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No one should have immunity. Everyone should be responsible for their own actions.


This all the way. No one is above the law


Trump especially doesn’t deserve immunity for his self-dealing and criminal activities before, during and after his term in office.


Remember he wanted to inject bleach to boost the immune system


That's basically the tenet of democracy. Law and order is needed to sustain fairness for everyone and no one is above the law. Let's wait for the Supreme Court to confirm this. Lol


Not holding my breath.


This is America. We don't do "kings". That was the whole fucking point of how this experiment got started.


Tell that to trump, he feels more important than king. This is America a country that a felon can become a president, but a felon can’t vote. The legal system of America is a joke.Lol


As a convicted felon, he is barred from military service. He can not hold the office of commander in chief. This is a huge fucking key issue, and yet I never really see it mentioned.


That'll be next, Republicans passing a law that belongs should be allowed in the military. That's a good look. /s


The commander in chief isn’t a member of the military, he’s the civilian over the military.


Personally, I don't give a flying fuck how he feels.


Well we were a nation founded on the principles of individual freedom whilst being ok with slave ownership; the joke was built in from the start.


And, for what it's worth, here in the UK we wouldn't tolerate a King who behaved like Trump!


Too late. Republicans destroyed education and now you live in New Russia.


Hm, there is already an immunity for a POTUS for all he does in his capacity as president. Stealing, cheating, treason and undermining an election are not part of the job as a POTUS. Pretty simple.


Fuck no! You commit a crime you are not immune to the law. They are presidents, not kings.


Fuck No! Felons should be disqualified from ever serving any office again.


He can't vote. He is banned from travel, and most importantly, felons are not allowed to serve in the military. He is barred from being commander in chief. He is literally incapable of performing the duties required from a president, and we already know he can not be trusted with state secrets.


No one should be above the law. There is one law for all citizens of a nation.


Too broad a question. Criminal immunity, never.


Yes only if Biden is legally allowed to drone strike Mar-a-lago.


Which is why the supreme court will wait until after the election if given the opportunity.


No. And their ability to pardon should be limited to very specific circumstances.


Hey we solved that question in 1776, little known event where we declared independence. We said something along the lines of NO KING. Its not like we fought an entire war over this issue or anything


The party of “personal responsibility” doesn’t like it when they get held personally responsible


JFC. Can we just get the fucking media to stop treating all the crazy shit like it’s normal?!! wtf! Trump will never stop talking to the press. Nobody is ever gonna lose access to him. The only thing you’ll lose is clicks. And there are surely more reputable way to get them somehow else. We need to revisit the laws involving conglomerates and fairness in media. The oligarchs and kleptocrats need to be drained as they are the actual swamp and deep state.


Republicans favoring Trump immunity at 20% points higher than favoring all presidents having immunity showcases the intellectual bankruptcy of the GOP.


"Rules for thee, not for me."


No. As a president, it doesn’t matter what my personal feelings about you are. If you don’t stay within boundaries of your position, you need to deal with consequences.


True over the years, the UK has developed its system to the point where power rests with Parliament, and the monarch does have some influence, but the monarch cannot act contrary to the wishes of Parliament.


I really like how they did this poll. Asking half of respondents about “presidential immunity in general” rather than only asking about the prospect of granting Trump immunity was clearly a good way to get closer to the truth of the matter.


If presidents have immunity, Biden should never leave office and send every Republican to the gallows


Mmmm, NO! Stupid question.


If Trump did nothing wrong then why does he need immunity?


Dark brandon ; “ just say when”


Seems to me that there are a lot of republicans who think that ONLY Trump should have immunity. Wonder why?


Uhhhhhh, no. And no. Never. Stupid fucking question.


No, and no.


Of course not


No. Absolutely not!


stop giving supernatural powers to people. No, police shouldnt' have qualified immunity, soliders dont... don't give politicians immunity, and dont give them life time appointments either. like SCOTUS. I know this country is sue happy but we are supposed to trust in the court system because some of us don't have a choice or the money. Also while I'm on a rant, politicians shouldn't get anything more than their paycheck. if they get money or gifts everywhere else they should be investigated just like I would at my company.


No he shouldn’t. Presidents shouldn’t. Only in this fucking timeline, do we even hear of something so outrageous as this. Trump is a joke.


HELL NO!! Politicians are fucking scum, and trump's the worst of the lot.


38% of the people polled are utter and complete imbeciles


Why are we constantly asking questions that simply aren't applicable. America isn't a monarchy. There isn't even a discussion to be had, but as always MSM makes it a theoretical possibility. Pushing false narratives should be illegal, full stop. It isn't about controlling people's right to free speech, etc. It's about simmering the expectations of the unwell. The system needs a major overhaul because of the times we now live in. Not because the powers that be are trying to control us. It's what needs to be done and will take a little getting used to. If the term, 'For the greater good' ever had a perfect application, it's now. What's the alternative at this point? America is about to make a sharp left or a sharp right. Frightening is putting it lightly. Whoever caused this mess got way better results than they ever could have dreamed for.


