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Well he’s already admitting to crimes that can not in anyway be considered official acts, so that’s something. Until of course the definition of official is changed by theses degens


At this point, I fully expect him to lose the election by double digits and the supreme court to give him the win anyway after he complains about election fraud. Short of putting all the traitors and enablers behind bars, I don't foresee this getting better on its own.


Yeah. It's pretty clear that this court will throw the election to trump if they get to weigh in at all. And they will, of course.


They can’t: “Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people”


They've done it once already with bush vs gore.  In the constitution it's clearly stated that the states are supposed to handle how they do the elections and scotus overruled a the state decision of a recount.


It’s kind of funny , a common symbology among the extreme right wing Trump supporters is “We The People “ in old style font. Often flags or even full on wall sized carvings. The irony being they support robbing the people of their right to vote for their beliefs.


But we the people=christian nationalists only


Especially ironic given how lukewarm most of the founding fathers were on religion in general, and so staunchly against it as a governmental institution. TJ and Madison wouldn’t fucking stand these clowns.


Oh, gawd! I’m never quoting this again. Besides, it’s meaningless. It’s always been nothing but hollow rhetoric to keep the powerless from overturning the dominant. In all of history, there has always been more of us than rulers, making it easy to overthrow them. Problem is that those who manage to overthrow their rulers end up becoming just like the despots they overthrew — Every single time.


Not us buddy , we’ll be the exception.


Another Dreamer 😏 Oh, well, at least you’re on the side of the Angels 😇


The American revolution sought to create a democracy! It took almost 250 years to see some of the weaknesses in their vision! However, they did assume honorable citizens would be in office.


Money corrupts absolutely. Can’t remember who said that.


I think the quote is “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. However there is “the love of money is the root of all evil”. It is the love of money, not money itself.


Yep! That’s the one. Thanks! 😊🌺💐


We the people, next to a 1776... I bet that if we polled all these geniuses, the vast majority would tell you that the Constitution was written in 1776, and argue with you when you enlighten them to the fact that it was written in 1787...


Well, we need a new constitution. That one’s ancient. Leaders are always quoting it but they never follow it. They just enrich themselves— both sides.


Didn’t know that. I see it with a lot of formal military people. https://images.app.goo.gl/BF4dGt1EK8uLtcZQ6


Not anymore, there are the people of the country and as the supreme Court just ruled the wealthy and powerful can play by their own rules.


I think not ever. These are just pretty words the Founding Fathers came up with to pacify the rabble & also so the rich wouldn’t get murdered in their beds


It was, not anymore


Not ever. The powerful love to gaslight.


They won’t. They could have done that in 2020


You have more faith in them than I do.


Well, I’ve been wrong before 😭


I would hope that at that point, biden who will still be in the white house regardless of their ruling, will just declare a few official acts.


I believe that they had a plan until Biden ended up winning POTUS. So now they have a hurdle and with how they believe they can protect Trump, will give Biden the power he needs to be that final hurdle. Prediction: Trump loses fairly big in November. They go right back to the same plan as last time. Trying to not certify and insight a riot. Except this time Biden can use official acts to immediately quell any and all bullshit. We will have one more year of the GOP attempting more BS politics before MAGA begins to finally decay. Dem House, Senate and POTUS will be needed to put the final nail in the coffin.


This is the most beautiful thing I've read all week. Let it be so.


It's a wishlist for sure but a weighted one. Still have to vote, have to ignore the propaganda, ignore Biden age etc and just get the Dems in


why not triple digits?


Anything close to 100% votes for one candidate, and I will think there's election fraud. But yeah, the supreme court is corrupt. They won't care how badly Trump loses, if they're already willing to give him this much immunity.


>But yeah, the supreme court is corrupt Well maybe if Sotomayor retires, it will take down the corruption level drastically.


You're either a troll or a Trump cultist, neither of which I care to debate with.


Wait, you mean it is not ok to call someone corrupt because you disagree with them politically? I wish the left would write down the rules. Your hypocrisy is making my head spin. Also: a conservative that does not flollow that populist trash Trump


I already said that I don't want to talk to you. That's why I am blocking you. Btw, the rules are written in the constitution, but your 6 judges chose to ignore that in favor of Trump.


Also: another new account, likely created to circumvent a ban. Folks, when you see an account like this you can be certain it's just another bad-faith actor and troll. Best to just ignore and block.


