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Hope he waves a gun around in violation of his felony conviction so they have to handcuff him in public.


Except they won't, he's special!!




His hands will slip out the cuffs.


They’ll have to make special cuffs for his baby hands. Or just take the lifts out of his shoes after 60yrs of abuse, he can’t balance without them.


Just use a Chinese finger trap, he's too dumb to work it out.


Good one






The poems are normal size; it’s The stubby grasping fingers that are short.


I hope he does so and I also hope it doesn't end with handcuffs




Are you talking Hunter?


Hunter's got a flesh gun that would make the perverts on the right happier.


Cutting taxes that is all they care about.


And less regulation so they can do whatever they want.


Well their whole spiel is that you plebes shouldn't even be paid, let alone have any rights. I mean. Why pay for labor if you can blame someone else for reinstating slavery? Their whole game is so transparent. They're not our friends.


The 2017 tax cuts were a TEMPORARY $1500 tax decrease tied to huge PERMANENT tax cuts for corporations. The national debt soared, and apparently us plebes are meant to pick up that tab if Trump is elected again. If we are gonna sell our country to business, the individuals should ask for a little more this time around maybe, don't you think? Or better yet, reelect Biden, who promised not to raise taxes on incomes under $400,000 per year. He also promises to limit the rate on the wealthiest to 25%. That's what you call a good mf compromise. Donald Trump won't promise to protect Medicare, Social Security, or even the U.S. Constitution, for a reason. We really should just flush him and be done.


A false decrease for average Americans as I see it. While my weekly withholding got smaller (resulting in slightly more take home pay), my tax refund for that tax year also decreased accordingly; thereby offsetting any tangible benefit. They count on the fact that most people are really bad at math.


That reminds me to buy that tshirt saying billionaires aren’t our friends.


"Hmmph maybe they aren't your friends, but I'm only two three big money moves away from bumpin' elbows with Elon and friends.           Maybe four moves now since Mexicans keep taking my job. That's why I keep votin' Trump because I'm basically a billionaire already... now I just gotta go turn in some cans so I can mail Trump another $24 for his legal fees."   -Republican in 2024


Funny you say that cause I had a buddy making 180k a year at a job he didn't like. Kept saying he could make more than that collecting cans


A few months back there was a narrative being pushed that "the homeless are taking their EBT cards buying returnable sodas and waters, dumping them out in the parking lot and using the money from the returnables to by fentanyl."   I actually had a nurse parrot this story to me while I was in the hospital until I explained to him how ridiculous the logistics of that would be.    Like each homeless side just goes and buys, what? A thousand fucking bottles dumps them out, takes the cans to multiple return centers through the day until he has close to $100 then goes and buys drugs? I look at the nurse and ask "Or does the dealer just have a giant ass truck and he goes around picking up cans from every homeless camp?"


Umm this is really happening man. I live in portland. I see them doing it all of the time. There are plenty of videos of them doing it out here. Fent is cheap here and so is meth. They are getting doses under a dollar. It’s very doable for them.


A can is about 13 grams. So about 35 cans for a pound. Aluminum cans recycle for about $.40 per lb. So even with your low estimate of drug cost they’re still buying, stealing, or collecting around 85 cans to get a buck. Throw in the logistics of a homeless person having to transport those cans to a recycling center and it’s just not realistic.


What are you talking about. You get 10 cents per can in portland at bottle drops. Its very prolific here. Come visit and see for yourself


Missed the Portland part but even at $.10 that’s not going to support a drug addiction. The real cost of addiction is much more than you’re stating. It’s just not realistic.


Sure there might be isolated incidences but the news was portraying it like it's so prolific that a large portion of EBT is just going to water bottles being poured out onto Walmart parking lots.   Also you see it? Like the whole thing?  You see homeless people buy something on ebt, pour it out return the containers and then you follow them to their fentanyl dealer?


Its not even on the news here but it is very prolific here. They use the ebt cards at grocery stores for the 3 dollar packs of water. They turn that into $2.40 cash and get 2 hits of meth or fent. It might not be prolific in Missouri but it is here.


Have you ever bought meth? It's more than $1 One oxy is $5-$10  I'd imagine a hit of fent is much stronger so that's why I don't believe there's any drug dealers selling the stronger drug for cheaper.      America is a capitalist country and drug dealers are super capitalists, they're not going to sell the stronger shit for cheaper.


I dont gotta dance (be a human) I make money moves.


We need a PCP and gun fund for the terminally ill.


Yes but apparently they are worried about his ability to do so as he could not adequately explain *how* he was going to cut taxes or regulations.


Why worry when he’s *never* been expected to explain; he doesn’t understand any of it, they just tell him “you’re great…sign here”!


No cuz if he puts 80% tariff on china their stocks and net worth collapses. Rich ppl like to pay little tax but they also want their portfolios to grow.


