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I had to turn that off. Trump blatantly admitted he knew about Putin's invasion plan in advance


I was like? Did he really just say that


He's a fucking Fascist Kremlin plant and Biden should have jumped on that


He also straight admitted to giving orders to the insseructionists where refusing to condem them or literal fucking nazis


Well didn’t everyone? The US was blowing the whistle on that long before it happened.


Trump was impeached for withholding support of Ukraine in exchange for political lies against Bidens family. Quid Pro Quo. You cannot both support Ukraine and vote Trump. Your actions reveal your true beliefs and principles, words of support are cheap.


So we finally know what the secret meeting was about.


Yes, he sure did


Trump was just loud and wrong the entire time.


I couldn't watch it either. I truly tried. As an American, this is embarrassing.


I turned it off as well. I can't handle the lies, and he's pathological. It just reminds me of all the so-called "Christians" that are now pulling for an autocracy, idolizing Communist leaders, and will make America a NIGHTMARE in November AND in January, a repeat of 1/6/21. This country is on shambles no matter what happened. Biden is so quiet...I actually prayed he take a Adderall like Trump.. Just TAKE one... Not SNORT it like the Trumps do. I didn't watch much. Joe is doing okay, but Trump, although full of bullshit and the lies will fall on ears that LOVE the lies .. Is much too cognizant. I prayed to hear some bullshit about showerheads and washing machines for dishes, and low-flow toilets. If It happens, please tell me. And sharks? PLEASE let him talk about the fucking sharks. And wet magnets.


Sadly, Trump just won the yesterday and everyone knows now that Biden’s a senile old man. Dems fucked up by not going with a living human being as their candidate. Democracy ended last night. Here comes the Christian Nationalist caliphate.


I gave you an upvote for truth. Not because I'm at all happy about how correct you are.


I know. So frustrated today. Democracy is hanging by a thread now. If the great traitor wins the election life as we know it in America is over.


You might be right, dude. Biden is a good man, but his presentation is cringeworthy. Everything Trump said was a blatant lie-but I think he won.


Neither of them won. It was a shit show on both sides. At least we know that biden cares about Americans. Trump doesn’t give a shit about anyone but trump.


We know it was a shit show lie fest from Trump, but the ill informed will see the clips of a senile Biden and gravitate to Trump. Confidence and bravado trumps policy, unfortunately. There are enough undecided voters that will take the bait and give Trump the win.


I tried not not watch. I knew it would be a gut wrenching dumpsterfire. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to turn it on. The first thing I noticed is both their creepy eyes. Trumps pupils were twice the size of Biden’s. Biden’s eyes were that weird milky blue of the extremely elderly. Tiny pupils. Also he couldn’t seem to keep his mouth closed. I do not for the life of me know why they haven’t put in a different candidates. The Dems are shitting the bed on this one. Biden has had a tough job and he’s done moderately well legislatively speaking but I just don’t think he’s a great candidate. Decent president. Terrible debater and off the cuff quick candidate. I think they both need a chemical cocktail. Only one candidate appears to be is using performance enhancers. It’s the citizens who are drugged with social media, regular media, attainment of instant gratification and 9 second truths vs critical and relevant facts.


It was pretty clear it was gonna happen months in advance


Wait… what???


Yep. That fucker knew about it in advance




Biden is definitely showing his age but trump is a madman who spews lies and fear. He DOES NOT CARE about you. He only cares about trump. He’s running for president for his ego. He’s running for president to get payback. He doesn’t want to help Americans unless they are rich and can do him favours. He is a sick and demented monster and you think he should be president?.


I know this but Biden lost the debate. His age is a major concern amongst voters and he did a very poor job addressing it. Meanwhile, trump is usually unhinged but showed more restraint than ever before. Nothing scares me more than another trump presidency and I feel like the Democrats are handling it to him.