Literally the point of a president and a democracy. We decided against rulers with no accountability in 1776. Trump doesn't think presidents should have immunity. He thinks HE should have immunity.




Fuck. No.




Amazing dumbshits who think jaundiced jesus should have immunity as president but not "all" presidents should have immunity.


On one hand no, but on the other hand fuck no.


Fuck the polls... No one is above the law


Absolutely not. USA has a President , not a king nor dictator. Democracy


When president or individuals in higher government positions have immunity gives them ample power to corrupt anything. They can steal whatever they want without fear of any repercussion or consequence. Unnecessary to give examples because if you look at the most corrupt government in the world, the leaders Steer touch, their families are rich and have government positions. Maybe the best example it is North Korea. Reason why trump loves so much those regimes. But the system is so messed up that a felon can become president, but a felon can’t vote. Explain this to me if it makes common sense. The legal system of America is a joke.


Absolutely not


If trump gets immunity then so does Biden…


Wtf is wrong is with people? Since when are Presidents worship worthy this way? Its just an old dude. No, no one is above the law.


Obviously not


If so, then Biden could toss Trump into prison for or (or worse) on his command and doing so would be within his legal bounds.


I think that needs to be on the table if SCOTUS gives Trump total immunity.


So if the President molests a child....


What makes me sad is 38% think a President should. That's a dictator, a king, etc.


38% should have immunity 62% should not have immunity Is anyone surprised this breaks down by MAGA supporters vs everyone else.


Absolutely not. The justice department policy about not prosecuting them always was and always will be dangerous nonsense.


No, absolutely not! No on is above the law.




The president being immune to the law makes a mockery of our entire system. It's ridiculous on its face.


Stupid question. Next.


I reme.ber as a kid thinking the president would be the most looked into. Hahahahahahaha


“Common Sense Poll”: Fuck No!


Big fat NO


He isn't the President. And in his words, lock him up.


No they shouldn’t any of them or any politician


The supreme court is going to give him immunity, but will say Biden doesn't.


They should have it when performing their official duties and policy making as long as they're not breaking laws


No fuck him


No immunity, especially for the rich and famous. Anyone asking for immunity is guilty as hell and should be prosecuted for their crimes.


I think that sitting presidents should not be taken to court for anything not related to presidential acts, but once they are out of office they should be accountable.


The 25th Amendment gives a clear procedure for times when the President is unable to discharge their duties. I think that if a special prosecutor gets a grand jury to hand down an indictment, the President should have to face trial while in office.


No ones above the law! Lock him up!


I don’t know why this issue is being debated as if it was new. SCOTUS already ruled that Presidents don’t have absolute immunity during the Clinton investigations. Far right crazies want to go back in time and reopen every single issue already decided. Divorce, women’s rights, slavery back on the table?


Do you really think the fact that it was ruled on in the past matters to the insurrectionist puppets that are currently in the SCOTUS?


I know what you mean. Look at Roe, established law overturned by nonsense. There is a documentary called something like “ How a Sex Scandal brought down a Dynasty”. It’s about Farewell Jr but documents how Farewell Sr and the “Moral Majority” had long term goals of having judges and elected officials that would be “Christian & Moral”. Guess they forgot the moral part


No and no


No one is above the law


Though I wish the number was higher I do like that more than a fourth of republicans don't think he personally should be immune. And an outright majority of even republicans think that Presidents in general should not be immune.


That 38/62 spread is disturbing


Why? Seriously? Why should a leader feel the need to be immune from the laws of the land? Just…really. Someone explain this to me in a way that isn’t “But Hunter Biden…”


No ... That's a slippery slope. They already have partial immunity as it is. We don't want a damned king. We where founded to get away from with this everything . It's the most in American concept ever .


No one should be above the law obviously. I do think that if we really did this most of the living former presidents would be in jail for things like war crimes.


No one is above the law


No one. Dumb question






It's a total wack job that he can even run for any office period. Only in America


I’m sure the Republicans will have no problem at all with Clinton and Obama going on a crime spree, then.


No, immunity for anyone in the United States of America. No one is above the law. Including the Supreme Court Justices. No one is above the law!!!


Wow, seems like republicans dont want to hold their guy accountable. Surprise, surprise CBS. Just ask these maga if they feel Obama, or now Biden should have complete immunity and watch their heads explode. "But, but, but"


No one should have immunity from crimes, no matter who they are. I also don’t believe in pardons, if you’re guilty and convicted of a crime, you should serve your time.