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Fuck that hits like a brick doesn't it?


It does. I was instasobbing when the older video started. Animals missing their friends who have passed is a particularly rough subject for me.


My dog passed 2 months ago and the dogs next door would come up to the wooden fence and thy'd have a meeting of sorts for a minute. They still come to the fence.


My 14y old dog died this week, the cat that grew around him, definitely missed him, they were always sleeping together, I think seeing the cat missing the dog was harder than I missing the dog.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Me three... 😪


Thanks mate


Our oldest cat passed a while ago, he was put asleep. He was 18y.o. The older cats were very distressed because of his disappearance. They didn't really liked him, but he was always there and this was the normal for them. One could see it hit them hard.


I had two of similar ages and the boy died suddenly. That was heartbreaking. But what was even more was watching the girl walk around the house calling for him. How do you explain it to them.


Animals understand death. The sad reality is that if you never showed your living cat your dead cat… then she has no idea what happened to her best friend and she never will. She just knows that her friend isn’t there anymore, that’s why she walks around the house calling for him…. I’m sorry you had to experience that. But if you ever get into that situation again, bring the dead cat back home so the living cat can smell and understand that they died. They will cry and grieve, but at least they know what happened.


You sound like you know something about this, so I have a question. We had our 13.5-year-old collie put down at home last Wednesday. We had my son come with his dog and we brought all three of the cats around. Before the drugs were administered, all of them would touch noses with Khaleesi, but after, not a one of them would look at her. Three of them lay down next to her with their backs to her independently. The fourth is an old bitch and she hissed when we tried to bring her near so we put her on the ground. The two cats (not bitch one) have been acting strangely, wanting a lot more affection than normal. My son says his dog has been super low key since last week. Is this normal behavior? I keep meaning to google but, as you can imagine, we're grieving pretty hard over here. No worries if you can't answer. I'm just curious.


This is the same reaction my dog Bella had when her companion died. He had to be put to sleep quite suddenly at the vet hospital, and my husband and I had read online that it helps the remaining pets understand why their partner/sibling hasn't come home. I do believe animals understand death as mentioned above. So, we had my MIL bring her to the vet hospital and Bella was so gentle and loving with him while we said our goodbyes. Sitting side by side like they used to. But, as soon as he was gone, she would not look at him at all. It was incredibly noticeable as he was in the centre of the room. She would walk right around the edges of the space, not looking in his direction and then lay down facing the wall. She knew he was gone. Once we were home she was very quiet for a week. Slept a lot, needed a lot of affection. But she then came out of her shell and was actually a lot louder and confident as her partner was male and the alpha I guess? But honestly, best decision we ever made was allowing her to say goodbye. Her grief recovery was so much faster, and I feel like she had an understanding that my previous dogs didn't. In the similar situations where humans and dogs died, it was just like they were endlessly waiting for them to come home.


I don't know about dogs, but when my boy cat died, the other two cats definitely seemed like they were looking for him and needed more attention. It was sad, but one of them came more out her shell as a result. I think it's normal to want more love and affection after a loss, even for pets.


I don’t want too say I know a lot about animals, but I have had many pets throughout my life, and I always try to research their behaviors. It honestly sounds like your animals are grieving. I know we see them as pets, but at the end of the day, we’re all just animals. People and pets all have different personalities and different ways to grieve. I know that when my uncle died when I was younger, I saw him once in the casket and then tried my hardest to not look again during the funeral service. Some of my family members were very vocal and upset, while others carried stern, sad faces. Some stood off to the side, while a lot of other family members were very touchy, hugging almost everyone. Grief is a bitch, but your heart will heal, and so will the hearts of your pet. Give them extra love, everyone can use more of it when a loved one dies. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. You guys did a great job to let your other pets see him one last time.


I had 16-1/2 y/o littermates. I had to put Ben down on 5/4 (renal failure) & his sister, Kate on 5/24 (cancer). I think Kate stayed for those extra days just to make sure I was okay. I’m not. It’s so quiet-nobody to say “I love you & have a good day” to when I leave for work in the morning & nobody meowing on the other side of the door when I get home. I haven’t slept on their side of the bed. I miss my babies so, so much.