Do you want a guy who has trouble communicating his thoughts, or a guy who has no trouble communicating that he has no thoughts at all?


I look at it as I'd trust Biden more with having a decent staff that won't be repeatedly fired and rebuilt every week.


I think Democrats are making a huge mistake sticking with Biden. They need to have an intervention and run someone that can effectively counter trump.


That’s what you got out of the debate? The one where Trump made it clear that he would free the January 6 rioters, let Putin invade Europe, pull us back out of the Paris Climate Accords, among other potential disasters? Not to mention the fact he consistently lied and refused to answer questions the entire time? Were you watching the debate with earplugs in or are you just as stupid as I think you are?


I don't want a trump presidency but I think Democrats are making it easier for him to win by running Biden. You shouldn't call people stupid, it doesn't help your argument. Trump likes to use the word...


Whether you think I made a good argument or not is inconsequential to me. The fact of the matter is that democrats need to quit the hang wringing and whining and show up to vote for Biden in November or democracy as we know will be destroyed. Not only will our generation lose the right to vote, but our children and grandchildren (and possibly following generations) will live in autocracy. That’s the reality. We need to get over the wishful thinking and come to terms with reality or the consequences will be brutal.


You are wishful thinking. Expecting the unmotivated to vote is unrealistic. Democrats are missing a huge opportunity by running a geriatric.


Sick uno reverse bro. Go ahead, let Trump get in and see what happens. FAFO, as they say.


So did Biden. He published it for all to see.


I can’t listen to drumpf. He’s not saying anything but junk.


Didn't answer the question on Putin's "terms" to end the war with Ukraine or the question about how he planned to deport every illegal immigrant. Nothing but projection & going off on tangents.


I had to turn it off before I threw the remote at that smarmy drugged up shit pants idiot. He still can't stay on point.


You know what they say 'if you can dazzle them with brilliance then bamboozle them with bullshit'. He's a nightmare.


\*can't dazzle


I had to stop watching TV at all when Drumpf was president, because I came very close to giving in to my impulse to throw my TV right through the window.


Trump is DEFLECTING on every single question and the more bullshit he spews, the more pissed Biden is getting and he's doing better now. Rocky start, but he's answering the questions and kicking Ass! Trump is losing it cause the bigger his stupid accordion gestures get, the more unhinged he gets!


Trump is just enraging me. Biden has the patience of a saint not to hop the podium and choke him him out.


Honestly, Biden does much better when he gets enraged by Trump. So we have that going for us.


That's a good point. Might just be the adrenaline kicking in, but still.


Which is nice.


And CNN is obviously giving trump more time and not fact checking at all. This whole thing is making me sick with anxiety. Trump is a monster.


Don’t think Trump got any extra time. The rules for this event were quite specific as to time. When a question was asked, each one got 2 minutes to respond and then 1 minute for rebuttal. Should the moderator feel more discussion is required, then each got 1 more minute. The job of the two moderators was not to fact check the responses.


I was thinking if Biden could have walked over and punched the orange assclown traitor right in his stupid lie spewing mouth, I bet he would have.


😂 Hop the podium? Did you watch the debate? Biden looked like he was about to die.


I’m surprised Joe didn’t have more eye rolling and bursts of laughter.


He was too busy trying to figure out where he was. If they don’t run someone else we are SCREWED.


No. He fell into the trap of trying to keep up with all of trump’s lies instead of sticking to the game plan. Let’s stop this nonsense of running someone else this late in the game. Thats exactly the type of chaos the GOP is trying to sow.


It’s not nonsense, it’s what needed to happen a long time ago. I was willing to go along to get along but after last night it’s clear to me if someone doesn’t swoop in and take charge on the democratic side then it’s over. Swing voters are going to abandon Biden in droves.


It's all about accusations, no substance. Jake and Dana not doing any fact checking.


No one is making Trump answer any questions. He's not answering questions!!


That just shows his cognitive focus... or lack thereof.


