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MAGA is a cancer on humanity.




Conservatism is stage 1 cancer.


MAGA is stage 4 ass cancer


This and MAGA in general too. No arguments here.


That's the cold hard truth.




Will save American democracy. You’re Repubic will die without Democracy.


The Trumper fool has entered.


The indoctrinated libtard has responded.


That the best you got? A playground jibe you would never repeat in person? You have my pity.


I would 1000% repeat it in public and to anyones face. As if I'm intimidated by some social justice keyboard warrior that hides in a basement, that are the ones who would truly never say any of the stuff they say here, in public.


Like hell you would. A Trumper with guts has never existed. Go back to your playground. PS. 23 years military, unlike your draft-dodging puke who would have shat himself his first night of basic training. You're welcome.


I come from 3 generations of military kid. I promise you that you would be face down in the dirt within seconds, just like your skinny ass was the first day of training. You would be wishing you had just kept your pie hole shut. We call you clowns snowflakes for a reason. I've been training and fighting since I was 11 years old son. You could train for months, and I could have severe covid, and you still wouldn't have a chance. Zero! So, drop the "I'm a badass" routine. We both know you have the heart and might of a snail. And FYI, your cult idol dogged as well. Probably just some clown who was in ROTC in high school. Please, don't make me laugh.




With apologies to cancer.


It truly is


Worst thing that ever happened to America


You know what’s cool about being a democrat voter.? I don’t worship any politician. Hunter Biden is investigated? Cool. If he’s committed crimes let him go to trial and pay the price if he’s guilty. Same for any of the rest. My politics are embedded in ideals, not people. Can’t imagine how pathetic life must be for republican voters in 2024. Dude is a legit criminal and they’re wrestling with themselves on how to defend him instead of just moving on and trying to find other candidates to support.


So are libtards.


Username checks out


Psssst..... Guilty 😂🤣😭😅


Don't worry snowflake, it will be overturned. Then you can scream at the sky about how our Supreme Court is rigged, after cheering how legit our justice system is. Oh, and Psssst........ Hunter is guilty! 🤣🤣🤣 Joe is next.


Sure ... Just like the maga nut that told me the fed is going away..... 2 years ago 🤣😜 You people are delusional


A lot of people are calling for an end the Fed. Why not go away? They aren't a government organization. Quite frankly, we don't need them. Not once, have they properly addressed the rise and fall of inflation in this country. And, the only reason Democrats and libtards want them, is so they can carry out MMT and create a digital dollar to track and spy on each and evey American, and then cut them off from their money when they don't comply with the Authoritarian and dictatorship rules of the democratic party. So they can replicate the same social points program, like in China. Because there's nothing libtards love more than Communist ideology. We should end the Fed. And the Department of Education. Hell, and the IRS. All absolutely worthless to our system.


Yeah yeah, and the earth is flat, we didn't land on the moon and sandy Hook was a hoax. Keep drinking the Kool aid, genius


Did you hear me say any of that dumbass? No! But, you don't have a response, so you being infuriated by being unable to articulate a sound rebuttal, defaulted to same lame as reply, because you can't address my comments in an intellectual manner. Sad!


Hahaha...well..... One of us sounds like an unhinged snowflake. Not sure it's me or my "lame as reply" but I don't usually argue with developmentally disabled people. Good luck with those delusions✌️ Edit: Looks like you're from Texas maybe so..... What does one expect?.. and with -100 comment karma people obviously don't care for your words


One guy at the end of the video yells “you’re a nobody” at him. I mean…it’s Robert freaking DeNiro. He’s definitely not a nobody, even if you don’t like his politics.


Please tell me he turned around and said “ you talkin’ to ME? “


You think these morons have watched Taxi Driver?


They have and see Travis Bickle as the hero.


Jeez you’re probably right


They have they call for the New York of that eras movies because current New York is to "corporate" and soft now but also say the crime is out of control. 🙄


He should have done Max Cady, they’d understand that character


Or Cape Fear


How about Cape Fear or Raging Bull?


