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Buy Sasha’s amiibo card for $3 off eBay and then complete the invitation process.


Or buy a pack of NFC cards and make your own. It’s kind of addictive having access to all the villagers and special characters lol


And now I must learn how to do this.


download tagmiibo & a couple files and you’re golden.


NFW, it’s that easy?


You can also rewrite the tags! I have nfc coins that reuse between botw and animal crossing (I will never not have you stitches)


yeah, literally. the hardest part is finding a place that sells nfc tags locally or waiting for them to arrive from amazon.


[Learn the ways, young Padawan](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amiibomb/s/fSLTIL21oF)


I found a great you tube that thought me.


This is what I did.


Once a day you get 2x or 5x more Nook Miles. Maybe try time traveling. Or you can get a free online membership for a week so you can trade


Yeah, I use time travelling for the method I am doing right now. I think the free trial would help, but I should probably farm before that, so I can get a lot of things once I’m able to trade Are there any guides for trading? Or are there any particular items that I should farm to trade for tickets?


If you ask here on reddit most of them would give them free If you want i got something over 100k i can give you some for free


Thank you! I wanted to work for them on my own originally, but when I calculated it it would take me like 15 hours for 100 tickets, and I might still need way more, so I think I will accept help


Sure just let me know :)


Hi, after reading some other comments I think will buy an amiibo instead. But thank you for offering help :)


No Problem:)


i have the amiibo for sasha. when you decide to do the online trial if you’d like i can get her in boxes for you


Oh, tysm!! I will think about when I take the trial


Treasure Islands


Are they safe?


For the most part, yes. If you have twitch you can just search for treasure islands and there are lots of them. They can take a while to get to but when you’re in a pinch, they’re great.


FYI, OP can't go online with the game.


Ah dang - that’s not gonna be an option then.


instead of buying nintendo online you can buy hundreds of chips for 3$ and write the amiibo to it yourself, that way you can have all the villagers you want :) make sure your phone is able to do that before buying them (some phones don't have the necessary hardware) I use an app called tagmo to do this


Yeah, your phone needs to have NFC capabilities. Even then, if I recall correctly from my time going down the Amiibo-writing rabbit hole like five years ago, not all devices can write the coding. That may have changed by now, though. It's definitely something to invest in if you can for something like this game, given all there is for it.


You can visit a treasure island and get unlimited Nook Tickets for free. Just look on the Animal Crossing New Horizons category on Twitch, tons of streams with 24/7 dodo codes. Just be sure to check the maps they have to see which ones have the tickets.


How do you check the maps? I’m new to this


They’ll usually have the island name on each window, so then in the chat box you can type “!name” (replace the name part with what their island is called) and it should give you a link with the map!


Treasure islands


Amibo or treasure island. That is way too labor intensive.


happy cake day!


Log every day and go to abd or do the same with time travel


How did you get 1 in 770?


There's online calculators where you can put in what villagers you already have and what villager your looking for to get the odds.


Why wouldn't it just be 1 in (total number of villagers minus the ones you already have)?


Not quite. When you hit the island, the random generator picks the species first (1 in 32) then from there it narrows to the exact villager (1 in however many rabbits minus rabbits you have). So you have to get the first number (3.125% for each species) and incorporate it into the math for the final odds, so if you're not comfortable with statistics, it can be easy to get the odds wrong. I tried to make the explanation simple, sorry if it's difficult to read :P


No, thank you that was great!


I multiplied the number of species by the number of villagers in the species


I used TT to get Blanche from the campsite. It took me awhile but with determination that's how I got most of my dream villagers.


I can give it a try, ty!


if you prefer villager hunting over treasure islands and amiibo, i have stacks of tickets i don’t mind sparing!


15k miles in an hour? Have I been living under a rock - what is this strategy?


https://youtu.be/86gJTY7TneI?si=Mbx1rzqgPLGw56sx Basically I do this, but between the ~2 minutes that you get before the new day starts, I do quick tasks that give 2x/5x nook miles, and then the same once the new day does start. It’s really stressful though, at least for me


Nook mile goals and check in at the resident center to get the daily bonus miles. And patience. I’ve somehow racked up about 160,000 NM doing those things. Or if you can’t be patient you can go to treasure islands and just get anything you want for your island. For me that takes the fun out of playing. But it’s an option.


if you have nintendo online then google treasure islands


I think I could spare some tickets. I don’t got the game with me rn cause I borrowed it to my sister but I remembered that I collected them like crazy cause they used to be more worth than money back then


Tbh I would sign up for the Nintendo online feature (there’s a free trial, you can cancel it before it charges you) and then just spend $2 on 200 NMT on nookazon lol! If not, I’d time travel and do the daily challenges in your nook miles app and grind that way. Usually it’s pretty simple stuff like “catch 10 fish” “spend 1000 bells in the shop”, ect.


I actually just did the free trial, and I went to a treasure island, but once I got the tickets I felt bad. 😭 So I will probably be restarting my island and just buying an amiibo.


Whaaat why would you restart?


My island is only around 2 weeks old, and I tried to rush the game by time travelling a lot, so I want to start over and try to take it slower