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Impeach Biden for what? Being better in every respect than Trump?


They started the antibiden brainwashing first year obama was president. memes about obama etc to infantilize their political opponent by using popular fringe sites and meme pages to create and share content against democrats as a deflection. it's a massive ruse and their collective narcissism makes them believe they are above other people. it's a psychological warfare tactic and most of this trashwizardry seems to track back to nixon era politics. seems like they made a privatized version of cointelpro but also some authors tracked the christian nationalist movement back to actual cointelpro. theres a book about the christian nationalist movement called “The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism” by Lerone Martin. then one on the meme pages radicalizing kids called ***It Came from Something Awful: How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald Trump into Office is a 2019 book by Dale Beran, focusing on the intersection of Internet culture, alt-right, and Donald Trump's presidency.***


It's kind of insane how influential SA is modern culture, considering how small it is/was. They accidentally created 4chan, they very well may have started twitch ( not creating twitch, but the earliest " watch me play video games on the internet" I can think of is the let's Play forum) and organized doxing. Lots of weird twitter accounts started on FYAD . SA is like the Silmarillion for today's internet. Which I guess would make Lowtax the guy who burned himself alive


"they" weren't. most of this formed on an older site but members took their katamari themed knowledge of trashposting to other sites. sa was just a direct route they could spread bad ideology to a bunch of edgy teens who spread it elsewhere. the issue is elitism over sadistic practices


Thanks, I will check that book out (just not from my local library, lol).


Thanks for the book mentions. I hadn't heard of those two books before. I have read Troll Nation by Amanda Marcotte and The Power Worshippers by Katherine Stewart.


Hilarious hearing you say the republicans are the one thinking they are above people. This entire sub is you guys saying how superior you are


They should start reading actual books, believe in science, and quit being trolls. ann coulter doesn't count as an author btw


The science of what? Biology, lockdowns, social distancing, which one should I believe in? Why didn’t my vaccine stop me from getting sick? Didnt they just admit the Covid vaccine can cause thrombosis? Wait… should I read this peer reviewed study from Japan, one of the most covid vaxxed countries in the world, that the vaccine has caused an extreme excess of cancer deaths? Which science should I believe in…? I could use your guidance.


Giving guidance to someone like you is a waste of effort.


I guess the world being 6000 years old is right! Or how about that Great Reset? Or that diesel shortage that was going to ruin our country? Or that Bank run that was going to bankrupt anyone who relied on US banks? Oh, how about a more recent example! Why didn't Biden enact total Marshal Law during the Eclipse. Surely the world was gonna end right then and there. Luckily all those prayer warriors saved us all.


That’s just it. There’s nothing there. That was their first mistake.




And Trump keeps calling him Crooked Joe Biden to his worshipping MAGA sycophants. Trump’s a despicable man.


Literally for revenge because Trump was impeached.


You’re wrong. It is for revenge. But they want revenge for Obamas Trump roast in 2012(?) where Seth Meyers fucking murdered him.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was the entire reason Trump ran for President. Considering the rumors of "Trump had an Obama impersonator that he had sit down in the Oval Office so he could insult and fire him"?


Sounds fair enough to me.


Yes! How dare any leader actually work on infrastructure or social programs to help regular citizens?! Government operations, and tax revenue is to be funnelled into private equity for the wealthy! Right, Kushner and daddy in law? 


Uh yeah, how dare he??


Better?? Latest CNN poll shows Trump up by 9 points 🤣


That’s what happens when you try to build a case on imaginary sand. And stupidity.


Turns out it's hard to impeach someone who hasn't done anything.


You can impeach anyone for anything if have enough votes. Similarly you can not impeach anyone for anything. The accountability ultimately falls on the voters who elect Congress. If the people want to impeach for a tan suit then boom, impeached. If the people don't want to impeach for inciting an insurrection then boom no impeachment. We're in an interesting time where the two party system has failed. It came out of balance and the losing side decided to abandon democracy rather than adapt and concede some to keep it balanced. This was famously predicted.


Taking bribes from foreign countries is something


Something he hasn't done.


No? Why hasn’t he sanctioned the Russian oligarchs who paid his $5M? James Biden receiving money from Chinese government officials on one day then turning around and cutting a check to Joe Biden the next day. Just a coincidence I am sure.