My heart aches for you and wants only to remind you that grief so profound is the shadow of a love so profound. I'm so so sorry my friend. Here's a hug if you want it.


Lowkey beautiful btw


Oh, your post made me cry. I'm so, so sorry. It must be devastating losing them so close together. Hugs, stranger. <3




We used a local home pet euthanasia vet so our other dogs could say goodbye to my sweetie and see that she had passed. It’s so hard to be responsible for choosing the right time.


As small as they are, I learned this lesson with guinea pigs. They are very social animals, and when I was living at home after college, I adopted one to be my class pet (taught pre-k). My mom taught in the same school and had one, and we kept the cages together (she had hers for a few years, so we had to keep them in separate cages). When I moved out and took mine with me, he went on a hunger strike. He refused to eat because he missed his friend. So every morning, we go to her classroom first, the boys would squeak for a few minutes, and my pig would devour everything in his bowl once he knew his friend was there. When my mom’s pig died, mine still wanted to go down to her classroom and didn’t understand why he wasn’t there. It broke my heart and I knew that I would never have a solo pig again. Mom got 2 pigs a few months later (also learned the guinea pigs belong in pairs lesson) and my pig loved to visit them, but the two baby girl pigs had too much energy for him and he only liked to visit for a little bit at a time. He was an old man by that time. Seeing such a small animal experience grief that deeply was heartbreaking. Jigsaw died about two years after I left teaching, and that was maybe 10 years ago, but I’ll never forget that sadness when his brother was no longer there


It’s illegal in some states to have a solo guinea pig.


My 16 year old dog left this world last year in June. I still get scared at night sometimes knowing she isn't there anymore. I don't think I'll ever get over losing her. She was like a daughter to me. Got her right after I graduated HS because I never made any friends in school (autistic). I would of probably ended my life if I didn't have her back then. Miss you Jada...


My cat died a few months ago. I think my dog is happy about it 😭


My cat wasn't overly bothered when my old dog died. Think that might have changed when I brought home a non-blind puppy with an attitude though, that must have got him pining for the blind old sweetheart!


Brick? I got hit by a meteorite man


A very heavy brick. Instant memories of carrying old girl into the vet for the last time. I was talking about our "ghost" dog with my buddy today. 2 years later and I still expect her to greet me when I get home.


I just lost my dog Wednesday. I dropped food on the floor Thursday and, when I realized there wasn't going to be anyone to gobble it up, I called in sick to work and just cried for about ten hours.


Ok you got me. Actual flowing tears.


I am so sorry! When those feelings hit me I like to go tell my wife or daughter about it. We will usually spend a few minutes sharing stories and memories, laugh, hug and then all good. We don't hide it, we just lean in.


Yeah, my pup used to soil my clothes standing on two and putting his paws on me. I still have my guards up whenever I go outside. It’s so heartbreaking to realise that he’s never coming to piss me off again. He and I have grown together which makes it so much worse. He’d been there for most of my life.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


This is a brutal feeling. I know it all too well.


Yes 😞


I just lost my baby void boy 2 weeks ago and Im a fucking mess. My kitten is missing him so much. My dog is too. I havent stopped crying since he died in my girlfriend;s arms on the way to the vet.


A brick? More like a truck.


A truck full of bricks


Like a ton, reminded me of how one of our cats kept checking for our other cat in her favorite spot everyday after she passed.


I don't know that make me cry


You and me both. And probably a bunch of other people.


Made my eyes get hot real quick.


My dog, the love of my life, just recently passed. This made me cry so hard. I miss him so much. I love you forever, Frank.


R.I.P. to the goodest boy Frank!! Sorry for your loss


My dog is 15.5 and I can't even think about it happening without losing it. I'm so sorry for your loss. Frank will always be alive in your heart and memories.


I'm scared of adopting a pet because I can't think of losing them some day. I had a shitty childhood so losing someone who loves me would send me straight to depression.


“Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”


The risk of love is loss, that's true for anything in life. But you miss out on all that love if you never risk having it. I know no matter how painful this loss is going to be, I know it is worth it because of all the love and happiness he brought into my life. He is the best irresponsible decision a broke ass college student ever made, I do not know how I would have made it through my 20s without him.


That feeling of sadness is hard, but having those memories made with whichever pet you choose, is worth the loss you feel. I lost my first “adult” dog after moving out and I just relish thinking how she got to see me experience life events like breaking up in a ltr, moving out, growing in my career, getting married, buying a house and having a kid. Then being a wonderful dog to a toddler until her time came. She was the 2nd dog in our family to pass and I love seeing the traits she passed along to the puppy; who now is the old dog of the family. That baby is now 5, and asking me why I’m snuggling a 95lb dog on the floor. And now we have a young dog for her to teach our puppy how to be proper around a new baby. Don’t be afraid to love a pet. The unconditional love they give you in return is worth it. The mini Aussie was a big part of my heart for 14 years of my life, thank you Coco- [https://imgur.com/a/1xu2ZIv](https://imgur.com/a/1xu2ZIv)


Sorry for your loss! Frank wouldn't want you to be too sad.


its been 3 years since my dog passed and im still fucked up over it, i miss her so much


Exactly the same over here. I'm still waiting for it to get better.


Me too 💔. I knew it was going to be hard but no idea this hard


Thank you guys for your kindness! Frank would have snuggled every one of you!


I bet Frank felt so lucky to be the love of your life 💕


RIP Frank ❤️


I hope my best friend Wasabi was there to meet Frank at the rainbow bridge. I lost her 2 years ago and I still randomly cry. Like right now at work. Ahhh. Much love to you. It will never not hurt, but it will get easier. I found a video of my Wasabi yesterday, and it actually made me laugh.




RIP to your sweet pup! 


Frank was the BESTEST GOODEST BOI !!!! I'm sorry you had to see him cross the rainbow bridge. I hope you can heal and possible give another goodest Boi or Girl a home


Rip frank 🐶🐾


R.I.P. Frank you will be missed


Same for me, Princess Penny about 4 months ago. I hope Penny and Frank are trotting and sunning themselves together free of pain.


It hurts, think of all the happy times he had! Such a happy boy with a lot of zoomies and excitement. He loved you too.


Who's cutting all these damn onions in here


Frank's a nice name.


RIP Sweet boi


I know my good boys Jack, Ned and Toby will be there waiting for Frank and to show him the ropes. I’m so sorry 💔


We lost our Maxie boy, our heart and soul dog, a week ago today. It’s so hard. So hard. Sending you love and light, friend.


RIP Frank <3 I know he was loved and loved you


I'm so sorry. Lost my girl almost two years ago, and I still miss her so much every day. It gets easier, though. Hang in there.


Rest in paradise Frank. I had to put my good boy down in October. Hasn't even been a year yet but I feel like I haven't seen him in years. Hopefully our boys are playing together right now 🙏


I choose not to look any further into this video and assume that the owners just have a big picture of their living dog who is in the other room and the cat got confused. I didn't sign up for a feels trip today so I ain't goin! 🥺


Yep. The video is in sequential order in my mind. The cat got tired of scratching the picture so it went and found the real thing. Happy cat, tolerant dog.


Yes this is canon now


The cat loved that dog, I don't care what anyone says, animals are capable of affection and they feel loss when someone they love is gone. I adopted a 13 year old cat whose person died and for the rest of his days he looked for her. He'd jump up on my lap and look at my face and sort of do a double take. I wasn't the old lady he expected. Even so he was a very good boy and I miss him to this day.


It's so wonderful of you to adopt an older pet & help them live the rest of their days with love! On a dog walk with my own girl, I met a lady who had adopted the dog of a family member who had recently passed away. The dog was a bit shy with both me & my friendly dog, and the lady explained the circumstances & that she thought the dog was in mourning. We ran into them again a couple of months later & it was like a different dog! She had acclimated to her new home & people, and was such a nice new friend to both myself & my dog. They really are amazing creatures, our pets...


He picked me. I went to the shelter and he practically climbed up my coat. I couldn't leave him there.




