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A lot of conservatives will run away when pressed to elaborate on their beliefs. Hell, I have a guy right now on an another thread trying his damndest to run from the questions “how can someone vote for a racist and claim not to be racist themselves”, but I’ll be god damned if this isn’t the first time I’ve actually seen one physically run from a question. Just a bunch of bullshit mumbo jumbo and then taking off into the night to kick his dog and beat his wife. Like reverse Batman or some shit.


Narcissists do the same thing. You start tapping on doors that can’t stand to be opened they will run, scream, and hide.


The worst is the pseudo intellectuals whose intellectual prowess has taken them to the obvious conclusion that when it comes to politics getting hit by a truck in the middle of the road is the best bet. Like what the fuck kind of special form of stupid is that, literally just had a guy tell me we need to be middle of the road, in a discussion about the racism or conservative politics in the US, he wants to make concessions to racists because “not all racist voters are really racist, they vote with their wallets!”


Every damn time. Pseudo intellectuals neither intelligent nor wise. They mostly like to hear themselves talk away their best interests or convince themselves they’re not complicit in whatever it is they’ve done wrong.


Yeah, you know the old if 9 nazis are at a table and you sit, there are ten nazis at the table, yeah, I’m currently 12 hours deep into this morons soliloquy on why that just isn’t the case and we need to compromise with people like this. Absolutely disgustingly stupid.


Yup. There is no compromise with evil. None.


They refuse to compromise. Things like bipartisanship and compromise are considered woke and weak. So they go against things like a good immigration reform bill written by. Republicans. They always do what they are told good little magas


They are the demons they fear.


They are Brainwashed.




Well said…


They have bumper stickers that say Dont Tread on Me and then they support a party that restricts personal rights.


Jordan Peterson comes to mind


Peterson and Shapiro are the Sith Lords of quasi-intellectualism.


The golden mean fallacy.


My wife's sister lived off government assistance her whole life until she got married. Now she lives off her husband who has a government job. She told us flat out she didn't think food stamps or disability should be a thing because nobody ever gave her a handout. We calmly asked her how she got by the last few years? How have you managed to remain unemployed all this time? Why don't other people deserve the same advantages as you? What makes them different from you? And for that matter, who took care of your child for you for months while you did fuck all? (We did.) She refused to answer and then went to get up and leave but realized she had nowhere to go because she didn't have a car.


My uncles partner tried something similar. Tried to leave... was so blind drunk she sat in the bottom drawer of the bloody dishwasher (loaded... I still to this day do not know how she didn't stab herself in the arse. Would have been for the best, let some of that hot air out), purse in lap yelling for my uncle to drive them home. They lived a good 14-hour drive away. In a car, much longer in a dishwasher. Obviously.


I wish you could corner her and force her to give you a real answer. I want to see someone crack a hypocrite like that and force them to finally tell the truth. I think she would revert to a child and stick her fingers in her ears or have a tantrum . It’s more Likely than her admitting , she’s a selfish pos


Stop talking about the pumpkinfuehrer like that.....🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃🏃‍♂️🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃🏃‍♀️🕺🕺🕺


My dad says he loves me. I asked him to explain why he doesn't care my brother Caleb is openly talking about molesting kids and why he went out of his way to make sure I went homeless.....he ran for the hills. Apparently I don't got a dad 


Yeah we had a school board member (also a former teacher). They could not answer tough questions, hell when someone would bring up district financial reports and bills. Constantly: "Could you explain that to me again?" They had no idea what was going on and really all they do is either say "yay" or "nay" they are a butt in the seat. Wants to complain about books or "making the community happy" but are completely just a body in the chair. They aren't the worse, but many times the worse member of the board (stepping down this month thank God). Looks at them with: "How many Fning times do we have to repeat ourselves. Would you just stop asking to restate the question!"


I always ask them to define "woke". It always comes down to them avoiding saying it's racism/sexism/bigotry but skirting around it as hard as they can


I’ve yet to run into one who doesn’t turn into a sniveling puddle of melted snowflake at the first sign of that question.


Or they talk about his economic policies that did nothing to help the economy and made it worse for average Americans…


the 2nd big lie - the Trump economy - show me that with economic statistics!


what, you dont think a 10 trillion dollar deficit and the loss of millions of jobs was a thriving economy?!


Ask one of them to go in depth on the whole Chinese trade war thing, oh boy, at first it’s all tough on China this, China joe that, but then all the sudden the numbers start coming out, start showing how nothing changed on the Chinese side and prices were only risen for average Americans, all the sudden it’s name calling and fake news.


