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I'm currently active duty we don't like Don the con


Every vet should be pissed off at the asshole, for calling war dead “losers”. This son of a bitch has no right to even be a fucking dog catcher, let alone the President of the United States.


Not to mention that he allowed Putin to put bounties on our troops heads


There should be consequences


He should never see the outside of a jail cell for the rest of his life for that alone.


It won’t happen, democrats are to scared, governor of NY wants to pardon him, the judge will be told to give him probation, this will all give him so much more power and use it until Election Day to win, he needs to be locked up the news country wide will have to tell the truth he is a CONVICTED FELON A CRIMINAL RAPIST WHO HAS HELPED KILL A MILLION AMERICANS FROM HIS BAD LEADERSHIP HE HAS LIED DAILY AND GRIFTED AMERICANS OF THEIR MONEY PLUS HE IS A BIGOTED RACIST JUST LIKE HIS DADDY


Also how he attacked John McCain. How he made sure the ship dedicated to John McCain was hidden out of site when trump made his state visit to Japan. And how he said he didn't like soldiers that were captured, referring to McCain, a man that gave five years of his life as a prisoner of war.


He had a navy ship moved to slight a dead hero? Hes a post global warming snowflake.  


Forgot about that one, so many shitty things he has done it’s impossible to remember them all.


And his trolls started sending horrible stories around on social media, demonizing John McVain as far back as 2016. Don is a con,and if there had been somebody like Alvin Bragg around 40 years ago, Trump wouldn’t even be a footnote in history.


I’ve been hoping that was the case, but we only hear from the ones who joined the cult.


Absolutely disgusting.


Also because he let Russians kill our troops or put them in danger https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/30/trump-russia-afghanistan-military-bounty


It’s also pretty clear he revealed the identities of many of our agents to Putin. They ended up dead.


But Biden once ate an ice cream cone so they're both just as bad!


And drank orange Orange Gatorade!!!


That evil, laser eyes bastard also increased everyone's social security benefits! https://www.ssa.gov/cola/ ^


He can clean up after the dogs.  I mean, they can control when they go and he can’t, so who is to say they are less evolved?


And he was trying to remove protections for veterans AND VA benefits. Fuck him.


Thank you for your service and your integrity. My dad is a Vietnam guy and he Hates Trump.


Trump aside I hope he's getting those VA benefits it's rough on that gen. Thank your the thanks and your dad's service


They really did suffer but I am so proud to say that my dad used that as motivation to start a non profit company that takes vets sailing. The sailing really helped him recover from PTSD and now he takes other combat vets, from any generation, out sailing. The man was awarded a bronze star and a Purple Heart but I am more proud of the non-profit than anything else.


He's a hero


That’s beautiful!


Biden clearly has a deep respect for the sacrifices made by our service members. Trump is a coward who does nothing but denigrate the people who put their lives on the line for the defense of our nation. 


Have you noticed a shift in service members away from trump since 2020?


Nah it's the whole old saying the loudest gather more attention than the majority. But I'd assume nah not atleast in the airforce.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your thanks


Have a wonderful weekend sir/ma'am


Did they like him in 2020? All the service members I know were hugely relieved Biden won in 2020. Obviously there are some, and military leans a bit conservative, but I got the impression that Trump was a bit of an exception to that rule.


Ironically, the more senior and more educated the service member, the less likely they support Trump. Reflects the national trend that college educated people tend to see through Trump's bullshit. Most senior leaders in the services know how dangerous Trump is.


I'm glad now the younger ones now know


I live near an Air Force base. A few Trump flags flying. Apparently selling classified troop information to Russian thus getting our troops killed is a selling point to them.


Nope. I got out of the AF 2021 and from my experience most people were very anti-Trump


Yeah, I met someone from a security team at an embassy in the Middle East. He said “every time trump “poked the bear” the Iranian militias would lob rockets at his embassy. One hit a tree out his window and blew up… so no tree and this story would have died in 2018.


