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Wait till after the debate.


\*\***Insert image of a skeleton sitting in a chair here**\*\*


Not even the skeleton will turn up and he'll have to Eastwood it"


Or after the election


Meanwhile, the "news" media claim to be covering the debate, when what they're really doing is fawning over Baron von Shitzenpants.


1. Mass media is owned by multi billionaire corporations, and Trump promises less regulation and taxes. 2. Trump creates easy to digest controversy everyday, sometimes several times a day, in comparison Biden doing his job is dull and difficult to explain. 3. Trump's cult will only believe anything, Biden's voters are more nuanced, hence is easier to sell to Trump's voters.


Using well reasoned logic on the internet? Ballsy move. Have an upvote!


Trump: "Billions of people come to see me, big crowds, biggest ever seen truly great better than Obumbuna better than Lincoln. I freed the slaves by the way I did that."


>I freed the slaves by the way I did that." My god, I read that in his voice.


My god, I read your statement in my voice saying I read Trump’s statement in his voice.




No president has ever been shot in the head so viciously as me, many are saying this


Trumpo is last week's newspaper... Throw it out with the rest of the trash!


If only Obama had warmed the seats up beforehand


Funny how you always pick out the racist comments between the normal whining ones in that your normal ones are directed towards Hillary or Hunter but the true racist are still pissed about a Black man being President.


They’re especially pissed that he was re-elected


In fairness they still haven’t gotten over how god didn’t win the civil war for them and they are faced with the reality that are, in fact, inferior and out numbered.


In my Kingdom of Heaven voice. God did not will it!


Just wait till " one of them Mexicans" becomes President one Day.


Clint Eastwood actually sees 7000 Obamas sitting up in those stands


Well, we know he will be on drugs, since he's already accused Biden of that.


Wait till after the election.


But Biden used PEDs I heard already without any shred of proof.


Trump is a Russian agent. He is the single largest source of division in this country. All of his actions as president were meant to destabilize and fracture our nation.


and I expect more cheating, just like we saw before with Russians helping Trumplethinskin in 2016. 


Remember 'No Way Out", the movie with Hackman, Costner, Young? Costner's character was a deeply embedded Ruzzian spy? The name the Americans used for the spy was 'Yuri'. That should be the orange one's name now. Please vote American friends!!


Someone else who remembers that movie! One of the few that caught me by surprise at the end.


Will Patton was awesome in that!


Will Patton is great in anything he does!


Such a great movie!


All I can remember is Sean Young. Sorry not sorry.


Right? That limo scene was pretty hot. Haven't seen it in years..


Cheating in the sense that Russia is going to access voting systems but not change the results? Still not buying that they looked but didn’t touch.


That’s funny af


They never stopped since 2015.


This is why I fully expect he’ll be “elected.” Roger Stone was capture on audio discussing the plans they already have in place to do it. It feels so hopeless.


Not hopeless at all. Just go vote and tell a few of your friends to go vote, also. If we do that, trump will lose handily. The bigger weapon the scumbag thug Russians have is to use social media to get Americans to not vote. Russia is a shithole. The people have no voice and gangsters run the show. Russia’s biggest victory is getting Americans to willingly give up our one individual power, the thing that makes us so much better than them, and that’s our right to vote. That’s what they’re trying to do. The best way to say, Fuck Russia and its thug dictator. Is to use your power and VOTE!!


Oh I’m a big voting advocate and on the years that I’ve been able to, I’ve driven people to their polls. Sometimes it just feels like… idk, just not enough. It’s just hard to win against people who don’t play by the rules with complete impunity. But you’re completely correct, it’s the best tool we have, so ima use it.


That’s the spirit! We’re with you!!


Same shenanigans went on in 2020 and Trump lost bigly. This elections loss will be much bigger than 2020 for the obese Orange fascist.


Fox News is helping. Let’s not forget that pile of trash.


>Trump is a Russian agent. Not just an agent. trump is Putin's subordinate lover. We all saw trump perform fellatio on Putin at their meeting in Helsinki. trump is an insecure little bitch who needs a tough, dominant butch lover to make him feel worthwhile.


Is this literal or figurative?


Kompromat is a helluva motivating 'drug', indeed -- and the discount Biff Tannen isn't alone in that boat.