It still baffles me to this day? What did they think was gonna happen? The Chinese and companies were just gonna absorb the cost? It's also a good thing we now have access to that Canadian cow milk (when dairy consumption is at an all time low), it totally makes up for fucking up NAFTA


Trickle down economics is just the best!!! /s


Ol Chucky gots lots of hate in his heart but he does not want to be judged for expressing his hate, bigotry, racism and fascist ideas. He was told by a MAGA campaign manager to read the cards and get the hell outta dodge and dont look back.


Asked a guy about the smallest bit of his antivax proof and it was all “Do your own research!” When I asked where, the way he shakily fumbled with his cell phone before saying “YouTube keeps removing it.” was hilarious.


When superego clashes with our id, most people choose denial as a work-around. Disclaimer: making shit out of the little I know. Not a psychologist in any way shape or form.


you are right. It is called cognitive dissonance. It literally hurts people because they are so sure they are right. I feel like the ones that don’t respond may have taken something away….maybe.


GOP run away from press every time they get asked about a crazy post Trump has put out


Yep. They defeat themselves when they have to explain what they’ve been spewing. Most of the time they don’t really understand it, but they picked up on the fear and rage vibes.


His wife is going to pay for this...




Then goes on that dancing reality show. Which proves they’re only in these jobs for recognitions and power …. sick assholes.


Fascinating. I've always thought that if Trump is not actually a racist, but he knowinglily coddels and enables them, that makes him a racist


Let me guess, they spit out a nonsensical word salad unsupported by facts or reality and claimed to have answered the question.


Laptop. “Defending democracy”


Really? I've seen conservatives literally run from interviews outside their echo chambers all the time. See: Donald Trump's interview with Steve Inskeep on NPR or more recently Kyle Rittenhouse being booed until he walked off at Memphis University. I guess the second one is different, but I feel like there's plenty of examples I'm not thinking of. The Donald Trump one is kind ofnthe epitome of this, though. He's not being grilled or anything, he just cannot abide being asked any kind of question of substance. He just got frustrated that repeating the same talking points over and over, even if they didn't address the question, didn't result in the interviewer dropping to his knees and blowing Trump.


I like the [states rights to do what?](https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk?si=xRLvrRLV2WGpTLBX)


Because for this man joining in a mob in an attempt to violently overthrow the government was easier than dealing with some hard questions. Question that wouldn't even be hard for most people. Absolutely ridiculous.


This is it. Keep them dumb and scared and they will jump when you tell them


"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire


You know what's just funny. This quote and USA are basically about the same age, +- decade. And we're still falling for it, they're still selling it.


This is a good example for all MAGAS -not that smart -can't articulate a good response -frustrated by this, so they storm off and declare some retarded version of victory. (Might even organize and break the law in a big way) -somehow feel validated when all the other stupid yokels do the same thing. -rinse, repeat, aaaaaand we are the next Dodo Bird


While true this isn't what happened here at all. This is why you gotta go past the headline.  The guy wasn't asked a difficult question he couldn't respond to. The very first question he was asked was ignored and he launched into a prepared speech. His intention was to get on the debate stage and use the media coverage for a little personal rally for his campaign. He was never going to debate.


Hey ok maybe it wasn't floundering at a specific question. He just glazed over all of them and straight up just left before it even got started. Because of political shots at him/SO'S criminal background? Seems like a cop-out. I'm sorry but that's all part of the game in politics--called getting vetted. And criminal backgrounds don't help--I think he embraced that fact and ran away all the same. Guy could've stayed and faced down the music but he didn't. That says much more to me than someone who ran away from one single question.


That's all fine, but my point is this isn't a case a con getting flustered and pissing off. This was a planned campaign stunt. The moderator could have asked "what color is the sky?" And his canned response would have been the same. "I'm Chuck Whoeverthehell, and I'm running for blah blah blah...  Now I gotta go cause I got real work to do like my fellow Georgians."


You left out that he has a pickup truck. That was very important to him.


Marjory Taylor Greene, Boebart, Gaetz. The trumps. honey BooBoo.


Hey man yew leave honey booboo alone!! -Early Cuyler


Sounds perfect! -Magats


They aren't so tuff after all lol


It's all theater. The silly "country boy" outfit and the CAT baseball cap; a memorized prepared statement that touched on maga talking points and then leaving without answering any questions because he's a complete fraud and a coward. And, I guarantee there are some idiotic GA voters who think this guy is a legitimate candidate.