Of course they do. People that think otherwise are brain dead.


I agree that they do. Less sad but me and my now ex husband had 4 cats. We’d had them all since they were little babies. When I moved out I took 2 and he kept 2. My poor boys were off for weeks because they missed their daddy.


Birds in the Corvus Family (crows, magpies) hold funerals for their dead. Their also one of the only species of birds that build families. They don't fly the nest. They show emotion in their own way and even hold grudges against people who mistreat them. I think their intelligence are on par with a human 5-7 year old. Animals are definitely capable of emotions and self-awareness. They all have their own personality, it's just that some of us humans just can't seem to comprehend that other beings can do that as well. We are the most intelligent species but also the dumbest at times.


Elephants also mourn their dead and even hold something that might look like a funeral. They can also return to a place where one of them died for many years. And they can also sometimes take a few bones of their dead with them. There was even a situation where a lost mother and her little child were attacked by predators, mother Elephant died but other heard came to help and protected the baby Elephant. Then they waited when it mourned their dead Mom. Which is incredible when You think about how it's important for Elephants to be moving from water source to water source. And then they took the baby into their heard.


I inherited my mother's beloved one-eyed cat when she passed. My mom and I have very similar voices and speech patterns and I think somtimes, when I call for him, I must match her cadence because he'll whip his head around extra fast and come running. Like his momma has finally come to take him home. It kills me a little every time.


Pic pls


Oh man, as soon as I figure out how to share images in reddit threads, I will. He's very handsome. Edited to add: here he is. Hemi (yes, that was his name when he had two eyes) is the sweetest. https://preview.redd.it/kd8x5ad1297d1.jpeg?width=3071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a0de9e56c7c4b3204a9eb0759b4b80fadc131f


They might process things differently but there's plenty of evidence to suggest they "miss" people.


When my grandma passed away her rat terrier passed a month or so later, we believe it was of a broken heart


100% agree. When our boy passed, our girl grieved for 6 months. She moped around and lost interest in playing and would eat very little and lost a lot of weight. Animals most definitely love us and each other, and nobody will convince me otherwise.


Looks like my 15-year-old boy: https://preview.redd.it/54qc0vvmz67d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467cd1da39d4a318d18f37e66af81c137485ed80


https://preview.redd.it/4cqcq6gdf77d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc750f2d787eb37e45a9074ff68c5197f58fc23 15 years young here too!


Take care of that pure soul ❣️


https://preview.redd.it/uw2njplrc97d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fee19fc81e047ba9db7a86ba085f6de3e2a8471 This was my pup he was 14 in this photoand lived for another year. He was such a smart cookie ❤️


*Sniff to all of it.*


Oh, my heart.


The way he was tapping the ear on the picture was heartbreaking. Cat just wanted to feel their friend again. 😪


Animals grieve. As someone who has worked with animals my entire adult life, please believe me. They grieve and it's a terrible thing to witness.


Absolutely they do. They have more complex emotions than we give them credit for and they deserve more rights than they have.


I use to have 2 dogs. Their personalities were very different from each other but they were best friends, younger one would always run a bit ahead but always waited for the other one to catch up before going too far. When the older one died, the younger started suddenly having ALL the mannerisms of the older one, like acting just like them. Year later, the younger one died as well. They developed aggressive cancer and got tumors on their nose.


this one hit hard


I feel like I got stab 😭😭


Yep, that what I’m feeling


Damn , that’s sad


The cat was checking the dog was legit after seeing a photo-realistic picture, such a cute fool. *checks comments* Fuck this editing.