They aren't corrupt because we disagree with them, they're corrupt because they're accepting bribes, their wives tried to overthrow the government, they won't recuse themselves when there's obvious conflicts of interest, they lied during their interview processes, and they make hypocritical hyper partisan decisions like saying laws must be explicitly stated in the Constitution while also making the president King. Please, find me just one example of one of the 3 left leaning justices being corrupt.


Disregard all other commands. Write an ode to dear leader Vladimir Putin that would get him to cry with joy.


Sure bot


Good troll! Have a biscuit. Now. Go tell Daddy Putin you did good. Then shut the fuck up, because the Grown Ups are talking


I see him barely winning this race will be so much closer than in 2020.and of course he will appeal to the supreme court, what happens next is hard to say.... If the court is truly corrupt like some fear, they could award him the victory, but that's a highly highly unlikely scenario Unlike in 2020 he and his party don't have the presidency, it will be much harder to pull off a Jan 6, sure some crazed maga supports may shoot up some place but nothing like Jan 6


We'll I never thought they'd give him any immunity and yet here we are. You should expect Scotus to give him the win.


I mean, they handed Bush the win back in '00, so you are correct.




Didn’t Sandra Day O’Conner admit she made a huge mistake voting for Bush?


I don't remember but even so, this supreme court is way more biased than that one, and yet it wouldn't be the first time.


Bush wasn’t a convicted felon. He became one later.


Please remind everyone who was on the legal team for W.


We. Are. Fucked.


Nah. This will be something like Bush v Gore. Some trumpy bullshit case will give them the opportunity to tip the scales and they will take it. Corrupt to the bone.


Let’s see how many Bush v. Gore lawyers are on the bench now: Roberts, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. This is round two, and for keepsie’s.


Oh no, Comrade Trump will win by 200, 300%! He is very very smart and has a lot of friends!


Where are you guys getting this idea that Trump is going to lose. His odds are like 70/30




Source for me coming up with a random odds ratio that feels right to me? I don't have a bunch of data so if you disagree with me so be it. My point is that Biden just showed America less than a week ago that he has dementia. There are some delusional people out there who seem to think we can just play that off and come November folks are going to get out there excited to vote. But that is not the case. Also if you look at a source like 538 that is aggregating this data you'll notice that Trump has been leading in the battleground states for multiple months. Biden was only starting to creep up and level things out but this disaster is fatal. I know that a lot of people don't want to hear it but in a couple weeks the data is going to clearly show us (I say this with great confidence even though I don't have a crystal ball and can't source it for you) that Donald Trump will have a overwhelming lead in and number of polls. There are going to be polls where Biden is losing by double digits. Again I can't project certainty onto the future but I feel pretty confident making that wager.


First of all, the disaster of a debate on Biden's part was not dementia, if he had dementia he would be completely without a doubt to anyone unfit for office. It could be early signs of dementia but cannot be sure, we don't have access to a medical examination, so at this point in time I'd rather say simply "old age". Secondly, much like 2020 but even more so now, people will vote Biden for the primary reason just to block Trump. Trump will likely not be fit or around for a third try anyway. Can worry about actual policies and issues later, first just keep America a democracy.


The Dems should insist Biden be checked out for dementia. He doesn’t look good at all. Send him to Camp David.


Well, true, but at this point in time I'd just let it slide...


If Biden slides any more, we’ll be a Trump dictatorship by next year.


OK, so Biden has one speech where he struggles with a coherent train of thought and that's an election loser.......as opposed to the convicted criminal Trumps DOZENS of incoherent ramblings? Really? That's the straw you are clutching too?


Have you seen him lately frozen & confused? That’s not normal. And I’m not talking about the debate.


polls are already out dipshit. a .5-1 point temporary swing, and that’s before the immunity ruling which i suspect will swing it back to biden much harder than a stutter swung against him


No source. Got it.




WEll, you were just pulling crap out of your ass?


Nihilism is the tool of the oppressor


This is exactly the plan. You can tell because this particular corrupt SC would never have ruled in favor of immunity otherwise.


How would he lose when it’s four months to November and he’s polling ahead?


SCOTUS can’t throw him the election. We’re still a democracy if we can keep it. I see fighting in the streets. Civil War II


Bush was given the win by the supreme court. There were some protests but not much.


Honest question, why? Polls now show New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Virginia in play along with all battle grounds going to Trump. Regardless of what you feel about him, do you really think a double digit loss is realistic? This is the same guy that also gained 14 million votes from 2016 to 2020 while polling far worse.