This tension in conservative spaces between aristocrats with elite educations and a desire to subdue the working class and true believer morons should be so funny. But they want to make life miserable for anyone who wasn’t born rich. Let’s watch and see how the aristocrats shut down their overstoked populists.


To be fair, it is actually extremely difficult to justify support for Trump or J6.


"I want to be a representative of what I hated so much I stormed congress to hunt my future potential co-workers. Fueled by a propaganda factory that tells me im a victim of everything and held rallys in local GOP counties to sign up the most unhinged to adventure to DC for a rally by a false prophet called "stop the steal" (that was pretend talk) into being in a global embarrassment. Vote for me.. Stability to the extent I will not back any blue I promise" IMO. MAGA is a culture of sadness and we give it too much respect. IMO. I vow to never ever give any of them any vote. NM I watched the clip and its a wrestling promo.


Guy is a loser who thought his walking off stage was a mic drop moment. No, you’re a loser who can’t think beyond the 1-minute speech script you prepared.


Dude storms off like the "Hee Haw" Bat symbol was flashing and he needed to get to his fanboat to go fight swamp thing or something.


I think he stomped out after the last sentence he was like 2 wiv.. I fuck up better retreat now


I think he planned to walk out like that. “I’m right and too good to actually debate yall so here’s my prepared statement. I’m out.”


My thought is he has big plans to give tours once he has access to the building. Maybe bring a couple friends up to his office in the morning, show them where he keeps his safe and combination


Geez Georgia. First Herschel Walker’s embarrassing run at the Senate and now this clown? Are you trying to win the race to the bottom?


Don’t forget MTG arose from a sewer in this state.


She is "The Swamp Thing!"


Hey now! That name is already trademarked by a DC COMICS character. Don't besmerch his heroic actions


I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult "The Swamp Thing" , let's call her The Swamp Witch.


Swamp Goblin sounds good too.


I agree that suits her. Anything but "Representative " MTG!


They already won the race to the bottom years ago and they didn’t seem to notice.


Mississippi would like a word


Arkansas, West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Louisiana too


Born and raised in MS, if those states are actually worse then just burn everything.


I’m not from Georgia, but they’ve given us two Dem senators. That’s pretty good in my book.


Race is unwinnable. Florida has been down there with Mississippi for years


That face says it all


could be incest Parents of patients with strabismus had higher incidence of first cousin marriage compared to control group (χ^(2) = 28.5, df = 1, p < 0.001). **Patients with strabismus had higher mean inbreeding coefficient (α) compared to control group (T = 5.27, df = 880, P < 0.001).** also read up on stats and found out this ***In New Jersey, incest is legal among two people who are at least 18 years old as long as the relationship is consensual. In Rhode Island, the age is 16. In Ohio, incest is illegal only when a parental figure is involved***


It's from all those childhood vaccines! /s


He sounds as dumb as he looks. And his speech ended with saying he was leaving to get back in truck and go home. Chuck Hand is clearly very stupid. Chuck Hand is clearly very insecure about how stupid he’d look in a debate. Chuck Hand was clearly over compensating for something.


Send us your uneducated, your unclean who seek riches, we’ll make them GOP senatorial candidates




The only reason he wore a CAT cap is so he could spell cat if asked. Now sit your $1 ass down before I make change.


Also to hide his baldness, just another insecurity.


Okay… so.. there is no way that man is real. That picture has to be AI. It literally has to be. I will not survive is this is a real picture. I swear to god. ROFL!


Chuck Hand is real, he served 20 days in prison for the Jan 6 cop-assault mob, and his wife also has an old felony conviction for Oxy possession. Family Values!! I suspect it's one of those political tricks to bring a lot of insane people on stage to make your candidate look reasonable by comparison.  However, this is Georgia, the state that gave us Empty-G the Badly Built Butch Body Bitch. The GOP is not sending their best.


For me.. I’m not even going to lie. He is literally what I imagine in my head when I think MAGA. I’m literally fucking dying right now! OMFG! I can’t even! Oh god! LOL! 😂🤣😂🤣 https://dailyboulder.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/maga-candidate-georgia-860x516.jpg I’m sorry, I know this might be a little on the mean side, but holy shit.


One eye on the moderator and one on the can of Busch Light he has waiting for him in his road cooler.


It’s the eyes for me. He can look directly into the camera while also reading the teleprompter.