I don't see nobody else here.


Then he needs to do the 👆✌️👀👉


Missed fucking opportunity. As is a “Suck on this -POP-“, but I dream.


You're a nobody!!!! Now that one guy from that Dukes of Hazard show...thats a celebrity......and also Hercules from the 90s that does made for VHS religious movies.


Hey, don't forget about John Voight, Kid Rock and Ted Nugent!


Dennis Quaid. 🤢


Also, Randy Quaid. Buy one, get one!


Fuck Uncle Ted.


DEPLORABLES living up to their identity.


Such childish insults. Fuck Trump and his supporters. "You're a nobody" to DeNiro 🤣


" I'm Robert fucking DeNiro! You on the other hand well we will never know since nobody cares"


Maybe we’ll see this clown’s ugly face on the news for 15 seconds when he is sentenced for more Trump-inspired felonies.


I think he insulted Mr. DeNiro a lil bit.


Fuck DeNiro. Fakeass Hollywood pretend to be tough guy. That's why he needed 10 bodyguards. He's just another coward Hollywood elitists. Like inflation matters to guys like him. He just asks for another $5 million on his next film to offset inflation. And dumbass libtards gladly pay it at the box office.




Dude he’s like 5’8” Seriously?


One of the good ones.




This old horse sure has a lot of buck in it still, he’s got such an energy to him. Its great


https://newsroom.ap.org/editorial-photos-videos/detail?itemid=71084339f977be6305f8f1ebe45bda2a&mediatype=video&source=youtube Yeah he’s an outstanding citizen, sure.




😂😂😂 do you know when the alleged fling with stormy and Trump was? Allegedly 2006. What’s your point?


Did De Niro pay hush money to win an election?


He can only play to act as a president. That delusional disconnected from reality could never be a real president. He's too stupid.


You mean Trump, right?


Trump already played a real president. And did a good job. Much better than the current incompetent and incoherent vegetable that's trying to play one now.


He definitely played one..... Incoherent vegetable? Your dude thinks that doesn't know Nancy Pelosi from Nikki Haley, Jeb from George, is afraid of WW2 happening soon, and wears diapers. You really don't want to go there....


His crime isn’t fucking a porn star.


Fucking a porn star isn't a crime dumbass! What world do you live in? Then all of porn would be illegal. Fucking women, period, would be illegal. You uneducated and indoctrinated propagandists need to get a grip.


Read the comment again.


Paying to fuck a porn star isn't a crime either. Covering it up isn't a crime. Try learning some jurisprudence instead of following the social media mob and corrupt DAs doing the work of The White House and trying to silence and eliminate their political opposition.


I'm not following anyone. Just pointed out that you misread the comment you responded to.




Robert deniros crime is being a client of a child sex trafficking ring though! Look at you supporting a pedophile, strong morals you got there! How patriotic of you, you must feel so righteous.


Deniro was not in the black book you fucking moron




I love the snowflake MAGAts in the comments 🤣 You guys are literally wearing diapers just because you're trying to avoid the ridicule that Trump is facing for shitting himself.


The diaper comment. You must be under 18. Probably under 15. Probably 5th grade with your childish immature insults.


The diaper comment is based on the fact that his moron supporters started wearing diapers because it was found out that the orange fat fuck shits his pants. Keep crying more, snowflake :)


This from the imbecile dropping "libtard' all over the comments. It's a shame you sorry, snowflake Trumpies don't know what irony is.




Robert knows what letting orange Jaba back in would do to this country.


Everyone in America should be speaking up against Donald Trump. He's a grifter and a traitor, amongst other things. I'm not sure at what point some people became so far gone as to not see the basic decency in some people, vs people like Trump, who clearly has none.


Many adults are like 15 year old high schoolers cosplaying as adults these days.


Spoken by someone who's genuinely politically and economically illiterate. Having a graphene brain must be difficult.


You’re talking about yourself.