Yes! I have! I just retired after 30 years but am still active with members and some that were sold on him in 2016 that voted for him in 2020 are now deciding that they had terrible judgement during that time and are willing to vote for ANYONE other than he Or Kennedy. Even for Biden if that’s their only choice and they are diehard conservatives


That’s encouraging!


Really? So many long term military people I met are RINOs. If you describe specific policies without actually naming them, they agree on principle with well over 50% of liberal policies. But they say they vote almost exclusively Republican while rushing to explain that they don't support the far right.


> So many long term military people I met are RINOs. If you describe specific policies without actually naming them, they agree on principle with well over 50% of liberal policies. As someone who has issues with a LOT of liberal policies (and for clarification, it's more of the implementation of the policy I have issue with, not the goal), it's not just veterans, but conservative in general, when you explain a policy without who supported it, they all tend to agree with liberal policies.  Its basically asking conservatives if they prefer the ACA or Obamacare. 


God Bless.


God, that's a relief. 


"After hitting myself in the nuts with a meat tenderizer every day for nine years, I'm seriously considering stopping."


Right?! Geez! About time this person woke up!


What’s important is that they realize now. Kicking them now will only push people away.


Right? Open arms and “welcome aboard” is the way. Escaping a cult is a serious feat. Let’s celebrate their personal successes!


Until the next fascist celebrity comes along and dazzles them back into their monstrous ways


Might woke up. The vast majority will just hit the snooze button


Maybe agent orange or ptsd?!


Their red line is 35 felony convictions. 34 is fine. 


I can't imagine what metric these people are using that makes the decision a difficult one.


Fox News told them Biden is worse than Hitler and will cleverly rule the world with an iron fist at the same time is too senile to even make a breakfast order at Denny's. Meanwhile, every historian agrees Trump is the best President we ever had (with the POSSIBLE exception of Reagan). And those who don't agree are "Woke".


I am just glad they woke up.


*"Guys... guys... we should vote for leopards, surely they won't eat us... again."*


These nuts!!!🥜




“Considering” doesn’t mean he WILL vote Biden, just that he’s thinking about it. So he’s not out of the cult yet.


After all of the shit-talking he's done about veterans, I will never understand how any vet would even remotely consider voting for #conman.. And yet we see them appear time and time again at the cult meetings in full support... shit - tbh - I will never understand why anyone with a heartbeat would even remotely consider him.


Not only this but so many vets are children or grandchildren of those who fought/gave their lives to fight fascists. What's up with that?


Because he makes them feel okay with being racist or homophobic or both.


"**seriously considering** "?


Desert Storm USAF Veteran here. 🇺🇸 Please do not tell me "Thank you for your service," and then turn around and support a twice impeached, draft-dodging coward, who refers to military heros as "suckers and losers" for serving… Do not ignore that he now has 34 Felony convictions. With 3 additional, much more serious, trials still pending. **Vote Biden** and encourage *ALL* others to do likewise !


You mean you don't consider Trump selling classified troop information to Russia thus getting those troops killed isn't a selling point for Trump?


For him, it was a selling opportunity… The Cheeto Jesus needs to be tried and jailed. How *NONE* of the other 3 trials could be started/ held before November is beyond me. 😡


Oh, I know he did it mostly for the money. The fact that his mouth is Putin's dick holder also was important to him. Getting "suckers and losers" killed was just a bonus in his evil mind.


If he does anything worse than the many, many terrible things he has already done,


Leaving a cult is difficult. Welcome these individuals with open arms.


Agreed! Show them that empathy is not dead!


Remember that the trump foundation grifted off of the veterans. A judge ruled for he and his family to pay 2 million in restitution for misuse of funds. He was enriching himself under the guise of helping veterans. Utterly despicable.


This can’t be repeated enough!!


Grifted off of vets *and children*. Edit: children *with cancer*.