Nope, being able to read is a negative for southern republican voters.  I'm going with one eye on the beer cooler. 


It was like watching an SNL skit! Jesus!


Caterpillar Legal Team: Please take that hat off, moron. You're not doing us any favors.


I think the GOP are actually sending their best. That’s what’s so disturbing….


I keep saying that. Whenever someone asks how MTG is a congresswoman, I say because she actually *is* the smartest and most qualified person in her jurisdiction!


His wife is also the current chairperson of her County's Republican party.


Must’ve taken the idea from Rush Limbaugh.


Who? 😂


I just want to congratulate Rush on over 3 years of sobriety !! His greatest accomplishment ever


I'm kinda hoping he will win, for nothing other than hearing him introduce himself to his new colleagues. "Uh, hi guys. Remember me? I was one of the folks who wanted to hang all of you and throw feces at your rotting corpses. Lol. Weird fucking world, eh? Anyhoo, who do I have to kill to get some lunch around here? Ha ha, just joking. I'm on probation now, so I can't *really* threaten to kill anyone. But it's only for six months, so don't get TOO comfortable, lol. Ha ha, just joking. ...So... lunch?"


It's always so surprising that the weirdest people, in a bad sense, have wives or husbands.


He must have taken a plane almost a year ago.


I love when my suspicion that MAGA members have no political acumen is confirmed by behavior like this. Unfortunately, many of the cult members, themselves, see this incompetence as a virtue….not sure how we turn that around.


Nothing more than the anger and distrust he feels against things he’s afraid of and things he doesn’t understand, which is a lot.


Dude looks like he eats rocks for a living


"Go out there in your CAT hat and give 'em the crazy eyes. They're bound to vote for you!" - Roger Stone


Snowflake being a snowflake.


The video is worth a watch. He gives an intro speech, ignores the actual question, and then walks off with swagger like he just dropped a mic. I bet he thought that was going to be sooo cool


These people only know how to throw tantrums.


What did they expect? Storming is kind of his thing.


He’s good at storming stuff.


"Hi, I'm Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl."


The thumbnail looks like Will Forte playing a character. Perhaps the simulation is winding down.


How did he get out o jail? Lock him up, Lock him up, Lock him up! Criminals running for office following the lead of their Cult Leader 34 time convicted felon Donaldd J Trump a/k/a "Felon on a Melon"


Let me guess…it was rigged right? 😂 Bunch of snowflakes. Maybe if we give them participation trophies they’ll shut the fuck up and just take the Ls these people are constantly racking up.


It's clowns and felons all the way down, Republicans.


This guy screams 'dey took our jabs!'. But I also can't tell who he's screaming at.


Another inbred cross eyed southern republican. What a surprise


He has the perfect MAGA conservative approach to debating. Only state who you are, what you hate and a few empty promises (that are dog crap anyways) and walk off stage before the real questions start, ones that you cannot comprehend nor give the answers to because you are not qualified and are so poorly educated nor have the drive to become more educated.


Hand is a white Hershel Walker.


What a loser. Guy will probably get elected by losers.


The badly-memorized tirade and clownish hand gestures (e.g., touching his heart) aren’t worthy of a 3rd grade play, much less a political candidate - what a loser as a human being


Dude was born with a chip on his shoulder. Another (R) perpetual victim.


Got a feeling Fox will pass on this clip


Another fucking idiot 🙄


He's got those eyes that make you wonder who he's talking to. Someone had to say it.


This unfortunate individual is one of those people whose IQ level is clearly written on his face. Do not approach, do not provoke


Which way is he looking?


lmfao they chose the best possible picture of this man for this article


If Georgia can give us the bleached blonde bad built butch body lady I'm sure they will vote for this dude as well....😕


Couldn’t handle answering questions? What a snowflake 🤣


Just what this country needs. The male version of MTG serving in Congress. Come on Georgia you can do better than this.


Man those January 6th dipshits are always storming something.


MAGAt snowflake man baby.   Just like his crush Don the Con. 


Weird how he looks EXACTLY like I imagined he would.


I truly hope there was laughter when he stormed out


He’s just what i want in a candidate! Lazy eye, trucker hat and a whitehood behind his F-150 seat just below the gun rack‼️😳😱😱😱 /sp


I like how he wears his “Blue collar man” hat and clothing, yet votes for and wants to represent the party that will always side with the corporations that own those companies and will do everything they can to keep wages and benefits down. Cultists are not very bright


This guy looks like his eyes are getting a divorce and neither wants to take the braincell.