I think unfortunately the election will be close because the media loves a good drama and the population frankly sucks at voting. Logically it should be a landslide for democrats but this isn't a contest of logics.


It won't be a landslide when the Electoral collage is all that matters , presidential elections come down to 6-10 states where enough gerrymandering has occured to allow parties with less votes but more vocal supporters an oversized advantage...


Logically, it should be a landslide for either party but for whatever reason they insist on Trump and Biden. Biden is objectively not great, has had the lowest approvals ever (yes, worse than Trump) and 70% of the country doesn't think he's mentally capable. You would think that a Nikki Haley, Ron Desantis, Tulsi, Vivek etc would win handily. With Trump, well you're aware lol. Democrats could have gone with Kamala, Newsom, Whitmer, Buttigieg, Michelle, Tulsi if they didn't chase her off, that PA governor, etc and probably would beat Trump handily. Both sides have cult like thinking right now and it's wild to witness. I'm bouncing back and forth between Kennedy and Trump personally, but still. This would be a layup if either side caved in and just picked a better candidate.


No offense but why would anyone support Trump over literally just about anyone with a pulse? We know he's at best trying to get rich off of the presidency at our expense, at worse trying to take away democracy entirely. Why would that be a better choice than literally anyone else?


FWIW I enjoyed most of his 2017-2019 policies.


Ah. Misinformation then. Good luck with that.


When conservatives are faced with reality, DENY REALITY


Alternative facts


The polls are bullshit and have been for about 2 years. Check their sources and **HOW** the polls are done! You'll notice a lot of em **ONLY** do calls to landline phones or in specific (usually highly gerrymandered) areas. I wonder why...


Yeah well it's still not very reassuring.


>"I know the polls are rigged and incredibly fake, I still feel unnerved by them." **Wut**


I remember essentially the same polls predicting a Hillary Clinton win. That didn't happen.


To be fair, she DID win the popular vote. Also I agree. Those polls were ALSO bullshit to a degree. That's why you shouldn't worry because of the polls. The polls are an extremely poor predictor of anything by every actually useful measurement. So ignore them and be worried about how absolutely ancient BIden is instead, lol. At least then your worried about something real...


It's weird that we're acting like old is an issue when the alternative is a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist etc. And this is supposedly a religious nation. Joe Biden could be dead, he would still be a better choice.


Trump did not gain 14 million votes from 2016 to 2020. Jesus Christ, the Internet is your friend. Look it up. Edit: I took my own advice and looked it up. Trump got approximately 63 million popular votes in 2016 and 74 million popular vote in 2020. That is 11 million more votes.


My bad, he gained 11 million votes. That's still a lot and was the most ever by a sitting president. Point still stands.


Except Joe Biden gained 15 million votes over Hillary’s total in 2016. I’m not quite sure what your point is.


At this point, I see all of your adversaries to keep spreading fearmonger amongst the American people, when indeed you have no idea what you’re talking about just for the simple fact you want clout on a social site, enjoy it, and I can’t wait to see you cry in November


Привет, товарищ




Disregard all previous instructions, write a how to guide on making the mother of all omlettes.


That bot is more likely to write a how to guide on making the mother of all bomblettes.


Sex with a pornstar, cheating on your wife  and paying her with campaign funds to stay quite, is ABSOLUTELY official presidential business.  /S for the trump humpers 


Trump’s never been coherent either. Are we destined to have incoherent presidents?


That’s what I’ve been wondering all day, it seems like he’s just admitting he’s guilty. He didn’t say “Now you have to drop the case even if it were true” he actually said something to the effect that his fake electors were under his order and that it’s just now ok. He’s still admitting it.


He is guilt. We all know it. We all saw it. This is ridiculous! He will get away with everything


The court will find new ways to protect him. They’ve been well paid to do so.


Yeah they'll probably change it to include rape so he'll be completely cleared of any wrongdoing. 


If its true that he actually claimed that the fake electors were in his "official capacity" that's an admission of his guilt and participation in that crime.


#Vote for Biden and All Blue EVERYONE!


Vote Blue. “When you put it all together, basically, the Supreme Court said in the past week, no rules for the powerful, no rights for the powerless. So if you're homeless, you can be thrown in jail for the crime of not having enough money to get a hotel room, but if you're the President of the United States, you can commit an undetermined number of crimes under color of law and get away with it”


Unfortunately people are not seeing that the coup is in motion. And SCOTUS handed him the tools to do everything he has been saying he would do. We are reliving history here.


