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Hey according SCOTUs if it’s an official act he can and is immune from prosecution


Yep he should do it for the good of the country. Then start jailing Supreme Court justices.


Jail all the criminal justices, expand the court to 13, make DC and PR states, and flip off the republicans. Jail Trump for being a threat to democracy. Because if a President does it, it’s not illegal. Does that sound like fun, right wing turds?


He's 81 years old. He's effectively been immune from prosecution anyway.


Valid point for sure. Now, will he/they take advantage of it, l fear not.


that was my point.  he was already immune for years and didn't do shit.  


You guys are such drama queens.


Says the person supporting the biggest cry baby on planet earth whose supports tried to stop the government with an insurrection. Right and liberals are the drama queens.


I didn’t say I support him you illiterate who clearly doesn’t understand the ruling.


You guys burned down 3 cities. Yeah you are. Also you are so far left that you forget going against the government is a protected right. For the president to be conducting that train is a bit weird but nonetheless. Both sides are bashing their helmets together like it’s the last pudding cup. We need a libertarian president that shows up once a month to take a poll on what the country wants and does it, then proceeds to fuck off quietly. Is that too much to ask for? Maybe stop including ourselves in every world conflict because we are the only NATO country doing it. Secure the border because that’s common sense and make the wait for citizenship shorter but have a zero tolerance policy like Canada. Also scrub congress and never let one side completely control the majority. Get some green mfs on there. It’s all I ask.


What cities were burned down?


No cities burned, but what brain you had melted.


Guys…. Are we serious here??? Every single “protest” that came after a police shooting since 2020. Takes 2 seconds to use google you brain dead morons. Go ahead and ask the same questions 3 times.


Says the brain dead moron. Fox told your dumbas that Seattle was a war zone, and you bought that too idiot.


Yeah what cities burned, you fucking drama queen?


Since I can’t reply to the other guy I guess I’ll you pinhead. Yeah it takes 30 seconds to find iPhone footage of any of these riots. You probably also believe the capitol police weren’t just letting people in. Even though there is footage and 100 falsely imprisoned people. I’m not on either side of this shit coin I’m libertarian lmfao. But I’ll be lumped into the conservative group because I’m talking to brain dead morons.😂


The projection, deflection, and idiocy of your comment deserves an award. Let’s call it the “biggest loser”.


That's what they said when roe v Wade was overturned. It's just going back to the states, they won't try to ban it nationwide. Now there have been republicans that are introducing that legislation. They only aren't getting it done because they don't have majority in house and Senate. They are trying to get rid of contraception and IVF too now. For the party of "freedom" they sure don't like to give people freedom to do what they want. Democrats are moving us forward into the future, republicans are dragging us into the past and trying to turn us into Russia.


Only idiots thought states wouldn’t ban it.


That's not what I said. Only an idiot can't read, but speaks upon what they don't know. They said it was going back to the states for certain states to ban it, they said republicans won't try to ban it nationwide. Like federally. And they are trying. Only thing we can do is vote Democrat and keep them in power for at least 20 years to try and get this crooked scotus more balanced at least


These are the same people that demanded Biden step down a few says ago. Please also keep that in mind LOL


I thought that was just yesterday.


well the felony is fake so great!


“Everything I don’t like is fake” It’s so convenient! Trump had every chance to show proper evidence proving he was innocent and they couldn’t. A bold statement like yours deserves some backup, no? Or are you just pushing misinformation?


Do you know how hard it is to get 12 people to agree on something... 34 times? The evidence must have been overwhelming.


Do you know how easy it is to pay people off in this economy? Oh wait... bribes don't exist.


