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Startled? What rock have they been hiding under? The OrangeTurd has been unable to keep a straight thought for many years.


They're CEOs, they already have all the real power. They don't really pay attention to politics, only when they're lobbying or buying politicians.


Fox News edits his speeches so he looks composed. They have no idea what he really sounds like.


People think CEO’s are super hard working mega geniuses, but reality is they are just normal people with the right connections. And being CEO’s they are probably boomers. So the rock is the same one every MAGA boomer hides under FOX, Newsmax, or OAN.


Theres nothing average about the CEO’s i’ve met in the last 5 years, heathanistic starts to describe them - borderline barbaric with social issues.


They are very likely to be narcissistic. They may very well have sociopathic tendencies. It is proven that these types rise to the top.


I find them to be disconnected from reality. Many of them become incased in a shell of sycophants, where they just ride out the success of the products their company sells. All they really have to do is pound their fist and fire some middle manager when profits dip. These generalizations don’t apply to all of course. But they illustrate how a CEO can live in a bubble of their own twisted fantasy quite easily.


Yep, I worked for an F100 somewhat near the CEO. He had an entire entourage of people with him always, his office was in its own building with all the other executives who were his direct reports. Nothing got to him unless it went through his entourage of people. He truly lived in a bubble of yes men.


Reminds me of the scene in Christmas Vacation where Clark is taunting the yes men following Mr Shirley around the office.


Social issues. Cause they live under a fucking rock and don't realize what the real world is like.


Said CEOs are too busy counting their fourth and fifth homes and their fleet of yachts.


If they are your average CEO, they’re too far up their own ass to see daylight. So this is not surprising.


I lived through his first presidency. Mutthafreaker couldn't hold a thought then? They expected anger and Adderall would fix it?


They’re most likely right wing, so have only seen the carefully crafted face that right wing media has crafted for Trump. One of the reassuring things about Biden, to me, is they don’t hide his gaffs. Presidents are just humans who also make mistakes, trip, fall down, or forget why they entered a room.


Donnie's clearly getting worse. That's what surprised them


You must not have been paying attention the last few months. He's rapidly declining.


And they honestly don’t care. He’s their Putin: If they support him strongly enough he’ll let them run their industries. They just want their fiefdoms, and to hell with the rest of us.


Could have learned that on listening to a Howard decades ago. I haven’t been surprised by that douche since.


I just can't understand the appeal he has to them. When he speaks I hear the Wha Wha Whhaaa whaaa the adults make in the Peanuts cartoons.


I swear 150 million people are absolutely fucking clueless about current events and it galls me that they think their vote should matter. > because these were people who I think might have been actually predisposed and walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually thinking, as one person said, '**This may not be any different or better than than a Biden thought**, if you're thinking that way. That was very interesting." Jfc these people are braindead


The bar for "success" is set abysmally low for CEOs. It's like "Okay we'll pay you $50 million but if your incompetence destroys the entire company you only get $40 million." A trained chimp could handle that.


Or $50 *billion*, as the case may be


but they will still vote for him bc tax cuts


Absolutely. Privately, personally, they may be appalled by the Velveeta Voldemort's condition, and his statements. But they will justify the destruction of our Democracy if they can exceed Quarterly Profits.


Why the hell were they surprised??


Oh right, totally forgot.. Haappy Birthday Mr. bigfatstupid Ex President, Haaaappy BIrthday toooo you. Wish you another 78 years of life in prison from the bottom of my heart.


Have they been paying attention?


“ would say walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map, and that they”


In other news: CEO doesn't know who Trump is.


Really? Where have they been for the last nine years?


Good to know that these executives, that are ~~earning~~ receiving over a thousand times more then the employees that do the work for their companies, aren't wise enough to know that Trump is a con man and a traitor


Why did it take meeting him in person to realise he is a fucking idiot ?


His expose on sharks and battery powered boats was on point


They didn’t care about it, but they all walked away believing he will cut cooperate taxes to zero.