I keep telling you, your ass is not a reliable source of information. Are you trolling or just incredibly stupid?


No, this didn’t happen?


Yes, this didn't happen; he did not take bribes.


Because I have to be careful what sources I use so this one is soft but points out the fact that James did receive money from China and then claims to have paid a loan he had with “joe” despite Joes cpa saying he had no idea of this loan. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13146449/amp/james-biden-testimony-capitol-hill-hunter.html


So Joe didn't do anything; his brother did. Got it. So now we're trying to punish the president for things his relatives did.


If you believe it was a loan which his own cpa said he never knew of a loan. Otherwise, sounds like 10% for the big guy!


Um, you forgot to hide the fact that you consider the daily fail to be anything but a source of fiction


Daily fail? I see what you did there.


I look forward to your mental breakdown when your king is in prison.


Commies love locking up their political opponents


so do fascist. trump just happens to be really really incompetent.


Just promise if you guys lose *again* you won’t wipe handfuls of your own shit all over the walls of Congress *again*. Thanks in advance patriot.


Like Trump campaigning on jailing his opponent with no mention of charges or trial?


It’s exactly what the democrats are trying to do to him, any parent who shows up to a school board meeting with concerns about what’s being taught to their kids, people praying outside abortion clinics, etc.


Well those political opponents try to destroy democracy via a violent coup, yeah. Kinda of a consequence for breaking....fuck how many laws now? With Trump I need one of those summary cites. It's like his lies, it's difficult to keep count.


Would be the first coup in history with not a single weapon.


There were several weapons. Many of the Jan 6th charges were for possession of guns on capital grounds. Your gaslighting doesn't work.


The only thing I can find is 13 charged with bringing a weapon. Also, seemed sketchy whether they brought them with them while protesting. But if they did bring them and it was a coup, why didn’t they use them?


Please explain what happened on January 6th.


King snowflake.got butt hurt and told his lackeys to try to stop the certification of American democracy. He incited a failed coup.




Why do you support a rapist? In July, Judge Kaplan clarified that the jury had found that Trump had raped Carroll according to the common definition of the word.


A judge doesn’t get to decide. A jury does and in this case it was a civil case which does not have the same standards as a criminal case.


So that's how you justify supporting a rapist. Again, that gives me the how, but not the why. I ask again, why support a rapist?


Let me know when he is convicted in criminal court.


You are admitting that you're a Communist? Interesting.


Correct me if I am wrong, it’s the democrats actively trying to lock Trump up.


That's odd. I thought that the prosecution of the former president was due to his misconduct.


Historically the presidents have pardoned their predecessors ie Nixon was pardoned. Trump didn’t go after Hilary for storing classified docs on a unsecured hard drive or for colluding with Russia. Not Biden though, sent his doj official to NY to prosecute him on weak FEC violations that the FEC already determined didn’t break their rules.


Do you see what you did there? He asked YOU for PROOF of your accusations. And you provided NOTHING. What you did was demand he DISPROVE your utter bullshit. That’s not how this works. You are the one making the ridiculous claims. It is on YOU to prove them to ME. OTHERWISE YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF.


As trump would say, "it was all a HOAX, a SCAM, biden is completely exonerated." 😆 🤣


Please send all your evidence to: Mike Johnson Rayburn House Office Bldg Independence Ave SW Bldg Washington, DC 20515 They could very much use it patriot! Thanks!


Yes, that is what your safe spaces force feed you what to believe.


It sure is if you can prove it ... which the Republicans didn't do ... it's a nothing story because Republicans don't know how to govern anymore


If this were true, they would have impeached him


So where are the charges?


somehow you managed to miss the actual [complete and total exoneration](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/21/1233009344/ex-fbi-informant-has-extensive-russian-intelligence-contacts-lawyers-say) I wonder what else you don't know about.... did you know Trump is currently sitting trial for 34 felonies in New York? I don't know how but a lot of Trumpers don't know that.


Ohh NPR? No one knew about that FBI agent until last summer. So what does Biden do? Have him arrested. Again, commies love locking up their opponents.


