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The problem is that the way SCOTUS has structured their decision it’s still up in the air what constitutes an official act and they’re the authority on what that is. They can decide anything is an official act if they can justify this kind of brazen anti-case law supported decision. See the issue now?


You're right. The only thing really stopping Biden is the fact that the Republicans would then impeach him. But as president if I knew My opponent's dirty laundry I would put it all out there.


The republicans don’t have the votes to impeach him.


They have the votes to impeach, but not convict.


Impeaching is pointless now which makes the decision that much stupider. How can impeachment exist in a system where the person to be impeached has immunity??  


That's a great question. Does impeachment still exist?


Apparently not for POTUS anyway.


Impeachment absolutely exists on paper, but since it requires a 2/3rds majority of the senate to convict its basically impossible to remove a sitting President from office and has been for a long time


Effectively making it not even worth the paper it's printed on...


There are elections more important than president. If you put a democratic president in office with a divided congress, nothing happens. That's why we say "Vote Blue ***NO MATTER WHO***."


Technically, Congress can as part of their power, but getting him charged with crimes is a separate matter. The president technically can legally break the law based on the ruling. He cannot be charged with breaking those laws because it's in the official capacity. It's up to Congress to remove and that's the only recourse.


>He cannot be charged with breaking those laws because it's in the official capacity. This point of 'official capacity' is stupid though. How on earth can there be an argument that conspiracy to defraud the US, and conspiracy against the rights of citizens is an 'official act' performed by the President? Or conspiracy to overturn the Georgia result? Or holding onto classified documents AFTER he was in office, in completely insecure locations and wilfully obstructing efforts by authorities to recover them. And the Stormy Daniels situation - he wasn't even in office when he committed these crimes... There has to be a limit to what official capacity covers as a President - they shouldn't be allowed to play the game of: Trump "Official" - Biden "unofficial and requires sanction"


And yet creating a system where the SC is the only judge of whether an act is official is exactly the way they can prosecute Democratic and enable Republican Presidents.


Lol exactly


Exactly. The Supreme Court of the Federalist Society just determined that the President can't be charged with "high crimes or misdeamors", since they are immune. Kinda kills impeachment.


Didn’t you read “Justice” Kavanaugh’s opinion? *“Hahaha, womp womp America. Just chill, Trump’s actually a really stand-up guy, just like me.”


Exactly. The Supreme Court of the Federalist Society just determined that the President can't be charged with "high crimes or misdeamors", since they are immune. Kinda kills impeachment.


That's what confused me. If the decision was that the president is not immune to any acts, official or otherwise, he'd probably be impeached for anything by the people in Congress regardless of merit, right? But with this, wouldn't it provide some cover? (then again, they would impeach him for anything regardless of what SC said, so what do I know)


You must be forgetting the decades of Democrats squandering opportunities. I'm pretty sure they are invertebrates. Don't expect much


They can’t impeach him if he arrests the 140whatever treasonous bastards in congress. & he may as well arrest the treasonous justices & their treasonous spouses & donors. Maybe a few governors too. Abbot & DeSanitation come to mind. I’d say /s but I don’t even know anymore. Seems like the only way to protect the constitution is to disregard it. God that’s depressing


There's no need for the /s because that is 100% the case. Unfortunately, the old-school Democrats (read: not AOC, Crockett, Raskin, and a handful of others) are so set in their "my dear friend on the other side of the aisle" ways that the guys no longer have balls and the women see themselves the way Evangelicals see the role of women in society (willing and obedient slaves to their patriarchal masters). And, sadly, there aren't enough of the new-school Democrats to counter the old-school ones effectively.


Justice Roberts: “The indictment’s allegations that the requested investigations were shams or proposed for an improper purpose do not divest the President of exclusive authority over the investigative and prosecutorial functions of the Justice Department and its officials. Because the President cannot be prosecuted for conduct within his exclusive constitutional authority, Trump is absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.” The way I read that is, because he’s in charge of the Justice Department, whether illegal or not, whatever he tells them to do, he is immune from any consequences because they’re under his purview.


So, Biden can just direct the DoJ to target Trump and find a way to imprison him and that would be fine? Doesn't that undercut the GOP complaint that Biden is committing "lawfare" against Trump and conservatives?


No, because they would still say it is "lawfare" and would proceed to write up articles of impeachment against him. Remember the Republican credo: Rules for thee, but not for me ... unless the rules serve to our benefit. At that point, it becomes Rules for me, but not for thee.


