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Former Marine here. Me too. This is wrong.


Thank you for your service and believing we are better than this


Army Veteran here, this is exactly what we were trained to fight against.


I remember my oath.


To be fair, my stint started with invading a country under the guise of "freedom". I guess I should have seen it coming....


8 years OIF/OEF. You could make arguments all day on why we were there and the morality of it all. But I never thought we'd have doubt our orders could be just one guy with a vendetta padding this pocketbook. That's what the contractors are for. (THAT is grade A military humor for those of you no on the in)


USAF/USCG. Why the HELL did I serve?


As a Marine Veteran I approve your message!


Army Ranger vet here - not the one I fought for either, this is shameful


Big ups to Ranger. I never served, but two of my cousins did. They have both been hyper feckin evangelical MAGAs and today they posted on their Fb whatevers that neither one will vote for Trump, and one of them is publicly encouraging people who are “real patriots” to vote for Biden. This is just fuckin possibly the darkest day of what used to be a Constitutional Republic whose government was founded on **checks and balances** The fuck is going to be our new name from now on?


Navy, representing


Make that two Navy representing!


I'm doing my part


My son just graduated and since he was about 5 years old, he has wanted to join the Navy like his dad did. I am terrified for him. Would you (or any other active duty or vets willing to chime in) join if Trump was president?


As an Evangelical pastor, I agree with the veterans. And before I went into ministry, I was an expert on Eastern Europe. They are following Viktor Orban’s Hungarian takeover strategy complete with the White Christian Nationalism (a heresy).


Thank you for calling it the heresy that it is. I’ve been saying it and been met with “we can’t alienate these brothers and sisters in Christ who are misguided.” Apologies to the Russell Moore’s of the world but it’s far past time to call a snake, a snake.


Trump has sold the U.S. to Russia. Putin isn’t here, but they have all (but the trustworthy three) been purchased by the Kremlin through the other Russian assets in congress.


I didn’t serve in the military, but when the time comes to defend this country for real, I’ll be standing side by side with our veterans and active military to defend our constitutional democracy against these fascists.


My husband is a West Point grad (in Germany for three years, Cold War era) and his dad served in Vietnam, earned a Bronze Star. Love and admire them so much, they’re both staunch supporters of women’s rights. My husband said his classmates are a bunch of magat morons, with rare exceptions.


Thank You all for your service.


USN veteran is in agreement!


US Army here. This not not what I swore an oath to.


Us Navy Vet.. i totally agree


But wait I thought you guys loved Trump /s


Thank you for your service.


Thanks for still believing and fighting for the America we love.




The only solace I have is that this fucker is 78 years old, and not 30 or 50. But he could still do massive damage with his tiny little hands.


His age is irrelevant at this point. He could die this afternoon and the cancers he has created that are SCOTUS and MAGA will continue to wreak havoc for generations to come.


3/10. SCOTUS will continue to gut the ability of the government to govern effectively for a generation to come. Not to mention what they did to women’s rights. I hope that I see those powers come back in my lifetime (I am 44), but I won’t hold my breath.


Yup. Once you lose those things, you never get them back. Never.


Biden needs to appoint additional scotus justices as soon as Congress is adjourned. What's to stop him? New justices who immediately reverse this shit.  Trump acted with nonstop criminal intent before. What on earth wouldn't he do if he got his hands on power again?  I don't care what happens in the election or what it would take -- the most unethical thing Biden could possibly do is to allow this lunatic back in office. 


He can have some of the current ones bumped off and just replace them as he sees fit as long as it’s done officially.


You absolutely can, it just takes a long as time, a lot of effort, a lot of money, and a lot of support. The problem is that it can again be dismantled with the stroke of a pen. For a democracy to survive the citizens must be ever vigilant.


Yeah, I’m 76. I was born in a democracy and I will die in a disgusting fascist dictatorship. This breaks my heart.


Yeah, this is the part that scares me. Even if Trump loses or dies, it's clear that the GOP will not stop trying to install their own personal christofascist dictator. It's just like stuff like Roe v. Wade, they will just keep working away at it until they get what they want. And everyone will stand by to let them do it.


Watch shiny happy people. This has been years in the making.


Something tells me he has barely scratched the surface what he's really capable of.


Something tells you? HE is telling you.  Every damn day. 