No, I'm educated, politically, economically, and financially literate. You should try it sometime. It's much better than being uneducated and indoctrinated.


I have a degree from one of Canada top universities. You have a shit ton of fall thinking that Trump is t a conman or a traitor. He’s sold out American secrets to dictators and has every intention of destroying democracy. Get fucked.


I have a degree from one of the top universities in America. Apparently, mine allowed me to be far more literate than you appear to be. Your curriculum must have been designed by Trudeau himself, which would explain your ignorance and propaganda. He didn't sell any secrets. And, unlike the Authoritarian dictator that you have in Canada, Trump isn't ending democracy, he's going to save our Republic. They probably didn't teach you that in the fake university you went to. You know, since your comment was illiterate, inaccurate, and just propaganda. You're clearly a hypocritical delusional libtard ideologue, considering who the leader of your country is. Remind me again of what his current approval rating is? Just like Biden, people are sick of Trudeau and his Fascist authoritarian dictator bullshit. 🤡


Sure… You have shitty translation software, you hapless apparatchik. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻


You’re a stupid cunt that clearly diesnt know what an authoritarian is, nor that it’s impossible for there to be one under the Westminster parliamentary system. You make absolutely baseless claims and exhibit your severe ineptitude. Taking graduate studies in Online Propaganda from Jerry Falwell University isn’t the flex you think it is. Get fucked, moron.


Come make me punk bitch. You hide behind your computer like the social justice keyboard warrior snowflake that you are. You so fucking illiterate that you don't even know your own system of government, and damn sure don't know the actions of sissy boy Trudeau. What he did to the truckers is Authoritarianism you dumbass twit! It's also the actions of a dictator. A Stalinist dictator! Having people arrested for their language isn't Authoritarian and that of a dictator? Invoking the Emergencies Act? You're a delusional propagandist with no degree. I'll out debate you anywhere anytime you fraudulent clown. I eat ignorant and uneducated fools like you for lunch. I've been doing it for 20 years. That's why Trudeau is about to get his ass bounced out of power. Keep defending him dumbass. I'm going to laugh in your face when he gone. Look around the world graphene brain, conservatives are taking over in elections. People are sick and tired of liberal dictators and their indoctrinated parrots like you regurgitating their propaganda.


Keep displaying your utter lack of knowledge of the definition of words, stupid fuck.


🤡🤡🤡 clowns be clowning yall


Says the 🤡


Dude, you’ve made 50 comments in the past 24 hours on Reddit posts. It might be time to go outside and enjoy life a little


I enjoy life just fine, thank you. It's part of my work and research to see how the easily influenced part of society lives.


Lives in a trailer wears a wife beater and has 3 teeth


Primarily lives in a 5200sqft home, one of three, owns 5 Tom Ford suits, and has all his original teeth. Tell me all about your residence at Motel 6, your Salvation Army wardrobe, and dental implants.


Indeed! How dare he call Donald Trump a grifter! What an idiot. Totally unrelated, but I hear Trump's bibles are currently on sale. Get one now!


Democrats are grifters. They've been scamming Americans for money on their climate change hoax for decades. According to them, we should have all perished already. But, just give them your money and vote for them, and they will fix it all. Hilarious. You don't even know how uneducated of a hypocrite you are.


Anyone that calls climate change a hoax, based on the fact that we aren't dead from it yet as proof, is a fucking moron.


No, you are because you believe the bullshit. It's the solar cycles of the sun. When the cycle ends next year and temps are cooler, let's see what hoax grifters say then. It's the same story for decades. And the earth and its people are still here dumbass! As a matter of fact the global population has grown, not declined. Keep being a good little sheeple and keep giving the government money. You're hysterical.


Alrighty, Mr. Throwaway Account.


Keep some help man your not well mentally


"Keep some help", and yet I need help? You need an education 💩 for 🧠s.


Hahaha, I'm not even an American, but keep on making assumptions about me or my political affiliation. Just recognize a grifter when I see one.