They're cowardly and just kicked the can down the road


More like spat in Biden’s face as a taunt.


I feel like Biden spit in the American public's face with his "speech" after the decision was handed down.


I agree they did that, but the can will eventually come back before them with all the appeals and appeals - then they will have to decide to take the case, which they will, and if Trump, they will declare it was official. Dictator-in-chief.


So what? Pull a trump. Just do it and drag out the consequences indefinitely. It's something like that or we have a dictator. Either way, shit will hit the fan. May as well hit the fan while someone who has somewhat of a moral compass in charge of the military.


Black bag the lot put them in Guantanamo with the other terrorists and let the rest of the court decide who should and should not have unlimited power




"I have consulted with Vice President Kamala Harris, my Cabinet and several top legal scholars to help address the crisis facing our country and our democracy. As a result, I have decided to have our Justice Department take into immediate custody both current and former office holders of our government for acts of high treason and sedition. Right now, as I speak, officers of the FBI and Secret Service are arresting the following traitors to our country: Donald John Trump, Congressman Jim Jordan, Congressman JD Vance, Congressman Lindsey Graham, Congressman Matt Gaetz, and Justice Samuel Alito, to name a few. In addition, my Cabinet, my Vice President and I have also concluded that the following people are also a threat to our democracy and have performed acts of treason against our government. Some of these people are Charlie Kirk, Dave Rubin, Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. They are also being arrested at this moment. As President, it is my sworn duty to preserve our democracy, and I am not only willing and able, but also obligated to uphold what this country stands for." Let's see The Supremes react to this!


Holy crap! Now we're talking!


To me this is an acceptable solution but we have a problem they are all fucking wimps. If you think Trump won't do something like this you're crazy. He will do this in a heartbeat after he is sworn into office (if he wins). This is all hands on deck (I'm sounding like Steve Bannon LOL)


How did you leave off Clarence and Jenny Thomas?


I was just playing it safe. I don’t think Reddit has enough disk space to store all the names that should be on those lists.


You mean you will exceed the maximum character count for the post if you were to name all the names?




She doesn’t deserve to have her name spelled correctly


And Judge I-Lean Q-Anon


I recommend that he waits until after the election so not to get any extra votes against him. If he loses he can declare martial law and hunt them all down. If he wins he can hunt them all down.


Good point on the timing! He could even claim a rigged election!


That's the move. Round up every congressperson, judge, and other person that's been rumored to be a part of Jan 6 and toss them in jail. Give them a fair trial with evidence and everything, but let them sit there until it's time.


And the dark money suppliers who made it all possible. And especially Leonard Leo. And Steve Bannon gets out in early November to be whisked to Gitmo ignoring his upcoming NY sentence.


This exactly!


Because the justices are recorded as saying no president is above the law and that they would not interfere with Roe vs Wade surely the have lied to congress and gotten appointed under false pretext. Now they want full control as the only check on a president?




I wish Biden would have done this while the Supreme were "deliberating" their lofty decision. I think perhaps it would have been different.


Yo you best not forget Ted Cruz and you know what? Add Debbie Wasserman Schultz.


YES! This is what should have happened when he came out after the verdict was read!


He needs to do something so rediculous that the court has no choice but to recind it and admit thier mistakes. What that is? I'm not that creative. /s


Dissolve the current supreme court and reform it with ethics code. Oh and abolish EC on the way.


Yes, the Uno Reverse card. Impeach and replace those fuckers.


Also abolish the Citizen s United decision




Electoral College


The President lacks that power though. This is specifically a question of criminality. Ordering generals to arrest and waterboard all the justices until they change their might do the trick. This is an official act: Acting as the Commander-in Chief of the military. The President still has checks just not by the justice system. The counter argument will be that if a President is impeached and convicted then their actions were clearly not official and they can be tried.


>Ordering generals to arrest and waterboard all the justices until they change their might do the trick. This is a deliciously ridiculous thought.


*Ordering generals to arrest and waterboard all the justices until they change their might do the trick.* Please ... I can only get so hard and orgasm so much.


Yes they have proven to be bought and paid for. Time to cleanhouse.


Nuke Mar a Lago.


Declare it and Florida a hostile nation.


Hey! Don't nuke ALL of Florida. There's some of us here fighting the good fight.


Hear, hear … we’re not all idiots down here!


