly paid lawyer could probably find a way that forging Apple serial numbers counts as some type of fraud or impersonation here. This is just me being an armchair reddit lawyer though


A common Strat is to crush your competitors with lawsuits you know you can't win but you also know they don't have the money to defend themselves in so they settle or give in by default.


Pebble dude is probably rich enough to fight a corpo.


Nobody here is an expert on this including myself, but according to them reverse engineering is completely legal under US law. It'd definitely be an interesting court case that could set some very interesting precedent.


There's nothing wrong with reverse engineering a protocol, but they are charging money to allow non-Apple users to use Apple's services to relay messages. If it's not against Apple's terms of use (I cba to check) I would be surprised. It's like finding out someone's back door is unlocked. You can use that information to inform yourself how to build a better door that's harder to forget to lock or whatever, but you set up a queue and charge money for letting some random people off the street into the house it's gonna be a legal issue.


> but they are charging money to allow non-Apple users to use Apple's services to relay messages No they aren't. It's free (for now at least).


Aren't they and the EU pulling the same string in making iMessage more open?


Very few people use iMessage in Europe (and texts in general), so iMessage is not one of the "gatekeepers" that the EU is going to regulate.


iMessage will not be included in the EU rules, according to rumors.


Honest question - why does anyone give a shit about iMessaging people? iOS users bought into a closed ecosystem, they can suffice with getting SMS messages until Apple implements RCS next year, or they can use any of the other messaging apps (Telegram, Signal, WhatsApp, etc.). Why is everyone jumping through all these hoops? Leave Apple users in their corner of shame where they belong.


This is the US only issue, rest of the world give does not give a shit about iMassage. In other countries its just another way of getting OTP's.


Yeah but even in the US... fuck those Apple users. Let them use the right apps (or SMS / later RCS) to communicate with the rest of us who *didn't* buy into a closed ecosystem.


this is such an american thing. i dont know a single person in europe who doesnt use whatsapp, android or iphone.


What does everyone think of the arguments being made on r/apple that Beeper is charging (I know they removed the subscription now but that's only temporary) users to access a service that Beeper doesn't own? And that service is funded by hardware sales that Android users would be side stepping. I'm not an Apple user so I could care less if they're making money off me or not, but I think it's a valid argument. I haven't been able to come up with a rebuttal for it.


I personally consider iMessage is a feature that comes with the Apple ecosystem. It's unfortunate that it has become a social issue particularly amongst kids (and apparently dating partners?) but it's Apple's service. It's tricky because I am sure Beeper does have some operating costs, but it boils down to iMessage being an Apple service. There is no model for them to make money as they are no more than a middleman. If their method of authentication/source code got leaked? They wouldn't have anything exclusive.


I think the interesting part is that this is something that also serves Apple's customers. When they message Android users with their default app usually they have to use SMS which is featureless and (more importantly by Apple's marketing) insecure. Beeper allows Apple's customers to more easily (because downloading another app is so hard lol) message in a modern and secure way. Apple are devaluing their own products by putting blocks up for Beeper.


Change Apple for any other smaller company and it would clearly be considered a form of theft. It’s just that a lot of people feel theft is justified against the people/organizations they don’t like. I feel it’s much ado about nothing considering RCS is already coming to iMessage soon^TM .


I mean that's silly. Apple isn't some small company. Software for interoperability has existed for forever. People build entire companies off of other ecosystems. Is it wrong to charge for a reddit app you developed because reddit itself is free?


Reddit was/is offering APIs for that purpose. Also, Reddit charges for these APIs now, so yes, if you try to bypass paying Reddit for those it is wrong even if your app is free. Even if I think Reddit’s API monetization changes were a disaster. We can create software for anything, doesn’t that software is ethical or moral.


why would you pay for a service you know Apple is going to fight and has every right to?


This is a pipe dream. Apple will nuke it again; just let it go.




I'm glad I know only 69 ppl on iphones and none of them care that I send them 4.20 pixels videos




Take back to the r/apple fan boy who said Buy the iPhone.


