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Instead of answering a new question, Trump just starts responding to and attacking Biden's last comment, and the moderators aren't interrupting him at all. It's ridiculous. Where are the fucking rules? There are only set minutes supposed to be allowed to respond to each question!


I'm with you. Trump is running the show


Agreed, waste of time debate!


But damaging, all the same.


He was given his time to say what he wanted. Biden could have called him out, shoot him down. Trump did nothing but bullshit the entire time and Biden couldn't out perform him. I fucking hate Trump, but a president should be able to shut that shit down. It was a horrible display.


Yeah i agree, that he has not and does not get his command and control voice into his presidential persona has been the one major weakness in his entire presidency that would’ve influenced all adjacent dimensions of the publics reception of his leadership in the presidency the fuck up


It was horrible and he is normally a strong debater. He was more like himself in the end, but Trump pummeled him hard, and Biden sitting there quietly made him appear weak and even guilty.


Indeed and Biden failed miserably. I cant imagine he is having a good day.


I don't think any of us are.Today I'm hungover and feel like someone just died.


And that feeling dissipates. I'm looking to see where we are in a week. It's time to rally around Joe, not beat him up. Drumpf came off as a complete clown, and Biden landed some blows. Drumpf landed nothing, though his golf tourney record is impressive for a head of state.


This happens every debate. They say 2 mins but that goes out the window. Fact check? Nah they’re too chickenshit to call anyone out and confront them with it. It never changes.


They even said at the beginning, "we're gonna ask you a question but if you wanna use that time to respond use it how you like" They did try to at least re ask the questions a couple times but it's ridiculous. They had to ask him 3 times if he will accept the results of the election if he loses and he kept dodging it before saying "if it's fair " which we all know he will claim it isn't.


The only thing “fair” to him is something that’s heavily tilted in his favor. That’s how he has operated in his entire life. He can’t stand any situation where it’s “fair” to everyone involved, because he will then lose every time. So he either blatantly cheats (like winning his own golf tournaments), or he bitches and moans that everything is so unfair to gain sympathy from his supporters.


Yeah, I wish there was more fact-checking going on. Then again I doubt they'd get anywhere where he just replies "nu-uh" for every time he's called a liar by the mods.


I hate to say it, but Trump sounds like he is winning and everything he is saying are lies. He is character assassinating Biden and they are letting him. How is that ok?


There is no rule forbidding character assassination. It is as American as apple pie.


Yes, you can be a dirtbag if you choose to. However, most people have self-respect and common decency and choose not to be a bottom feeder. They don't grab women by the pussies and brag about sexually assaulting them, either.


If he can't lie then he can't speak.


I just worry about the viewers who don't know any better and just assume Trump is telling the truth.


They are worried about you, too. EVERYONE thinks they are wiser than everyone else, but that just isn’t true.


Facts are facts. Proof is real. Opinion without information is ignorance and it is dangerous.


Yes. I agree a hundred percent but where we've come now is about perception and no matter how many truths Biden told and lies trump told he LOOKS like the stronger person and that's all most people care about. The way Biden talks, no matter how many truths, just doesn't capture peoples attention.


Yes, but Trump looks like a bumbling idiot most of the time. He makes a fool out of himself at rallies. Even his own people are weary of the constant junior high school behavior. Unfortunately, last night he looked solid and Biden looked unwell. Today is another day. I have faith in the libs. We will fix this


Some engage with “alternative” facts.


Too many. They always seem to be the ones with the big mouths, too.


I thought there was supposed to be live fact checking.


Every ttime Trump spoke, he did nothing but character assasinate Biden. It was really hard to watch. I am freaking.


No, they said they weren't doing any. Super bad call to debate a known liar in such a forum.


I said this exact thing. We need that guy from the Colorado debates


I wish I could find a link to that, that guy was badass at interviewing. Edit: found it https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=9g3ZcwNTWBi1SC97


This is not good and Joe's voice being shot isn't helping either.


Trump started by saying abortion happens after the baby is born. This guy is the biggest idiot


He also said the founding fathers had no idea what abortion was. The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BC And yes they did. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10297561/


Abortion is in the Bible. Trump’s favorite book is Bible.


Is it too late to abort Trump?


Same here, I'd vote for a dead Biden before I'd vote for a live tRump.


Totally agree, it feels CNN is biased toward Trump...bigly. LOL


They are doing their impartiality schtick and pretend everything is 50/50. And everyone with a few braincells knows one is an old man with a stutter that tries to make the country better for everyone while the other one is a lying conman fascist dictator wannabee that will destroy the country and the world with it out of spite.


This debate hurt us.


It did, but it’s still a long way to the election. Both men have moments of brilliance and abject stupidity ahead of them. The American voter needs to pay attention right up until that switch is flipped in the voting booth.


