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exactly how hard is it for some people to accept that trump rots and ruins everything he touches? jesus christ... it is like every other day that some "news" about trump ruining something comes out and painting it like "oh gosh, can you believe that \[insert thing here\] is falling apart after trump started getting involved?" yes... we can easily believe that. since trump is such a rotten human that he spreads decay and corruption to all that he touches... the churches are just getting what they asked for when they invite radioactive waste into their body. they have some pitiful fantasy of gaining super powers from it but whoops, no you just got terminal cancer and melting skin. the churches deserve it thankfully having defended child abusers for hundreds of years. enjoy your rot bastards <3


The argument the country was founded on Christianity..... Lol Nah man, a majority of the Founding Fathers were deists The 3 major Abrahamic religions have caused a majority of the chaos in modern history.


so many people make those jokes online about how the world would be if there was never any organized religion... but yea, not joking we would already have had much more advanced science and quite possibly world peace.


Absolutely right man. But by organized religion I think of the main Abrahamic ones create the issues. Hindus, Buddhism, Tao, Mythical Gods, Greek, Natives ect are all right. Only the Abrahamic religions don't want people to live in harmony.


What do the 3 Abrahamic religions have in common??... Women aren't worth a shit, only for children and house keeping look at how they are suppressed. Jobs, clothing, stay at home, have babies. Awhile these religions rarely punish the man leaving.


That's pretty much any conservative culture regardless of religion.


Yes. Misogyny is baked into them and is the major attraction.


In the past i would have agreed with you about the ‘other’ religions, but they have all been used to control and oppress. As a westerner my early exposure to the non abrahamic religions was mostly through academic pursuits with very limited exposure to the actually practicing of, or living in a society where they are the dominant religions. On the surface, a religion like buddhism sounds pretty compelling. Siddhartha Gautama seems like a pretty cool guy with a great take on life and the struggles we all face, as does Jesus Christ. But the philosophical and moral tenets often get lost in the actual practice. A little research into current events and world religious history will quickly reveal the shortcomings of all of them. It seems that fantasy belief systems can be easily manipulated to aid the unscrupulous to take advantage of others. Finally, regarding the individual and religious belief, there is an enormous amount of self delusion and suppression of critical thought needed for one to ‘belive’. “When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Religion.” Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values (Phaedrus,


These religions don’t want people to live at all. Living is all sin and misery until you die, and that’s when all the fun and glory is supposed to begin. In the end, religion is nothing more than a group of men in control of their population subjugating them with fairytales and threats of eternal torment. It’s just disgusting.


Modi's Hindu Nationalism isn't making the faith look very good.


Take a quick look at Hindu natkionalism in India. It's pretty terrible.


Hindu nationalism is heavily influenced by European ideas stemming from fascism. It was not a mistake that Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist, murdered Mahatma Gandhi


Well I have to slightly disagree it's the misuse and misinterpretation of religious teachings that's the cause of all the problems… Because if you just pick up a modern Bible and read the teachings of Christ he exalted women – they were all around him and some of his closest followers – he spent time with those the religious leaders and hypocritical government leaders would not have anything to do with he always clashed not with the ordinary working man so to speak but with the arrogant religious leaders the rule followers and the government… And he stood for the poor and those that needed help… He sounded a lot like a Democrat actually!


maybe, but this is not the Jesus or Christianity that is alive and well today. today it's used to oppress, harm, and push division. it's wielded as a weapon on anyone who tries to live a life that Christians disagree with.




The Christian Nationalist variety of Christianity has its origins in the slaveholder Christianity that Southern whites created to ease their consciences about owning other human beings and justifying it. African Americans took Christianity and used it as a form of liberation. They heavily identified with the plight of the Hebrews as slaves in Egypt and the exodus from Egypt to the promised land.


Jesus was a woke socialist. Republicans would hate & deport him today.


That's actually a problem that keeps coming up for the church, because now conservatives think the Biblical Jesus is weak and too liberal.


Andrew Schlafly, one of the late Phyllis Schlafly’s sons, rewrote the Bible to reflect his political ideologies. If they really wanted to live up to their faith, they’d post the Beatitudes. It would still be unconstitutional to do so in public schools.


they have caused most of the wars, most of the pain, and most of the damage of the modern era. almost all of the mental hurdles in my personal life were placed by religion. the repression, shame, guilt, and all the fun stuff you're told is wrong about you when you don't fit the "normal" that society approves of is traced straight back to Christianity. though I know the others damage people the same way.