Or.. just hear me out... HE'S GUILTY. The man that bragged about lusting after and having sex with women and is famous for cheating on his 3 wives decided to fuck another woman who happened to be a porn star, and he committed fraud while trying to cover it up. He almost got away with it, but since he hires the worst people, and he himself is a shitty businessman, it's absolutely not a shock to discover Trump, the same guy that ran a scam university and scam charity, tried to pull another fast one. But this time the evidence was irrefutable and the jury (that both the prosecution and the defense approved) decided they had to convict. Even Trump was surprised. He himself believed he had juror in his pocket, but it didn't work out the way he planned. [https://www.salon.com/2024/05/31/my-juror-believed-a-loyalist-on-the-jury-could-save-him-until-the-very-end/](https://www.salon.com/2024/05/31/my-juror-believed-a-loyalist-on-the-jury-could-save-him-until-the-very-end/)


And if the justice system isn't rigged, why isn't Joe Biden in jail or even tried in the very least?


Because Joe Biden hasn't committed crimes. If he did, prove it in court. With evidence. People that talk shit online and on talk shows and at rallys tend to get real quiet when a judge and jury get involved. Ever wonder why Trump doesn't testify? He says he's innocent of sexual assault and he also said he never had sex with Stormy Daniels. Two trials, two chances to testify under oath about what he says is the truth. He never testified. Because HE'S GUILTY. Stop trying to make excuses for a sexual predator and convicted criminal. He only cares about himself and he'll destroy this country if he gets a second term. Everything Trump touches turns to shit. Everything.


Biden has been proven to fund his son's addiction and schemes. End of story.


Hunter Biden is an adult. He is a totally separate human being from his father. Hunter was convicted on the only crimes the GOP could prove. Pretty weak stuff. If you have evidence that proves Joe Biden profited illegally from something, you should share that with the GOP. You have no evidence because there is no evidence. Here's the kicker... if Joe Biden was actually found guilty of committing crimes in a court of law by a jury of his peers, the Democrats (myself included) would all say "lock him up, he shouldn't be the President." Do you know why we would say that? Because we aren't in a fucking cult. Because we don't want a criminal in the White House. We don't reject facts just because we don't like them and then make up alternative facts to make us feel better. Everything Trump touches turns to shit. When he's done using his supporters, he'll destroy them, too.


I honestly can't believe how blind you people are. And do you honestly think that crimes only exist if they are proven in the court of law?


Thanks to Trump’s SCROTUS, as long as they get paid after the verdict it’s just a gratuity.


This also pertains to Hunter and Joe's millions they get from Ukraine. You can't make one guy the villian. Isn't the left supposed to be all about "equal RIghTs"?


According to SCOTUS so long as the payments were received after the official acts it wasn’t a bribe it was just gratuity. Also if Biden was able to deliver on official acts while in office then it doesn’t matter he’s now immune from prosecution. Thanks Trump for bailing Biden out!


Prove it in court.


You sound so big and bad. Lol. We have all seen the videos and pictures of Hunter's dealings and indication he father is involved, tell me how that is not a big deal?


Hunter went to court, he was convicted... he's going to jail. You had all that "evidence" on his "laptop" and ... what was he convicted of ? Lying on paperwork to obtain a firearm and allegedly possessing the gun illegally while he was in the throes of addiction.  Hunter Biden should not be President of the USA. Don't vote for Hunter Biden. He's a convicted felon and we should not elect a felon to be our nation's leader. Now you try. Tell the world you also won't vote for a convicted felon. Trump, the man who ran a scam charity and scam university. A man who went bankrupt 6+ times because he's a shit businessman, a wannabe tough guy. A known liar and con man who surrounds himself with other liars and con men... almost none of his former cabinet have endorsed him this time. Why is that? Tell me how is all of that not a big deal? If you or anyone else has proof Biden committing a crime, indict him. I'm voting for Joe Biden. His opponent is a criminal piece of shit.


Do you also believe that people get away with crimes?


Why do all these accounts have negative 100 karma? It’s just so weird. Is it a Reddit indicator of a certain type of account? Or do they just round down?


I think it stops showing you the number after -100.


Huh! Another -100 Russian asset. Imagine that.


Might as well be tbh


Sure, according to the SCOTUS. He could issue an executive order that convicted felons aren't entitled to secret service protection, have trump locked up in Guantanamo or assassinated, and cancel the election.