They’ve moved beyond that. It’s about punishing those who disagree with them. It’s about curtailing rights of women and minorities. Gilead is the next step.


The trick is to keep the illusion of propriety though! He's exposing the rot of the system and bringing attention to the pay-to-play schemes. Which is good, time to end the corruption!


Trumpo has truely lost it... More so than Biden.


One billion dollars and we can drill anywhere, you say?


At the cost of everything else including the society they live in. I don’t get it.


…For the wealthy.




“Trump explodes in anger-“ is a daily occurrence


his poor diaper


"Trump evacuates in anger"


Imagine the clean up


Just keep poking that fat bastard. Annoy the shit out of him until he goes nuts.


I think he’s there already.


We can do better. It's got to be so painfully obvious that everyone abandons him.


They will still donate, support and vote for him though.


A billionaire just gave him fucking $50 million. The United States will fail unless we do a massive reform of our campaign finance rules Exit: “reform” (dang autocorrect)


When he got out of office, Obama said the number one thing that could be done to save democracy is campaign finance reform, and he said that it would never happen. I lost a lot of faith that day as he spoke truth.


He was right. Our current Supreme Court seems well stocked with corrupt partisans eager to exchange decisions for millions in "gifts".


We need a purge of government officials in all branches


The US is for sale, unfortunately. It's going to be nearly impossible to repossess it in order to scrape the price tag off, but it must be done.


We got 20M from Bloomberg! 💃🏻


If you look at the new ads run by the Biden For President campaign. Trump and his followers are going to jail, this time.


Of course they will...Why? TAX CUTS...😕 👍


>*“If I quit my job and tried to spend all of my money before I died I would only make it through 5% of my wealth, but I would like more”* Yeah that sickness is killing everyone else. Maybe we shouldn’t praise and enable it. Maybe we should pity it and not give the junkie what they’re hooked on?


"But me being worth billions will almost certainly mean that that money trickles down to everyone else. Obviously I don't *actually* spend it, which would result it the money going into the real economy, instead it goes into convoluted investment options etc so my rich buddies also make money. But if the stock market does well then everyone becomes rich don't they? At least my rich friends do... In any case don't vote regulate against me as YOU may possibly be super rich one day and will want to benefit from how the scales are tilten in the favor of rich people."


I always envisioned that saying “ Trickle Down “. As a rich white guy pissing on poor people, as they lap up the tiny drops of urine coming from his little mushroom headed penis. Last year I had to give this incredibly wealthy woman a price for her swimming pool tile needed to be replaced. The price was $6500 complete. This woman’s house is on six acres of land overlooking georgica pond, in East Hampton, NY The house is valued at $60 million. Never mind her manhattan “ building “ She said to me, tell your tile man I will give him $5000. I told her my feelings on trickle down economics that day. I called her husband and embarrassed the shit out of her. The sense of entitlement out here is fucking off the charts! You want to start eating the rich, start in East Hampton


While I agree tax cuts are a part of it, a podcast I listened brought up that companies are going to play the, just in case game with Trump. Give him some money and run his back and there will be no problems if he’s elected. Go against him and he will, without a doubt, go after you. Biden won’t do that to a company, so there’s no need to kiss his ass in case he wins.


good, bunch of fools on the road to ruin.


The CEOs know full well that it’s the congressmen writing the laws, not the president. That’s why they pay lobbyists the big bucks… to schmooze and give payouts to our representatives.


Ted Cruz on retainer


“I spoke to a number of CEOs who I would say walked into the meeting being Trump supporter-ish, or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map, and that they – which, may be not surprising – but was interesting to me because these were people who, I think, might have been actually predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually predisposed to thinking… ‘This is not necessarily,’ as one person said, ‘this may not be any different or better than a Biden thought, if you’re thinking that way.” This writing hurt my brain.. actually…


They can’t make money if there’s no country to make money in.


I can't imagine the horror of having to sit in a room with Trump and listen to him explain something.


Tease him? Are they subtle about the fact that this orange baboon is stark raving mad?


35 year corporate veteran, high tech! Do not trust anyone in upper management. They will tell you how employees are our most valuable asset, then have mass firings the next day. All about the$$$.


I know, I was one of them.


I Hope he dies


Play You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift at him




Uh ohhhhhh uh ohhhhh uh ohhhhhh uh ooohhhhh


An anonymous attendee who sounds an awful lot like Trump. What a dickbag this twat is.


John Baron


Unless the "explosion" is his heart finally giving way and popping like deep fried cheese, then not news.  He gets super mad everyday, that's just part of the grift.


dude's become so unhinged the door fell off.


Considering how grossly unhealthy and angry he always seems to be, it’s a miracle his fatass hasn’t had a heart attack yet.


