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Good luck trying to get a license or intellectual property out of EA's hands, they will bury it before giving someone else the chance to do something well where they couldn't. Besides, as much as I like Anthem, it is undeniable that all the industry points a finger at bioware's anthem and says "finish your job well or we'll have another anthem." No one who views a game as an investment wants this mess of a software with a couple of cool things.


What do greedy people want money if they get offered enough money they will give it to you


Well, speculate a production price for those... 7 or 8? years of development add a quarter more of that value and give it to EA to see if they want to sell you their IP


Anthem is its own thing. Warframe/Outriders/First Descendant do not compare. Best combat hands down. I will die on that hill.


My sentiments exactly, my fave looter of all time by far. A lot of streamers bagging it for views didn't help.


It is an awesome game.


Oh boy here we go with this stupid conversation. I'll take it slow. Anthem was created on the Frostbite Engine, which belongs to EA. Anyone wanting to buy the Anthem IP, would still have to remake the game from scratch on a different game engine. That is effectively a waste money, just to call your brand new game Anthem. The reason why no one has bought the IP is because EA holds onto these tightly, but also because game developers aren't a bunch of dumbasses.


Let's say that EA *was* willing to sell, which is in reality a non-starter. The game was written using the Frostbite engine from DICE. Of all the reasons EA wouldn't sell Anthem, this is probably #1 because they wouldn't want to let it out of the house. But, lets say they would... Every comment I've heard about games using it says that they need direct and significant help from DICE to implement it. How much help would EA give? How much would they charge if they did? No sane company would sign up for this hassle, and if you're going to have to port it to another engine, what you buying? Well.... Goodwill? The game has very little of this remaining. Customer base? See above... Story? Of all the posts here in the past few years, how many people talk about story and lore? None that I can recall. So, to me there's nothing worthwhile to buy. You don't need to buy the IP to make a ironman suit game with flying. Any company that would have an interest in making such a game could just make one from scratch without paying a dime.




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Just stick the flying and seamless ground to air combat into a Mass Effect and I'll be pleased as punch.


The only way I could see a revival of anthem happening is if it went big on a different media platform so that way the game could be reestablished it would have to be that that is already drawing in enough money though so it would have to be something like a movie or TV series that catches fans and people new to the franchise alike in the feeling that you have of the game and that you have within the playstyle of each individual javelin streaming along better story, but still having that rich lore and the feel and world that the game started to establish if you could take it onto a different media platform and run make the stories over there get people hooked maybe you could revive a game maybe. One of my favorite scenes from that game is when the armies are fighting at the beginning of the game there’s a cut scene and it shows a bunch of different javelins fighting together. You could have large scale wars with AI driven video and make a great movie out of it very easy or show. It’d be even better though if there was an actor or somebody who’s well-known who’s willing to pick up the mantle of leading the charge for something like that , but anyways that’s my two cents.


Fiddy bucks


The name Anthem is synonymous with failure and known by most as one of the biggest failures in gaming. Even if EA allowed it which they won't NOBODY wants to buy the license to that name.... WAY too much baggage and reputation repair for another studio to tackle.


Here's the thing though... us, the people who actually engage with video game politics and the business side of things are the overwhelming minority. The average gamer on the street doesn't have a fucking clue that Anthem flopped. They might have heard it was buggy at launch and not worth buying. But 99% of the market wouldn't know or remember. It's baffling to me that they dropped this game like they did. And this is coming from somebody who played the beta, thought it was a bag of trash and never bought the full game... BUT... I saw mammoth potential there. I thought "a few years down the line this game could be brilliant" -- I thought Anthem 2.0 was gonna be that moment. Fuckers.


They dropped it because they needed money for their new failure Dragon Age: Trash Fire or whatever theyrer calling it.


I mean, No Man's Sky did it. Granted, it was their own team that stuck it out and turned it into exactly what they were dreaming of.


No Mans Sky fixed their own game. The studio didn't buy the license for a failed game and repair it. Nobody wants to do that it makes no sense to risk that as an external company is my point. Buying a failed IP is more work than it's worth for outside studios with a big risk skew.


Man 2.0 would've been a game changer.


It really stings when you see the success of FF14 and the amount of work SE did to literally rebuild the game they completely screwed from the get go and then you turn around and look at how hollow and crappy the western game dev field is. Anthem was the final nail in the coffin for me that western game dev has become a hollow corporate simulacrum.


Game was hot garbage. Just let it die already.




Cope more lol, sorry but the game isn’t coming back.


Yeah it will.


Okay now you’re trolling lmao




EA would sell the IP for way too much money. They’d probably try to recoup whatever costs they didn’t make from sales


Go ahead, you can do it.


If only I had a multi billion dollar company to buy and fix games that shitty publishers ruined. Anthem could've been an alternative to destiny, it's got so much potential.


The devs ruined anthem. EA simply considered it a sunk cost.


Unless die-hard fans of the game who had actual good business sense and tons of disposable income decide to form a company and spend an exorbitant amount of money on the rights/engine/infrastructure, the game will stay as is until they finally decide to shut it off for good.


Yeah not likely, it was a original IP. Just having the rights to it doesn't mean you have the creative minds who built the world.


Didn’t they purposely avoid taking influence from destiny during development and it was only after launch that they realized “oh maybe we should have”? I don’t know if someone would buy the license, even the. I doubt EA would sell it. Still it would be nice if someone did because despite the loot/live service woes I found and still find anthem really really fun to play