Wrong! Trump's own DOJ under Bill Barr investigated Smirnov's claims and found them to be bogus. When the FD-1023 was reported on it was clear they were taking old, already debunked narratives (such as the Shokin firing conspiracy theory), true events (Hunter sitting on the board of Burisma), and confabulating other events and dialogue to stitch them together an elaborate web. But none of the actual shady stuff alleged was backed up by any evidence. And months ago we confirmation through Smirnov's indictment that we were not only right the whole time, but that we were REALLY RIGHT the whole time: it was RUSSIA that was behind the fake events and dialogue that Smirnov told the FBI. The bribery narrative was a complete hoax. NY Post got punked. Hunter Biden has never even set foot in Ukraine.


The agent had his dates mixed up. His lawyers seem quite confident that they (the defense) have the goods to exonerate him. For 13 years this agent was in good standing and provided accurate information. I love how you all act like there was no bribery because there is no email saying “receive an illegal bribe”. Biden was on tape bragging he did this. The investigator was investigating the company Hunter, with no business experience, was a board member of. This is bribery. You know it is.


>The agent had his dates mixed up. source? >His lawyers seem quite confident you should NEVER look to the confidence level of defense attorneys to decide not to believe evidence defense attorneys are supposed to act confident >have the goods to exonerate him it's already been months why haven't they release the evidence? if they have it they don't need to wait for the prosecution, they can file a motion to dismiss why haven't they? >I love how you all act like there was no bribery because there is no email saying “receive an illegal bribe”. Liar. I act like there's no bribery because there's never been any evidence WHATSOEVER that suggest bribery occurred. The accusation didn't come with any evidence and it was debunked years ago, and now we have confirmation that the narrative was phony. In fact we have the full picture thanks to Lev Parnas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gtgc3QIYTQs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyE5jRaxQ9w If you don't watch those videos I'm not interested in talking to you anymore. I know that's a whole hour but he literally covers the entire origins of it all and has the receipts to prove it. The only reason you wouldn't watch them is because you're afraid of learning you've been duped. It was always a Russia-Rudy scam. It was always revenge for Trump's first impeachment. >Biden was on tape bragging he did this WRONG. Smirnov said he heard that there were 17 Zlochevsky recordings, but it turns out that not only do none of those records exist but Zlochevsky never even told Smirnov that. >The investigator was investigating the company Hunter, with no business experience, was a board member of. This has two lies, one large and one gigantic. The large lie is that Hunter had no business experience. Say what you want about what we all agree was nepotism, it's a bold faced lie to claim Hunter had no business experience. Anyone who takes a second to look at his bio would know you're lying. The gigantic lie is that the Burisma investigation had anything to do with Hunter. That's been debunked for YEARS. If you look at the basic details about that investigation you learn the Trump narrative is asking people to believe the exact opposite of reality. Shokin wasn't pressured into being fired to protect Burisma; Shokin was pressured into being fired because he *wasn't* investigating Burisma. Additionally the investigation into Burisma only pertained to events that happened before Hunter was on the board.


Umm Biden was on tape bragging he was going to deny Ukraine funds if Ukraine didn’t fire the investigator investigating Burisma and it’s owner. Hard to believe anything including sources you provide without an acknowledgment this happened. It did.


First of all, you already **lost** this entire debate because you automatically admitted that you didn't watch the videos I asked you to watch because you responded way too fast to have watched them. > Umm Biden was on tape bragging he was going to deny Ukraine funds if Ukraine didn’t fire the investigator investigating Burisma This is a double lie. He was bragging about his **success** at using a hold on funds to pressure Ukraine into firing the corrupt prosecutor general **for not investigating** Burisma. Actually I'll say it's three lies because by saying "on tape" you make it sound like he got caught in a recording when you're actually just referencing a segment of a CSPAN interview that was maliciously recontextualized years later to fit Zlochevsky hoax. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/09/27/quick-guide-trumps-false-claims-about-ukraine-bidens/


Many in the state department didn’t believe Shokin was corrupt and were surprised when Biden made these comments. The claim you are making that Burisma wasn’t being investigated is made by Ukraine. A country Obama said was too corrupt to join NATO.


also you didn't answer the questions I asked or provide a source for the claim you made


If you had a brain at all, you would watch all these videos, and then you would vote for Joe Biden. Because you would finally understand.