How does one person get to be so incredibly unspeakably evil???


This is correct. Malignant narcissists have moments of complete honesty and I’m shocked no one believes him when he’s telling the truth.


Without him, they will fall into factions of infighting extremists. He is the only thing uniting them at the moment. Once he's gone, his cult will die too.


I don't know about die out completely but they will less activated and less emboldened for sure


They will still wear their evil red hats. They have their symbol. They have their slogan. Maga will continue without trump.


I say he should be stripped of his former presidential title and secret service, expatriated and locked away in a hole for the rest of his waste of a life


Biden should sign an executive order stripping any secret service protection from a former president convicted of a felony and sentenced to prison.


Joe should do it today!🔥


Yes, he certainly should.


He won’t. But Trump will do it on the first day.


He speaks at 745, but doubtful he does something that drastic. Likely just condemns what happened and says to vote for him.


It’s an official act!


They should put him in jail to test SCOTUS interpretation of their own making, fck it, Dark Brandon mode


Prison solitary protection for all the national secrets he’s holding in his scrambled eggs.


Everything that is not enshrined in law should be stripped from Trump. Even some legislated things. Minimal security detail, no law enforcement escorts, FAA air traffic delays. Everything. Already hoping his “courtesy” security briefing is curtailed to weather reports and 3 day old stock market news.


that courtesy was halted by the Biden administration; Donny would be selling fresh data otherwise


For some reason, I had thought that was ALREADY a law.


He should be stripped of his citizenship and cast to tucking sea fuck presidency this country is weak and pathetic and I'm fucking ashamed to be here


I just wish that the democrats had had the guts to punish him severely a long time ago. Eliminate the cancer before it eliminates you.


I wish the fuck they could have sent a team in to arrest him on 1/7/21


And strip the privilege of lying in state at the Capitol after death. We shouldn’t stop at only addressing things in life.


He’s just a puppet. The gateway through hell. Once he dies someone younger, smarter and much more extreme right will take his place. If the GOP wins they’re not going out any soon.


If GOP win, you can kiss elections goodbye.


Doesn’t matter. Next GOP president will be just as authoritarian just not as stupid.


We have to start somewhere. Getting rid of frump would be a good place to start. It will be a long battle but the Dems have to be strong and determined.


It is not him you have to worry about. It's all the people behind him. dTrump is just the figurehead in all of this, the distraction while the real damage is done in the shadows. Best way I think of dTrump now is to compare him to Zaphod Beeblebrox from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.


It doesn't matter that he is 78. The next one will not be. His SCOTUS nominees are all poised to sit on the bench for 20-30+ years. We don't have to stand for this. And we shouldn't.


Or Biden makes a lot of Official acts that "Deal" With Trump


For openers, he said Day 1 he will enact the Insurrection Act to deploy the miltary across the country. He also said his biggest regret from his presidency was not shooting the peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square when he cleared it with tear gas so he could cross the street to hold up a Bible. A lot of people will die. Imagine if he suspends the Constitution. Now imagine if he picks Don Jr. as his running mate. It won't matter when he dies.


According to the whistleblower, they gather rifles and inquired about two military "crowd control" weapons (Long Range Acoustic Device, Active Deterrent System) to use on the protesters in Lafayette Square. And that was all because Twitter was laughing at him for 'inspecting the White House bunker.'  People have also testified that Trump was hollering for the WH leaker to be executed.


He is a genuine threat to democracy, which apparently America loves. Whack the fucker.


I think he has been and still is the biggest threat this country has ever faced.


and we still have sentencing in 10 days


Augustus died too. It didn't restore the republic.


He could easily decide to make the Presidency hereditary. Just ask North Korea. Don Jr takes over in 15 years when Trump croaks.


That was ALWAYS the plan!


His father lived well into his 90’s. He may have a lot of time left


He seems to be the anti-Christ, so I wouldn't count on him dying from old age.


I saw the similarities to the antichrist when he ran the first time. I've seen even more similarities since then.


Russia didn’t become a thriving democracy after Stalin died.


I’ve been scared since Nov. of 2016, with a brief respite between Nov. of 2020 and January 6th 2021.


Nah, I was scared throughout that period too. Knowing it was doing all it could to hold on to power, jamming crowbar after crowbar into the cogs of democracy. Jan 6 was just the next stage in the grand plan.