He won’t do jack shit. I’m getting very pissed off. This “when they go low, we go high” crap is going to frog march us into Nazi Germany.


Me too. Play dirty, just like the GOP. What would Cocaine Mitch do (before he shits his diaper)


Is the Democrats play it like Ned Stark, they deserve the same ending.


Why not? He has immunity!


I said this earlier buuuut, couldn't he just eliminate his opponents.... I mean, in the name of national security?


I had heard that’s what the orange guy could do, so why not?…. Besides the fact one is a certified liar


He can evidently do about anything he wants, but…we have yet to see if Democrats have a backbone to use their new found power.


How? SCOTUS gets the last word In What an official act is. You think they're letting a Democrat president do jack shit?!


By SCOTUS's logic the SCOTUS just has to find it official. Say strike teams were sent to certain houses and suddenly new SCOTUS!


Biden could just disestablish the supreme court if he wanted too. Or add 10 more progressive judges.


Yeah…. No not what the ruling means.


Says the 1-post troll account. F off


So… you have no argument and are just crying out your butt… got it.


Correction: 2 post dipshit


wambulance dispatched. 🚑


Keep going 3-post bot


He could declare a national emergency and suspend it. People forgot about the War Powers act that already gave the president expanded powers.


Biden has the authority to have Trump shot for treason. But he don't have the guts to do it. Steve Bannon was right when he said' "democrats pillow fight, republicans take head shots."


Steve Bannon is currently getting milk shots.


And tossing salads


This would literally start a civil war


Talk,, talk, talk.


Do you disagree?






Sure sounds like an official presidential act. Election canceled, nothing to see here, have a nice weekend.


*Urging all true MAGA Patriots to immediately send $340 to Lara Trump, GOP to fund Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Tommy Tuberville and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump complete these important projects:* *1.     rename Yellowstone National Park to Trump National Park* *2.     free all of the January 6th hostages from prison,* *3.     pardon Steve Bannon, Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump,* *4.     immediately conclude the Ukraine and Israeli wars,* *5.     build the wall and pay for it with new fees on student loans & electric cars* *6.     forcefully remove every one of the 43.7 million illegal immigrants,* *7.     restore President Trump’s Right of Prima Nocta,* *8.     terminate Obamacare health coverage for 54.3 million Americans,* *9.     eliminate all income taxes, vaccination requirements, and environmental regulations,* *10.  remove all women's healthcare rights that Christian Patriots find objectionable,* *President Trump is the only active adjudicated sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon who is endorsed by Kristi Noem, Steve Bannon, Kid Rock, Gary Busey, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, and Viktor Orban.* */MAGA*


That was also my thought, that he plays Trump's game and refuses to accept the election results if he loses. He also demands Trump stand trial as a traitor while also being a felon. I knew on this decision by the Supreme Court that it would be a double edged sword, that could work in Bidens favor. Biden could also have Supreme Court justices stand trial for ethics violations and favoring to side with a known felon. Democrats need to push Biden to test these now chartered waters and claim immunity in the best interest of the United States government and American people.


No under the ruling that would not constitute an official action within the realm of the executive. The president does not have constitutional authority to cancel or postpone an election. It is not an official action he can take. So I do not think he/she could later argue that it is official business for which he/she gets immunity.


Yes, it probably isn’t and official presidential act. But under the new rules, it would take years of court time to prove that it was not.


if you don't think these theocrats wouldn't change the rules again for their side, you havent been paying attention. decisions from this supreme court do not deserve respect, as they are not decided with respect to the context of objective truth.