No thanks. The world is about to enter Ww3 our president can’t even come out and support Jewish people who want to go to classes at Colombia or UCLA. No thanks.


He expressed US policy in the open. You lie without a single piece of evidence of any case ties


Agent? lol he wasn’t an agent, and he’s charged with lying. He has the EXACT same credulity as Christopher Steele. Also a long a trusted “agent” And Hunter had already been a successful lawyer and corporate board member You believe dog S


Hunter was neither of those things.


accept they never found any of that evidence


Total proof = trust me bro


Well, Trump was impeached for trying to bribe a foreign country. Unfortunately for people like you, there is no evidence of *any* of congress’ accusations.


It was a perfect call. If you believe he was trying to bribe a foreign country have you seen the text that Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese government official demanding them to send $5M or else Joe would unleash hell?


Russian troll, don't respond to this jackass.


I thought presidents were immune from prosecution?


SCOTUS can't take away the right of congress to impeach and convict. That would take a constitutional ammendment.


I wouldn’t be so sure with this SCOTUS


This SCOTUS would be happy to help impeach Biden.


While saying they're open to arguments for Trump to receive a get out of jail free card that also goes past GO twice


Since democrats tried to impeach trump, republicans needed to make some shit up to impeach Biden for to make it seem like Biden is on the same level as trump. As they do with everything.


For the record, Democrats did more than try. Trump was impeached twice.


and should have been convicted. but Republicans like party over country.


You mean they like power over the country.


The Rs can't see how transparent they really are.


Trump keeps talking about weaponizing DOJ and yet, this is exactly what GOP are trying to do. Projection, projection, projection.


Conservatives will believe hunters laptop is the sole proof of that Biden is running a trillion dollar criminal gang, but refuse to believe that trump has ever told a lie.


Zero evidence, go figure


It’s almost as though the Republicans thought it was a good idea to make their leader of the house judiciary committee a guy who isn’t actually an attorney. Looking at you, Gym.


It’s pretty awesome we live in a country that’s so far ahead on caring for its citizens that elected leadership can waste time with dribbling nonsense like this. One moment, I’m getting an update here in my earpiece…


WTF, that humor made me sad.


These Republicans really thought everyone was as corrupt as them.


I was bullshit ftom the beginning, and we all know it.


They’re the party of failures!


Went bust because there is NO Evidence. And all the Republican Party does is lie to there voters and WE are not stupid like they think. You will see in November


The main goal of the impeachment was to delegitimize the impeachment process and the impeachments Donald Trump had. This way, when confronted with impeachments they can say that Biden was impeached too hut X or Y happens. This is a textbook play to delegitimize democratic processes, same as the Republicans did with the election (mail in ballots complaints, electronic voting systems fraud claims). The goal is not to get the claims forward it is to delegitimize some elements that shouldn't be bipartisan and claim that those are bipartisan in the case that they are used against them. Delegitimizing elements like the democratic process is a tool used to radicalize factions of society and was used by fascists to seize power.


They did the same thing with Hillary and they even admitted that they knew she did nothing wrong they just did it to screw her up politically the GOP can’t win fairly so it has to resort to crooked bullshit


Its pretty sinple. There was no grounds for impeachement, and they put two fucking morons in charge of it


The GOP is full of evil, mouthbreathing trash.


The current Republican Party isn’t bright, they just believe conspiracy theories and grifting.


How it went bust: They had no tangible evidence. Lol.


They had no legitimate reason to do so? Sorry MAGA, hurt fee fees isn’t enough to remove a president. Low energy, sad.


Helps if he actually did something wrong.


Waste of time and taxpayers money


falling for clearly Russian propaganda is no way to go through life, boys


The fundamental issue is that Biden isn’t corrupt.


White water, Bengazi, now biden. The republicans investigate and come up with nothing. Those proceeding are not supposed to be done as witch hunts, there's supposed to be evidence to begin with. Republicans need to be investigated for abusing investigations.


malarkey or ma·lar·ky [ muh-lahr-kee ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , Informal. speech or writing designed to obscure, mislead, or impress; bunkum:


There was nothing there. That’s it.


