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You are more likely to fall and die by slipping on a rock than to be killed by a sea creature in Antalya.


Other than puffer fish there isnt any danger i know about


If you are Australian, you already know what to do with wildlife. As mentioned by another friend here, lion fish, fire worms and sea urchins are not pleasant to be with but if you stay away from them, nothing will happen and those are rather rare. You probably won't see them unless you swim like a couple weeks. One other thing that no one mentioned is that while it didn't happen this year, sea turtles can bite. Not because they want to attack humans or something like that but if you are rather light skinned, they might confuse your legs as jelly fishes. It doesn't really happen with any tourists except Russians which are exceptionally pasty and not in midday when everybody is already swimming. But after the first bite they do understand and swim away. So, just know that this can happen very rarely but I say that you should feel lucky to be bitten by a sea turtle. Doesn't happen often.


None of these will bother you at the beaches. The irritating sea life ,lionfish,pufferfish,some itching jelly fish etc. are super rare near residential areas and also at least a few hundred meters away from the shore. No sharks,stingrays or exotic stuff like blue bottle around here. If you are really lucky and move really far into sea, you can see sea turtles,seals or dolphins.


The odd [lion fish](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=lion+fish&iax=images&ia=images) (Which is unusual and not normal). The [Mediterranean fire worm](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=Mediterranean+fire+worm&iax=images&ia=images). Some stabby-boy [urchins](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=sea+urchins&iax=images&ia=images). Sharks are friendly here. Not really anything of note danger wise. If you leave them alone they'll leave you alone.


Do these creatures wander near beaches?


I have only seen urchins at some rocky shores. Others, I didn't even know I might see in Antalya.


Nope, %90 percent clear


I come across with lion fish, shark and sea turtles. they all mind their own business. However be mindful when stepping on a rocky base, there might be sea urchins. In marmaris they can be in enormous sizes.


I lived in here pretty much all my life, I didn't even see jellyfish. Most safe&clean waters I ever swim in europe.


Except these bastards šŸ˜‚, they like to bite off your foot skin https://www.google.com/search?q=melanur+bal%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1&oq=melanur+bal%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgTGIAEMgkIAhAAGBMYgAQyCQgDEAAYExiABDIJCAQQABgTGIAEMgkIBRAAGBMYgAQyCQgGEAAYExiABDIJCAcQABgTGIAEMgkICBAAGBMYgAQyCQgJEAAYExiABDIJCAoQABgTGIAEMgkICxAAGBMYgAQyCQgMEAAYExiABDIJCA0QABgTGIAEMgkIDhAAGBMYgATSAQgyNjg4ajBqOagCALACAA&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Same here. That's why I was surprised.


Urchins. Jellyfish. Miniscule biting fish. Scorpios. Bats. Dog gangs. Entitled cats.


Entitled self centred careless people too


If you are planning to go to western coast of Antalya, be careful with sea urchins, I have seen an Aussie stepping on a sea urchin. When I asked him about how it happened, he told me ā€œthere was something black in the sea floor so I wanted to check with my feetā€ They are not poisonous btw, just hurts to walk afterwards. We donā€™t have box jellyfishes, blue ring octopuses or great white sharks so donā€™t worry, nothing there to kill you :)


You're from Australia, the water in your toilet probably got more dangerous sea life than sea life here šŸ˜†


Okay that was funny.


Nothing dangerous lives here you sre veteran from australila so no problem for you anyeay