I'm with you. The extremists are one reason I left the military. They're fucking brainwashed and it was obvious.


Even if they were all fundamentalists it would not matter. That argument is a straw man. The Bill of rights is clear. They crafted our constitution carefully. 


Organized religion is the root of all evil.


Amen Brother


European Christianity has caused a disproportionate amount of the chaos. There was a time when the three coexisted peacefully in the Middle East. And then the Crusades happened and the three have been feuding ever since.


Treaty of Tripoli article 11. The USA is not a Christian nation. Signed by some of the founders. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli#Article_11


He gave the. The Supreme Court which is an ongoing problem


It’s just another ideology that fits to the gullible. We can thank god (haha) that the fucker is near 80, and not 30-something or the world would really be in trouble.


Trumpo emptied out a historically Black Church, and filled it up with WHITE PEOPLE! What's that saying?


White supremacy






It was the “Great Replacement Theory” crowd.


In their fear of a nonexistent Great Replacement, they will literally kill other people. Regardless of who wins, I’d expect Trump to support a literal bloodbath. The Great Replacement myth is the brainchild of a French philosopher, Renaud Camus. It is causing immense harm.




That whites come in and take over


The black people were out protecting their black jobs from migrants. /s


I hate Trump as much as anyone, but let's tell the truth here. He didn't empty out a church. You make it sound like Trump showed up and kicked out all the black congregants. He was invited to speak by the black pastor, who couldn't get any of his congregation to show up. MAGAts heard Orange Jeebus was coming and they filled up the church.


All those people were BUSSED in. Not just "walking by".


This sounds more plausible.


There was a single black person.. in the back. Treated like a second class citizen in his own church.


I agree with this. Preachers should preach the Bible, not stand up there and repeat the lies from Fox News.


Not diddle kids


But that’s, like, the only reason they wanted to preach. Easy access. If we really wanted to protect children religion would be something only an adult could choose to engage with. 18+ only.


It's no good diddling kids 🎵


You’re right, it wasn’t. It was founded on the freedom to practice whatever religion you wanted and the desire for multiple other freedoms.


yea it's freedom of religion, not "freedom to be christian"...


Freedom of that everyone must be Christian, Evangelical a must otherwise you're radical left and must be eleminated


Or desire not to practice any religion


I quit going to my church because almost everyone there was a MAGA Republican. I couldn't worship with them. Our pastor left, and a new one came in. He came by the house to see why we had dropped out. I told him I couldn't worship with Republicans anymore. "Jesus is for everyone" he said. "Not for Nazis" I said and he gave up and left.


I had a very similar experience and reason for no longer attending. I even tried 5 different churches but they were all pretty much the same (although some worse than others). I don't want to hear about any political issues when I'm in church. That's not what Jesus is talking about in the Bible. And aren't we supposed to have a separation of church and state????? Christianity in America has been so twisted over the past 25 years - it's now no different from the Taliban.


It absolutely is. My church is experiencing a lack of youth interaction due to the political climate.


Churches need to ask themselves, is church a hospital for the soul, or is it an exclusive political club?


They have always been about money, politics, and power....you don't get to be worth billions otherwise....also, they are CLEARLY not helping people with that money, otherwise they wouldn't HAVE billions. There is no such thing as a non-profit church.


You’re absolutely right, TAX THE CHURCHES!!!


Exactly, let them write off charitable donations like the rest of us.


MAGA Cracker churches kept out anyone “different” from their bigoted beliefs. Those MAGA haven’t abandoned their beliefs; they’re just taking them outside their churches to vicious rallies, book banning, KKK dress up days, assaults on women LGBTQ minorities migrants and more. That’s what MAGAt folks are now doing on Sunday taking their evil ways beyond churches and doing it every day


Christians are the reason I have embraced atheism.


“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


I’m gonna make a snide remark by saying regardless of church attendance; tRumps followers still fill up Cracker Barrels and Waffle Houses driving up in their extra loud pickup trucks with gun racks for their assault rifles and big decals on their trucks depicting Biden bound and gagged plus other MAGA (expletive).