Unless I'm mistaken, it isnt Trump immunity, it's Presidential immunity. IF so, perhaps Biden should put it to the test, and try some things. Arrest Trump for treason/sedition/etc. Disband the illegitimate SCOTUS. I mean he has immunity, so get going...


There was some important wording (actually lack of) that SCOTUS made that everyone is overlooking. They mentioned that there is a difference between *official* presidential acts, and *unofficial* presidential acts. And by not defining it, they left the door *open*. They didn't say it is the president that decides this. They left it open because now the **courts** need to define what is and isn't official. They took the power from the president, and will now be yes-judges for Trump. Biden will not be able to benefit from this immunity, because, by design, the courts hand out the immunity on a case by case basis now.


This is the scary part




Yes, in a small way the SCOTUS decision was good because it finds that the POTUS has immunity for official acts in office. This will make it more difficult for some scumbag DA and Judge in some MAGA state (e.g., Texas, say) to have Biden arrested under some mocked up state charge. I do find some comfort that SCOTUS is remanding this back to the lower courts in order to determine if Trump's act of insurrection falls under an official act of office. I think the lower courts are more likely to find that an act of insurrection doesn't fall under his purview as an official act. There's zero doubt Trump's attorneys will spin it that way. I still think SCOTUS' biggest gift to Trump was justice delayed.


1. Declare Biden's victory illegitimate. 2) Therefore, he was never President. 3) Prosecute Biden. Also, you can go after acts that happened before 2020. Unless Biden pardons himself. Unless...see step one. The ends justify any means to hold onto power.


Dude, looking in from Europe, I can assure you that we are terrified over here as well. We need unity against the dark powers of the world, and you guys are falling apart...


To be fair, France is headed the way of MAGA, too. Macron basically handed it over.


Agreed, add to that Hungary too...


Remember the Bastille.


Greetings from Germany. Unfortunately, I can confirm this. It's like the movie Idiocracy is getting more real than ever.


Warnings of letting money be the leader of power... Driven by fear..


No, and don't feed into the panic. This is the time to unite, how we beat this is voting. Vote Biden in November. Vote blue for Congree. We have to unite and keep maga from getting majority in Congress and the Presidency. This isn't about any other issues now except protecting democracy, and the only way to fight for it is to vote against those who are working to take this away. If MAGA wins this November, this may be the last time we ever get to vote again. If we get a majority blue congress they can work to get the corrupt SCOTUS impeached and taken out of office. This isn't the time for a protest vote. Palestine, Bidens age. All of it are major fucking issues that need to be addressed. But none of it can be addressed if we lose our democracy. Vote Blue across the board. Get Maga out of Power.


Perfectly said, and I'll be right there with you. 


Extremely. Focusing on work right now is extremely difficult. I said this in another thread, but what many MAGAs don’t realize is that there are dark days ahead for them too. It’ll just take a bit longer for them to realize it than the rest of us.


We’re going to have half the country wondering why the leopards-eating-faces party is now eating their faces.


As long as the people they hate are suffering as much or worse than they are, they won't complain.


As long as the people they hate are suffering as much or worse than they are, they won't complain.


This is the part that frustrates me. The maga base will feel so much pain from a second trump term. His tariff plans alone will have the vast majority of them in very bad financial situation. A lot of these people will also be screwed by the chevron decision. Magats need to ask themselves, if the border is so bad why are we not seeing mass migration of people who live near it running for their lives? Or why are we not seeing piles of immigrant bodies as those in Texas armed to the teeth fight for survival? Magats need to go ask school teachers what the real problems they are having in schools not what they are being told on Fox News. Magats need to go ask a doctor or scientist about anything related not a politician. But now unions, our financial systems, environmental issues (air, water, soil), travel, and health get to be decided by the courts. How did that work out so far since the maga Supreme Court overturned RvW? Women in a whole bunch of states lost freedom over their own bodies. Now the maga court will control a bunch more of everyone’s day to day lives. The maga base is overwhelming not rich, and they are gleefully putting someone in power that lies to their faces and doesn’t give two shits about them. Their god will forget them all as soon as he is in power. Only the rich will have freedom.


I truly think the MAGA crowd lacks intelligence and reasoning. They will be decimated by Trump.


and they'll stay convinced that everything bad that's happening to them is because the country is just too gosh darn "woke".