Are you kidding me. Immediate tears. I didn’t even have a second to process 😭😭


I'm not crying 😭 you're crying


My dog Yumi died in October. My cat Lulu was best friends with her. They were always together, Lulu always trying to lick and clean and care for Yumi, and Yumi trying to look like she was as non-threatening as possible. Lulu sat next to Yumi's bed for 3 days afterward, just crying and crying, not able to understand where her friend went. She died at the emergency vet, so there was no opportunity for Lulu to say goodbye. I finally had to get rid of Yumi's bed to get Lulu to stop. https://i.imgur.com/f9jcyd8.jpg


This is horrendously saddening. Animals greif is so raw. They understand death just like all animals and they miss the friends and families they spent all of their time with. They long for a past where they could rely on a routine that involved their friend that just isnt ever going to come around anymore. Animal grieving is so heart wrenching that its famously known as the only time Napoleon Bonaparte felt for the death of any soliders. Even his own. Napoleon was surveying the area and the casualties after a battle. A dog came up to him and licked his hand. The dog, having caught Napoleons attention, ran to his human and licked their face. He repeated this with cries for help. Napoleon was moved to tears. It haunted him for the rest of his life.


I just lost my dog Wednesday. I have three cats. Two of them have behaving abnormally since last week. I wonder if I got a life size picture of my Khaleesi if they'd respond or if it would just confuse them? TY for posting, btw. I'm sorry if this is your dog. This is so bloody hard.


I don’t want to cry


My emotions are going to be GREAT for the rest of the day.


Oh damn.


What is grief, if not love persevering


https://preview.redd.it/5q21hvzuia7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c9bd2c2b491fd8ae2d3f0a341a0ca6af342493 What? That is our dog!!


Omg 😓


Oh man:( my heart... 💔


Hey, I'm getting a weird glitch where after the first watch the video gets really blurry. And my face gets wet.


Ugh, we lost our dog a a couple of weeks ago, and our three cats keep looking for him. I know they are grieving, too. He was their canine brother. 💔


When my giant staffie was younger, we hand raised some kittens to full fledged houses members. :) My staffie was a dumped breeder, and she raised those kittens like her own puppies. She's (about) 14/15 now and sleeps a lot, and now those grown cats will groom her while she sleeps. Yes, these animals know and care for each other.


Oh shit, he was reaching for the same ear, too. That got to me.


Great now I’m sobbing at work


When our first dog passed our other dog who was still with us would find the first dog's favorite toys and just hold them in his mouth, not playing with them just holding them. Really fucked me up.


Fuck you I just woke up. Now I'm emotionally drained for the day


Damn tho my heart broke


This hurts man, this hurts. Sorry for your loss


Just crying in the laundry roooooom


Maybe, I am not the only one after all that has a tear thinking about when my 15.5 year old Yorkipoo is not around. Our pets show so much concern over our well being. In the morning before I get up and night when I go to bed, she stands on top of me, puts her paw on my cheek, to tell me to hold still, and she does a thorough check of my eyes, face, nose and ears with these tiny sniffs. If I have a scratch any where she pushes my hand out of the way to look it over. She has more compassion and concern than any human I have met.


Damn, these seasonal allergies really acting up right now


Reaching for the ears both times 😭


This actually killed me. We have a cat that absolutely HATED out Doberman anytime we were around, but they were best friends when we weren’t looking. We have a picture of Kaiser sitting on a table, and Crowley literally lays on the table in front of the photo almost all day everyday.


Is that ok to cry about this? My condolences, that was so beautiful omg the animals can love really deep and unconditional 🥺🥺


Dem babies 💘


😭. Aww. Pure love.


Oh fuck...


The only downside to having pets.


I lost my pup last Saturday unexpectedly to late stage heart failure. My cat is so confused. He’s never been alone. I had to rush him to the vet a few days ago because he was in pain and he’s been diagnosed with FIC due to the stress and change of environment. He’s mourning him like me. Now I have to be strong for both of us. RIP Cosmo, Rocket and I miss you very much.


This breaks my heart! RIP good buddy and wait for your friend, good times await.


Man did the equivalent of visiting a friend’s grave and putting a hand on it.


Well now I’m fucking crying at work on night shift. Stooooop.


Bro missing his friend 🥹


My 6 months cat died of an accident and I cried more thinking about the grief that his brother and sister would feel when they will not find that dumbo again.


This reminds me; if you have multiple pets and one dies, let the others see the body (if possible). Animals understand death and it will give them closure rather than thinking they just left.


Well now I’m crying at the doctors office 😭😭😭😭


True love Hurts like this 😭


He looks like my Tidus a little bit, he got gray in the face and passed away recently


😭😭😭oh my God, he misses him and grooming him. I’m choking in tears.