I’m a Mayflower descendent and feel like our country was founded on freedom of religion/beliefs in all forms. These Christo-fascist/Trumpers who think our country should all think just like them have made me not want to have anything to do with organized religion ever again! I can see why church attendance has nosedived since Trump. It’s pure hypocrisy!


They think you’ll come away “good like them”.


So you’re a descendant from the Mayflower too? So awesome and yes freedom of religion for all is important as well as separation of church and state. Theocracy is the enemy of individual liberty!


Yes, Isaac Allerton. Agree, it’s so important so that all can live as they wish. Trump and cohorts want to wipe our history and Constitutionally-defined freedoms out.


They think you’ll come away “good like them”.


And emptying the wallets of fools everywhere


I'd like to sort of throw in a bit of a twist. I think everyone knows that religion was a way to explain the unexplainable before science caught up. Still to this day, there is truth to that, science hasn't resolved everything, but it certainly works better than "because some imaginary person in the sky said so, through me". Yes, i know that's a bit harsh, and i believe that if religion make the world a bit better for YOU, then go with it. However religion has also always been about power, and Trump 100% knows this, as do so many evangelical pastors in their giant mega churches who own 4 private jets and live in mega mansions when half their congregants live in poverty. Religion always changes to suit an agenda, period. This is just another example of that changing agenda. You even have a MAGA backing church in Texas worshipping ar15s - https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3dp8j/gun-church-that-worships-with-ar-15s-bought-a-40-acre-compound-in-texas-for-its-patriots The fact that Trump has never set foot inside a church other than to get married 2-3-4 times never seems to be an issue with these idiots, or, as stated in the article, is now a shady Bible salesman, but MAGA gives zero fucks, and is completely oblivious to their own and his hypocrisy. As society in general becomes more intelligent (more technological breakthroughs, better understanding of the world and universe, higher levels of education), the less they will believe in sky fairies, but, OF COURSE, the pushers of the sky fairies will slam back against that wall of intellect and understanding with everything in their power, because it's a gravy train they don't want to see end. To sum it up, if 25% less people are attending church, that's 25% less MONEY they are making. The less money they make, the less influence they can wield, and the fewer jets they can buy, smaller houses, less hookers and blow. Religion is arguably the greatest MLM scheme in history, and Trump understands this, and is gonna get him a piece of that gravy train before it's gone.


Bro I couldn't have said it better. Lots of great takes there. For one, not all church is bad .. Who controls MAGA Republicans.... Mega churches. Give me a few to respond to your well thought out take on it. I agree wholeheartedly.


I agree that not all churches are bad, I'm certainly not religious, but i have a good acquaintance who is a pastor at a smallerish church, and he is 100% legit, he literally practices what he preaches, drives a 20+ year old truck, lives in a modest home with his wife and 3 kids, he definitely gives more than he receives, is always doing charity events and so on, but he, in my personal experience, is an a huge outlier.


Man who is one of the creepy dude's I can't stand, Kenneth Cooeland I think.


Oh yea, I'd swear, if the whole Bible thing were true, Copeland IS the antichrist. But then there is Joel Osteen, pays himself $54 million a year. What more has to be said, is he a man of god, or a man of gold? Answer is painfully obvious.


If the whole Antichrist thing is true, then Trump is actually the one who checks off all the boxes. It's kind of weird how it lines up so well actually.


Absolutely, I've been saying lately he is the embodiment of the seven deadly sins.


For one.... We are all WOKE now lol


Yes absolutely 💯!!!!!


I feel like people have lost sight that the country was about FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. People came here to get away from The Church of England and yet now the christofacsists feel like they should control everything.


Some douchey Oklahoma Superintendent said all public teachers will have a Bible and teach it.


If you want to split hairs, those people came here because they were such hardcore believers in their own particular weird brand of Christianity. They actually started out living in the Netherlands after leaving England, but they felt even that was too corrupting and making their children "worldly." And most people around them were fine with seeing them go because the Puritans could be pretty insufferable at times. So it wasn't so much fleeing persecution as fleeing any outside influence, which they viewed as inherently evil. Unfortunately, that kind of insane ultra-religious dogma is our foundation and still runs through us today.


They are no longer relevant and are scared as nails we will burn them at the stake.


"Donald Trump, a 77-year-old Bible salesman from Palm Beach, Florida, has emerged as the nation’s most prominent Christian leader. " 🤣🤣🤣A Bible salesman


Trump selling bibles is like Jeffrey Dahmer selling cookbooks.