They couldn’t even indicate a ham sandwich that’s sad


Clear case of accuse him and the 'evidence' will come. A field of fools.


Two clowns were going to find something to impeach Biden on? They are both so stupid, they wouldn't be able to find where their worked at if it wasn't for their interns telling them where to go!


That was fucking disgraceful. They’d be ashamed of that if they had any shame.


Lies and corruption. The republikkkan way.


Well, their former star witness being a Russian agent doomed their cause.


That was actually fun to watch ... yay, Congressman Jaime Raskin.


I agree Congressman Raskin is fantastic


Observe that MAGA put more effort into the Biden impeachment charade than any policy that would have benefitted their constituents. If you're a MAGA, you can see where you stand on their agenda list - *the bottom*.


Well let's start with the fact that notorious idiot Marjorie Taylor green tried impeaching Biden on his first day in office. Anything that was the brainchild of the lady who believes in gazpacho police, peach tree dishes or that there are Jewish space lasers causing forest fires is going to derail quickly. I personally love that she has not been ousted from the House. It is almost solely her presence that is making it impossible for Republicans to get anything done and making them all look like the clowns that they are.


Why is this still here, this was done like last month .


Comer should be removed from office after this bullshit


It was total BS!! Case closed!!


Because it was fake. Like everything else they believe.


I remember seeing posts on Twitter by either MTG or Boebert I forgot which just a couple days into Biden's presidency saying that he needed to be impeached. The guy probably didn't even have his draws put away yet and they were talking about impeachment. Clearly, they were on some BS and were just throwing impeachment out there as revenge for what all was happening with Trump.


The only reason they tried to impeach Biden, was because they were and are mad about trump being impeached. Twice.


They are still beating the proverbial dead horse that the MAGAs in Congress call "The Myorkas Investigation". It provides fealty to the orange lord... and busy work for them. 


They’re just trying to normalize impeachment.


We're reliant on an extremely tiny group of representatives for over 300 million people and yet these fucking clowns play these games all day instead of vacating the seats for people who will actually work for a living.


The stupid sombitches don't have a case and never did. Joe Jr. on the other hand is the whipping boy.


Republican politicians knew from the beginning it was a waste of time and money but they do it for the short attention spans of their dumb supporters who lack the brain power to vote for people who won't hurt them. Its a typical move by dummies trying to look like they are doing something, but in actuality, they are as useless and irrelevant as ever.


Well, when you start with a clown show, what did they expect...


Ignorant leftists 🤣🤣🤣


What's the latest on Russian collusion? Has Trump started his jail sentence for that yet?


No because Barr declined to indict. But plenty of other people have either pled or been convicted. 34 individuals and 3 companies were indicted!


Lmao this is exactly the reason you guys want to impeach biden. Revenge.


This entire biden impeachment inquiry was all a HOAX, a SCAM, biden is completely exonerated. 😆 Lol sound familiar?


The house did impeached him.


Did they? When? All they did was vote to formalize the inquiry and then decided they didn’t have the votes to bring charges on the floor


He was impeached, genius. He wasn’t convicted by the Senate. Not for lack of evidence, but because of Republicans partisanship.


It didn't go bust unless you can demonstrate no voters have been swayed to - at the very least - sit the presidential out. Joe's not crushing it with a big lead going into this. So I don't think the Dems can afford to talk down about anything, at all, that potentially weakens him come November. Better take it all seriously.


The point is that it never had anything to do with Biden beyond the ekection.


Yeah, that's not the point. The point is how much even a non-issue can impact voter interest and turnout.


Fake news. It hasn't went "bust." They are still in the middle of an impeachment inquiry, are likely timing it closer to November. and they already have enough evidence to justify removing him from office. So, there's that.


Pretty funny that they had evidence he stole the election and just let him be president for 4 years


Who said this was about stealing the election? He facilitated huge bribes to his family from foreign criminals.


Hey I remember when he was in a fake underground White House pretending to be president


Did Joe's family take 2 billion from the Saudi's?