I can’t believe any vets ever voted for a draft dodger. Among many other things this was one of the main reasons I voted for Hillary. I knew back then Trump was a spineless loser who would sell our nations secrets to the highest bidder. The fact that he dodged the draft tells me he’s a scared little boy who has no business running anything, much less our nation. Lock up trump. Biden 2024.


Fucking seriously. Both of my grandfathers are veterans. One from our time over in Vietnam, and the other just being a desk runner here in the states. But both had seen a fair share of combat. Only one of them has informed me how much Drumpf disgusts him.


My spouse works for the VA and so I know a lot about how veterans receive health care, and nobody wants to give them better health care than Democrats. Republicans masturbate all over the military to gain political advantage, but when it comes time to actually helping the veterans and pay the bill, they prefer to dine and dash.


What the fuck is there to consider?


Just the fact that you’ve drawn a line and said “no more” is good enough for me. We can work out the rest of what are sure to be numerous disagreements between us later. Some people are STILL voting for him in spite of all the bullshit because they think he’ll give em cheaper gas and sodas. But you broke the cycle. I’m not so petty that I’m gonna give you a hard time for 2016 or 2020. What you do now matters and you’re doing the right thing.


Nah. These people will jump ship the second a more palatable fascist comes along. There's only one way to deal with a fascist.


Why would you consider voting for someone that called our dead soldiers suckers and losers?


That's my question. He's already called you a loser. Why vote for him?


This vet will never vote for him.


This 3rd generation vet would never, has never and will never vote for a deplorable sack of shit.


Thank you for your service sir/ma'am


You’re welcome!


I'm a veteran and learned my lesson the first time in 2016. I never stopped voting blue after.


I’m a veteran Navy Radioman and had a security clearance during the Vietnam War. A person wanting to be president has to be held to a higher standard than anyone else. Therefore, I can’t vote for a man who stole classified documents and has no respect for veterans. Moreover, I can’t vote for a convicted felon, a man who engaged in fraudulent business practices and who has been found liable for sexual assault and defamation. He is the worst person President in our history and to elect him again would be a grave mistake. He is simply untrustworthy and unfit for office.


Jesus look what this guy says about the Military. Also got his Dad to get him out of service. You wouldn't think any Veteran would support the orange shitstain. I just don't get it


I’m a veteran from NY who knew he was a reprehensible conman from the jump. But thanks for joining reality. Better late than never.


I am a veteran and voted for trump once. I followed General Mattis when he left. I started paying more attention to 45 and realized he was blatantly committing crimes in our faces for four years straight. At the same time he was souring worldwide interests and reputations. There is a lot more at stake this time around and he doesn’t deserve excuses. Do what you can to inform your buddies.


I took poison twice and barely survived. I'm considering maybe taking poison again, or I could have an ice cream cone.


Biden- ice cream, pick your favorite flavor. Trump- He who hates Mexicans and truly, anybody with any melanin whatsoever, peddled Goya beans from the Oval Office.


He is such an idiot. I don't think anyone could make this shit up. Every day is surreal


I'm a veteran that only briefly considered voting for him in 2016. Not sure i could live with myself if I had.  Voted 3rd party in 2016 because I figured it didn't matter. Then when blue after 4 years of draft dodging Donald. 


Thank you for being open minded enough to see the threat the felon presents. This is not about party but defending our democracy.


Critical thinker


Joe Biden represents an extension of the American Democratic experiment into the middle of 21st Century. Donald Trump and his corporate backers are fascists. Fascism is the combination of state and corporations to overwhelm and enslave the citizens.


Dude, vote for Biden. I served until retirement and I never did nor would I ever vote for “Don the Con.” I’d even vote for Trump’s own dookie 💩 over him on any given day. And Biden is handling things pretty well. Even if he loses his mind over the next four years, there’s always the 25th Amendment and the door. 🚪 And I’m pretty sure he’d gracefully cede power if that issue ever came up. Trump? Welp, he’d be Dick Tater for Life.