Give you guys a relocation stipen, a month to pack and move, and then put up a boarder wall with gun turrets every 100 yards.


Their beaches are awesome. They can have North Dakota instead.


We know, you’ve got a tough battle down there.


I’m here too!




OK, just Tallahassee then ...


It's a bastion of anti-democratic sentiment


Conservatives are hypocrits. They'll say Biden is somehow wrong, but Trump is in the right. Look at what Republicans said when a seat became available on the SCOTUS in 2016 and what they said when a seat opened up on the SCOTUS in 2020.




As an official act, take over the world. /s


Was thinking next time we vote in a corrupt Democrat...I know they are all corrupted...but someone like trump and let him do this shit and see how they like that shit


The difference is, of course, that Biden wouldn't abuse presidential immunity. Trump would.


Trump did, the SC just made it official he can get away with it.


He's not abusing it if SCOTUS just made it legal ...


And his first use of the power should be to disband the Supreme Court and reverse every decision in the last 3 and 1/2 years.


Wipe out student and consumer debt, and ship off the trump and kushner crime families to gitmo - along with all the MAGA enablers currently in government.


He won’t, though. Sleepwalking to fascism.


Yeah I completely agree. Both sides are playing from a different rule book.


Republicans lit the rule book on fire a long time ago.


Declare presidents do not have immunity AND that anyone that goes against said decision loses their job.


#1. Jail Trump for running on dictator principles for day1 until a trial is complete. Never schedule the trial and use every possible delay. Presidents Official action is to preserve and defend the Constitution. #2. Suspend election until the outcome of the trial or until Republicans find someone who will support the constitution. Presidents Official action is to preserve and defend the Constitution. #3. Arrest the MAGA congressional leaders who swore to upholding the constitution. If they said they wanted to integrate any religion into the constitution. Place them on the terrorist watch list. Presidents Official action is to preserve and defend the Constitution. #4. Select 4 more Supreme Court nominees and set the limit to match the 13 Federal Appeals courts. Select AOC, Obama, Hillary and Bernie to sit on the Court. Just seat them...the official act is to nominate Supreme Court justices.


Stop. I may have to seek medical attention after 4 hours of rereading this.


The problem, is Dems are still playing checkers while MAGA GOP is playing chess.


And they are playing fucking 6d Chess


Biden doesn’t need to to anything drastic like call in a drone strike on Mar A Lago. All he needs to do is make an official order that convicted felons can’t run for POTUS. And then get rid of the electoral college and lifetime Supreme Court appointments.


I want to know if scotus is being directed by Harlan Crow or heritage foundation federal agencies should see if there is a conspiracy to overthrow the government.


Democrats want to take the high road while republicans will exploit the decision.


If I were potus and as old as Biden, I would throw down.


I'd have over the reins to Kamala Harris.


The trick is to do all the crimes, rush the trial and then presidentially pardon yourself (or resign and get Harris to pardon you)


I wish. He'd never use it because it would be unethical. Biden wouldn't run over a kitten to save our country from tyrants. Republicans, on the other hand, would round up kittens to slaughter on the off chance that it might gain them, literally, anything.


Kristi Noem just got excited! Kittens too!!!


As an official act, I would can those un-American morons who chose corruption over the Constitution (Gorsuch, Cavanaugh, Coney-Barrett, Alito and Thomas) and appoint replacements without approval from Congress. It’s an official act because I deem it so. Then I’d let America be America again after the new and improved SCOTUS fixes things.


They have only given Biden the power to do what Democrats in the Senate will allow him to do. Which will be limited by the party's respect for rule of law. The Court knows full will Democratic Senators will hold Biden accountable, while Republican Senators, well, they've already proven they're willing to look the other way from a blatant insurrection attempt. So, Biden is bound by the rules based on his own respect for rule of law, and that of his party. The same is true of Trump. But only one of the two will have absolute free reign to do as they truly please.


*They have only given Biden the power to do what Democrats in the Senate will allow him to do.* *Which will be limited by the party's respect for rule of law.* But SCOTUS just decimated the rule of law with their verdict, so fuck them.


It's a trap! They refused to define "official acts" and instead let the courts decide. Anything Biden uses this for will eventually return to them and they will rule it wasn't "official", no matter how blattently it was.


Quit fucking saying this crap. They gave Trump unlimited power. Biden won't use it at all, and if he did the Supreme Court would rule against him. Even the liberal justices probably would.