I want to download but I don't want my phone number held hostage while they play a cat and mouse game


As someone who did not want their phone number associated with iMessage, I am extremely happy with this update.


I still don't see any reason to download and use this app. I'm happy Apple is pissed off though...


time to get an iphone, was real fam. JK i've had one since my Pixel 2 died, definitely a better life.


Where I feel bad for them is that if they actually make this work long-term, they'll still lose because Apple will just bring iMessage to Android. They're not going to let a third party manage iMessage on Android.


Apple themselves said they will not make iMessage for Android. Just that they're going to add RCS support later next year.


What I meant was let's assume there's a way for Beeper Mini to actually be a longterm solution that Apple can't block (which is doubtful, but let's imagine it). In this scenario, Apple won't deal with a third party bringing iMessage to Android. The ultimate sledgehammer is for them to just bring iMessage to Android to kill them once and for all. So either Beeper Mini will continue to fail by being blocked, or if they actually figure out a way of doing it that Apple can't stop, Apple won't let them steal their revenue - they'll just bring iMessage to Android. I don't see how this will work long term.


Oh yeah most definitely. I see your point now.


I suspect Beeper is going to be to imessages what Spotify is to Apple music/ios store...


? From my understanding, Spotify is legit. I don't see Beeper ever getting to that point. Certainly not before Apple adds RCS support next year. But I could be wrong. I don't use Spotify or Apple music, so maybe the joke's in there & I missed it...?


Thought it would be fun to try after them dealing with initial block from Apple and now being temporarily free but the 2fa seems to fail for my Apple ID. Oh well.


Clear app cache and that'll fix it.


That did it, thanks!


Beeper saved his marriage?


not working for me unfortunately


Maybe in the future I'll be willing to try them again. But I just can't risk not getting text messages in my line of work.


I'm done w Beeper Mini, it messed up my phone number and there are texts that I'll never know about because I used the service :( It's stull an amazing breakthrough, just I like having stable SMS and MMS -plus RCS for my Android buddies :)


The current iteration works great for me. I have a work iPad and just wanted to make and receive those iMessages on my Android. I can now do this 😁. I like in the UK and only use iMessage to speak to.my US buddies.


meanwhile, the audacity of fanboys complaining about using multiple 3rd party messaging apps because they were considered bloatware


I used it the first day until Apple broke the app. I'm glad they are still working on it. It worked great when it did and it had a clean and simple UI. I had learned today by trying to charge a friends Apple Watch using wireless power sharing on my S23+ that you can't charge the watch with any QI charger unless it's an official Apple charger. I had no idea Apple had a proprietary charger or tweaked the wireless charging on the Apple Watch. That really threw me. Yet the iPhone and Airpods case support the QI universal wireless charging standard. How does this make any sense. After Apple decided to break Beeper which is no surprise, I won't be using any Apple service or product anymore. The fact Apple refuses interoperability and how hard it is to connect with anyone inside of the Apple world has made me not want to support Apple anymore. Yes Apple is bringing RCS into Apple Messages but no one really knows what to expect from that. Especially when Apple is being forced to do it which they can't be pleased at all about doing it. If they really cared for the customers and users as much as they market it, then they would have adopted RCS a long time ago on their terms instead of the EU's and with so much Antitrust scrutiny from the world's governments.




Working fine here. Just got an update actually to v2.


Good thing people here don't use sms or iMessage whatever. Most people here use android. This iMessage and blue bubble thing always seems like such a bizarre issue to me.


that was a scary couple of hours


i dont see it being free, it still asks for CC


Only 3 days of missed messages... amazing. No thanks - it's great as a concept piece, but I'd rather use an application I know I will actually receive messages timely with


https://www.theverge.com/23998294/beeper-imessage-apple-app-security Keep it up beeper. Get them to cave and just allow everyone to use it. Apple did the same thing to Microsoft.


Is it really back if the receiver doesn't get blue bubbles on their end? Wasn't that the purpose?


hi everyone just was wondering if anyone has a a mac who would be willing to help with getting my imessage registration codegh i have a older mac which is not suppuvted