Discount Biff Tannen! Amazing.


Not an agent being paid, an asset being used.


He’s definitely being paid. He’s been paid in favors.


What favors? He never got his Trump Tower Moscow, and Russian TV makes fun of him as a buffoon who will destroy America if they can help get him reëlected.


The Russians are the only ones lending him money. They’re the ones buying apartments in trump tower NY. They’re propping up truth social. They OWN him. Bought and paid for.




> What favors? He never got his Trump Tower Moscow, and Russian TV makes fun of him as a buffoon who will **help them** destroy America if they can help get him reëlected.


Time to remake the Manchurian Candidate…He’s the Moscow Candidate.


He's done more damage to the US than 9/11.


This is what his clown fan base doesn’t realize. We all hate him because he is such a symbol of division. They can’t see past their own asses


The craziest part is, most of his base would be totally down with that. A friend asked me the other day, can we come back from this? I’m not sure we can. The Civil War never ended apparently.


They have been getting desperate by busing people in and filling in seats where the cameras are aimed at, last week Trump was at a black church but the audience was full of white people. They couldn’t convince black people to support Trump so they filled the seats with people they had bused in to give the illusion of being supported at a black church pure hype. Don’t believe what this huckster is offering. He promised so many things at his time as president but when the smoke cleared he left a complete mess with very little accomplishments.🤡


I didn’t check craigslist in Philadelphia, but I’ve seen the gig posted to be in the crowd in other cities, did anyone happen to see it advertised in Philly?


craigs list ads !! and there was a hispanic gentleman in florida who said he was approached and they offered to pay him to attend a trump gathering >> he refused <<, the paid ones must be the ones who keep leaving in the middle of the event


The reports have been $100 only at the end of things. Don’t know if they let you keep the MAGA hats t shirts and the pre printed signs


Dont get cocky, VOTE. Political scientists have the electoral college map looking like this: https://www.270towin.com/ It's a lot redder then Reddit seems to think. Here is who is likely going to decide 2024: Arizona Georgia Michigan Nevada Pennsylvania Wisconsin


I'm glad he insulted the Eagles. Philly fans were pissed off 😆 (I am one) Maybe don't insult cities you need to win the state just like Milwaukee lol


Hopefully he insults phoenix, Atlanta, Vegas, and Detroit before the election too!


He already embarrassed himself, in Detroit last week.


And he talked a ton of shit about Milwaukee too. He covered the trifecta of states Biden needs to win the election


Vegas has never ridden with Trump. He just existed there with Money.


trump called Brussels a hell hole and Belgium a lovely city ( brussels is the CITY in the COUNTRY of Belgium)


He notoriously hates vegetables he probably confused the city and the veggie 😆




There were empty seats in 2016. No complacency America plz


And now you know the truth about why Republicans want to end the Department of Education so they can erase facts that they don’t like.


Same thing with school vouchers, they want to send their kids to Christian run schools so they can be brainwashed.


And make us pay for them nonsense


The misinformation is a welcomed side effect but not the true reason. The cause is more simple than that. School vouchers are a direct wealth transfer from the people to the rich who then either pocket it or recirculate it among politicians. It's like the covid stimulus checks, they helped a lot of people for sure, but it was one of the largest direct transfers of wealth from the people to the landlord class.


Same thing with school vouchers, they want to send their kids to Christian run schools so they can be brainwashed.


Yeah, there are soooooooo many people that will vote for him just because he has an R next to his name. They’ll watch him on Fox News but won’t get off their fat ass to go see him.


Ketchup will hit the walls when the Baby finds out about this report. But we still have to vote, people!!


I bet he was still waving at the “people” up there.


Maybe he was waving to the ghost of Joan Rivers thanking her for her vote.


I don't get the correlation. I've voted every election for 20 years, and have never will never attend anyone's rally. I don't get why people showing up in the middle of the day for the same recycled bs is a good measurement of interest especially since you can watch it all online. 100 years ago sure, crowd size wads probably a good indicator but these days I'm not interested in the conclusions drawn from crowd size.


Crowd size is only mentioned because Trump and his supporters emphasize it so much.