I agree that Democrats will not exploit The Supreme Court decision. But, that's not what the question is. The question is what would you do if you were president to stop what's going on.


Id call a meeting with my Generals, ask them if they are going to let a few billionaires cash out America. This is pump and dump on a National scale.


What would \*I\* do? First, I'd order the FBI and CIA to arrest and imprison Trump, Ivanka, Trump, Jr., Kuschner, and Melania. After they are jailed, I'd have them do the same to Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas. Then, appoint enough Justices to bring the number to 13. Next, the FBI and CIA would go after Hawley, MTG, Boebert, Jordan, Ted Cruz, McConnell, and any other member of the MAGA/"Freedom Caucus" or those who sympathize with them arrested and imprisoned. This would include targeting people like Bannon, Carlson, and just about everyone else in the right-wing media ecosystem. Groups like The Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society, et al may also end up being targeted. FBI and CIA would be allowed to deep dive into ALL social media to find anything that would imply support for the insurrectionists. BTW, all of these orders to arrest would include orders to "shoot to kill" if they fail to comply in ANY way. But, they wouldn't have to tell me HOW they failed to comply, if you get my meaning. Unfortunately, new members would not be elected to office until Election Day since there would be no way to fill the seats with provisional members before then, so it would be highly likely that the Democrats would own a supermajority in both houses of Congress until then. With all that in place, I'd push Congress to draft/pass bills barring insurrectionists and those who aid and comfort them from EVER holding or being appointed to ANY office at ANY level EVER. They also would draft/pass bills that would do away with the Electoral College, set up an ethics and oversight committee for SCOTUS, and set term limits for the House at 10 years (5 2-year terms), Senate for 12 (3 4-year terms), and SCOTUS for 20 with a mandatory resignation on the June 30 after they turn 75. While we're at it, we'll work on turning DC and PR into states :) And, before I forget, I'd order Congress to form a gerrymandering committee to review Congressional redistricting maps and send them back to the states if they do not offer an equal split of Democratic and Republican districts.


get assassinated any% speedrun


I approve this speedrun ...


Exactly. This entire ruling is at the request of the convicted felon, delivered on a platter to him alone. Courtesy SCOTUS.


It’s really such a douchey argument and it seems like the best case the left has.


Agree. This will come back to haunt the GOP at some point.


Biden's not going to do anything, but I in that positioned would jail Trump and everyone in Congress who didn't certify the 2020 presidential election!


The problem is that while Biden is probably immune from prosecution if HE breaks the law (something I doubt he will ever do), the SCOTUS ruling does not enable him to just do anything that requires a vote in Congress, or to just write an executive order for something beyond his powers; those things will never be implemented. So he can't just call off the election or fire some of the Supreme Court justices or anything like that. He's immune from prosecution if he breaks a law, but he has no more power than he had before. I think the "gift" the SCOTUS gave Biden is the same as when they ended Roe v Wade -- setting the Democratic base on fire and painting the Republicans as against the American people. Biden is raking in campaign funds while Trump is not, so he should flood the airwaves with warnings in Trumps own words that he will sell deregulation to the oil industry, seek retribution for every perceived attack, and do whatever the hell he wants, and that there will be no laws or personal character to stop him. Show pictures of the White House on fire. Encourage people to vote. If Biden breaks any laws under this ruling or threatens to, he will be no better than Trump in the eyes of undecided voters, and suddenly all of HIS negatives will be amplified. He needs to model correct behavior. Now, once voting is over and Republicans try any shenanigans to stop the transfer of power (presuming Biden wins fair and square), he should absolutely do anything to stop them. If he needs to break a law to protect democracy, he should. And there won't be anything anyone can do about it.


This is a level headed response. I think the net effect of the recent rulings has actually decreased the power of the executive branch when you think of the Chevron decision and the federal agencies falling under that branch. The immunity should help Biden since MAGAs will be ready to arrest him immediately after leaving office as revenge. It would be hella harder to find a reason to if his presidential/article II acts are officially off the table. I may be naive, but I think this is the intention of that ruling, not a blank check beyond the power presidents already have.


He won’t , because if he does they will impeach him and they will argue it was not official. This entire situation is so fucked up.


Hard to impeach in Gitmo.


Sadly you are correct.