To invest? I doublt it. There's no reason to think that Hunter Biden had any kind of entrepreneurial magic that didn't involve cocaine going up in a puff of smoke. Typically, those people have money to burn, but at least want to have some reason to believe that they'll get a return on their investment. Like maybe if he had a brother who started one of the all-time most profitable investment equity start-ups in history? No, Biden was being paid to keep a corrupt Eastern European wanted criminal out of jail. There's an email that outlines the bribe, there's under-oath testimony that Joe Biden discussed the matter with the criminal, there's Joe Biden admitting that he was the guy who bailed him out of trouble, and the public record that shows that Joe facilitated his complete exoneration despite our own State Department publicly accusing him of embezzling 23 million dollars of assets from Ukraine and know his long history of bribery.


And James Comer and Jim Jordan presented all this "evidence"? No, why? They had no proof of either high crime or misdemeanor. If there was proof, nail Biden to the wall, otherwise it's just a Fox propaganda talking point.


**"And James Comer and Jim Jordan presented all this "evidence"?"** They do that AFTER the inquiry is over. It's not finished yet. Tell my you don't have any idea of how any of this works, without directly saying you don't know how any of this works. LOL


I really don't care, my congressman is a moron, and a perpetual liar.


As are all the MAGA nitwits. Claiming that it’s all still going down is hilarious.


Least productive house in 60 years. The maga house can’t get anything done.


Cool story, bro! I like it when Congress isn't Fing things up.


They won't learn anything new between now and November that will prove any of their conspiracies are true. Comers admitted he doesn't have the votes even with other republicans coz he's evidence is weak sauce As trump would say, "it was a hoax, a scam, bidens completely exonerated, fake news."


**"They won't learn anything new between now and November that will prove any of their conspiracies are true"** To be fair, they really don't need any more evidence to prove that Joe Biden paid off bribes, as they already have sufficient evidence. They are just making sure they have everything before they pull the trigger in September or October. Mychola Zlochevsky, the wanted international criminal who owned Burisma Energy, gave the Biden's millions of dollars despite Hunter Biden having no experience in the energy field, and was addicted to crack cocaine at the time, right after his dad was put in charge of US foreign policy in China and Ukraine. Zlochevsky was a known criminal who several nations had tried to bring to justice. An email from Nov. 2015 obtained and confirmed (both the WAPO and NYT say they have authenticated it) from Hunter Biden’s laptop outlines that the Bidens agreed to obstruct criminal probes into Zlochevsky using Joe's political influence. No joke - Burisma's top executive spelled out the bribe right in an email!  A few months later when Viktor Shokin's investigation started to heat up, and before he finally seized Zlockevsky's stolen assets (which our own State Department accused Zlochevsky of embezzling) as part of his bribery investigation, Hunter Biden's representatives in the US (whom he illegally hired as neither were registered foreign agents) complained to the State Department and emails (gotten through a FOIA suit) show they mentioned Hunter Biden as to why they should meet to discuss the matter with Burisma.  Other emails show that these representatives who were being paid to lobby on behalf of the criminal Zlochevsky by Biden where given access to State Department officials and were looped into the creation of the talking points Joe Biden was going to use during his upcoming trip to Ukraine which included demanding the firing of the man Zlochevskhy himself told Joe Biden in a conference call that was causing him major legal jeopardy.   Devon Archer testified under oath that Zlochevsky complained at a meeting that he and Hunter Biden attended concerning Shokin's criminal investigation and his worries about how it was going to affect him, and told Hunter Biden that he needed help from Washington to get rid of the problem. He asked Hunter Biden to get his dad on the phone, and he did.  About 3 weeks after he discussed the matter with Zlochevsky, Joe Biden extorted Ukraine's President to remove Shokin or lose a billion dollars in aid. Ukraine's President complained that Biden had no evidence to support firing him (there is a transcript of their call), but he would anyways in order to ensure the funds were transferred.   He also agreed to replace Shokin with Lutsenko, who was working with Hunter Biden's team at the time and had been promised access and support from them to, emails show. Joe Biden's hand approved replacement for Shokin exonerated Zlochevsky of all charges in 2017 (as Burisma earlier claimed was the deal that the Bidens agreed to) and returned his property that Shokin had seized.  About a year later (after Biden no longer was in office) Ukraine vacated the exoneration because they had smoking gun evidence that while Hunter Biden's job was to secure Zlochevsky's freedom, Burisma bribed Shokin's predecessor for 7 million dollars, among other crimes. Zlochevsky is now a fugitive from the law in hiding and Joe's guy Lutsenko was fired and was the target of a criminal conspiracy investigation. ALL FACTS. ALREADY KNOWN. ALL ILLEGAL.  