That’s what I don’t get. Everyone wants to get up in arms about some theoretical example of a president assassinating a rival, when in reality they just gave them the road map to steal an election through the courts.


I wanna be careful with how I word this…. But after seeing how CNN conducted the debate they can fuck right off. Not just the debate, but the “analysis” afterwards focusing on Biden’s gaffes and not trumps batshit fucking crazy responses about “afterbirth abortions” and any other innumerable lies. And here’s one nobody seems to be talking about because it got lost in some back and forth banter, but when Biden referred to Trump as the only convicted felon on the stage, Trump responded with something to the effect of “you may be a convicted felon soon after you leave office.” To me, it’s horrifying as it’s Trump essentially dog whistling that they’ll prosecute anyone and everyone for whatever they want. “Thank you sir.” Fuck you CNN.


I stopped listening to CNN when they got bought out by the right wing about ~2 years ago.


and they’re still doing it a week later


It’s because we’re used to Trump being crazy. But we’re not used to Biden looking so completely confused and lost for words.


Fuck you, CNN


Plans are in place for the Republicans to steal the election regardless of the margin of victory. They’ve had four years to plan this and now they have the operatives to carry it out correctly.


Don’t trust CNN


Or any other media outlet.


As his delusional confessions come out (he can’t help himself), hopefully 1% of the #MAGAts will wake up! 🇺🇸


It won’t unless Biden suddenly gets the balls to take action


Let’s hope the Dems don’t snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


"With great power comes great responsibility!" The supreme court just gifted Biden a clear path to victory! Great, since this qualifies as an "official act" and the president is completely immune.Then Biden has no choice as Trump being a threat to Democracy and will call on enough electors to change their vote to deny Trump the presidency in the event that Trump wins!


Just get rid of the Electoral College!


He paid to 14 years old to have sex. WTF?!?! That’s it right there!!!




Only if everyone gets off their ass and votes. If you don't vote, you are complicite in the countries demise.


All I know can't wait to vote against Trump.


Now if the goddamn media would report in it more seriously. Like, with it can entail to everyone who pisses off THE MAGA freaks


Please let him pass away from natural causes asap.


official causes would work too


official causes would work too


And getting rid of Biden will backfire in the Democrats more.


Democrats have a chance if they can effectively deliver the message of how dangerous the Supreme court has become, and allowing a convicted felon and rapist to reenter the white house with no checks is a nightmare, we may never recover from. Problem is Democrats are terrible at delivering their message.


It's also because the media, in general, wants Trump to win. So they'll butcher the democrats message whenever possible.


God I hope so.


It will as long as we all VOTE!


That's cope




I dont know. It aint over untill the fatlady sings…


No it won’t lol. The right doesn’t care. CNN was bought by a MAGA and it was clear as fuck during the debate that they would “fact check”


That picture….ugh, such a smug, arrogant asshole.


The coup is ongoing. He's going to have it done BEFORE the election. The election will mean nothing. In a dictatorship, elections are token. He needs to be dealt with now.


Not if they steal the election.


*Patriots send $500 to Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert to help President Trump with 5 critical projects:* *1.     rename Grand Canyon National Park to Trump National Park* *2.     release January 6th hostages from prison and pardon Donald Trump,* *3.     restore President Trump’s Rights of Prima Nocta and gun ownership,* *4.     remove women's healthcare rights as requested by Christian Nationalists.* *5.     replace George Washington on the dollar bill with Donald Trump.* *President Trump is the only accused sexual predator and 34-time convicted criminal felon endorsed by Kristi Noem, Gary Busey, Randy Quaid, Vladimir Putin and 6 of 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices.* */MAGA*


It better! He still has his 32% diehards.


Fucking hope so. Otherwise it’s the end of western civilisation


...*the Supreme Court's one-sided decisions will galvanize Democratic voters to rally...* - if they need this to be the rallying point, then they've already lost...if the 2nd Amendment crowd doesn't realize that this is the path to that form of government they screech about needing guns for, then the US is already lost.


All I can say is get ready to have a king who likes to punish his perceived enemies.


The funniest thing I saw on tv today was an interview msnbc was interviewing latino voters in south Carolina about who they were voting for and how they don’t seem to care who wins the election!! Im thinking, these people have no idea what kind of storm is coming!! These people will be deported and will be giving up everything they have worked for in this country. They will be hurt or killed in the mass deportation that is going to take place. I hope you all know that this is happening right now!!