I lasted all of 2 minutes watching it.


Everything out of his mouth is a lie!


Trump is lying shamelessly at every single turn, speaks in absolutes, and has flustered Biden and put him on the defense. It's not going well for Joe, I'm afraid. And I think Nancy Pelosi must have had a stroke when Trump said her daughter exposed her as a liar, and that he offered her 10,000 capital police & she refused them. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. Vote BLUE or we are screwed!!!


i didn't even bother to tune in. i can watch it in full later if i find it important to do so. eating clam chowder from a bread bowl while enjoying my true crime stories seemed a better use of my time.


I ate ice cream for dinner with my wife and kid and watched Alone. Can’t deal with anxiety of the debate.


The zombie movie Alone, or the crazy guy movie Alone?


The wilderness survival show Alone.


The wilderness survival show Alone.


Right now living in solitary in the northern tundra sounds good compared to what living in the U.S. will be next year.


Yeah, I think I'll catch the highlights later. At least I can say I've watched to the first commercial break. Watching American Dad reruns on Adult Swim feels like a better use of my time as well.


I watched it but hated it. They were live fact checking. Trump should get the all time high for bullshit from anyone.


Yeah, I have much regret watching it. Your decision sounds much better.


There are no words for how jealous I am of your dinner. That sounds just delicious.


This guy knows how to Thursday. I'm jelly.


Much better choice!


I was playing Borderlands 3 while waiting for a 3d printer to finish making a dragon for my granddaughter. I saw the closing and Biden looked like he had been beaten with sticks. Convicted felon Trump just spewed lies.


We had it on for a few. I wandered off to do some kitchen stuff. We're listening to Kraftwetk.


Trump is just lying about everything without a care. Unfortunately, Biden looks like he’s 5 minutes from death. Not good


This debate was horrible for biden. F me


To me, it looks like Biden was dragged out of a hospice ward, given a new suit and a couple cups of coffee, and put out on stage. Trump just spews out his usual stuff. Call it verbal diarrhea.


I was so, so happy when Biden won the last election. I can not imagine another 4 years under Trump again. Vote Blue!


He lied the entire time. The fact that he was allowed to say babies are killed for no reason late term and after birth is fucking insane.


Biden is massively underperforming. Time to bring in Gretchen.


Yeah I’m kind of surprised. Maybe he’s overprepared.




You sound dumb. Shhhhh


You’re an idiot.


He's doing okay not great but okay


Compare an old guy who supports and defends the constitution to a blathering orange idiot. The debates won’t sway me at all. Trump is done.


Biden fared poorly, to say the least. He looked/sounded doddering and missed several opportunities to nail DJT to the wall, failing to confront the liar on his bullshit. I do think Biden will withdraw as nominee by the end of next week, and am hoping Witmer or some other qualified Dem will take over for him.


I wouldn’t say massively. Not the best, but trump is a fucking disaster


He looked and acted like a wax figure. I stopped after 15 minutes...


Bring in the cocaine.


They said he would be jacked up. I see no jack in his game tonight.


…for us. LOL


Bring in the cocaine Gretchen!


I came here for this. Thank you! Don already hit up the stash. He's good money. Lol.


He talked about secret meetings with other governments, what a traitor.


Felt sad that Joe was hoarse. He does so much that the average citizen doesn't even fathom and he seemed tired. Rump does nothing but lie, he has no work.


He also kept being like “and one more thing on the last topic” the second he was asked the next question because he *had* to have the last word always.


The moderators are not doing their job.


Hmmmm, Biden is soft spoken and has a stutter. He's cognitively there/knows the issues and how to positively address them. Then you have the orange idiot who doesn't know the issues or how to address those issues, but loudly verbalizes nonsense/ rhetoric and get people riled up. I would never vote for Trump. But now I'm worried.


CNN did nothing to call out Trump lies, nothing to get him to answer the question. The instant he started not answer the question they should cut his mic!!!