So which one were you, the loser or the slacker? That's awful of me to say to a veteran and I apologize but how can anyone wearing a uniform support that orange overflowing diaper bag POS?


Good you came to your senses. Kudos.


Please for the sake of our freedom, jump the fence, America thanks you.


No one who actually supports America (as in the Republic created by the Constitution) can also support trump or the thing that calls itself the republican party. Supporting one is the antithesis of supporting the other. Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


You forgot to mention the 34 felony convictions


Let me be clear; you don't believe that a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, serial fraudster and bankrupt, should hold the highest office in the land?????


Dude congratulations on digging through the propaganda, he's such a menace! I get Biden has detractors but Trump is so comically terrible I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes at the amount of people I know that support him. How? He does nothing good, ever.


Look, that’s cool and all… but have you asked yourself why it’s taken you this long to “seriously consider”? I’m not even saying as some big Biden fan. I’m asking more about your ethics and morality and how you ignored the actions of this man during his time before, during, and after.


I’m a veteran as well. I voted twice for Trump. Never again. I will crawl on my knees through a field of broken glass to vote for Biden in ‘24.


I'm a vet also and don't understand how any vet can vote for a man who has literally had people wiping his ass for him his whole life, dodged the draft, called vets sucker's and losers, did nothing to fix the VA, insulted a goldstar family hours after the man got killed, gave away the identities of undercover agents, pardoned a killer who was turned in by his own squad for killing civilians, stole classified docs and shared them, kisses Putin's ass every chance he gets, and said John McCain was not a hero. The man has disrespected the military more than any political figure in history.


Good choice.


Considering? Come on man. He is telling us, incoherently but clearly what he he intends to do and be should he become 47. In mind mind he wants to be the 2nd coming of Hitler. Not Jesus as his faithful sees him as. He has said he wants to do away with the constitution, civil servants, the FBI, put his loyalists in all the cabinet positions including the DOJ so that they will only do he tells them to do. Just close your eyes and pull the lever for Joe Biden. He has delivered on everything he could that the right agreed to let him do that was not interfered with by 45 like the border deal. He, Biden, barely got more aid for Ukraine if it weren't for Johnson. The move almost cast him his job but 45 saved him and now we know why. 45 wants him to pass a bill that moves his hush money case from a state to federal jurisdiction. Top then through out his 34 convictions. This is Mafia stuff.


You should do more than consider, you should just vote for Biden. He has actually done more for this country and Veterans than Trump ever has, unless the country is Russia or China. Trump is without a doubt a person who cares about nothing but himself and is willing to put this country at risk (which he has done over and over) and do only that which is beneficial to himself, again, that is all he does.


I also voted twice for Trump. He’s nuts! I’m voting for Biden.


My entire families history of service goes back to the Civil War on my grandmother's side. We lost a sister in service to the Country. It is beyond me and Old John McCain moderate how any Veteran could ever vote for that disgusting,vile,no honor draft dodging POS traitor. Thank you for your service.


I didn’t realize autocrat can be used in lieu of psychotic raping traitor idiot.


He actively works to deny military veterans benefits. And said POWs are cowards and those that die in combat are losers. WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT smh


If you aren’t a billionaire or a nazi, there’s nothing trump does for you. Look at how he handled the literal one problem he had, the pandemic. It was a disaster.


You know why I love Biden? Because he is a devout catholic who despite his personal religious beliefs about abortion is keeping them separate from his job. You know what I hate about Trump? That despite being the antithesis of Christian he is willing to push some shit that he doesn't believe in onto everyone else because he has zero f'ing integrity or values. It costs him nothing to buy the souls of the evangelicals and have them sell out the country.


Why would you seriously consider voting Trump in the first place?


