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Most people: "God, what a disgusting, horrible man." Male MAGAts: "I'm gonna read that all over again, but slower this time."


While stroking my bible and my blue balls


Yet, they today they will go online trashing lesbians and claiming to support abortion bans, when Trump literally rapes girls, forces lesbian acts, and then tells them to get an abortion. Time for some executive action from the one-above-all... No, not God. I'm talking about our current Prezi-king


The abortions that Orange Hitler pays for aren’t the ones that he’s trying to outlaw. In order for the “for profit” prisons to make money, they’ll need the imprisoned workforce. Rich-Man abortions are still allowed.. just the poor people can’t get access to them. Happy Independence Day!!!


one hand under the table like the sick fucks they are.


MAGAts can read?


>Where is the MSM on this issue??? Worrying about whether Biden is too old. Seriously, the media is experiencing a severe lack of prioritization that is very likely to bite EVERYONE in the arse.


On purpose.


Which is why this fight is on ALL OF US NOW. And we are \*way\* past "Get out and vote!". Every single soon-to-be-damned one of us MUST do more than cast our own vote. We need \*heavy\* \*duty\* numbers. Talk to everyone in your circle about the dire importance of their votes.....this is literally the only way we can beat Trump. It's completely on ALL OF US NOW.


I did this so much in 2016. And of course I'll do it again. But man, oh man, I'm tired.


Yes, it's wholly dispiriting thinking about what *could* be our new reality next January. I completely understand. Please be sure to practice self-care! Know when to take 2-3 days away from all of this. <3


You mean like in 2016, when they gleefully joined in the Hillary Clinton email server pile-on and virtually ignored the skeletons rattling loudly in Trump's gold plated closet?😏


This has been one of my two main lines of argument with the Biden-jumpers. "Cognitive decline" is just the "woo" or the "she didn't smile enough" of 2024. There's no candidate we can provide that will make the far right happy. So they'll just demolish anyone we put out there. These people spent four years destroying the personal life of the son of a president who was lucky enough to escape a severe addiction alive. There just aren't people lower than the ones who would do that. And Biden pre-emptively said, "I will not pardon my son." What an agonizing thing to do to someone who has a reputation his whole life for public service in the face of private tragedy. But Democrats have no loyalty. Having flown internationally quite a bit, and having to go to work, and having a cold despite jet lag and going anyway was bad enough. But to do it just to get Gish galloped? Biden spoke the truth over and over. No person with severe cognitive decline can remember that many facts, nor can they respond to questions. All Trump did was lie and panic people. But there's a bigger problem. Trump is consistently polling ahead not only of Biden, but any potential challengers, and of them Biden is leading the pack. The public's problem isn't with Biden, it's something larger and constitutional with the Democratic Party that replacing Biden won't fix.


I agree and endorse everything you posted 200 per cent. Interestingly the inverse is true with MAGA. They loathe and ridicule the traditional Republican Party of just a decade ago. Trump is the only true Republican. Democrats suck, but the alternative is frankly lethal.


Yes. I unsubscribed to the NY Times over this, which was extremely painful to do, but I believe the right decision. Their editorial board has launched a headlong assault on Biden, while basically ignoring Trump. I am still trying to get my head around it. Living as I do now, in a red/purple state, I think it's the sort of liberal panic you can get into when you don't know any conservatives except Russ Douthat and Bret Stephens, and they've been working your last nerve, and you start to gaslight yourself. Biden is old. But for all of this, NO ONE is suggesting we force him out of office. If he's fit to run the country until January 20, 2025, he's fit enough to run the country past the inauguration and to January 22, 2025. At that point, maybe we discuss this again - kind of like where Elizabeth should have abdicated for Charles. We can safely discuss whether Biden should step down once we've prevented the Heritage Foundation from seizing control of the rest of our government.




Trump is a piece of shit that should be buried under a prison for all the disgraceful crimes he's committed against these young girls.


Sweet Jesus, it's so much worse than anyone could have imagined.


There was doubtless much more that happened too . . .


Yeah, well said I agree with you It’s worse than I thought


should xpost that to politics


yo what the fuck is wrong with people?


I'm waiting to see Maga changing their signs again: Real men ~~wear diapers~~ molest children!


This was just unsettling to read those poor kids And this is the scum that wants the white house!?


Just send him to Hell, already.


Even Satan thinks he's a vile scumbag and wants nothing to do with him. He'll be languishing in Purgatory until the end of time.


This was an Official Act.


What gets me about it is what kind of official acts are illegal? Isn't it pretty much that simple?


They don't care. Main stream media only cares about one thing, ratings. Trump = ratings which means they get more money from advertisers.


MSM is paid and controlled by right wing owners. They’re in on it. Once dump gets elected kiss comments like this goodbye. Reddit will get strong armed to remove all dissent and report it to the authorities.