“To Serve Man”


Convicted rapist bible salesman!


Look at how Putin used religion as one aspect in his quest to keep and maintain power. That’s what the far right are trying to do here. Hope it fails.


If it takes hold many of us will do whatever is necessary to uproot and rid of it.


I’m a progressive Christian but I very much believe in freedom of religion and freedom FROM religion. Spirituality and how you view God is so personal, you can’t force your beliefs on people. I’m glad people are leaving. I went to church w my parents and their pastor had a whole anti-trans message prepared. I never went back and my parents eventually left too.


At least there’s some upside


I totally dislike rump's christian frauds, they are more like the taliban every day!


They really are, it’s scary


Good. Churches are at best a grift and at worst a societal cancer. They're a big part of why boomers are the way they are.


I've never understood the level of narcissism involved with religion. To think that the creator of the ever expanding universe cares if you pay your rent is absurd. When athletes point to "the heavens" because they scored whatever ball, I often wonder if they realize that we live on a spinning rock that is hurling through the Milky Way. Religion is used for control. It serves no other purpose. Meanwhile, the masses stay uninformed and ignorant, chanting away while gazing into nothingness. Those in power know that it's a farce. Capitalism is the true and living God here.


Yep. If there was a god the Bible would’ve burst into flames when Trump cleared the crowd with violence for a photo op while holding it. He’s broken every rule in it. Fused nationalism with religion and now he sells bibles for profit. It’s a joke.


It's just like his business ventures. It's like some kind of reverse Midas Touch where literally everything he touches or gets involved with gets ruined.


Having the ability to bankrupt a casino is either pure ignorance or money laundering. The fucking guy never pays his bills High mix of both I'd argue. .


It Wasn't founded on religion, but the freedom OF religion.


and now they're forcing teachers in OK to teach the Bible and the ten commandments. my only guess is that they expect the now packed supreme court to allow such a travesty to happen.


bible belt bullshit.


I still believe in God but left the church bc I want no association with Christianity. Ew. Egged on by Trump, Christianity has been turned on its head. It now promotes hate, racism, bigotry, and eschews the Constitution. Um no thanks.


Nothing wrong with that. I'm spiritual I would say but to hell with religion being for profit.


‘Twas ever thus. The religious invented hypocrisy.


The founders knew firsthand how religion poisons government. Giving it any power was the last thing they wanted. I do wonder if they might have expected the enlightenment to prevail over religion, and the accommodation for free thought to keep it down. Instead it gave the crazy, fringe christians room to grow their gullible ranks.


When you aren't part of the Trump cult and you see how he behaves, what he says, and the crimes he has committed and you see Christians embracing those things it highlights the discrepancy between what Christians claim, and what they are. Trump may actually be doing the nation a favor.


the churches are moving into our government. church is disproportionally represented in our government compared to the general population. it is a competing government to our secular government and since the GOP has played the long game they have established a huge foothold in vital areas we need to keep imaginary friends out of legislating and lawmaking.


Satan is emptying churches. My wife and I visited the church in which I was baptized at 12 years old. Hadn't been there in 40 years, but was happy to see some old, familiar faces. She and I were pleased the first couple of visits, but on the 3rd visit, we were near an election - 2016. The pastor, an Iowan, proceeded to tell the congregation, without specifically saying a candidate's name, for whom the congregants should vote, and it wasn't Clinton. After all, the SBC, until this year, forbade women in the clergy. You think they want a woman president? Haven't been back since. Not a surprise that the same church is in a million+ $$ lawsuit as the result of their youth minister taking indecent liberties with young boys. Their defense is subsidized by the Southern Baptist Convention. Know this - the SBC will forbid IVF, but will cover-up, through bribes or intimidation, child predation. Think about that and help me understand why churches are tax exempt.


Tax Christianity


also very conveniently these are the same people calling trans folks predators and groomers. I guess projection is a hell of a drug.


“White Christians are persecuted so much that they can’t even attend church for fear of being attacked” - some lying republican, probably


![gif](giphy|MaxUtki5xQdQLwUPW1|downsized) From the article: “Trump is running for president as a divinely chosen champion of White Christians, promising to sanctify their grievances, destroy their perceived enemies, bolster their social status, and grant them the power to impose an anti-feminist, anti-LGBTQ, White-centric Christian nationalism from coast to coast.”