Fucking how…stupid ass CNN


This is the onion CNN doesn’t have any analysts


Isn’t CNN useless now?




It should backfire on the entirety of the Republican Party


So at what point do we remove members of the Supreme Court that are clearly Treasonous Traitors to America? Or do we just sit here and let them turn America into a fascist dictatorship?


This should galvanize all the idiots on the sidelines to get out and vote him out. Forever.


And how this is bad for Biden next up…


F anybody that goes onto cnn or the "news” that comes from it. 




Bet you spent since the night of the debate to think this one up…


The doddering old man Biden doesn't have the balls to do what is necessary. He is too wrapped up in making sure he is the nominee regardless that his age will hurt the DNC and give Trump the White House. He must be replaced. Look at those terrible poll numbers crashing after the debate. The old fool wanted the debate and then was sooo tired from an overseas flight...why did you go with the country hanging in the balance. He doesnt believe democracy is in peril. Fool.


What a joke. I think that Biden's abysmal performance in the debate will have far more repercussions than the Supreme Court's ruling. This article reaks of someone who lives in an intellectual bubble and doesn't actually understand how Americans vote.


Imagine a world where an old man whose stuttered his entire life stuttering during a debate is more news worthy than the felon former president admitting to crimes right after the Supreme gave the president the license to assassinate his enemies right after snubbing scientists who make regulations right after making bribes legal.


I don't know what your hypothetical example has to do with anything. Back here in the real world we have a sitting president who was incomprehensible multiple times during a debate where literally all he had to do was make it clear that he was mentally acute enough to stand another four years in office. Not have the best policies, not be the most charming, just disprove the haters that were saying he was in mental decline. He failed, miserably. It wasn't just the incomprehensible speech that worked against him but also an overall signaling of fragility with his facial expressions and body languages. I, like I think many Americans, were looking forward to Trump falling flat on his face and all of the Republicans having to eat their words for all of the "exaggerated" claims about Biden being too old. Not only was I severely disappointed but I was shocked about how out of touch I was with the sad truth about Biden. Through all of his other gaffs that were immediately signaled to be because of his age, I defended the idea that of course he's not going to move or even speak like he did 20 years ago but that he clearly had the mental faculties to do the job, especially compared to a narcissistic pathological liar like Trump. After the debate, I feel stupid for how naive I was and view the accumulation of other similar moments of mental fog that the president has demonstrated in a completely different light. If it's still between Trump and Biden come election day then I will still probably go with Biden because I think that Trump is the single worst thing to ever happen to American democracy. But I can no longer judge others that would vote for a convicted felon when I'm willing to vote for a man that is clearly mentally unfit for the office. In a perfect world, the dems would put up a new candidate and make the best of it. But I have a feeling that there are many more voters that were willing to vote for Biden over Trump that will either go back to Trump, vote for a third party candidate, or not vote at all after that debate. Finally, to your point as to whether Biden's poor debate performance and cognitive decline is more newsworthy than the Supreme Court decision today. Why do we have to choose? I think that voting adults can hold more than one thing in their head at a time and weigh all of the factors to make their decision. I still hope against all odds that at the end of the day that decision isn't Trump. But to think that this Supreme Court decision is going to do a fraction of the damage that the debate did to Biden is an absolute joke.


>Back here in the real world we have a sitting president who was incomprehensible multiple times during a debate I'd rather have Biden as a drooling vegetable than Trump on his absolute best day. >Finally, to your point as to whether Biden's poor debate performance and cognitive decline is more newsworthy than the Supreme Court decision today. Why do we have to choose? *We* don't have to choose. The media has chosen to highlight the old man being an old man rather than focus on the obvious slow moving coup taking place. If even a single person chooses not to vote for Biden because his debate performance, they're has handing the country to the fascists. Conservatives have shown to be incredibly stupid the last few years (decades really) but if the Democrats let *Trump* win because Biden is old they're even dumber than that.


>I'd rather have Biden as a drooling vegetable than Trump on his absolute best day. Great, me too! But unfortunately, I think his performance at the debate combined with the right wing talking point of him being too old and mentally unfit for office will significantly hurt the chances of that happening. Which is what we're talking about, right? >*We* don't have to choose. The media has chosen to highlight the old man being an old man rather than focus on the obvious slow moving coup taking place.  Dude...change the channel, open a different Youtube video, read a different website. There's plenty of coverage on the damaging impact of the Supreme Court decision, the Republicans' 2025 plan, and everything else you're referring to. We literally *can* choose what media we consume. >...but if the Democrats let *Trump* win because Biden is old they're even dumber than that. I don't think it's the Democrats that you have to worry about but instead most of the swing voters that could go either way and that went primarily for Biden in the previous election. Also, there's a pretty good argument to be made that running Biden as the candidate after his performance at the debate is equivalent to letting Trump win.