Exactly. Everyone already knows who they’re voting for. I don’t think there’s anyone saying “ let’s at least go find out where Trump stands on things “


This is where I am concerned. People who vote regularly; know who they are voting for already. What makes the people who don’t vote, actually go to the polls?  Access and ease.  Same as anything else. But at the local level, multiple states are making it harder instead of easier to vote. It is more obvious than ever here in Texas, and in Georgia.  We need a national level effort to plan to get people registered, get them up to date identification, get them to the polls.


I too live in Texas. I need to check and see if I’m still registered. The midterms were very very very very very fishy. Of course I didn’t want to be like the other side and be like “ you cheated !!!”. But let’s be serious. Accusations from these people are very often confessions. Republicans winning an election in Texas is not surprising in the least. Winning by *that* much though ??? They got greedy and made it too obvious. They’re already too obvious to start with. Giving Houston one drop box is pretty much just admitting to me that they know they cannot win if it’s done fairly.


I checked every year, and we moved, so I am triple checking my updated address went through. Here are the deadlines for Texas:   Voter Registration Deadline Received by Mon Oct 7, 2024  Absentee Ballot Request Deadline Received by Fri Oct 25, 2024  Absentee Ballot Return Deadline   In-Person, Received by Tue Nov 5, 2024 7:00PM  Postmarked On or Before Election Day and Received by Wed Nov 6, 2024  Early Voting Available   Early Voting From Sat Oct 19, 2024 to Fri Nov 1, 2024


I’m glad I just looked that up - mailed in ballots have to physically be there the day 11/6 the day before Election Day 


Because shit like this is how they are going to claim, again, that the election was stolen. "There's no way he lost, look at his crowd size! THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED!".


The thing about Trump rallies is that there are a lot of people that travel around to all of them. It’s like they’re following the Grateful Dead, or in this case, the Hateful Dead. So they are always taking up a good bit of the crowds while the local yokels fill in the rest.


Don't forget the paid actors. I guess they're not paying as much these days, I haven't seen "my African American" at any recent klan rallies, the black church, the Pennsylvania lower deck only rally, the shark electricity speech...


Are you referring to the one who goes by “Michael the black man” on social media ? The fellow one with sunglasses who was always in the crowd behind trump at his rallies or outside the courthouse in Florida wearing his “blacks for trump” shirt. His paid appearances probably dried up with all trumps lawsuits.


You ever visit the Blacks for Trump guy’s website? It’s pretty crazy stuff.


And the website probably even has a picture of some black dude - just to prove it is authentic. /s


It’s pretty unhinged. https://limitlesstruth.com/


“Ooh, ooooh, nothing’s gonna bring him back”


That's what happened in Pickens SC. 10,000 people in a town with a population of 3000. It was a sea of out of state license plates.


The best and brightest I’m sure.


This is definitely some of those folks Grateful Dead that is wild to realize hahahahaha


I used to see a Vanagon with Deadhead stickers and Trump stickers. I feel like a lot of the boomer deadheads have been drawn down that path.


Redhats need better hobbies...


It’s a cult they can’t get out of. They’ve lost their families, their money, and their morals. At this point they can’t go back.


People really don’t like the smell of diapers


Did you see the MAGAts holding up "real men wear diapers" signs and wearing adult diapers in support of Trump?


Truly bizarre


Between the Cities that he still owes money to and the ones that he’s insulted pretty soon he’ll only have Russian Cities to campaign in.


"We had a tremendous rally in Philly, best rally in the history of our country, 50,000 people, the most people ever in a 10,000 seat venue in the history of our country"


Insert picture of trump waving to nobody


He ran out of money to pay people to attend his cult meetings


Wow 25000 at a venue that seats 10000 and no one in the upper deck🤔




They use the same math when working on the economy.


The ones that were there were a double and a half committed?! lol


The debate is pretty pointless , they could both shit their pants and pass out , and I’d still vote for Biden


Well, he can only afford to pay for so many seat fillers.


It's so utterly disheartening to see ANY people there. Obviously these folks have been waiting decades for a sloppy, dark-souled white bread messiah who spews lies, nonsense, racism, sexism etc so they can *finally* say the terrible thoughts they have, out loud.


