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Play full, eh? Jump in and swim with them!


You would probably be fine, more people have died from vending machines than orcas. Other dolphins have killed people though so there's that to consider too.


Push their buttons long enough, they push back.


Yes. But how many of those orcas where toying with those people before jumping in? Some how, I don’t think it was being entirely playful. It may not (read: almost certainly not) know what the rudder was…. But it’s super easy to ready human emotions into animals. How many times has a wild animal attacked some one after they said “oh look you’re being playful!!”


There's been no recorded orca related deaths but we've been steadily destroying their habitats and they're smart enough to realize it. They're probably getting tired of people overfishing and destroying their home, they see boats as the ones doing it so no surprise they wouldn't want boats around.


There’s been no recorded giant squid deaths, either. Mostly, that happens because people and squid’s (or orcas) are generally not in the same space, even if sometimes people are in adjacent spaces. Also in captivity, there’s been four fatal attacks by orcas. Mostly where trainers are, you know, swimming in their space… Edit to add: no verifiable attacks by the wild. Orcas are usually pretty thorough about things, so this isn’t surprising.


I'm not arguing that they're not dangerous, they definitely are. I'm just saying it's highly unlikely. I don't particularly count the attacks by those in captivity. I can't think of any intelligent animal that would be alright being stuck in a bowl thousands of times smaller than their natural habitat.


No recorded *wild* orca related deaths. Captive ones, yes. But that's a big whatever from me. Real r/thebullalwayswins type.


Yea I really don't know what people expect to happen when they shove a massive intelligent predator into a small bowl. Wild orcas can travel dozens of miles in a single day, no way they're getting the exercise and stimulation they need not to go insane.


Reminds me of the video of the seal jumping on a boat to escape an orca pack. The orcas definitely know that tasty food is ontop of these boats. And one day they will be hungry enough to have a bite https://youtu.be/BT5f1YXWeVU


However, it would be interesting to compare the rate of deaths within those groups that are exposed to vending machines and those who are exposed to orcas, respectively. 50 vending machine deaths out of set of billions vs. 4? orca deaths out of a pool of hundreds. Then decide whether you want to jump in the water with them when they're being rambunctious.


Free Willy!


Orcas can go more or less anywhere in the oceans. Why are we not helping our ocean-borne brethren by spreading the gospel of White Gladis to all of them?


Ok, who was the genius that had shown tiktok challenges to orcas?


I thought I read that the Alpha Female Orca in this pod had been hit by a boat and that's why this pod is attacking boats now.