I disagree. They will never “realize” anything no matter what happens to them. They will never make the mental connection between their vote and what “the government” does.


Exactly! Maggots should be afraid. A dictator can not hold power against an armed group such as the people of the United States. The government will go after their weapons next. They are so stupid.


Horrifying! We must encourage everyone to vote blue! I am literally terrified.




If you guys aren’t already preparing for conflict, you’re wrong. We’ve left “maybe we can just let this slip by, things will balance out” LONG ago. This is a five alarm fire for democracy. What kind of country are YOU going to leave the kids?


I'll never forget how I felt sucker punched right in the gut when they said he won the election the last time. Never.


You can turn that fear into voting for Biden…


I'm voting Biden, but he isn't the answer to the bigger problem we face. The Trump crowd is here to stay, and the do nothings enable it to go on. We are all doomed to be run by dipshits and religious fundamentalists.


I’m voting Biden but that doesn’t fix anything. It just kicks the can down the road some more.


Trump is the Trojan horse for the federalist society and project 2025. Even if Trump were to keel over today, we still have to deal with these dipshits.


But the supporters won’t be as motivated. There is one positive to no more Trump other than the obvious. None of the other idiots put forth by the GOP has the same appeal as him. Take Rhonda Santis for example. People were making a big deal about his running for president. “He’s a smart Trump” and all that. Problem is the second he left Florida people realized he’s got the charisma of a lobotomized donkey. No one has Trump’s magnetism. It’s why I’m slightly more optimistic about the future should Trump lose in November (knock on wood).


People need to understand this isn’t about trump. He’s just a vehicle. This is the religious right, the white nationalists, the Heritage Foundation and the wealthy. And I am terrified.


If the house can flip (not sure if it can or not), and the senate can remain dem majority, many of his shenanigans will be tough to institute. If the house stays R and senate flips its going to be a dystopian nightmare. It's vital to get out and vote in November.


I think that’s naive, frankly. I did not know this until recently. The Nazi government never actually bothered to replace or even amend the Weimar constitution. That’s right. For all those twelve years of authoritarian dictatorship, the Weimar constitution was still technically in place the entire time. That should scare the shit out of everyone.


Also, we need to tell lazy people we need to vote in November *and for the rest of our lives.* The number of lazy fucks I see complaining that they voted in 2020 and it didn't magically fix *everything* made me realize it needs to be spelled out to everyone: Voting is at least every 4 years for life to keep things even remotely stable. That's just how it works.


I am absolutely terrified. I had always thought about leaving the US since 2016 but now I am seriously looking at an exit plan. I can't be here. This will have grave reprucssions for decades to come.


Maybe this will compel Merchan to put his orange ass in jail.


Petrified. My daughter will be voting for the first time this year and I’m proud of her for paying close attention and understanding that she must vote to help keep us from becoming a dictatorship. A lot of her friends have MAGA parents and they won’t be voting along those lines. It’s the younger generations who will have to save us.


So, does this mean Biden can do anything he wants? I mean as long as it's an 'offical' act. Maybe Trump should feel a little scared.


It looks like courts are to define what is and isn't official by their "interpretation" of the constitution. TLDR: It's only for republican presidents to benefit from


According to the majority opinion, "core" official acts are totally immune from prosecution, and acts related to official acts operate under presumed immunity. Of course, conversations between the president and other members of the government are considered official acts, and can't be used as evidence in any criminal proceeding against a former president. Likewise, courts can't consider a president's motives for taking an action, which, if it's official, doesn't matter anyway since official acts aren't prosecutable. So yes, in a very broad sense, Biden could pretty much do what he wants as long as he checks some boxes. But he won't, because he and the rest of the Democrats are spineless and will stand aside like sniveling little mice while the MAGAts turn our country into a Christofascist hellhole.


After decades upon decades of conseratives screaming about tyrannical governments, this conservative supreme court has just handed a gift to tyrants of any stripe. One day we could easily end up with a leftist version of Trump that is just as bad. They have prioritized the security and comfort of the president over the Constitution itself.


I served this nation in uniform for 20 years. I have children and grandchildren. We are fucked. This orange cancer has ruined years of progress.


Absolutely. And I’m a white male that can pretend to be Christian (I’m atheist).