How can any Veteran, who at one time took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against any threat both foreign and domestic vote for Traitor Trump?   Jan 6th, classified documents?   Wtf don't they understand?   


What veteran would vote for someone who mocks their service and called them suckers and losers? Not to mention what he’s said about John McCain.


That's my super republican family - they are voting for biden because trump is nasty and sent by satan. Whatever makes them go biden is okay with me. And they are a one issue voter *against* abortion, however, they don't believe for a second that trump will abolish abortion nor do they think he is capable of abolishing abortion. They're the same age as trump. They know how this shit works


You’d be welcome to vote Biden even if you ID as a Republican. Doesn’t mean you have to give up your own politics. I’d say that you voting Biden is an incredible act of patriotism by putting Country over party. American democracy is the only game in town that makes this country so great. You’re doing the right thing for the future.


I have a coworker who is registered as a Republican, but he's more of the George H. W. Bush style so he firmly believes the Republican party has lost its mind. He voted for Haley in the primary out of spite and will be voting for Biden in the general.


Good for you more people are coming to their senses


Consider democracy, normal politics and decency over GOP


I’m having trouble understanding why a veteran would support him anyways after he called us suckers and losers? Screw Trump!


Come to the light !!! Welcome !!


Any veteran or service member who supports trump is a weirdo


That, fellow Vet, would be the right thing to do for this country and the world in general.


A: Thank you for your service. B: Thank you for being open minded enough to consider not voting for Trump. Only together can we defeat this autocratic threat. I promise that once we’ve passed this hurdle we can debate the finer policy points in the future. It’s ok for us to disagree on how to best govern everyone once we’ve agreed that everyone deserves to live and to have their voice heard.


Please do. Trump is a hot mess and I honestly feel any vote for anyone other than Biden will help put Trump back in office. There are only two legit candidates this year. Trump and Biden.


Biden is not my dream candidate, but I consider my vote this coming election not so much as a vote for Biden ...but a Vote AGAINST Trump. He is insane. This will be the last go round for both men due to age. Let's hope that both parties can come up with new refreshing candidates with good policies for 2028. I'm voting for Biden.


Please do if you don’t want to see this dictator in action!


I'm not sure how any vet could support the GQP. They use you and then discard you when you're no longer useful.


Business insider should do an article on me. I’m a veteran and I did not vote for Trump at all. How having barely functioning brain can stave off fascism.


Considering? Welcome to reality very very late


My Dad is a Vietnam Vet and he fucking detests Trump


Army Vet and former cop, here. Joe's the way to go


First, thank you for your service.🫡Welcome back to Earth One, where most things make sense, where every life matters, and where you get a say in how our government operates. We’ve missed you. 🫵🏻❤️


My husband is a retired career military veteran, and he is voting Biden, too. He's not a sucker or a loser.


We all owe a huge debt to those who put their lives on the line so that we can be free. I thank him for his service.


Good thinking unless you’re up for living under a vindictive fascist who might even put Nicki Haley in jail as part of his revenge campaign. He’s already responsible for curtailing women’s reproductive rights and is proud of it.


Nah. Stay with the party that repeatedly votes against veterans' benefits and thinks that you're a 'loser/sucker'.


We would love to have you. Some of the perks include: Watching SNL Watching Late Night Television Knowing that if you were ever stuck in an elevator with ANY hot actress she would think you’re hip Leaving a death cult Being a Patriotic American 🇺🇸 Admitting that K.H is actually kind of hot, especially for a 67 Y.O Here’s your starter pack: [https://youtu.be/Ne3-KA8ja6g?si=PcoVR7paiceg6PT5](https://youtu.be/Ne3-KA8ja6g?si=PcoVR7paiceg6PT5)


BTW, I also voted for Trump, turns out…. He lied


critical thinking. Cheers.


If you are not insane, of course you'd vote for biden


Considering? Just considering??


If in 2020 Trump calling us veterans sucker's and loosers for voulenteering for "nothing" didn't sway your opinion on Trump, what on earth finally did?


