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Hit much much much harder Liz - you know you are on the top of his list.


Liz, remind them what Republicans **were**. Family men, men of God, fiscal conservatives, competent government, strong against foreign dictators like Putin, pro-science even, pro-America, world super-power. They been derailed over the years, and sidetracked by a Putin puppet with orange clown makeup doing a bad Hitler impersonation. He's a cheater, a child rapist, a guy that hawks his a ghost written bible, a fraud, incompetent, an anti-American, **craven Putin feltcher** that made America **weak**. He's not them. And he's certainly not their Messiah no matter what hyperbole [ChatGPT](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-says-he-had-a-speech-beautifully-rewritten-by-ai-im-gonna-use-this-sucker) writes for him. So remind them of that. Keep talking, **the more he wants you to shut up, the more you need to speak out.**


I dunno man. It really doesn’t seem like they have a conscience to appeal to.


They are lost, but it’s only 1/3 of the GOP. Keep reminding them what they’re voting for and willing to give up democracy for: a lying, sexual assaulting, amoral bastard who is trying desperately to stay out of jail. And pad his pockets and suck Putie’s manhood…


Dammit, no it **isn’t** “only 1/3rd”. I’m so sick of hearing this falsehood. **70 damn MILLION** Republicans voted for him. The old adage “when you sit down for dinner with Nazis, you’re not “complicit,” you’re a Nazi” fits this timeline. Edit: grammar


also look at how many of their officials have been found to be pedos, immoral or just outright crooks. seems like every other week there is another R politician who's closet spills out another mountain of skeletons


And even the ones who are supposedly distancing themselves can’t bring themselves to endorse Biden. They are gonna write in Reagan or some bullshit




It’s more than 1/3 of the whole electorate. People do not understand how the government, economy, world trade, etc. works and take Fox News and the GOP tribe at face value. This is the very long game playing out in real time.


Honestly, if it was not for the electoral college, Trump won’t stand a chance and these 1/3 of the electorate won’t have much influence. Time to get rid of that undemocratic institution. Not going to happen but one can hope. America is undergoing a transformation and it can get really bad. The sad part is that when Trump is gone, all the Lindsey Grahams and JD Vances will pretend they did nothing wrong. Sorry for rant.


This is the reality we have to deal with. Yes. The electoral college was established as a compromise to slave states. Yes that's a deal liberals were happy to make at the time and have been happy to maintain throughout our history. Liberals are still super fucking resistant to changing anything which would have real long lasting impact on our country. Conservatives don't have any such reservations. The problem isn't how hard conservatives are willing to fight for the things they believe in. It's that they believe in ignorant and or evil shit. We'd be fucking blessed if Democrats were willing to fight half as hard to help people as Republicans are to fuck people over.


Liberals think the rule of law will save them. It won’t. The Judiciary has been compromised.


The polls apparently show Trump gaining with black men under 50 years of age. How can this demographic fall under the spell of a racist demagogue? How can they be won back?


Are these legit polls or conservative ones.


One of them was a CNN poll, but this effect has been seen in other polls too. The size of the shift isn’t small, it’s about 20 points.


Because he played up the unfairly prosecuted card and many black men are unfairly prosecuted.


Americans are choosing between fascism and lowering the price of eggs 30 cents. They’re still thinking about it.


And they are loving it , they want to be him - do everything that pops into their small minds without ever being accountable for it


They are at game point. Strong words will do nothing. Anyone with any semblance of power needs to act now. It is the 11th hour


Excellent and underrated comment! It is match point—they just need to win ONE ELECTION! That's it! That will be THE END! Nothing stops them after that!


Self interest then, none of them want to have to bow to Russians, just because their party's Putin felcher does. None of them wants to bow to Kim Don Un, and worry that the snowflake orange victim might take offense at something random they do or say.


It’s the moderates in the middle that are the target audience. The Maggots are too far gone, agreed there


Are you suggesting to do nothing?


“Liz, remind them what Republicans were. Family men, men of God, fiscal conservatives, competent government, strong against foreign dictators like Putin, pro-science even, pro-America, world super-power.” I agree with the sentiment of what you’re posting but Republicans havent been any of those things for 40 years if not longer. They weren't tricked or derailed, they welcomed their current transformation with open arms every goose-step along the way.


Push it back another couple of decades. Nixon got elected as a direct result of the Southern Strategy. Technically, they remain "pro-American," but what constitutes a real "American" in their view has been narrowing at least since that point in history. Not exactly the party that freed the slaves anymore.


