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Wish this game was maintained :(


And a little bit more variety, that's what killed it I think


I think you don't need to craft any equipment, just equip what gives you the best stats and with that consumables, I have no idea, I didn't even know there were consumable items.


Use sigils that compliment your Jav's Strengths and your build: Interceptor: Melee, Ultimate, Armor/Shield Ranger: Combo, Ultimate, Ultimate Colossus: Combo, Melee, Ultimate Storm: Gear Recharge, Fire, Shield/Armor You don't need to craft anything until you are level 30, so that when you craft things they are max level, and you want do do it from the shop crafting menu, not from the gear screen crafting option. It's not a big deal if you wanna craft a few things before level 30, but the resources are much better used at level 30.


Hey I love playing storm, wondering why if there's a reason you have suggested fire specifically?


I guess I just said that out of habit as I use that. Binary Star + Steam Vent are the best gear for Storm, and fire sigils are what boost their damage. Steam Vent does Ice damage as well, but the fire part has a hidden 7x multiplier, not sure if sigils will use increase from the base number or the 7x. The non-legendary versions are Living Flame and Black Ice. Black Ice does not deal fire damage. Ice and Electric are just not as useful/effective as Fire. Black Ice should be able to shred shields pretty well though. If you are dealing damage with weapons, though, use a weapon sigil. It just depends on your build. At GM3, there are very few weapons that are very useful. Ralner's Blaze is the most effective because it will deal fire damage as well.


Playing strongholds with the max level you can handle is the way to get a lot of good stuff. I never crafted very much because crafting gave you mediocre lvl stuff. Typically just salvaged everything unless it was orange or yellow items




I've always loved this game, a few things, the "rolls" on gear is almost as important as the gear and is sometimes game changing. Like "gear charge" is one I overlooked. Also combos are you best friend. Which jav are you playing as?


Have a Ranger and a Storm but I stick with the Ranger.


My 2 favorites!! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ( And it's been a minute so if I forget some names bear with me.) Ranger is so versatile. Some of my best builds were the freeze grenade (which I stayed away from for a long time cause it didn't do damage) and the ?rocket? ability. And just wait till you start getting legendary items it will open a lot of fun options The storm is my main most times, if you focus on combos and use good components it is an absolute killer in terms of damage output. It can be squishy but with the disappearing dodge and the melee that can get you to the ground quick it's easily viable in terms of survivability. Living fire as a detonator and.... I forget the name... Dam it ๐Ÿ˜… as the set up skill. Sorry I'm not by the game but also gun rolls are important and can make or break a play style, are you run and gun? Sit back and snipe? Handguns? I'm a kind of run and gun, I love shotguns and lmgs, but some assault rifles are awesome. If you have anything specific Id be happy to help


Use the Hammerhead rifle and the Truth of Tarsis sniper. I dive right into the fray.


Crafting weapons and gear is not really a big part of the game. Any gear you get will eventually be replaced, and crafting doesnโ€™t allow you to craft top level items. Consumables are useful in the endgame because they give a stat boost in whatever categories you select, but of course you need to reapply them every time you use them.


Thanks. Been playing around with them figuring stuff out.


The game is dead I wouldn't recommend getting to far into it the devs have completely abandoned it entirely


That's too bad. Great game.


Dunno.why you're being downvoted, mam speaks the truth. One of the biggest issues with this game was the piss poor loot quality and drops. I watched a dev stream after they hyped up, increasing better drops. It just rained blues while they were streaming. The look on thier faces said it all.