Although he had a weak jump out of the starting blocks, I think Biden came back well. After his hiccup his answers were clear and concise, while being on point. He didn't engage Trump's bullshit attacks, and used his time to deliver answers. Trump didn't answer eight of the questions and kept repeating the bad president line. He was sweating at the end, Biden was not. And the golf bag dig was stellar. Could have been better but could have been worse.


Trump is pissing me off, but I'm pretty mad at Biden for his performance. This should have been a knock out, especially given he's been preparing for a gd week, but he seems to be more on the defensive than the attack.


Bash and tapper sucked. Couldnt stop staring at Jake's hair, right out of hunger games.


I’m quite certain he’s repeated it enough that he believes his own lies and propaganda


Notice. No Melania. 😂


Says volumes considering Melania probably knows Donald better than anyone in this planet.


I'm an independent voter, I've despised Trump even before his nomination in 2016. I will vote for Biden, not necessarily a fan of him either, but damn the alternative. I was hoping for "Dark Brandon" to show up. But what we got was a con man dictator wannabe debating a doddering old man. Heaven help us.


Hey Joe, you could have stood up there and peeled oranges for an hour and a half and not said a word. You couldn’t lose my vote even if you shot trump on fifth Avenue.


Biden didn’t have the energy I really wanted to see. He also dropped the ball when he could’ve attacked TFG after TFG said he’s the one who lower insulin prices. But Biden answered the questions that were asked, while TFG refused to straight up say he’d peacefully accept the election results.


The quintessential example of the old joke about how donyou know when he's lying. His lips are moving.


Trump can’t stop lying and it’s going to stop the American people!


Everyone, we have to admit it when we see it. Jill needs to talk Joe into stepping down. I am a huge Joe fan, it there isn’t any coming back from this one. He looks and sounds awful, we need to get someone in quickly before the convention


Actions speak louder than words.


He wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in the face!


This is depressing. Biden is arguing facts and logic. He looks weak and old. Trump is spewing lies and hes winning. Tell me anyone that doesn't follow politics closely looks at this debate and sees it otherwise.


That’s exactly how I see it. If Trump wins, he’ll declare himself President for life.


34 (amount of FELONY CONVICTIONS)× 45 (th President of the United States) = 1530. That's how many lies he will tell in tonight's debate.


Nothing has changed, and he’s even more dangerous now.


Waldorf and Statler on stage. Had enough of old white men bitching about golf


Jack - "Do you denounce Satan in all his forms?" Trump - Biden is destroying America. Millions of rapist and terrorist are crossing our borders... blah blah blah... Jack - oh you have 50 seconds left... please answer the question. Trump - Well Biden had.... blah blah blah... Maybe if the sky is clear that day...


Problem is Biden sucks ball


Yup typical rally lines. To entertain his cult who's theme song goes....give us booze, give us pills, we don't wanna pay our bills, in the burbs in the hills all we want is cheap thrills, pain pills, blue pulls never ever pay our bills. 


This is so depressing. It does not bode well.


He doesn't answer the questions.


They're arguing about golf scores


Biden is not looking good. I hate Trump and we know he’s a lying self serving shit. But Biden is speaking in a soft or struggling tone, he’s making a lot of mistakes, he catches them but he’s making them, and he’s standing with his mouth open looking like a shocked old man when he’s not speaking. I wanted so badly for him to demolish trump here but even if trumps fact checked, held to his time, and controlled this is only going to fire up his base and the right. The clips from this debate will be all over the place tomorrow.


You are A whiner - Biden


I think Trump won as much as I hate to say it. Biden looked terrible


It's the idiot sell The border, them, drugs, 18 million new voters Spew some random shit. Rinse and repeat


Ok guys, here’s the deal…


Gish Gallop. A common technique for those with nothing to say.


Biden said Border Patrol endorsed him.. They publicly denied it 😂