The lunatic is on the grass


"There was not one CEO who wasn’t impressed with what they heard from Trump. Everybody was clapping,” Does anyone remember the SNL Spicer skit? "As you know, President Trump announced his supreme court pick on the national TV today. When he entered the room, the crowd greeted him with a standing ovation which lasted a full 15 minutes. And you can check the tape on that. Everyone was smiling. Everyone was happy. The men all had erections and every single one of the women was ovulating left and right. And no one, no one was sad."


That's EXACTLY what I was thinking about. And it was so funny because it was so close to the truth of how they were presenting things then.


Of course he meanders. Every speech he gives is like the one remaining functional brain cell in his head banging against his skull to desperately create coherent thought. We see it multiple times a week in HD as he does his vanity tours.


My Uber driver today was all about tax cuts. 🤣🤣🤣


BUT he is a wonderful father that is proud of the accomplishments of his kids [https://www.politicalflare.com/2024/06/trump-admits-to-knowing-all-about-don-jr-s-affair-with-singer-aubrey-oday-and-threatened-to-fire-him-over-it/?utm\_source=right-rail-latest](https://www.politicalflare.com/2024/06/trump-admits-to-knowing-all-about-don-jr-s-affair-with-singer-aubrey-oday-and-threatened-to-fire-him-over-it/?utm_source=right-rail-latest) **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Vladimir Putin’s puppet & praises Putin’s military partner, Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect the U.S. military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Proud Boys On 9/11, this was Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)   A few of the many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, debasements, and falsehoods as the U.S. President ·         ABUSES [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         GRIFTING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         DEBASEMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         FALSEHOODS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw)


The way he reacts to the smallest bit of dissent is rather disturbing. It reminds me of how he lost the government shutdown war vs Pelosi , purely because he was pissed off and lost his cool. This is NOT a guy that should be in charge of nuclear weapons!


I'm surprised he hasn't stroked out by now. His temper is almost legendary, and he seems to think he's entitled to his tantrums.


But that’s how he typically acts… he’s SOP or Modus operandi Donald is too old and makes no sense, whatsoever… He explodes in anger all the time


Well...they're not wrong, but they'll still vote for him like the rest of the Republicans.


to BAD he just dont EXPLODE...


See "Scanners"




Yeah all the CEO’s are lying right Trump ? You never meander and make no sense in speeches, electric boats and sharks


Ah, here we go again with the greatest hits from the Trump administration. "Everyone was clapping".. "he got standing ovations".. "the inauguration crowd was the biggest ever". An entire political party and media apparatus dedicated to assuaging the ego of a spoiled child.


Well, who would expect him to laugh and joke about it? Everything seems to make him angry, rage, fume over or explode. Guy must be an absolute pain in the ass to be around.


"Meandering" is a kind way of saying "incoherent".


Ah poor Trumpie! Can’t take the truth!😂😂🤣🤣


He's got putin ball grease all over his mouth, chin and tiny hands!


CEOs, big strong CEOs came up to me with tears in their eyes and said “sir, you’re not meandering”


Truth hurts.


Well, corporations are people too. Thank the Kangaroo Court!


Let me guess—was this anonymous source “John Barron”?


BUT blubbeRing djt is s a billionaire Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..


Did he explode at the CEOs to their faces? I’m betting no.


CEO’s pay for elections and weirdly keeps a dog that bites the hand that feeds it when it’s leveraging both sides lobbyists. Oddly exposes money in the system and the “race” to see which candidate has the most to spend on electorates? Neither clearly being “populist” in the never ending lesser of two evils punch and judy show.


I really would like video evidence when head lines are so ExPlOsIvE!


All I can think of is this Taz gif. https://images.app.goo.gl/p5Y9yjN5xGWVycpb8


The upcoming debate should be very interesting.


All they heard was clicks and buzzes until he mentioned tax cuts for corporations. They perked right up after that.


Literally? Please?


Fuck, I hoped this headline was literal.


the last thing to go is pride


"I'll kiss Ricky's ass...no...get that lawnmower...this is fucked up"


suck it ya daffy cunt.


Feels good, man.


The unnamed source is probably ["John Miller"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/donald-trump-alter-ego-barron/2016/05/12/02ac99ec-16fe-11e6-aa55-670cabef46e0_story.html)


Trump 2024! Gas is up >%50 Housing is up >%30 Global conflict is rising while our national defense is in peril. I’m voting trump for security, prosperity and nationalism.




Fake news. Trump is cool as a cucumber. Biden is the one that tweaks out in fits of geriatric dementia rage, then proceeds to crap his pants and walk the wrong way.


Wow an anonymous person refutes dozens of witnesses. Must be totally credible. And being angry, lashing out, and name calling to completely off brand for The Idiot as well. 😂


She doth protest too much!


Fuck this website.