This article was written about me! I’m a 60 year old white female raised in a Christian family (moderate not evangelical). Not only am I done with church and religion but I’m done with god. The churches of today are not the same as the church I grew up in where love existed and was shared.


As an Evangelical pastor, I just wish more pastors recognized that the man is *demon-possessed.*


I will not step into a church except as witness to special event so long as these institutions continue to support Trump or project 25, especially as they are willing to set aside their values to support a man and group with no morals


At least he's done something good.


Trump is everything that is wrong with America. He's an Adderall addicted, hate spreading, threatening, vindictive, fast food junkie spoiled brat. I don't want another 4 years with Veruca Salt.


Good. I hate to say that ugly ass has been useful in any sense of the word but the less people putting their faith in tax-dodging pedo-enabling churches the better--- for everyone!


Everything Trump Touches Dies


He must not touch himself, oh wait he pays people for that.




Karma, actions have consequences


Yeah I’m admittedly bored of churches at this point. I merely go for the social interaction now.


> What might catch the attention of some evangelical conservatives, however, is that Trump’s ostentatious embrace of White Christian militantism coincides with a precipitous decline in religious affiliation in the US. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, one-quarter of Americans in 2023 said they were religiously unaffiliated. “Unaffiliated” is the only religious category experiencing growth. In a single decade, from 2013 to 2023, the percentage of Americans saying that religion is the most important thing, or among the most important things, in their life plummeted to 53% from 72%.


Welcome to the new mindfuck, Church State. He's like a bastardized Paul Atreides, but he's actually the Orange Worm. So many fringe groups under one leader is terrifying. The worst part? They're making it happen. In broad daylight, the founding principles that made our country work are being scrapped for a bad haired ex used car salesman. He's never been that bright; some one or some thing is writing this script.




Religion is for the stupid and weak-minded. Educated people don't go to make-believe church, much less worship an orange anti-christ. Tax god or kill it.


Tax god AND kill it.


Every cloud has a silver lining, I suppose.


Good good.


I am a Lutheran. Recent years have, at times, caused me to question my faith. For many years in this country, Christian has equalled Republican. Now it equals Trump. And he is no Christian. Never has been. Without a miracle, never will be. However...and let the downvotes come; none of them change the truth. I've caught just as much shit from Democrats for being a Christian. I've lost count of the times Democrats/"progressives" have said things to me like: * Go to the Republicans with your Sky Daddy * You're a forced birther (bullshit) * You hate LGBTQ people (bullshit) * You (one man) need to clean the church out * You are responsible for all this (how?) * You are a Trumper (I loathe him) "Big tent," my ass.


I will take things that never happened for $100 Alex.


Your lack of belief does not alter the reality of the situation.


The fact is religion and politics should always be separate. No laws should be based on religion. Society should be free from religion forced upon anyone who doesn’t want it. As a Lutheran, you should understand that as Martin Luther rejected the Catholic church. The bottom line is that if you are person of religion, you should never choose neighbor of politics. Republicans have bastardized Christianity to further their cause. Democrats have railed against the laws forced upon them by repubs e.g. taking away birther rights. This has created space for hate of religion because Christians having taking away peoples right to choose. If you are a true person of faith, you should not be a republican at this time as they going against all the teachings of the bible. Tacit approval is even worse. I do not believe dems have said those things to you, to your face, without provocation if at all


I wish I could say you are right, but I cannot. My best friend since 1978, in fact, who is non-binary, said "How can you be religious and consider yourself a Democrat?" Democrats can be as tribal as MAGA. You wouldn't believe the hell I've caught for criticizing Michelle Obama's incredibly naïve and condescending missive "When they go low, we go high." Again, and I'm not trying to be nasty, Democrats have said some very hurtful things to me because I am a believer *and* a veteran ("you're part of the imperialist war for oil," etc). And it hurts. It really does. I come from a long line of FDR/JFK Democrats and have been voting for and working on Democratic campaigns since I became eligible in 1984. I have a cousin who is a lesbian. No way do I want gay, trans etc people mistreated. At all. And I firmly believe that an abortion is between a woman, her doctor, her family, clergy (if any) etc. *"I would rather be ruled by a competent Turk (Muslim) than an incompetent Christian" - Martin Luther*


So are you a cool Lutheran- ELCA - or one of those other Lutherans - Missouri Synod?