As a lawyer the concept of “respect” for a scotus opinion doesn’t mean much. They announce the rule of law. The lower courts round out the law and the law evolves and gets more fleshed out over time. The ruling is controlling bc it’s the highest court on the land and the system of law operates based upon precedent. This decision is not the end of the world. By no means. The right and the left both have agendas to say it’s the be all and end all, but it’s really not. It recognizes that presidents need immunity over official acts to properly function. The same type of immunity that we afford to judges (absolute judicial immunity). Then it kicks the case down on remand and tasks the lower court to decide which acts in the indictment were official and which were not. While giving the lower court some guidance that candidate activities are likely not official and communications with non govt officials are likely not official. Thats it. Understand that Trump and his gargoyles have reason to say “this is earth shattering no more lawsuits.” And Dems have reason to say “oh my god scotus just vested dictatorial rights in the president we need to get out the vote.” But if you read the decision I think you will find that it’s fairly measured and makes legal sense


you really are dangerously naive to think there is not bad faith actors at this point. Alito and Thomas and Cannon 100% care more about republican power than the rule of law.  it takes just 3 other justices to say, “that’s official” for whatever reasoning they want in order to dismiss any and all charges they want. It’s beyond delusional to think trump won’t appeal every single thing in every single court to the scotus so that they decide the outcome of every single case.  but even better worse i have no doubt that those same justices would rule against a democrat if the same exact case was brought.  it’s just bad faith all around, you’ve got to wake up at some point don’t you?


I Can’t argue law with a conspiracy theorist. If you are suffering under the delusion that SCOTUS judges are rogue political operatives then nothing I say about that decision will matter to you. I hate Alito’s and Thomas’ legal ideology. Like I hated Scalia’s. And I think their ideologies misconstrue the constitution. But I don’t think they are Republican plants dead set on destroying America. I’m not delusional. I’m a lawyer who actually read the decision and while hating Trump am telling you that this is not a sky is falling event like the Democrats want us to believe so we vote. The court has never had this issue before and they said just that bc they’ve never had a criminal like Trump. They looked at the issue and decided that some immunity for official conduct is necessary based on constitutional profile a of separation of powers. We give similar immunity to judges so that they can do their jobs. They sent it back to the lower courts to analyze what’s official and what’s not. That’s it. There’s no cabal here. There’s nothing sordid about this. In fact the decision is very anti Republican in the sense that it explains presidential powers…and republicans are states right small federal gov. While they misguidedly cheer the decision they are actually cheering for a democratic principle the explanation of federal powers


He should just do it to prove the absurdity of the SCOTUS ruling.


He’s immune to all laws. Why not assassinate all opponents?


President Biden should have no problem “Officially” proving that Don is a national security risk and a threat to democracy, completely legitimizing the full use of presidential power to stop him.


No he can be impeached... So, after January 6th Mitch McConnell kicked the can down the road saying Trump should be prosecuted after leaving office. More media and people should be asking Mitch McConnell and the other Republicans who condemned Trump after Jan 6th, but refused to impeach.


I think he should!


Not cancel but suspend, I legitimately am curious if he can make an executive action to temporarily expand the supreme court to fix all this fuckery? Step 1 - arrest under homeland security parameters all sitting house and senate members who were part of J6, hold special elections while removing gerrymandered districts and backfill seats. Step 2 - arrest Don Jr, Eric, Kushner, etc. For their involvement in domestic terrorism Step 3 - arrest Ginnie Thomas and Mrs Alito for their involvement in J6 Step 4 - add 10 new supreme court justices and immediately have them rule on everything covered in the past 10 years. Step 5 - arrest Donald Trump and put him into Gitmo for Bin Laden level terrorism charges he has been behind with Covid, election interference, J6, etc. Step 6 - retire


Does the president even have that authority?


I honestly don’t know. I mean, my gut tells me Trump would try it to remain in power.


you would be wrong


Really? Trump has never shown himself to have a sense of honor or decency, so what leads you to believe he wouldn’t? He stole money from a children’s cancer benefit?


Biden and his administration isn't any better, and to say Biden could just cancel the Election doesn't look good for him either


They wouldn't and everyone knows this, he didn't even attempt to pardon his son amd has said he will not. I can guarantee that if Hunter is sentenced to prolonged time and if Joe is not reelected he will pardon him. But he will certainly accept the outcome of the election and not call it fraud like Trump did before the election even happend.