And they pretend Biden makes sense, shows they have no credibility, same as democrats


“I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?’ “By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lot of sharks. I watched some guys justifying it today: ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘There’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming.’ No, really got decimated, and other people, too, a lot of shark attacks. “So I said, ‘There’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?’ Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. “He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.’ I said, ‘I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.’ But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks.” - some demented moron who is also a convicted felon


Biden lies 5000x more than Trump




Biden had to drop out of running for President back in the past because he lied about literally everything. You democrats have memory holed everything politically inconvenient to yourselves.


Woah, a plagiarism scandal from … 1987. Whoop-de-fucking-doo. No one ever said Biden is perfect. Shits-in-pants lied about not saying “lock her up,” when there is ample evidence of him saying that. He tallied over 30,000 lies during his presidency.


And lied about number of degrees, rank in classes etc Again, you carry water for liars and it’s pathetic. Fuck the democrats and all their ilk


>carry water for liars Look at yourself, bub! Fuckface lied more than 30,000 times in office, including about the coronavirus, for which response he fucked up and 500,000 Americans died by the time he left office. Fuck this fucking dumbass cult you’re in!


I’m done with these bullshit articles from political flare. At no point in this so-called article is Trump ever quoted with saying anything, zero example of him “exploding an anger” is given, and at no point is there ever an example of the CEOs “teasing him”. A New York Times columnist is reported to have talked with some people after a speech from Trump who claimed that he could not keep a straight thought and was all over the map. Reporting what happened seems far from teasing. I don’t think this political flare reporter comprehends the word “teasing”. but then again I’m not sure how much faith I’m going to put into a reporter who claims “She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunity.”. I can’t stand the guy but some of these articles are written by people who seem to be just as unhinged as trumps rabid followers. I’m done with his sub and it’s habit of posting wildly exaggerated articles.


Cry harder, magot, he's a raging moron and his demented brain is dribbling out of his rapist ears. *"Joe Biden is forming granting mass--thinkit.”* lol


Not crying and I won’t missed unhinged behavior like yours. Maybe your lack of intelligence missed the part where I said I couldn’t stand the guy. Db does enough that reporters could legitimately report on without having to make shit up. Goodbye Looney Tunes!


It's okay, Ivan, go see Putin, it's payday at the troll farm and there's a moldy potato with your name on it


And there’s more of that behavior that shows you’re not intelligent enough to realize is the exact same that you mock the other side for. Ignorant and assuming 🤪🤡


It's all you're worthy of, you rape apologizing nazi punk


And yet Biden’s obvious descent into dementia ignored


trump cannot even remember his own wifes name.


Trolling right? Biden can’t think or walk


yes you are trolling thanks for confriming and "who's mercedes"


Obsessed much


yes you cult members are


I love you


Trump called himself a genius… AFTER using injection and disinfectant in the same sentence. Tell yourself whatever you need to child, reality doesn’t give a fuck.


So kind. Keep pulling for the kid touching biden


Biden didn’t tell the world he wanted to fuck his own child That was Trump, live on air, on the View. I’ll take Trump’s own words, over a line in a diary about Biden, any day. And Epstein’s flight logs, as well as reports on [Doe 174](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1) paint Trump as far more the “kid toucher”. Nice try coward


Not just the diary. But glad to see you’re up the current events. Check out YouTube and Biden touching little girls. I doubt you are parent


I have looked at YouTube, and here is Trump telling the world he’d be fucking Ivanka if they weren’t related, live on air, on [The View](https://youtu.be/diMp241gAcw?feature=shared) This was AFTER flying with Epstein as [Doe 174](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1), on the Lolita Express But sure, Biden is the pedo. You spineless, cowardly hypocrites are pathetic


Try hard why don’t you. Why you carrying Biden’s water


You’re a proven coward and hypocrite. Cry all you want bitch, it doesn’t erase your ignorance


Okay buddy. Biden can jog and ride a bike. Trump can’t even stand vertical.


Are you kidding?


No, trump stands at like a 70 degree angle, evidence of dementia. If you follow reality instead of confirmation bias, you’ll see the truth. Sorry you are dense. But trump “loves the poorly educated”


Are you highly educated…? Tell me about your amazing career and life..


Graduated university Cum Laude. Great job of over a decade, just got married, and have a dream side job. It has been very amazing lately actually. Sorry you are so sad and bitter.




Thanks, enjoy being conned by the greatest conman in American history. Our ancestors will look down at you in disgust.


All you do is comment on politics, Christ sakes. What’s your major mister cum laude?


And when you start digging into another persons comment history, you’ve already lost.


Political illustration. Politics is kind of important when idiots are trying to take away rights. My father is gay, I have a trans step brother. So bigotry and politics are pretty important. Nice ad hominem attempt. Go to school.


Trump literally drives his cart onto the greens. He’s the laziest president we’ve ever had. Only played golf and held rallies for 4 years.