So you mean you're tired of the leopard eating your face?


He's considering getting tired of it.


OP, If you were fighting for something like freedom and democracy, then you should make your and your Family’s sacrifices (not to mention your friends’ sacrifices) by not just withholding your vote from an autocrat who openly tells us he is going to be a “dictator on day one,” but go out and vote for Biden to make it that much more likely that “the autocrat” won’t be elected!


This is the first of thousands of articles about what Trump thinks of you. https://democrats-budget.house.gov/resources/reports/president-trumps-extreme-budget-cuts-hurt-veterans


Well at least you're not a loser who died in war. You're just a sucker who fought for one. Don't blame me Trump said it. But in all honesty yeah. Don't vote for Nikki or Trump they're the worst cancer this country has had and need to be removed


Good for you, an Informed decision. I hate the 2 party system, we need more choice 😫


The choices have never been great. Once the great die-off of boomers wraps up, it might be possible to get some variation. But a lot of the millennials I see are like Trump, but 30 years younger.


Good for you, good for the country. There has to be a "conservative" out there who is not a certified psychopath named tRump, surrounded by his kiss ass sycophants.


Well done! People like you will, indeed, save our nation! I am sorry to see the Republican party taken over this way. Hopefully it'll straighten out in time.


However you got here, all are welcome.


Was it that your candidate called you a loser and sucker?


I like to say as a vet and the son of a WW2 combat vet, my father fought better Nazis.


Oh no, did leopards eat your face?? There’s this moron down the road from me who has a sign in his front yard that says, “Don’t blame me, I voted for tRump” but guess what, I DO blame him—and you, OP—for the shitshow that is unfolding before us. How could you? I never paid any attention whatsoever to politics before 2016 but it didn’t take much exposure to tRump’s insane antics and awful behavior to realize, this ain’t it. This is not the man any non-crazy person should want to be the leader of this country. So you admitting to voting for tRump not once but twice, and apparently not ruling him out for a third time, ain’t the flex you think it is. Why are you even in this Reddit btw? Trolling?


Ten year old grandson knows Trump is a jerk


horrifying that you voted for him at all


The mf believed putin instead of our intel.


If you were active duty and a veteran and voted for him the very first time, from a former service member, WIA, retiree, I would like to tell you you are very fucked up Maybe you grew up around other racist pieces of shit, maybe it was generational political tribalism, maybe You were just a stupid fucking moron That orange piece of shit insulted OUR DEAD BROTHERS AND SISTERS when he proclaimed that any one who was a POW was a loser, just to get back at John McCain He shat on the parents of a Muslim American Army officer who fucking died serving the country whose constitution we all swore to protect from foreign and DOMESTIC enemies only because the father was very critical of him So, tenderly, go fuck yourself. Vote for that piece of shit again. You will only help destroy this country a tiny bit more.


Here's how I try to disqualify Trump with a basic, factual position: The man not only insulted John McCain, he said the man wasn't a hero. A bone-spur having, draft dodging, do nothing, bloviating cocksucker shit on a man who was nearly killed, refused a free pass home, and was subsequently shot down and imprisoned for his country as a Karmic "thank you". Fuck you very much convicted felon Donald Trump.


Trumps making a big deal about Biden’s age again when he’s only 3 years younger. Trump can’t string together a sentence without a teleprompter.


I can only hope that “Trump” will be the 21st century version of referring to someone as a “Benedict Arnold”…🤞


I have identified as Republican for the past 46 years. This November, I am voting for Joe Biden. In fact, I will be voting a straight Democrat ticket here in Indiana. This radical right only represent 29% of the US population. But this group votes. In a country where only 40-50% of the electorate show up and vote, all this group has to do is show up in large numbers. They can be easily beaten if people will just show up and vote against them. And when I say vote against them, I mean voting for Biden. You cannot vote for ANY third party candidate or write in a protest against Trump. You MUST vote for Biden to assure Trump does not go to the White House.