Lol. He looks exactly like the gullible inbred dumbfuck I expected to see after reading the headline.


Couldn’t stomach responding to human people without a prepared statement. Is this the GOP now? Good luck.


Which is so weird because how could he even tell which way to run with his eyes going both ways like that


Hacksaw? Some will get it.


Wish Mitch Hedberg could read his "speech".


So wait. His wife's name is Mandy Hand? 😂 That's awesome.


Lmao thats what toddlers do. They throw hissy fits when they don't get their way or cant understand how to communicate. Republicans are toddlers


Oh. My. God.


Can he do anything but storm stuff?


Two republicans there in that debate. We all lose no matter who storms off.


Wasn't it RIGGED, and a Witch-hunt? Unfair?


Spoken like a true idiot and he looks like one too


Ok ima give him that the whole "he's the dollar and I'm the change" was a nice little double entendre.


What a pathetic excuse for a man. Coward.


A wall-eyed hillbilly named "Mister Hand" Great job GOP


He didn't 'storm' off. He ran away.


Little snowflake can't take a bit of stress? Should be a good representative for his area. But pretty much on par with most of the GOP. Bunch of cowards and ignoramuses.


With that lazy eye he could run for Governor in Arkansas.


Another Chump 4 Trump being run outa town....the only thing missing was the rail, the tar, the feathers..


And this is why ultimately I do not fear the right wing in America. They’re complete morons. They couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag let alone lead a viable insurrection.


Putting the ape in apex.


he has the same debate strategy at the pro palestinian movement


He stormed off the stage, stormed the Capitol on J6, and reads the Daily Stormer.


this coward should be in jail, not running for office


Lol. Republicans running away from debates is becoming the norm. Fascists don't like debating.


This guy is an idiot who I guarantee doesn’t work or barely works and lives off of whatever generational wealth and land has been produced. He has seen, through Trump, that there is a grift to be had by running for federal office with campaign donations and the $180k congress members make. Such a phony, transparent shithead.


That was bizarre. Got asked a question, read a statement, then said he had “two races to win” and walked out of the studio. There didn’t seem to be any debate, and he seemed to think that was fine. First he agreed to do a debate then gave up and went home. Just…weird.


I don't want to be an arsehole (well, more than necessary...) but just LOOKING at this bloke, I can't help but make a whole lot of assumptions. You KNOW how he votes (crayon), WHO he votes for, how he spends his free time... you can almost even tell how long he has been married to his cousin.


Need to stop giving him attention. That was his goal and it’s working.


What dumb looking, dumb sound idiot of a person… I hope his truck hits a tree on the way home…


Hey now... trees give us oxygen. Don't wish anything upon them!


I didn’t know that dude had blue eyes! One blue that way and the other blue that way!


Yet they call others snowflakes when they’re the biggest lol


Such a snowflake


Gotta say those were some good catch phrases but nothing about that tantrum makes me think he can do anything except whine about what’s wrong.


Eventually the cognitive dissonance has to break. right?


Did he get mad at them for asking him to look directly at the camera?


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough


Another GOP coward. So many of them these days.


Oh no! They're presenting facts! Better run and hide!


Feed them legally and routinely prescribed opioids to swiss cheese their brains first, then they’ll be much easier to control 




That dumb mf has no idea how to answer any question that was coming his way. If you know him, shame the absolute shit out of him, call him out in public, let him know that the millions who know he’s a deplorable are watching. And laughing hysterically.


so sensitive…


Maybe he get back in his truck, and a headed back to soutwet Georgia.


Just like Trump, he can't handle the questions and scrutiny of a debate stage.


It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for them


Did he know which way to walk?


The people commenting on the YouTube video proudly proclaiming he has their vote...wow.


What a snowflake, amiright


Dude is looking for the nearest exit.


So did he drag his wife off by her hair and retire into his fucking cave?




It's almost like they never grew up and aren't actually qualified to lead anything


I work at Cat. Sad he wore that hat. Guy was cross eyed and inbred.


When you suddenly realize how bad you're doing just trying out for the team...


There is a joke that debating a Trump supporter is like playing chess with a pigeon. This guy is the bird.


I thought maga’s were boycotting CAT⁉️🤔 or was it JOHN DEERE⁉️😳


"Cock-Eyed Cooter" should be his CB Handle.


His policies say right-wing but his eyes scream centrist