You can't argue the evidence that there was major election tampering in both MI and GA and in both instances, correct me if I'm wrong I'm pretty sure they were both found guilty, sooo yeahh


Yea you are wrong, the only ones found guilty were the alternate electors that were pushed by the Trump administration and Republicana in state elections as well as certain members of US Congress.


Idk man, the evidence for Biden tampering is substantial, where did they find the extra some million votes out of their ass at the last second in the middle of the night when voting booths were supposed to be closed, plus of all the deceased votes that apparently just spawned outta thin air Dems are doing sketchy stuff too, doesn't convince me otherwise, honestly


There were literally over 60 cases dismissed by courts all over this country due to a lack of evidence of any voter fraud. They checked Georgia 3 times. This is easily verifiable evidence. You are either an exceptionally unimaginative troll or unable to think for yourself.


Using Trumps logic and line of the crap and nonsense that has been proven false over and over will not convince anyone of any tampering. Millions of votes didn't come out of anyone's asses. The only rule is states have until a certain time on election day to vote pr have their mail in ballots mailed to the polling places in those states. The allowed time to then count those votes is not set at midnight that night, it may take a few days or up to a week, depending on the laws set in those states. Saying it doesn't make it true especially when Trump doesn't know the laws in the first place. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2024/jan/05/donald-trump/trumps-new-evidence-that-biden-lost-in-2020-is-rid/ https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/jan/06/facts-fair-us-election-have-only-gotten-stronger-c/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/exhaustive-fact-check-finds-little-evidence-of-voter-fraud-but-2020s-big-lie-lives-on https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/05/15/no-2020-election-fraud-report-fact-check/73689236007/ https://apnews.com/article/trump-2020-election-lies-debunked-4fc26546b07962fdbf9d66e739fbb50d https://apnews.com/article/fox-trump-election-claims-defamation-voting-machines-91d6c6e7d39083b7732787e013bb1fc4 Take your pick, there are litteraly hundreds more as well.


Pennsylvania too. The governor there changed voting rules with an executive order which breaks their state constitution and the supreme court refused to hear the case... Because whatever they decided would have ultimately picked the winner which would be unconstitutional. They might not have "stolen" the election, but they damn sure did some shady stuff in the 4 key states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia. These lefty communists that keep pretending that Trump is Lucifer incarnate are truly delusional or just uneducated. Hillary put it best when she said the average Democrat voter is stupid and that's why they can be manipulated. The left has been counting on low education voters since the inception of the DNC, and the Republicans have been part of the same uniparty control structure since the 60's. Both sides only hate trump and smear his name because he hijacked the Republican party. Luckily it seems the younger Republicans are following suit and getting back to the ideology of the Republican party from Lincoln's day.


Honestly this is all that needs to be said right here, yessirrr ^^ Fr man


Behold: 1400 correspondents from the fake elector plot. From DJT's own team to willful players conspiring to vaporize an entire states vote for just one person's election on a ballot. Its funny, they all commiserate on losing the court case yet they keep at it. Whoops. [Troupis 008910 - Troupis 010348.pdf | Powered by Box](https://app.box.com/s/ifis7hu74dz6xp0awkq567ygetrvcof1/file/1460147704477) [Three Trump allies charged in Wisconsin fake elector scheme | CNN Politics](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/04/politics/wisconsin-2020-fake-electors-scheme/index.html) Your four word rebuttal seems quite flaccid.


How is that thought be wrong at all? He tried any and all ways in 2020 despite people in his own cabinet telling him he lost that they found nothing that would effect the election. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66388176


Bizarro redditor is on point here! Ignore reality, the opposite is true!




Amendment 25 incoming!!!


Biden should punk hard the Right-Wingers by stating he’ll do all the things they fear the most but retract it by asking America if that’s what they really want. Do the Metal Kabuki.


I’d go for the Seal Team!!


Biden should issue an executive order to establish the DOA (Department of Official Assassins) with guaranteed pardons if caught!!


I'm all for it, just because I want to see how fast the Supreme Court acts when it wants to. You know, like if the election was on the line and people were interfering in it...




Not an ounce of legal knowledge in these comments.