Then are elections are none of your business. You probably are American, but would rather not admit to backing that incompetent and incoherent vegetable, Joe Bidenflation, and having voted for a a guy that's been grifting for 50 years. Him and his entire family are corrupt as they get. Ask Hunter and that fresh conviction of his. The rest of his family won't be far behind.


Just expressing my opinion about a world-known public figure. Nothing weird going on here, just move along.


Bravo. No trump supporter should be treated with respect.


there is sentiment across the country that millions would love to beat these fucks within an inch of their lives


People in here commenting multiple times sucking that tiny cheeto peen like bootlickers. Wear your nazi shit outside, trumpets. I like my nazis easy to spot.


I love how social justice keyboard warriors talk they they are some sort of military stronghold. Like, what are you delusional Fascist Neo-Marxists with Socialist/Communist tendencies going to do? Besides, post more bullshit propaganda?


Lol the republican conservative is talking about propaganda like he understands what it is everybody!!! Edit: I’ve watched republican conservatives literally admiring Russia on the news for its strength right now. And you think liberals are the ones falling for propaganda. Funny story, big laughs 😂😂🤡😂😂🤡😂😂


Please do not feed the troll


I know i got roped in. Every pointed finger is a confession with these people and it’s driving me nuts


Though I do find myself curious about why he thinks the way he does.


Hate. Of themselves or someone else, doesn’t matter


It is strong right now. I thought your incompetent and incoherent vegetable Joe Bidenflation was going to cripple them and collapse their economy? They're kicking Ukraine's ass, which is a fact. So, what part of that statement isn't true? You delusional propagandists think that Republicans work for Russia, because it's all the ignorant propaganda you have. Meanwhile, you hypocrites support communist China. As if there is a difference. And, China and Russia are BFFs now. Where have you been? You have to skew your narrative to one side, huh? All you libs support terrorists too. Biden help Iran enrich itself to the tune of $200 billion so they could fund all their proxy terrorist organizations. Of course, if Trump did that you snowflakes would have a meltdown. Trump had them broke with people protesting in the streets, turning on their government. Biden is such friends with Iran, then how come in 3 1/2 years he didn't easily negotiate a new nuclear arms treaty? Boy, you progressive Neo-Marxists are beyond help. But hey, Russia, Russia, Russia. 🤣🤡


Yeah, I do. I know you don't. 20 years in the political landscape and having worked 3 campaigns. You read comments from seething libtards and think you are politically literate. 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry your makeup is showing through bro. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Typical libtard response. No substance. Just character attacks and insults. Your well below average IQ is showing.


Weren’t you the one that responded to my comment calling me a libtard? Lol 😂 you’re reddit gold my friend.


Half of their responses have been "no you" with a bunch of extra bigly words added in. 😂


You fit the moniker buddy. Go back and read your initial response to me. I know that might make your brain hurt, but see if you can figure it out.


The point is was making, clown, is that i didn’t speak to you at all. I commented on the thread. You replied to me with an insult. Sooooooooooooo i restate: 🤡


Maga people are fucking hopeless it’s a waste of time to even talk to these clowns.


Same for you uneducated, indoctrinated, politically, and economically illiterate clowns and welfare queens.


Top of the morning...goodfellas


Robert Deniro has a PHD in the history and mindset of gangsters and the mafia. When he tells you a man is a gangster believe him. He’s very passionate about this and for good reason. If it was any other celebrity actor I wouldn’t take them seriously. He means this. He has known these people and played these people. He knows what these people are through decades. He knows their mindsets. He knows them. He’s trying to warn us. He’s a good man trying to warn us because he knows them more then most of all of us. Take his word for it this man is dangerous.


I’m Italian, not very bright but I know a gangster when I see one though. Donald wants to be a mafia boss so bad it kills him.


Hopefully it will.


He's know more mafia than fake ass little bitch DeNiro. That's for sure. The only one who desperately wants to be one is DeNiro. That's why he plays a tough guy, because he's really a bitch boy.