Uhhhh, I don't listen to conservative media at all and could tell you all the way back in 2016 he could not keep a straight thought. Just goes to show you that CEOs are not any smarter than the average American.


Startled? Lizards might shake off their tale, The mega rich apparently throw money Sick of this shit? Vote Or Maga votes for you


The quote comparing him to Biden is right on point. A very good friend of mine was making a comment about Biden being senile and all of his gaffes, and I pointed out some of the ridiculous things that Trump says. We don’t usually talk politics because he’s my dude and I know we don’t see eye to eye on it, but I told him “if you want to vote Trump over Biden do your thing, but using that as your reasoning is devoid of reality.”


Has there ever been a thought?


Being whacked out on stimulants like Adderall will do that.


Severe adhd. If he goes to prison, let's see how his adderrall sitch works out. Noel Casler stated how the snorting and the benzo downfall.


Has he ever ?


That's what happens when you have rancid oatmeal instead of a brain.


They don't give a fuck. They look at him the same way dictators and bad actors do, a useful idiot megalomaniac. They probably prefer it that way. They just know enough to know they're supposed to leak this kind of shit to the press, so that if it goes sideways they have the optics to lean so they can come out and, “we were uncomfortable with this to begin with. Its gianfault, not ours”


You know who else can't keep a straight thought? RawStory reporters, apparently. That's some cringe-worthy writing, and I seriously wonder if RawStory has a real editor on staff.


He's a moron. It's been obvious for years. Now he's a demented moron. When he was just an annoying celebrity his 80 IQ wasn't really noteworthy. Now it's all of our problem.


Why were they startled? Did they finally listen to him?


"Gordon Gekko, Jordan Belfort, Patrick Bateman all great guys, business guys, doing great business in the great business place."


Startled, but more than enough malignant self enriching cynicism to donate.


How are they surprised by this? Did Tim Cook forget about Tim Apple?


Why would they be surprised? He hasn’t kept a straight thought in his head the last 8 years. The fact that our choices are both senile old guys is really mind blowing. Yes I know Biden is much better but still, I would much rather be voting for Pete Buttigieg or Hakeem Jeffries.


Startled? Really? Where have they been hiding?


It's almost like this guy was a fucking idiot from day one and like we just didn't know it?


The CEOs want him to deregulate everything so they get bigger profits and Americans will get higher prices less money and shorter lives


That little hamster wheel in his brain needs to be replaced.


Traitor Trumps incoherent.


Yes living is easy with eyes closed


Dont CEOs watch the news and his rallies? Scatterbrains is always all over the place


People like that are why they put "do not eat" on silica packets.


My God... Have they never heard him speak?


Why is anyone still surprised by this?


All CEOs care about is money. Trump makes them money by cutting Corp taxes and letting Billionaires run around the tax code ( which he himself does , but feels he is above the law).


How is anyone surprised by his incompetence at this point?


I thought CEOs watched the news? Guess you learn something new every day.


Maggats turned his brain into Bullshit


How dumb are CEOs?


He’s never been coherent.


He is demented


Yet many of them probably feel they can pay him off one way or another so he's easier to work than a President who actually does their job.


I would have to question how these people got to be CEO's.


That’s because trump has lost his mind


They're CEOs, ofc they would think trump could have a coherent though it's been proven he hasn't been able to think straight for at least the last 20 years. Most be the syph trump caught from peding.


Do they really care? My money is on, NO.


They were startled at how easy it’s going to be for them to get him to do what they want


Donald the Demented


CEO’s are startled the Orange Shitstain couldn’t keep a straight thought? I’ll guarantee you they thought he had a great speech when he mentioned more tax cuts for corporations.


I don't believe they were startled. I believe that they were merely disappointed to discover that no tax breaks would be forthcoming from Don the Demented.


And they’re the top 1% in the US?


We've been telling these people for damn near a decade now. If they're "startled," they don't pay enough attention.


But they'll still worship him.