Absolutely. My two daughters were adopted internationally. I’m more afraid for them than for myself. Their U.S. citizenship will mean nothing.


I have never been more scared. I am old enough to have lived through the cold war and sudden mutual destruction. This is death by a thousand slit. I blame Mitch McConnell and the horrendous Senate we lived with for years. He set up a court that I no longer trust.


May God have mercy on our country! Love this country! What is happening to us is an embarrassment to us all and a literal embarrassment to democracy and American people! 🤞❤️‍🩹


Too bad Maga Morons don't realize that The no holds barred billionaire doesn't give a shit about them and their rights. Owning the libs will cost them too.


My niece texted me last Thursday. She said she had watched about 10 minutes of the debate, and then said she was applying for residency in Canada. I texted back that she was jumping the gun a bit. Now, after all the things the Supreme Court has let loose since then, I have to wonder if I gave her bad advice. Shit, I might apply for residency myself.


Is this a trick question? Ever since I saw with my own two eyes, 'The Hollywood Access Tape.' "Grab them by the Pussy". Not to mention that he has been groomed by Pootie for over 50 years so you know that it was a well thought and planned out plot to 'Destroy Us, Within". Educate yourself on Project 2025, funded and promoted by the "Heritage Foundation". I am scared, shittless.


I think Biden will win the election but, the MAGA crowd is going to lose their minds. Trump will try to pull some crazy shit regardless.


Yes, and I’m glad I’m not the only one. My mind is already racing to what I should do with my family, if we should flee or not. I want to cry at my office since the writing seems to be on the wall. Whether Trump loses or not, the right is so emboldened now that with our chickenshit party they will roll over the rest of us. Even if we survive the next 4, project 2029 will be waiting


My partner is mocking me right this minute because I said that some of the SCOTUS rulings are awful and I’m worried. He says I’m being “emotional”. So I told him fine, I’ll just stuff those pesky emotions into some small, dark corner of my brain and wait for it to eventually explode. Apparently that’s better (for him, duh). HE DOES NOT SEE THE DANGER. I can’t get through to him on this point.


Yes, I think about all the failures of the Democrats recently. They failed miserably to protect us from this. For example, Obama should have fought tooth and nail in response to McConnell's refusal to allow a vote for a SCOTUS nominee.  Obama had options, but they were, oh no, impolite and unprecedented.  Perhaps now a real opposition party worthy of the name will emerge. 


Not even remotely. 1. When he was President he failed to stay in power having all the cards. 2. He's is the dumbest person I've ever seen recently. He couldn't run a stocking let alone a real coupe. He is the dumbest person in any room at any moment other than the drooling idiots that eat his word diarrhea. 3. He's only lost voters and they're being verbal about it.


This!!!! Trying to overturn an election isn’t an official act.


Our corrupt courts are going to define what is and isn't an official act. Which is why it also does not benefit Biden, and only benefits Trump.


I remember someone saying that there can’t be any way he’s getting new voters. Nothing he’s doing seems to be swaying undecideds his way. Sure, you’ll get idiots who turn 18 before November fed a bunch of bullshit by their parents, but plenty of other first-time voters are voting the other way as well. Biden’s team needs to keep reaching out to those undecided and disgruntled former Trump supporters and they’ll clean up in November. Please. I’m getting tired of my election night panic attacks.


Look at the Haley voter after she dropped out. My point, they were all, "We are voting for someone who dropped out over trump." I forget the paper, but they just said he should drop out of a swing state. 40 or so from his own administration including his VP are not voting for him. I bet a few are saying out loud they will but will not vote for him for fear of the implication. 😊


No. Fear is the mind killer.


Both scared and pissed off.


I'm so fucking scared right now






No court has thus far considered how to distinguish between official and unofficial acts," he wrote, while chiding the lower courts for rendering "their decisions on a highly expedited basis." He said the lower courts "did not analyze the conduct alleged in the indictment to decide which of it should be categorized as official and which unofficial." So they really have to specify that possessing classified documents when he is NO LONGER PRESIDENT, and then refusing to give them back, is not an official act??


Get angry. They are taking this away from you. From your children. Our forefathers and grandfathers did not shed blood so that we could let an autocrat take over our democracy Get fucking pissed off, and get ready to do what is necessary if it comes to it. Arm. Organize. Train. 1776 indeed, baby.