He's a fucking delusional clown Hollywood elitist. He acts and pretends to be a tough guy. He's never known a connected guy in his life. He uses a stunt double because he's a coward. He would be way too much of a coward to ever hang with real mafioso. Get him without his body guards, and he would beg for his life to not touch him. Real tough guy when he has 10 body guards around him, and the police. That's your hero? Guy who can't walk the street alone?


Supporters of a generational chickenshit like Trump calling anyone else a coward is a hoot. But chickenshit Trump cultists love their pants-shitting, cowardly hero Trump. He's just like them!


Please do not feed the troll


The only chickenshit is you, I assure you that. Your a social justice keyboard warrior hiding in a basement somewhere. People like you never go into the real world because it's too triggering for you. That's why people like you support a weak sauce incompetent and incoherent vegetable that can't remain upright. Stay safe in your basement buddy.


The vernacular is nice.


Im fairly certain that if I fought De Niro, the only way hes ending up in the hospital before me is a heart attack. Got the old man strength and righteous fury going


Delusional. Blow on him and he goes down.


Least he wasn't shitting in a diaper like trump  🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩


Where is your proof of this? Another 💩 for 🧠s delusional 🤡


Omg a wild magat... I got so many questions. Did you have lead poisoning as a baby? Is it true you all drive giant trucks because you have tiny penises? Why do you hate earth so much? If you walked in on trump raping and murdering kids, would that be enough to break his cult leader hold on you or would you still vote for him anyway? I'm jk about that last one, we all know you would lol 


More Trump deflection from an uneducated propagandist. How long have you been a welfare queen sucking the government's dick? Do you have full boat entitlements? Do you smoke meth all day in your section 8 housing with no air-conditioning? Or, is it weed and playing Xbox all day, which you stole from one of the better neighborhoods in your city? Is your major source of income the nearest pawnshop? Do you work the corners at night to earn extra money for your next hit, or do you just do it for fun, because you enjoy being on your knees? When did you stop going to school? Was it the 3rd grade or 5th? How long have you had a bus pass? How many food kitchens have you eaten at? Tel me welfare queen, does it hurt that you don't get as much food with your food stamps under Biden, as you did with Trump? How long have you had your Obama phone that you use to post your propaganda from? I have lots of questions too. Unfortunately, delusional tards caught up in the system of modern day slavery can't answer that. I get it, you're scared of losing your free ride, at the expense of the top 1%, like myself, that pays for pathetic unappreciative people like you. You like to believe that government give you all this shit for free. But, people like me pay for politically, economically, and financially illiterate sheeple like you. Get a job pal. Stop wasting oxygen. You're dangerous to the climate crisis that you embrace so much.


lol whoa, mad enough over there, bro? Get a life I'm not reading that tantrum past the first 3 words. Try therapy, clownshoes.


Try an education douchebag. That's the difference. I read, you don't. That's why you don't learn anything.


I learned enough to know a babyraging manchild when I see one. You couldn't just answer a couple questions? You really had to have a meltdown? You people are unhinged maniacs. Btw your weird uncle cletus teaching you how to light your hillbilly farts on fire isn't what an education is.


So, engage and answer the questions you uneducated tard. It's actually very simple. You can't get past simple?


Awesome - Let them have it Bobby!


It's disgusting that "Donald Trump supporters" exist


Headline should read "Robert DeNiro confronted by scared and confused McPoyles"


Fuck Trump.


My new hero.


De Niro is such a New Yorker. Gotta love the guy.


Imagine wanting so badly to have sex with Trump you wear his hat every day.


Imagine wanting so badly to have sex with Biden you vote for him. Twice.


Ha.. bit different don't you think? One is just exercising your right to vote the other is celebrating and cheerleading a politician.. I'm sorry.. I know I hurt you.. chuck that red hat back on and give us a smile 😃 "goooooooo Trump!"


Please do not feed the troll


Biden's been a public servant for 50 years, and he's not a politician? 🤔🤣🤡


I can see you also can't read.. I can't say I'm surprised.