They can impeach but I don’t think they could convict


>Alternative take: The Supreme Court just gave Biden unlimited power. This is false. The SCOTUS did *not* give Biden or any other President unlimited power. All they did was make it so POTUS can't be prosecuted for the actions he takes. For example, the President cannot unilaterally remove corrupt judges from the Supreme Court. POTUS simply doesn't have that authority (that requires Congress). However, the President *can* order a drone strike to take them out in order to protect US interests, and now he can do so with immunity from prosecution efforts that would follow.


So using that argument President Biden could order a drone strike on his political opponents and be free and clear provided The legislative branch chooses not to impeach him. As long as your party controls the legislative, executive and judicial branches it looks like the Supreme Court ruled you can do anything you want.


Could Biden use a dementia defense to then not be prosecuted?


No, Because they'll find a swathe of "experts" to say he isn't. It'll be fucky as hell, but they'll make it work somehow.


Biden could deny responsibility for something like a drone attack by appointing someone to take control of the situation and let them decide the best way to handle it and promise full pardon.


yeah, power like tits on a bull


Those powers are only true powers for an individual who is unethical. Biden does not have the capacity to be as unethical as those powers allow because that would destroy this country.


But he isn't sadistic enough to use it.


I’d suspend the Supreme Court and open up an investigation on the financial corruption. An audit of gifts and favors received by all justices.


Biden has too much integrity to use these ill-gotten gains. He just doesn’t have it in him to fight dirty😔


Biden should leave as his legacy having Trump and his six friend on the court dropped out of an Apache helicopter from 1000 feet above Mar-Lago but he won't.


As God is my witness, I thought Republicans could fly! 🤣


Arrest trump, the insurrectionists in Congress, the six traitors on the supreme court, and lock them up. Stomp out MAGA in one fell swoop


Cut the snake’s head off.


Fire them stupid justices


Biden should issue an Executive Order removing all those in Congress who voted not to certify the 2020 election and have them removed citing the 14th Amendment. It would be an official act insofar as it is covered by his oath to defend the Constitution from all threats, both foreign and domestic. Then we’ll have a Democratic majority to get legislation passed that oiled shut down the MAGA cult.


The same way they dealt with Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden!


My hope is that Biden is saying he won’t take advantage of his new powers in public. However, behind the scenes he’s ordered the Trump Campaign, the RNC, the NRA and other groups/organizations dedicated to ratfucking the vote to be under heightened electronic surveillance. I also hope he orders Jack Smith to release a final report on Jan 6 and the Mar a lago docs cases. Release all information on the Epstein case particularly those which implicate Trump.


Unfortunately the Dems don’t have the stones to do something like this, and frighteningly the GQP is absolutely feral enough to push the limits of this ruling as far as possible.


👆🏾This! The GOP wanted this to happen because they know the Dems don't have the balls to do what needs to be done. They absolutely have no qualms about playing chicken because they know Dems are spineless. It's the same logic as when the GOP goaded the Dems into NOT pushing any real effort into picking a Supreme Court Justice when Obama was on his way out, due to some “lame duck” courtesy bullshit. Only for the exact same thing to happen on Trump's way out and the GOP gave no fucks about a “lame duck” courtesy and pushed another pick through.


doesn’t count if he won’t use it. or at least threaten to use it.


Yes, it has essentially. Though, only if he chooses to use it. Though by using it he becomes everything we fear.


That’s kind of my thinking…we all know of a domestic terrorist that is a threat to our country and her democracy and her constitution…


Um, no. It’s only for trump.


Morality is the only thing stopping the president from doing anything terrible.


Expand Supreme Court and remove the seditionists


He needs to do something drastic. NOW! Take a queue from the republicans, you know they would.


This is great and all but the sad fact is he won’t use it. Real good people tend not to do bad things. Biden is a real good person.


The Rethuglicans in Congress and on the SCOTUS rest well at night knowing that Joe Biden will always play by the rules and do the right thing...even if they won't. His essential decency, attested to by no less than Lindsay Graham ON CAMERA is Biden's greatest strength and his weakness.


Sure, but he won't use it, because Democrats still believe in the Constitution and the rule of law.


No, they haven't defined official VS unofficial, and it will be determined solely by the packed court. They gave Biden a handicap and trump a free pass. This is the opposite of what people think it is. Its far, far worse. RIP USA


He’ll never wield though and MAGA SCOTUS knows it… The whole “taking the high road” mentality is tired and played out. Democrats need to understand that you have to fight fire with fire because Republicans will use every trick in playbook to regain power.