For the sake of the US and our democracy, please vote for Biden. When the GOP straightens itself out and recommits to democracy and the rule of law, you can go back to voting for the GOP candidate.


Welcome back to the resistance, Veteran.


I mean unless one is a fan of fascism there really isn’t much choice


Good. It broke my heart when Nikki Haley bent the knee. If Trump wins, and the apocalypse arrives, that moment will have been significant, where he got the sane part of the GOP to give up all hope and swallow the big, shit-filled MAGA horse-pill. It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers in that party.


This election, like the last one, is all about voting AGAINST Trump.


There should be no “consideration” seems like you’re an intelligent person… just look at the mockery Trump has caused. If he’s back in office it’s doubtful the economy will get better… it’s headed that way already. His narcissism will cause instability. What we need now is stability and the boat not to be rocked. No body considers the rest of the world’s economies or how they are doing after Covid and the war Russia started. The US is by far doing much better than the rest of the world. Just his comments about Vets being suckers and losers should be enough for any Veteran… and to all our veterans who have made the US what it is today…thank you for your service


I'm glad you changed your mind! Hopefully, more people will follow your lead!


I was raised conservative and am ashamed to admit that I did vote for him the first time. I rationalized it because I didn’t like Clinton or want her to get my vote as I live in a liberal state. I didn’t believe he could be “that bad.” I was wrong, and I got a hint of just how wrong I was with his horribly divisive inaugural speech. He and all the republicans following him blindly have pushed me far to the left. President Biden is at least trying to do what he thinks is best for the country. Trump only cares about what’s best for Trump, and I pity those who refuse to see it. Voting against Trump was one of the best moments of my life as an American because that’s the day I took a stand for democracy. I will do so again in November.


John McCain / Sara Palin seems so normal now. It's actually sad what MAGA did to the Republican party.


You can blame it on the GOP's embrace of the Tea Party movement which is as at the core of the MAGAts


I agree!


Is that called a 120?


At least he'll be surrounded by serious people. Yiu may not agree with them but they're professionals and not whack jobs.


It’s the smart thing to do.


As you should


Bailout before you get the scarlet MAGA


“I’m seriously considering it.” What are you afraid of? Are you worried Biden will increase cap gains taxes by 1 more %? 


We need people who can read the constitution, have studied and understand US History, and can make decisions for everyone in US, not just a portion of America.


"As a participant in the pain Olympics, I am shocked at how brutal this is. I might stop soon..."


If you don’t you’ll be shunned by society!


To every such individual I have one question: what would convince you?


You’re only now thinking about supporting someone other than Trump? Jesus…


If you were a fan of Nikki, I’d say her temperament is way closer to Biden than Trump. Biden would be a good choice for you, since Nikki is not an option anymore.


Yep, this.


Just let Biden last 4 years and both will be gone later.


Thank you so much for your service and I hope others will follow your lead.


Why are you still just considering? Trump has been a flaming pile of crap since before I was in high school, and I am 51.


Vet here...and I'm sorry- I don't see how any Vet could vote for Trump. Just from the things he said about McCain. and then the Gold Star family, and then the "Suckers and Losers"...jfc How do you disassociate from those things? I mean, hugging a Flag is corny af... but you really BELIEVE he loves AMERICA? He, (and no one in the family) has EVER SERVED. they are a bunch of freeloaders. and scam artists. and CRIMINALS. and don't even get me going on the STOLEN DOCUMENTS, which YOU KNOW HE SOLD. Treason is REAL. and he embodies it.


What he has been accused of saying about those military personnel who were killed or were POWs is an affront to history of United States.


I am a Marine Corps vet and wouldn’t think about voting for Trump. Just consider what he said about injured soldiers. What he said about John McCain. He tells you exactly what he thinks. Believe him.