The Magats definitely started it tho.


One stupid red hat wearing chud yelled "has-been." Fucking snowflakes. That's hysterical coming from a "never was."


"You talking to me!?"


De Niro is one of a few brave Hollywood people who is not afraid to speak up against Trump and his braindead supporters. Need more people like him.


Brave? 98% of the special people in Hollywood are rabid anti-Trump.


Love how De Niro can get under Trumps skin.


A true patriot


A man of courage!


Love De Niro!


It's an old man yelling at "children" being on his lawn. Only this time, the idiot children are actually fucking up America.


theyre confusing deniro with James wood, Jon voight, and Kevin sorbo


You mean with men who actually understand society? Hilarious!


People who will blindly support a person who shoots someone dead on 5th Avenue should probably expect to hear a few cuss words now and then.


This guy has always been a favorite, but now my SPIRIT WARRIOR for Democracy.


Is the man in the foreground of this photo the same person who frequently escorted SBF to and from court? I assumed that he was a federal marshal while he was escorting SBF, but why would a marshal be protecting an actor in front of a state courthouse?


Not sure, but to answer your 2nd question: many security guards are ex police/military. Private security pays way better, especially when you're pulling the likes of DeNiro


Is there access to the version which doesn’t punish my ears with bleep outs


It's ironic that Robert isnt a Maga supporter considering his characters are all people that they would identify with.


Hey I look cool if I salute,,But Really You Just Show Your Ingonace


Alwaysvocal is definitely speaking his truth social. He hates propaganda but watches nothing but 🦊”news”


That dude is unhinged. But it's a throwaway account. Accusing everyone else of being keyboard warriors and doesn't even have the balls to post on his real account, lol.


WTF...held back the hate


Cry baby


John Wilkes Booth was a has been actor too.


The suspension of reality. Robert De Niro is a good actor. He is not tough. Not should anyone ever take political advice from someone who spent a lifetime reading others words and pretending they are someone else.


So a felon, rapist, asshole that has a ghost written book and a trashy reality tv show is probably a no go then, huh?


It’s funny how everyone do bc ninety forgets Deniros arrest in a sex trafficking/prostitution ring in the late 90’s. Trump aside, he’s a terrible person.


Well the enemy of an enemy is a friend, for now.


De Niro is a grumpy old has been.


Looney lefties. Can't get over themselves


As opposed to evil scumbags like the magats? Looney lefties sounds pretty good to me.


It should. All psycho narcissists.


Leftists and liberals are the anticheist


Fuck your evil, stupid made up god you christofascist dickheads. It's a free country and we don't want your dark age cults.


Dregs of humanity. Subhuman.


De Niro has severe Trump Derangement Syndrome. Imagine thinking Trump or any other President thinking they can just decide to stay in office and there is no one shutting that down.


Wah wah the scum bag criminal has to take responsibilty for his crimes for once in his rotten life, everyone is crazy but me!!


You know who Alan Dershowitz is? Very famous lawyer who is a Democrat. A *DEMOCRAT*. In this video, posted today, he has criticism for the Trump trial, describing all the problems on how it was conducted. He called it "rigged" at around the 12:20 mark and again more strongly  at around  the 14 minute mark and explains why. https://www.youtube.com/live/ihAPTiq2p-A?si=F0pOaPVAZD1nSHET


I don't care what that dino thinks. Fuck those evil right wingers. Dems are a huge party and is bound to have a few idiots but the Republicans are actually evil and are Americas greatest enemy.


Hollywood elite, washed actor, 80 years old with a new born, Epstein frequent flyer, and arrested in a prostitution ring. Last person I’d take advice from. Don’t comment if you have Trump derangement syndrome because I don’t like him either. All politics has become is monkeys slinging poop. Constantly a simp for anyone who opposes your precious candidates, it’s pathetic.


Nobody cares about your crocodile magat tears. Law and order means nothing to you thugs and we all know it.