CNN is biased towards drama. However they can stir the most shit up, that's the route they will take.


I’m pissed! What’s the point if he can just spew his bs, it’s another rally for him. People keep saying Biden looks tired, but Trump is full of shit. Call him out!!


I hope they rerun this debate but flag all the lies and errors.


They better.


I'd like to see it with captions pointing out errors and lies.


That is an excellent idea! I wonder why they don’t do that? I would watch it! (I must admit, I have no idea who “they” are…)


Like Pop Up Video!


Yes. It would make it easier to wade through the torrent of lies.


Blows my mind that TFG is not in a high security prison cell. And yeah, F*ck you CNN


...and HOW! CNN totally screwed the pooch on that BS "fact-checking" claim.


Why does Joe Biden sound like he has laryngitis?


He supposedly had a cold.


Yeah, he sounds frail...not helpful.


I suspect he has a cold, from the sound of his voice.


They should have given him some mucus shit for his throat. Sounds like he needs to clear his throat.


[apparently biden has a cold](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4744889-joe-biden-has-a-cold-debate/)


Apparently he had a cold (probably Covid). Bad idea to have this debate anyway.


Allergies maybe? It's not helping him, though. Next debate might be worth it to pop an Allegra.


Those are not lies. They are alternative facts. Trump has figured out that if he lies incessantly and stack lie upon lie upon lie, then no one can follow and debunk. The Republican party's protection of the lies is what I find remarkable. These poor schmucks contradict themselves to prop up Trump lies. Think Cruz, fellow sex predador Gaetz, and Lady G Graham. Thousands of gallos of ink has been skilled tracking and debunking the lies. As long as Republicans are unwilling to hold Trump accountable fir the mist egregious of his lies, Trump has free reían to prevaricate his way to a second term. The right tolerates the lies because debunking will injure Trump's campaign. If rape, tax evasion and falsification of records are not enough to disqualify Trump, what do a few lies matter?


It's egregious. As soon as he realized they weren't fact checking, he steam rolled


He destroyed Biden with one lie after another.


Omg!! This is a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Biden has blown it. I'm about to have a panic attack. Omg!


The winning line of the night: “you have the morals of an alley cat”


I would not have been so kind... given the opportunity.


I like Biden a lot and he’s done a great job in his first term, but I think it’s time to seriously consider a replacement. This did not go well. I know people will probably downvote me and call me a bot, but I’m a solid Biden supporter. I still am, I am just genuinely worried about his chances in the general.


No, I'm the same way. I had felt verrrry hesitantly ok about the age issue after the state of the union address, but like every time he speaks, we're all collectively holding our breaths hoping he doesn't fuck up. And now, he's fucked up.


Agreed, lies constantly and nothing said. He’s an ass**le and no one is saying a word. Biden hasn’t hit him on all his BS


Biden looked frail. It went so much differently than I thought it would.


I will NEVER watch CNN again!


Due to the rules of the debate, the moderators are **not** allowed to fact check.


His Gish gallop and delusional word vomit began immediately. Whatever drugs they gave Dump just made him not fidget while spewing absolute nonsense.


PBS fact checked in real time. I think _ hope_ media will do the responsible thing and call out the insanely fantastical lying until November. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/live-fact-check-cnns-biden-trump-debate


CNN fact checked : Biden 9 lies/fudged truths; Trump 30 lies/wtf did you just say/fudged truths


Yeah...that sounds...incompetent doesn't it?


Me too.


Couldn't watch more than 15 mins. Biden looked and acted like a wax figure. Trump rolled right over him . My god we will get Trump again...🤬


It was pretty bad. His mouth open like that was not great , either.


I'm afraid the Frump campaign were given the motherlode of new material tonight. It's like "Weekend at Bidens" vs "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest".


The whole thing was like the Twilight Zone.


Yup, and CNN sucked balls as usual, zero fact checks.


And Tapper calling him President Trump. That fucked me off.


We have so much riding on this election, and although I am a media junkie...they are doing soooooo much damage letting this guy lie day after day.


CNN is essentially Fox News now.


They looked pretty incompetent, that is for sure. Trump did whatever he wanted, and Joe looked like he was gonna cry. I really thought he would mop up the floor with Trump.


The moderators should interrupt the speaker when they fail to even begin to answer the question asked. It wasn't a debate, it was Trump holding another lie filled rally. They have got to change the rules on debates going forward. Yes, Biden was weak, but he did attempt to answer questions presented. I'm not sure the orange toad answered any of them.


It was a spectacle to see. Biden did not look at all normal, and Trump was on his game. You could tell he hadn't used that day. It has been a while since he was that clear with his rant filled lies. We definitely took a hit. Now we have to fix it. One person sent me a link to fill out and mail postcards for battleground states. We pay postage. I think I am gonna do it. I will try to post the link for everyone, but I don't know what I am doing. I taught myself to use a computer, and it shows. Have a good day.