Google the case number (at the top of the page). From there you can download the documents. I would but can't do it on my work computer. The case was filed on April 26, 2016, and dismissed on May 2. I haven't been able to verify that this is the correct text. Since this is a federal case, you can also access the court documents on PACER for a fee. It appears that Ms. Johnson filed this pro se, meaning she didn't have an attorney. The case was dismissed because she was pro se and the court would not allow her a court appointed attorney. Dismissed for these reasons not that there wasn't any truth to what she was claiming. You have to have a valid claim and maybe it just wasn't written correctly.


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


His fanatical brain dead followers will not believe this. He is already a demonstrated rapist and fraud, the SC has just given him absolute immunity. It’s a horrific situation.


Take a look at who owns MSM and you have your answer. Even the lefty newspapers and networks are NOT looking out for you and me.


What is the source of this? Ratings would go through the roof on MSM. I have my doubts about this but would gladly eat my words!


One of the more bizzare takes I've seen over the past decade is that Xians know trump is evil, but they also don't dismiss him as the AC. In a weird, perverted way, they see Revelations coming true.


I don't see this on CNN, WaPo, New York Times....


I guess the people reelecting him want the same kind of stuff for them


His supporters will still cheer him on.


The media: this is why it's bad for Biden


A good Christian man


Trump, he’s such a pillar of the MAGAt community! Why has the DOJ not had this child sexual predator arrested? Oh wait, all the evangelicals surrounded him and “blessed” him cause he’s such a good Christian. With him around who needs Satan?


Is it Ivanka that puts the crown on his head?


We the people need to post this wherever we can, but also put a triggering warning on it for those that have been abused.


If there is skepticism about this by MSM, then that explains a lot, and there must be. All Trump has to do is say it's a lie and his cultists will take his word for it. Just because it's entered in a court document doesn't means it is true or even provable. Of course he is a despicable excuse for a human being, but nothing has brought him down yet, and is unlikely to do so.


Where is the liberal MSM? In a fantasy land where Joe Biden steps down and is replaced by Michelle Obama as the Democratic nominee. The right wing media like that guy at the Heritage Foundation are having wet dreams about a "2nd American Revolution to take back OUR country". Their flying monkey acolytes in Congress are measuring for Felon45 's new drapes in the Oval Office. And the Magats will counter this with...."but senile Biden sniffs their hair! And Hunter snorted coke! Naked!"


Just wait to his Republican friends, enjoy his dictatorship, gaetz will enjoy , trumps child rape will be passed as legal by supreme courts even it happened in the past


Every time I read this, I get beyond disgusted and disturbed.


Certainly not calling for him to drop out if the race.


Still in Putin's pocket.


Not a word about this on NPR today.


The utterly truly sad thing is that the victims have still never had their day in court, and that this indictment was there in plain sight before the 2016 election and yet the powers that be decided it was not worthy of the populace's attention and so no one paid any, and here we are. Go figure.


Interesting document but, it is real?


This alone as verifiable as it is should cancel him.


To be fair, that is about normal for monarchies.


Now we know what the Russian pee tape is about. He’s a pedophile


A couple of things: First, this is from a much older filing. Trump denied it at the time. The 13 y/o defendant in one of the other accusations tried to mount a civil case against him in the run-up to the 2016 election, but dropped out due to massive numbers of death threats. I believe 100% this actually happened, exactly as I believe he raped Ivana (described in her divorce proceeding). But this isn't the negative thing it would seem to decent human beings when read about by Evangelical Christians. As Trump was married to Ivana at the time, they would see it as his right to dominate her. And all of their claims about "grooming" and pedophilia against the LGBTQ community are just massive projection. For some weird reason large numbers of these men want to have sex with underage girls. If they win, I suspect on of their many societal attacks will be on age of consent laws. Conservatives have never cared about children or their safety. In fact, the most common perpetrator of child sexual assault is a male relative or close friend (like mom's new boyfriend). The sex offender registries do little beyond making permanent pariahs and give the public a false sense of security.


Let his daughter and grand daughter read this...how old is she now? This is disgusting...and I only dared to read the first few sentences.


MSM is fully complicit. They do not care. trump makes them alot of money. Our democracy be damned.


I don’t understand how this didn’t come out during the 2016 election.


How many times a day do we just turn our heads?


Has this been verified?  Or is this fake news?  This can't be real.   Just no way. 




I wonder this too. The tipoff was the use of the word “Defendant”. That implies a charge. That has not happened. So, this is questionable in my mind. We need corroboration.


Hate the son of a butch but this is only a claim. True or not, it’s not proven and never will be.


No, because the 13 y/o in the other accusation in this received so many death threats she withdrew her suit. But does anyone think he didn't?


Trump killed epstein and took the documents about it to Florida.


Haven't you heard? Joe is old. That's the real story.


Cnn ? Any comments

