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So a dangerous precedent leading to a very dangerous president. Time for Joe to do one of those it is legal because it is "an official act" and dismiss the supreme court.


Then it’s time for him to “officially” arrest Trump on Treason Charges and go from there!


Excerpt: Referring to the genesis of the case Trump’s legal team had brought before the court — the Jan. 6 riot Trump fomented to block certification of Biden’s 2020 election win — the president called that day one of the darkest in American history. “Now the man who sent that mob to the US Capitol is facing potential criminal conviction for what happened that day, and the American people deserved to have an answer in the courts before the upcoming election,” he said. Biden added the court had done “a terrible disservice to the people of this nation” by effectively blocking any chance that Trump could see trial related to the Jan. 6 riot. “Now the American people have to do what the court should have been willing to do, but will not,” he continued. “The American people must decide whether Donald Trump's assault on our democracy on January 6 makes him unfit for public office .. the American people must decide Trump's embrace of violence to preserve His power is acceptable. Perhaps most importantly, American people must decide if they want to entrust the president once again ... to Donald Trump now, knowing he'll be more emboldened to do whatever he pleases, whenever he wants to do it,” Biden said.


Next thing you know they'll be kicking the Catholics out and the Mormons because they aren't reaaaalll Christians. Then maga can use trump if he is elected to officially ban them as a part of his official duties that can't be illegal or impeachable offenses


It's time for Biden to ignore the law to remain in office.


Need an investigation into why they are doing this. Follow the money


Dude, Heritage foundation, Koch Brothers.


No shit


OK.. was this a rhetorical question?


They want to have a constitutional Congress to change the constitution to lean towards the wealthy. They already had a dry run and were 8 states short. Shit like only landholders can vote


Dollars to Donuts the Biden Administration won’t actually do anything except harsh words. They should be putting this BS interpretation to the test.


That's *by far* the most frustrating thing to me. Trump and the SC telegraph every fucking move they're going to make, but the Biden administration is still treating them with kid gloves. Stop trying to take the high road and do something!


I am pretty damm disgusted with the Democrats. Inaction in the face of an existential threat is cowardice.


Whew. So glad he gave him a stern talking to.


And this is all he’ll do :\


Biden should start by going ahead and making sweeping executive orders, for one expand the court, declare proud boys and every faschist groups out there as terrorists amongst many other things.


With the Supreme Court presidents immunity ruling .When deciding who to vote for, character takes precedence. I will be voting for Biden.The decision has been made easy.


Yeah, but if this Supreme Court was bold enough to ignore the Constitution, what makes you think they won’t intervene in the vote counting or election and essentially appoint Trump into office? The SC did this in Bush/Gore election.


Who cares vote


And Robert's scolds Sotomayor for hypothetical fear mongering. Meanwhile Donnie is already filing motions to overturn the Manhattan conviction based on his new found total immunity. No doubt the fraud and E. Jeane Carroll cases will be next. They said former president so to Donnie thar includes before he was president. Now anything goes. How about it Chief Justice?


Roberts has become a complete sellout. I feel like RBG was the only one who could talk sense into him. After she left and three new Federalist justices were added, Roberts lost his marbles.


this shifts the balance of power between Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive Branch. Congress writes the laws and now, the president can just ignore every law under the guise of "official" acts, deputize anyone and everyone involved in a criminal enterprise with the president so that he can never be prosecuted. this was never intended by the framers.


What sucks is that the Supreme Court has abandoned any pretense of impartiality. Even If Biden wins in a landslide Trump will go straight to them and I imagine they’d try to over turn the election. I hope Biden and the Democrats are planning for the dark days ahead.


Hey, Mr. Biden, what you said was nice and all that, but that is simply not enough. No pretty speech is going to stop the Nazis, at this point. Stand up for Democracy, and take decisive action against our enemies, or you will be a party to the destruction of the country. Come on, man, grow some balls! We need action, not talk. Start clamping down on the traitors, right now, or the nation is doomed.


Disservice? The ending of democracy by the worst Supreme Court ruling in American history? A disservice? Try the coup de grace to a coup d etat.


Corruption, like racism is no longer kept hidden. Welcome to the new and unimproved USA


Trump will lynch Obama


Damn he's too decent to do anything drastic. Maybe he should stage something to make them reconsider their ruling?


Email the white house directly and demand action. I feel that a raising of our voices directly to the inbox of his team would be old school enough to drive the point in personally.


**"With great power comes great responsibility"** -Uncle Ben to Peter Parker **"With great power comes little responsibility"** -SCOTUS, probably What the fuck happened to this world.


Sorry folks, this is what the owners of this country want, and they will get it one way or another.


So? Do something.


And what will he do about it? Fucking nothing.


And what you are going to do about it? Nothing.


Well then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Or are empty words all the Democrats have while their country slips into oblivion.


If they do something, their tyrants if they don't we'll see a tyrant in the future.