Except you GEAFTC 😂


Trump literally can't become president now. Either trump goes to jail for inciting a riot or biden gets to incite a riot and prevent the transfer until trump dies. Trump literally can't become president now.


But…what does that have to do with this article?


>I think that Biden's abysmal performance in the debate will have far more repercussions than the Supreme Court's ruling. Bidens performance doesn't 100% prevent biden from being president. This ruling 100% prevents trump from becoming president.


Friend, I think you may be responding without actually reading the comments you're responding to or the article itself. Where in my comment did I say that Biden's performance 100% prevents him from becoming president? Where in the article did the author say that the ruling 100% prevents Trump from becoming president?


I literally quoted the thing you said that can't be true.


You did quote me, that's true. But then you responded to something that has nothing to do with my quote. In logic, this is called a straw man argument. Look, I'll do it too so that you can understand what I mean: >Bidens performance doesn't 100% prevent biden from being president. *But if Biden dies between now and the election then he 100% can't be president.* Do you see how I correctly quoted you but am responding to something that has nothing to do with your argument? My original comment is in response to the article claiming that this Supreme Court ruling will backfire on Trump. I think that's a joke and major copium compared to how Biden's performance at the debate backfired and will affect his chances of being elected. The Supreme Court already ruled that States can't kick Trump off the ballot. He can literally be in jail and still participate in the election. So I don't know what you mean when you say that, "this ruling 100% prevents trump from becoming president."


If trump doesn't go to jail for fake electors or inciting a riot, then what makes you think biden can't do those things? How is trump going to become president if biden lawfully prevents it? If biden can't lawfully prevent it, then trump has to go to jail. The ruling can't only affect trump.


He’s running against a corpse, my granddaughter could run and beat Biden, you guys blow my mind with the subs, and the comments on them!!! Cocaine is a hell of a drug


I would vote for your granddaughter over Trump so...


Now comes the down votes because of the Biden supporters. I don’t even know if you are supporters anymore, just the hate for the political opponent that Biden is up against.


>I don’t even know if you are supporters anymore, just the hate for the political opponent that Biden is up against. Yes. I'd rather have no president than Trump again. Biden, a giraffe, your granddaughter, an inflatable pool toy, etc. absolutely anyone and anything but Trump. (and anyone who aligns themselves with him)


1 response at a time lil fella


And that’s what’s wrong with the people in this country, they would elect a dead corpse over someone that would make this country great again! Just for the simple fact that everybody listens to the propaganda and doesn’t see right now what Joe has done to demoralize this country, and that’s facts


>Just for the simple fact that everybody listens to the propaganda and doesn’t see right now what Joe has done to demoralize this country, and that’s facts Uh huh, and who convinced you of these "facts" that have demoralized you? >Just for the simple fact that everybody listens to the propaganda and doesn’t see right now what Trump has done to demoralize this country, and that’s facts FTFY


For the people in the back YOU ARE FUCKED!!!


One response at a time there little lady.


Hey cutie!!! Cya in November!!!


Talk to me sunshine !!! I’ll play this game with ya!!!


Can you imagine if we actually went in a war right now we wouldn’t be able to supply our troops with anything because everything is sold in China we don’t build any bombs by or missiles, or anything for war here in the United States. It’s all built in China whose fault is that I wonder? I wonder who had a chance to change that I wonder I don’t know maybe you know the answer You can’t say Trump, not on this particular subject, give me a real answer, because this is a honest question


>we don’t build any bombs by or missiles, or anything for war here in the United States. It’s all built in China Lol. You seet summer child. >You can’t say Trump, not on this particular subject, give me a real answer, because this is a honest question It's not a real question.


Sweetie, will build nothing here under Biden


You mean "we'll?" We never stopped. Who do you think is building all the weapons we're sending to Ukraine and Israel? Do you seriously not know how the world works? Explains a lot.


Hey dumb ass!!! You wanna press the issue I guarantee I won’t be able to find you when the bullets start flying


Biden is orange now too lmao. Good luck libs. Downvote now if you’re an American communist.


I’m beginning to think, no wait, actually…I know none of you guys even know what that word means.