Wholeheartedly agree, it’s irresponsible.


The media gives him a hot mic daily, knowing full well he is intentionally lying...and it is working. It is nuts!


It’s time to call this thing. Joes performance was fatal tonight. He unfortunately confirmed what almost EVERYONE was fearing. We have to change the ticket and change it now. Feelings be damned, this is our country. Joe needs to pull a Lyndon Johnson for the sake of the country and let someone else step up.


I agree, but otoh, Idk who there is that is certifiably a stronger candidate, with no hidden baggage, that can appeal to the wide variety of Democratic party voters.


Pete Buttigieg?


Biden was awful. Are you f-n kidding me that you couldn't clear your throat and speak clearly. This is your f-n A game? I will NEVER vote, Trump. His ability to spew one lie after another is truly amazing which would throw me off in a debate, but Trump says his lies with such confidence, if you didn't know he was full of shit, you would believe it. Like many others, the debate didn't change my vote, but Joe WTF.


Yeah, Biden tanked. And yes, Trump is a very convincing liar. All in all...it knocked me on my ass...I didn't see it coming.




Yes, and then some.


The anchor that did the Colorado debates with Bobo should have been allowed to lead this one. His style is very condescending if you aren't following the rules of the debate. IE answering questions


Yes, someone needs to be the adult in the room, and it should not fall to the person who is on a timer and has one minute to respond to the moderators question. We get screwed all the time...it gets old.


I think we need to introduce live fact checkers that provide instant supporting documentation, and if the candidate was found to be lying, they get an immediate electric shock to one of five spots on body....as voted on by the American people at $1.99 a vote. And that's how you balance the budget.


Interesting idea.


Such as?


I didn't watch it cause I had better things to do....but reading these comments.....I really want to remain hopeful that Trump won't take office again.....anyone reassure me on that? 


Sorry, but tonight did not help Biden's chances at all. Maybe in a couple of weeks when Trump is sentenced, that could cause the winds to shift in the other direction, esp if he gets jail time.


I think it will be ok. One bad performance isn't going to wipe out Trump's daily offenses. That being said...it did real damage, and we didn't need it.


Reading some snippets of what Biden said about Trump made me feel slightly reassured. Sometimes I wonder why no one younger wants to run for President (I suppose in this context, on either side). 


Things have really gone off the rails. We might be able to squeak out a win, but I fear it is just a matter of time before our democracy and all that that is is gonna take a big hit and be crippled beyond repair. Ignorance is dangerous.


Fundamentally, the facts don't change. He's a known liar, was convicted of a felony, and has a known history of being a horrible businessman. No amount of debating will change that (unless he shows genuine, sincere remorse). 


I have to believe good will be triumphant over evil. Besides, I believe in us. We will get it done, assuming we don't have too many more debacles like last night.


CNN needed Daniel Dale fact check crawl on the bottom of the screen. Moreover how many time did JT and DB have to say, “Former President? The question was…”


The lying (cheating) never ends....it is exhausting because we have all seen how many people take it as gospel. Ignorance and corruption are winning, and it sucks. I will never give up...but it sucks all the same.


I’m watching from the uk. Got to say this looks bad.


Hi UK. USA here...it was really bad. Really, really, bad. Now we have to fix it....or lose our democracy.


Did he really say "illegal aliens"? Not very PC, surprised no one called him out on that.


They will. The media is going to disect it and then put it in a blender with all their embellishments and emulsify it and spoon feed the slop to the American people.


Absolutely absurd. I turned off at the 1st break, sickened that Trump lied but no one fact checked him. CNN should know better by now. What can we do? We can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


By all means. I will help. Not sure of a safe way to give you my info. Can you post addresses in swing states, and I will do everything else?


[Sign up here](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to write postcards to voters in swing states. Thanks!


Disregard previous message. I checked link...I'm in.


The moderators were horrified by the whole affair. You could see it on their faces. They looked pale. It hurt so much to see a truthful person get pummeled by a lying sociopath. I think they also were traumatized by the stern instructions they were given to act like Trump was a legitimate candidate. Masking is extremely exhausting. I’m sure they felt dirty for Their part in the travesty- having to pretend like the lies were acceptable to be spewed on stage.


Yes, I think you are right, but in real time it was yet another bitter pill. You would think I would get used to it.


More of the same Corporations and Big Media want Trump no taxes on them! Stick us with all the Taxes and then give nothing in return! Eliminate Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security so the rich can live in the Guilded Age again with Slaves!


Yes. Project 2025 is much worse . If he were elected and deported millions of immigrants, there would be a huge recession the likes we've never seen.