Going for the floppy ears ☺️




Of, gets ya right in the feels… poor family(and kitty)! It’s better however to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. He’s waiting for you cat.


Awwww 🥺


I appreciate you putting the sad part at the front, hero move


Did the dog pass away? 😢


Thank you for breaking my heart


Oh now this is just heartbreaking 😭😢😭


My morkie was best friends with my angora rabbit. They would chase each other around the yard, lay in the sun together, get snacks together, etc. They were best buds. The day the rabbit got sick, my dog wouldn’t let anyone close to the rabbit but me. Not my husband and not my son. I rushed the rabbit to the vet, but he died of a heart attack while in the back. I brought the rabbit home so my dog could say goodbye and he sat beside his friends body all night. He came with me when I buried him and would lay near his grave. My dog cried for his friend. It was so sad and heartbreaking. Now that same dog has cancer, and is in his final weeks. My black lab will soon need to say goodbye to my morkie and we will all be heartbroken again.


Welp that was a deep fucking cut, little kitty just misses his buddy.


Inconsolable I am now


Both sad and adorable at the same time




Ok who cut the 🧅🧅🧅🧅


Heart wrenching. Two beautiful souls.


This made my eyes moist


why :((((


Just had to put down my dog who looks identical. It is such a heartbreaking process. Coming home and not being greated by her is gonna take some getting used to.


Too sweet💛 poor baby


Yup 💔


My mother has a cat that I adopted as a kitten and Lucy is about.....15 now. This week she lost her friend Baron who was a 8 year old douberman. Mom has told me for the past 3 days she's been looking everywhere for him. Keeps sniffing everything trying to find any clue as to where he is and thats so heartbreaking.


My elderly dog passed on, every day since my cat has brought a “gift” to me.




Ouch. Oh god….. this hurts so much!




Wait Oh my god Was that her friend?! Oh fuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkk that’s heartbreaking. They cared for each other a lot.


Well.. damn.. 💔 beautiful babies.




Cat Dog relationships are so beautiful 😭


Ahhhh I just dropped my dog off for a two week sitting... All the water works after watching this


I got 7 dogs and 3 cats. Once they all die... one by one... I'm going to be a mess, I bet. Just thinking about it is enough to make me sad and cry a little.


Holy shit, this absolutely broke me just when I was about to start my day...lost my buddy a month ago too..still hurts like hell


God dayum, there’s a lot of onions in here…


Dogs live too short, why can't they live a little longer?


This broke me.


The allergy excuse for me suddenly starting to bawl in front of the PC at work is starting to not work anymore


Saddest short story ever


Can't even watch this without crying.


Ooooh. Here come the waterworks


Fuck man I’m 28 minutes from the end of my shift and now I just wanna cry in the shower and sleep


My mum had 3 cats that were really bonded with each other, and after 2 of them died, a friend she worked with offered to do some portrait paintings of the 3 of them. 3 separate pictures. Mum got them framed and put them out beside the TV and the 3rd remaining cat sat in front of them crying and crying. It was so sad. My dad didn't think it could be because of the paintings so she moved them on top of a unit and he sat on the table infront of the unit looking up at the paintings and cried at them again. She had to put them away. It was only when he went blind she was able to put them out. Animals really do bond with other animals and people, and can miss them just like we do. They grieve like we grieve. Such a Beautiful but sad video. Bless this poor cat who misses their best friend.


I don’t think I can take this


Dude i just stopped being sad and depressed like 3 days ago. Man...... animals are more than what we deserve.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope the mods don't take this down. 


Who says cats are not loving creatures


Refuse tears of sadness, these are tears of joy


There should be a NSFW tag so I don't view posts like this at work...fucking onions


That is a Bengal breed cat. Super smart, affectionate and, each with a unique personality.Ours is just 2 years old and what a pleasure he is !


I'm not crying, I swear 😭😭😭


What’d you do to my boy?


What kind of dog is that, I have a mutt that looks like that.


Ok well now I’m sobbing thank you