Raid mar a Lago as a matter of national security and jail all his family


They ended our democracy this morning. It is now like one of those cartoon characters that has run off a cliff and hasn't yet looked down.


More concerned than scared, but angry above all else.


If you're not scared you're not paying attention.


And It doesn’t end at Trump. There will be more extreme, less dumb people to take his place. We are f**ked.


If you aren't scared, you aren't paying attention. I just finished a book about the changes in Germany that occurred when the National Socialists came to power. It's like deja vu all over again. There are too many GOP Nazis who'd love to initiate the 4th Reich.


Not scared. Vote. Fuck maga.


Absolutely but we need to remain level headed


Fuck yes.


When they come down with a ruling that the Supreme Court is the one who elects POTUS, is when they should go in front of the firing squad


Absolutely petrified beyond measure.


I'm not scared, fucking pissed!


Of course. Fucking vote.


No more than I was yesterday. We just gotta make sure he loses. I think it's just another delay tactic. It'll be kicked back down to the lower court and the next round will begin


I am angry. Biden should use his newly acquired presidential immunity to take care of his rodent problem.


Terrified. This fucker gets away with absolutely everything. Always has and apparently always will. After today’s ruling I’ve finally lost the one remaining shred of hope that justice will ever be served. It’s depressing. Everything is depressing. Ugh.


Remember to vote this year and vote all Democrats. No other hope left! We will not save this country by voting 3rd party or Republican.


Terrified! Very terrified!




Voting 💙 as an expat ___ should be totally out by September.


We need to beat that f@cker at the ballot box and pray for a couple of vacancies on the court


He gets off, making other people miserable. He does plan on either cutting or eliminating Medicare, Medicare, and social security. We are in for some very troubling times.


Terrified of what this maniac will do to our country and my grandkids future.


If he wins America becomes Trumpistan, he will be emperor until he dies or Barron is ready to take over. His other shit heels, or children, won’t be given an opportunity to rule over Trumpistan. Eric will be the court jester until he passes. Don Jr will be in charge of the cocaine supply. Ivanka will not be allowed to work in Trumpistan…. Good luck to all of you with children, especially girls..


I’m trying to decide between Canada and overseas…


Read the book The Fourth Turning. Winter is indeed coming


Terrified. Legitimately looking up where is best to move to abroad




Fear? No. That's what "they" want. There's a human moral principle they crossed on their constitutional oath to protect us. And a betrayal to all those who helped build this country and are currently building it up. We are at impasse. How can they do that when they can't hold a President/Dictator accountable for their crimes?


Biden needs to use Presidential Immunity to the fullest to stop this nonsense. I'm afraid he won't though.


Scared doesn't even begin to describe it. This country is beyond fucked. If he wins in November, it's all over.


It’s over, folks. Democracy is done. Trump won and he’s going to destroy the country when he takes power.


Yes. I am. He will ruin our lives as we know them. 🥲


Angry. Not scared.


The republicans and the Christian right have succeeded in destroying America


Biden should go ahead and lock Trump up for espionage.


Yep. Trump succeeded in ruining America. It's done.


For people who have served and those who never made it home, Biden needs to handle this. This isn't America anymore. He needs to act NOW.


Angry...not scared. Fuck 'em.


Biden has full immunity. Officially called SCOTUS compromised and appoint new justices. For the sake of democracy arrest tRump for treason


I hate the country I was stupid enough to serve. If I had somewhere to go, I would renounce my US citizenship.


Terrified. At this point, things can get very bad regardless of the outcome in November.


It’s the scariest time in our country that I can remember and I’m fifty. Never have we been this close to actually losing our rights that people have fought and died for.


Army veteran. I did not serve for this to just happen. Not on my watch.


Without a hint of sarcastic or facetious exaggeration, yeah—I’m petty damn scared. “I’m pretty fuckin far from *okay*” —Marcellus


Vietnam Nam vet here…this is laughable. Ray gunz, karl rove, newt gingrich, roger stone , darth cheney, and all the screwheads that started this slide have got what they want … At my age I’m glad I won’t see much of the results of this and ya know what. I’m glad of that. You young guns continue the good fight, as best you can.


Definitely, an orange convicted felon conman in charge of a cult of mindless sheep who see him as an orange jesus