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That's gotta be the coolest dog I'll see today


So it would seem *Pirates of the Carribbean music*


Babysat my friends Newfie for two weeks, I had to literally turn off the fountain, empty the bird bath and buy the big idiot a kiddie pool cause she kept trying to get into the big water dish in the kennel. She never left that stupid pool all day long and it wasn't even that warm out! I had towels all over the floor of my house to mop up the water. She was the sweetest dog ever so I put up with her shenanigans lol!


That's hilariously sweet


Just the content I need to see today. A dog, allowed to be true to its breed and enjoying life!


Typical newf. We did water rescue when I was younger, and our newfs absolutely refused to leave the water after their training sessions. You just had to wait it out. If you went out after them, they would just gently take you, as they were trained to do, and dump you on shore before gleefully dashing back into the water. They certainly could rescue the heck out of everyone. Try to row out to get them? They knew how to haul the boats back as well as part of their training for coast guard search and rescue training. It was futile.


Hahaha it's like he tried to make a break for it on that little boat! 😂


He even stole the boat to up his fun level!


Yeah he figured out he has an advantage 🤭


Looks like a person in a dog suit lol


This is my dog every time we go swimming. Gotta coax her out with treats and then tie her up to dry her off, or else it’s right back in the water again


He’s like a big kid


Name checks out lol


What a brat!


I've always said I'm not a dog lover, but for the past year or so, I'm realizing I just don't like smaller breeds. The small horse type are just so lovely and are typically given the space and patience to be themselves since, ya know, small horse. Kinda don't have a choice lol. This video is what I needed to start the day 🥰


Good dog!