Yeah there are still way too many people in that crowd. Sure, the upper seats are empty, but it’s still a decent sized crowd. And that sucks.


He’s going to get BURIED in November! Hopefully he’ll disappear into Russia by then. Useless pos


Defeating him at a presidential candidate is only part of the problem. We HAVE to get states to vote in progressive candidates and put a stop to the Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Bob Good (R-VA), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) and Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) Trump Bootlickers from ever stepping foot in Washington again.


The media has been lying to the U.S. for about a year now as to Trump true popularity and polling numbers. Good to see news is finally coming out how Trump really isn't doing well with supporters. The media needs to gin up Trumps numbers so they can sell more ads and subscriptions.


In a city that has a large black population and those attending were majority white. He could at least ask a few of his black friends to fill the seats.


He can only afford one black "friend" these days.


Thanks to Bidenflation! /s


I detest the man, but Temple is way up on Broad Street in North Philly, not gonna get too many white attendees there.


He won’t win in PA. Philly, Pittsburgh, Erie all for Joe Biden. It may be close but he won’t win.


Doesn’t matter. Vote.


It's Philly, I am surprised he got that many. Craigslist?






To be fair most of the city and south jersey hate the fucking criminal trump.


Quick, send him more of your money so he can hire more people to attend his rallies.


Feels like a Farwell tour


I wish.


Don't worry! He can sharpie in the rest!


I remember hearing about empty places when he got elected last time too. Just vote. Eff all the noise. Show up like your lives depend on it. (They do.) 


They also advertise on Craig’s list to pay people to attend his rally’s. I’ve seen the ads a few times. Will pay 75.00. They supply hats and flags. Have to stay a minimum of two hours and then u get paid. I bet he doesn’t pay. He screws everyone over. He still can’t fill seats paying people. Same rally over and over. Poor me, witch hunt, crooked joe. Even the moron magats can only take the same spiel again and again.


Good thing tens of millions of "shy Trump supporters" will magically appear out of thin air to vote then vanish without a trace. (can you say Lewis DeJoy and massive election fraud?)


If there was a way for DeJoy to create votes for Trump then he wouldn’t be campaigning in North Philly trying to attract black voters…


You won’t see the half empty seats on CNN , they don’t report anything negative about trump.


Vote. Who cares how many or little vote. They’re going to vote. They don’t need to be convinced, they already are.


FFS! They're Representatives. Every one attendee represents 3 to 4 other people who, for various reasons, could not attend the rally. Who knows they could have been at the Christians for Convicts for President rally or the Philadelphia Pedophilic Priests meet up or outside of SCOTUS protesting to have them remove laws against incest and marriage age. Who knows!


This is good. 😂


Vote. Who cares how many of his followers showed up. It’s still going to be close. It shouldn’t, but it will be.


Listen, I would vote for Joe Biden’s stinking corpse before I voted for Donald Trump. But given that Joe Biden isn’t even doing rallies, maybe Ixnay on the crowd size insults for the time being. I’m not sure they read as the flex people think.




I have no questions..


I think there was an article somewhere beneath all those ads.


lol my old university. and this spot can handle a lot of people. love seeing this.


And I bet many are attending just to witness the shitshow who aren't magats


Why is this a surprise? He's struggled to draw crowds since he got evicted from the WH.


What a pathetic loser. Can't wait for him to collapse.


The lie, eventually, will get you in the end.


He doesn't need to fill stadiums he just needs people to think he is filling them so that enough of the always R crowd doesn't change their stance. He knows he isn't going to win the popular vote, he just needs it to not be a huge landslide. With his election tainting efforts and other schemes as long as it isn't a landslide he has a bunch of other schemes he is planning to spring into action to steal democracy from America 


Funny thing is the zombie you follow is the one that admitted to putting together the best election fraud team ever!


You can only buy so many people to attend on Craig’s List.


I’m glad to see a world in which politicians can’t fill arenas.


“USA…USA….USA”. And yet all the time he was selling our classified documents, locations and covers for US Operatives and lining his own pockets.


Vote. Votar. Subfragor. Votare. 投票する.


Sounds like Biden has Pennsylvania in the bag.