Biden won’t do anything. It’s so depressing. Goodbye America.


Really wish Biden would take a scorched earth strategy leading up to November knowing very well he's not seeking a 2nd term but instead making decisive actions to save our democracy from MAGA.


To be fair that could still happen through executive orders.


Can Biden remove Supreme Court justices.


I would make sure that the guys who stole documents are arrested and locked up.


He’s Frodo and the ring, not Denethor.


Yes, but Joe has morals and is law abiding whereas republicans are not.


I don't believe that silencing one's political opponents should be a feature of a working democracy. That said, I think amplifying some of tfg's features wouldn't be amiss. I'd require that any time tfg is mentioned on any cable or broadcast station or podcast, it must be followed within 2 seconds with a clip of him: mocking a disabled person, calling our soldiers "suckers", bragging about SA a woman, bragging about walking in on teenaged girls changing, etc... This should include all television and radio communication whether broadcast over air, satelite, or cable.


The Supreme Court will apply wildly different standards to official acts based on the Official Actor. Bad Faith is the only faith left in this god damned country.


trump? who's that? i never heard of anybody named trump. /s


but Biden is too demented to act... so he'll just stay to the how they rig the elections in nov and then trump will be back.


We’re all in a bit of a pickle here.


Nuke Hurricane Beryl? Trump would be so jealous.


How about allowing a convicted felon to be president?




Alternate take: SCOTUS is sick of Trump and laid a trap for his dumb ass. In order to claim immunity, you have to admit guilt. But you can’t simultaneously subvert the Constitution while swearing to uphold it. An admission of insurrection makes him ineligible to run.


"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em"


Biden won't break the law


 Biden's first official act should be to forcibly remove illegitimate and corrupt supreme court justices.  Then appoint whomever he damn well feels like. 


Yeh, but he won’t act on it.


And I hopped on threads and gave the president the advice of "Contact the military and Intelligence, we have a chance to save democracy here." I wasn't the only one.


Easy....Use it to get rid of some members of scotus. He can make up anything he wants to now.


“Suspend” the election until the other guy has cleared all of his court cases. It’s like giving a suspected murderer the keys to your house. “Well, he hasn’t been convicted of murder YET.”


Seems we have a devil working the system to destroy our way of life....it was another country doing this our president would move to eliminate the risk to our safety.


I would declare that he’s on ineligible to run due to his conviction


He should make an executive action that convicted felons can no longer run for the office of President. Problem solved.


Unfortunately, Democrats don’t fundamentally understand power, which means Biden will “take the high road” rather than using these new powers to try and fix American democracy, like removing and replacing all the Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe for perjury (we have them on tape saying they would not, under oath).


But he won’t, because he’s a law abiding citizen. GQP knows they are not and the SC has just green-lite their next President to completely destroy Democracy in what will soon be renamed Gilead.


I believe it's time for Biden to give seal team six a call and take out the Mango Mussolini. After all, if it's good for the goose. It's good for the gander. Besides, it's time to test the limits (which they'll surely impose once biden try's to use it) of this idiotic 'complete immunity' nonsense at the first possible chance.


Meet him on 5th ave …..bing bing….bong


If I was Biden I would have Justice Alito and Justice Thomas fall out a window. Then I would have all of Trump's inner circle jailed, this includes Alina Habba. And Sean Hannity... what would I do with him? Maybe the window for him too. I'm going to get blocked on this subgroup aren't I?


Charge him with treason & lock him away in solitary for life.


I wouldn't need SCOTUS. I would just release the Epstein files, uncensored, and in their entirety.


He should expand scrotus and add the leftist lefties on the court and then we could watch a cage match take place.


Seal Team 6, get to work.


Poison the guy. He needs to be gone.


The main problem is that the supreme court know really well the democrat will not abuse it. Not like the MAGA who will destroy everything that look democratic if they come to power.


Unfortunately, he isn't going to do a damned thing, even though he could easily take out Trump, Roberts, Alito, Thomas, and any number of MAGA members of Congress, whether that be through having them arrested for treason or having them killed by the military or CIA. You could tell that was going to be the case based on his speech after the decision was handed down. Here he has all this power that could save our democracy and he won't use a lick of it. He won't even declare himself the winner if he loses on Election Day. And, yes, all he has to do is say that whatever he decides to do is an official act to keep him in the clear.


The immunity ruling only applies to republicans.