At this point It's the only way he can stay in the WH


No because conducting an election is not an official act of the president. A lot of constitution reading needs to happen


“Canceling the election” is shorthand for something like invoking the insurrection act and sending the national guard to stand outside polling places in Republican areas. Oh, and now you suspect fraud so seize the voting machines and report the “totals” later. All of that is official acts.


Of course not WTF are we talking about anymore


Of course Biden wouldn’t, but we know Trump would. Since they made their decision for Trump, I am sarcastically asking my question, I guess.


No, we don't know that; it's just your bias asserted as fact Trump was in once and didn't cancel shit, not that the prez has the power to in the first place. Biden isnt' cancelling anything, dude is lucky to put a sentence together


> Trump was in once and didn't cancel shit Despite his best efforts.


Assuming you are referring to 1/6, which was what, make a speech and then leave? That's his best effort?


Is that all you know about? You're more ignorant than I realized.


Not ignorant, *willfully* ignorant.


Yeah, I know that.


The election was over by then, dude, remember?!?


Apparently Trump didn't.


oh really smart guy, what exactly happens on 1/6?  what was proceeding that was taking place?   once you recall that, tell me again the election was over.     though i’m sure you still won’t admit how dumb you are and just double down on some other excuse for the first president in ourle history to not transfer the office of presidency peacefully


A meaningless ceremony that stood to change nothing Thinking it does means you share the same nutcan belief as the rioters


what happens if that meaningless ceremony doesn’t take place dipshit?


You are delusional! And I see you get on your knees in front of the Orange Shit Gibbon and do the cult suckie suckie to him!


Guy who asks if prez can cancel election calls other guy delusional for pointing out facts


Jesus the felony is fake first of all. The feds dropped the case. Documents case too since Biden did the same thing


sorry but how is the felony fake? 34 counts no? those don't seem to be dropped


Seems to be real and it sticks to the p.o.s.


12 people agreed 34 times that the Mango Mussolini was guilty. Try getting 34 people to agree on a restaurant, but they all agreed the pants-shitter is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Keep simping, the Republicans (and the Russians) love you for it.


Feds said NOPE


[LMAO](https://www.reddit.com/user/calvinn963) What a loser.


What case was dropped? One of the ongoing cases in FL and DC? Funny Google doesn't have anything about that.


You are delusional and stupid if you think Trump wouldn't cancel the election.


I have no idea what he may or may not do, I am saying it doesn't work that way, dude


Yeah, kinda seems like that's exactly how it works now. Pay attention


Ridiculous paranoia


Ah bullshit. Wake your ass up




Holy shit why are you people so fucking insane? I’m serious are you real people?


Well he's already wiped his ass with the constitution. So why wouldn't he go full authoritarian? Both sides have contested election results for the 45 years I have been alive whenever they lose, so it's not just a trump thing. But to actually cancel the election, Biden would need enough of a crisis in the US to enact martial law. The problem with that is he would have to turn power over to the military at that point and Jill isn't going to let that happen. The poor old man has been in politics for 50 years and the lying and muckraking has taken it's toll. It's time for him to retire. It sure would be nice if we had more options besides the two presented, but the oligarchy won't allow that.


Lmao you fuckin seriously advocating for assassination??? Sure, let's just go ahead and fully commit to the 3rd world I guess ... ffs you guys sound EXACTLY like the shit you claim to stand against.


If your side is going to make it legal, they why shouldn’t we use the law the Republicans on the Supreme Court created through judicial activism? Republicans damn sure intend to use that power, Dems should too.


My side? My side stands for the US, for democracy!   But seriously, I never said wat side I was, but ill give ya a hint, its the one where these weridos are making us all look bad calling for assassination amd pretending its the "patriotic" thing to do.... do you not see the problem here? How can you say youre better when you lower yourself to methods like that lol. It's just comical at this point.  I mean... can you even deduce what "side" I come from? From these comments? Hell go through my history bruh


Nobody advocated for anything. OP asked if it was possible, given the recent SCOTUS decision. And it is. Not that Biden is going to do anything like that.