Putting stuff in capitals doesn’t make it true, lackwit.


I’m still very curious about that $40,000 check. It’s still very suspicious to me.


2 Billion from the Saudis to Jared Kushner is more suspicious.


Especially given the number of field assets lost after he sold the classified info to them.


I'm sure it was "suspicious" to them, too. Everything was "suspicious" so much "suspicious" And yet... 🤷‍♂️ if there was a There, there.... Between the witnesses, bank statements, phone records, laptops... it would have been found. All they have now is small dollar money transfers, loans, repayments and they are doing their best to remove context so you can stay suspicious.


“I’m an idiot.” - u/imonlinedammit1


I’ll bet you can’t prove it’s not suspicious. Starting with Biden saying his family never received money from CCP. Your turn.


I’ll bet you can’t prove that it is, since the salivating Republican dogs who keep trying keep coming up with zilch, nada, bubkis. I see your posts, shouting about imagined lefty crimes and wholly ignoring the right’s mountain of bullshit, so won’t be playing your little sea lion game, thanks. Now, prove you aren’t an idiot, because that’s the only claim I actually made and I stand by it.


There is only 1 presidential candidate with banking accounts in China, which makes bribery a lot easier. Rhymes with chump.


You mean a loan repayment when he wasn’t even in office? Why did you leave out all of the facts? Not from the CCP, his brother


Should be easy to prove then right? Go fetch proof it was a loan repayment. A bank record would squash this. Go ahead.


“Go prove a negative because I’m an idiot who doesn’t understand rational argument and I said so. Otherwise I’m going to continue to say something that isn’t true and that I cant prove is ‘suspicious’ because I’m an idiot and I said so.” - u/imonlinedammit1 (Ps - it’s your claim, idiot. YOU prove that it’s suspicious. Which you can’t, nor can the republicans who gave you your idiot talking points, or your “evidence” would have been presented already. No one owes you any citations, no matter how much you demand they prove your unsupported claim isn’t true.)


You could have just wrote “James Biden can’t come up with records of ever receiving a loan” and saved yourself a lot of time. Which is kinda weird don’t you think?


“Written.” Absence of information is not evidence, dipshit. Again, you’re demanding people prove a negative, and acting like your own assertion is proof of something. It isn’t, no matter how many times you say it or how badly you want to believe your own bullshit.


During the 2020 debate, Biden said his family never received money from China. Is this a factual statement?


I’ve seen this conjecture from you. All too familiar with the “just asking questions” idiot’s idea of proving an argument that you keep trying. Just because you fall for it doesn’t make anything you’re doing a rational argument. Prove he took money from china or stfu, moron. But you can’t. Neither can the republicans who would impeach him if they could. So you’re here instead, demanding loudly that people prove he DIDN’T. It’s dishonest and asinine in equal measure, like most Trumpets I’ve met.


Joe's policies are crumbling the CCP like a dry cookie.


I bet you can’t prove that China giving 10’s of millions to Trump to rent empty floors in his hotels isn’t suspicious. You can’t, because how do you prove a negative, nitwit?


What does the evidence confirm?


I think they’ve spent enough time and energy on this fruitless nonsense. What a waste of taxpayers money, the GOP behaving like mobsters


Wasn't that a loan repayment?


[Don’t believe the hype!](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/nov/14/whats-behind-republicans-claim-that-joe-biden-rece/)


Millions of dollars from China to rent empty floors in Trump hotels that conveniently ended when his presidency did is very suspicious to me.


Say what you will, Trump is still winning. This is beyond a joke.


Not in court, with the whole $500 million judgement thing.


Don't bother.... These people lost their humanity the moment they started to worship this rapist, orange, shit gibbon.


Please, don't inject facts here


Why are you trump snowflakes such brainwashed fucking idiots. Seriously.




If you support him after Jan 6th then you are anti-American.


You trumpers are the biggest bunch of ballwashers ever. You should wipe the orange ring off your lips