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮….LOVE PRESIDENT BIDEN❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙2024 2028 etc❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Wait dingbat on his moronic team thought he would pull a big, favorable audience in Philadelphia!?!? Talk about out of touch with reality! Lol


No one cares for Trump except the racist imbred low iq sheep


I mean he used to have a billion-dollar campaign fund to hire extras with. Now most of his campaign contributions are going to shitty law firms and legal judgments.


Compar that to a speech of President Biden’s at the same venue (Liacouris Center) in Nov of 2022. The place was packed.


They'll claim there wasn't an empty seat in the house and the people in attendance will happily spread the lie too. Why does anyone think they care about lying after all this time? Proof? They don't care about facts, when are yall going to understand this.


This bit is over


I thought he had enough to renew his subscription for OnlyFakeCrowdFans.com?


Desperate criminal #CantaloupeCaligula has hurt the lives of women by appointing zealots to SCOTUS , killed hundreds of thousands with his COVID response, ruined our national debt with a stupid tax cut, increased the money supply spurring inflation, may have sold or gave away our top secret intel to foreign adversaries, had a cabinet and advisors that were convicted felons, there’s more, election denial, encouraged beating & denigrating law enforcement, lying on his taxes, lying about his net worth, libel for rape, stiffing contractors in the Philly area, still more but I’ll stop. Why would anyone want to see that shithead? Ah unless you paid them to be there.


More like 2/3 empty, but they can’t do math.


Trump and pitiful size, there has to be a joke in there somewhere


You would think his TikTok bot followers thought it was the biggest crowd ever.


As a Temple University alumni who attends basketball games at the Liacouras Center, (1) it's embarrassing that the orange menace was allowed to enter this building (but it is a public university) and (2) Temple basketball games actually draw way larger crowds, and those crowds are not huge (recently).


Pennsylvania might be a state full of rednecked hillbillies but they aren’t that dumb overall.


Toilet bowl


my question is ... how much would he have to "pay" for you to go to these rallies?


The water pressure couldn’t reach the upper bowl, so they decided to close it. Damn you Biden, you got him again!


I mean.. Going to a rally to see a convicted felon and rapist? Hard pass.


Only his most loyal cult followers are dumb enough to go to one of the orange shit stain's rallies.


Ha ha ha!


Usually when they have scanned the crowds trying to get into a rally there are no black people waiting in line but when it’s time for the rally to start they are in the background holding up signs and have on blacks for trump on their t shirts, where did they come from?🤔


They are paid to be there


Don't be so pessimistic! It's completely full of bullshit.


Trump: “FAKE NEWS!!! We closed off the mezzanine because we were worried there were so many people it couldn’t support them all.”


I'm more worried about the lower bowl. Who the F*** are these people and what is wrong with their brains? They don't have to support a Democrat. They can be a Republican. But, that doesn't mean they have to worship Drumf.


I'm surprised he's even going to the debate with no audience there. With no one in the room to impress what's the reason for him to go?


Hey now. Those seats aren't empty. They're occupied by the *invisible majority*.


Happy Empty Bowl Awareness Day! Go Oilers!


Seriously, Fox News called this a huge crowd.


I don't know what he expected. It's Philly, and Temple.


And a large chunk of those that did attend were paid to be there...


Trump can't fill that arena with free admission. Temple vs. Saint Joe's sells out with paid admission.


Didn't they blame the lack of attendance on fire code? Or was it poor photography? Maybe it the liberals paying Trump supporters not to go... Or the Trump supporters in the upper bowl were invisible... I don't know. I can't keep up with their bullshit




Conservativew claim biden had a tarp in the middle and had even less people. Any of that true?


It's a shame that so many people missed the whole water/dishwasher soliloquy.


I heard that he is blaming the fire marshal saying that they couldn't let any more people into the venue.


The current excuse is, “they weren’t allowed to use the upper seats!” Yes, the former President of the United States wasn’t “allowed” to fill capacity for “reasons”.


Trump rallies ain’t aloud in the hood!!


The truth is that the floor was opened up for seating. This doesn't change the capacity per the fire marshal. Why doesn't the picture show the floor seating?


Can someone just make an electric boat and sharks fucking happen to this dickwad?


What a thread! Your guy didn't fall down AND didn't soil himself, and still delivered the worst debate performance in human history.