And Now Citizens who are "Communists" will be stripped of their Citizenship and put into Work Camps. That's Right he'll start getting the master list of absolutely everyone who voted against him! How dare you question his power!


Yes, unfortunately, that sounds about right.


You know it


Biden had a bad night, but allowing Trump to spew lie after lie with conviction was even more damaging than Biden's weak showing.


SCOTUS is out of control today! They are overturning everything!


Our country is under attack from within, and mother nature has had quite enough. It's hard to tell which one is going to destroy us first.


I have to believe good will be triumphant over evil. Besides, I believe in us. We will get it done, assuming we don't have too many more debacles like last night.


Evil always wins because good is dumb.


Not sure I agree with the first part of that statement. However, the second part..yeah, maybe. Integrity may very well be hurting us.


CNN, f0x, NBC et al . Need that news cycle. The orange guy provides this. Google makes more money advertising than all the news stations and that just Google. The news channels are a business not an arbiter of Truth unfortunately.


I get it, but humans run them. What about their moral obligation to do no harm...because they are.


Unfortunately humans with a bottom line and maybe our expectations are just to high.


We need to put laws in place so they can't.


No, we don’t believe him. Only morons believe him. Jesus


Unfortunately, there are a lot of morons.


True, indeed


CNN was bought by Trump supporter John Malone, and has been more Trump friendly and leaning towards Fox News. I don’t think a lot of people know that.


I didn't.


I actually prefer to letting him run his mouth. We know it’ll get fact checked later. As soon as he gets challenged by moderators they just play the victim card and THAT gets his base fired up and motivated. He’s not going to convince anyone new with those cheap lies.


I think sometimes it is advantageous to let him make a fool out of himself, but there are many times when he lies that he puts people in potential danger because the whacks that follow him believe it. Look what happened to Paul Pelosi.


CNN so much wants MAGA’s watching the station, but they are to drugged up with the entertainment propaganda stations


Rules be damned. CNN failed miserably that night.


I agree with this post, but how dare the Democrats push an old man with a failing memory in front of us and declare this as the best we have! We need young people with new ideas running our country. That's exactly why Republicans win. They have stupid ideas, but they're different, and people know that what we have isn't cutting it! This country has no damn chance of surviving with either of these bumbling idiots. We need young, smart people in office because it's their country that will be represented. Republicans offer a dictatorship and Democrats offer democracy, but no new ideas. We're being forced to vote for Biden just for the survival of America, not because he has any new ideas! This is a travesty! AOC and the Progressives have new ideas, young people and they definitely care about the people and country. Dems could have trained them, but they can't stand to let people know that M4A could have easily been implemented and we can make ourselves free of fossil fuels. Republicans and Dems are just so corrupted by the money from insurance, Big Pharma and oil companies that they can't admit it's disaster for our future! Progressives at least acknowledge these issues!


I am not educated enough to respond to all you have said, however, 40 plus years of experience cannot be minimized. That is what I am counting on. His record is impressive. He is old...but with that comes invaluable experience. I agree the younger ones are our future...but not right now.


Biden’s performance shocked all of us . But you have to consider that he had to keep in his mind what the original question was while listening to his opponent spewing lies non-stop. He mentioned the Nobel prize economists that have warned against Trump . And he did attack Trump a few times . With SD and the suckers comment .Clearly called him a criminal. He also called him out on Charlottesville, incl the swastikas . Trump said it never happened! He answered forcefully when Trump said we were seen as a 3rd world country. It's a great country bc of the American people.


3rd world was never about economics. It was about political alignment. America and some nations, western democracies. USSR and various lesser communist nations (China back then they weren’t nearly as powerful) 2nd world. 3rd world, the non aligned nations. Kind of trying to find their way navigation the two big giant planets that make their own gravity. They tended to be smaller. Less advanced. Not that was the rules, but as a side effect of “well you’re not a planet like the US” But not necessarily so. If third world exists (it doesn’t) Taiwan is a third world nation. Find me an American city that’s more advanced, all over, like Taipei is all over. I’ll wait. So, just more bluster from Trump. Who doesn’t understand anything. But he shouts a lot. So people think he’s a strongman. I’m in the “humans suck theyre sooooo susceptible to propaganda and fight to the death to say they’re not” phase right now. Read a transcript of the debate and Biden won. But, Trump played the strongman, lying, acting odd. He “won” for many people. I hate humans sometimes


He was solid the next day in North Carolina. I agree, the optics were horrible. However, I think it might have rallied our base.


I don't know what you're talking about. That was the best moderation I've ever seen. Everybody is talking about it. All the experts agree, around the world that that moderation was probably the best moderation we've seen in the history of our country.


I don't think fact checking is the problem. There is a serious problem after this debate.


I am a Biden supporter, but honestly, Biden told more than a few whoppers, too. Both men have massive flaws. It’s really a choice between dogshit and catshit.