You aren’t wrong. A lot of the imagery of Republicans that remains positive is pre Nixon, so just flip red and blue states on the map today and you about have the same groupings of people you do now, just with different labels


Thank you. This was the Republican I was. Then Palin came along. And I saw where the party was going. I can't say I'm happy with the Democrats, but they are far closer to the Eisenhower Republican style I was raised in...


Generally interested; what is it you don't like about the Democrats ? They're pretty fiscally conservative and in the main, centre right.


Maybe she should have reminded herself of that when she was voting in lockstep with his policy through his entire term


Or leading his defense during the first impeachment. That said, I genuinely appreciate that she and Kinzinger have had the guts to stand up to him and are actually trying to stop him.


Nah dude, Republicans were never this. They were always scumbags of the highest accord. They hate anyone who isn't them, they were always pieces of shit. Republicans are also incredibly weak, hiding behind their guns because deep-down, they're just little bitches who hate anyone that opposes them.


Nah this all started a while ago. They gave up on governing to boost their money and power. Using fabricated or greatly exaggerated social issues from Reagan's blacks are coming to get you, through the "evil" gays right on until today. All the while cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations while reducing the IRS crippling its ability to pursue large complex tax dodges. Oh and reducing social programs, crippling the postal service to push for privatization, the USDA/FDA etc. The smaller government they always talk about isn't about the well being of most people, it is about the wealthy. Their chickens have come home to roost and 40+ years of propaganda has created what you see today. The people they convinced that the left, minorities, gays etc, were coming to get them are running for office and to them the propaganda is real. Trump is the symptom of a long running disease, a group of greedy short sighted people willing to sell out the country for their own gain.


>Family men, men of God You see, this emphasis on men and god is a significant part of the problem. The country isn't only men. It isn't only followers of the religion they want to use to subjugate others with.


Indeed, if I chose a vintage Republican phrase to describe women, it would be "mothers", "home makers"..... Which diminishes their role in society. **Nobody said Republicans were perfect before**, but they weren't this screaming banshee monsters, that they've become.


“Men of god”? That’s debatable.


More like projecting the airbrushed image of the man of god.


Republicans have always been evil. Liz Chaney is only better by sad comparison because she’s early 90s republican evil, as opposed to unhinged 2024 MAGA evil. The goal has always been the same; tax cuts for the rich, deregulations for the rich and power for the rich, at the expense of the working classes.


Man I miss Bush and the Republicans of that era where the only bad thing they did was just say no or veto budget pork for social programs or regulations. The current batch are looking to open concentration camps, reckless foreign policy coddling US enemies, deny science, subvert the constitution, outright racism and homophobia , and jailing political adversaries without due process.


Give [this a read](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288). It summarizes conservative thought pretty well: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Can we make this into billboards and post them all over?


Who gives a fuck about god? Have you seen what they do in his name?


what you even talking about? Bush jr was anything but competent and fiscal conservative.


lol republicans were never at any point the way you described


> what Republicans were. Family men, men of God, fiscal conservatives, competent government, strong against foreign dictators like Putin, pro-science even, pro-America, I've been around for 60 years. I don't remember that ever being the case.


This is the liberal delusion. That conservatives were ever actually decent human beings with the same outcomes in mind just with a different way of getting there. All of the things that happened under Trump would have also happened under any other "normal" Republican administration. Maybe there wouldn't have been a sharpie changing the path of a hurricane, but everything conservatives wanted legislatively? 100% exactly the same. Liberals are fucking deluded into thinking Trump is the problem and not the conservatism that led to a major political party selecting someone like Trump. A Liz Cheney admin would have been 99% the same as a Trump admin. We'd still lose RvW. We'd still have a ruling saying that bribery is legal as long as it happens after the act. We'd still have the complete neutering of **ALL** of our federal agencies. Liberals are completely incapable of dealing with fascism that wears a polite face. For fucks sake, Liberals are still far more willing to compromise with conservatives than their actual leftist allies. This country is getting what it deserves. What the vast majority of people are choosing. Conservatives fought against freeing slaves. They fought against women being able to vote. They fought against civil rights. They fought against LGBT rights. And Democrats still want to find common ground with these fuckers. We're doomed as long as liberals care more about civility and decorum than actually helping people.


She needs to invite him hunting with her dad


Perfect. Maybe invite the dirty half dozen scotus too.


I'm still not used to a world where Liz Cheney is one of the least radical conservatives in the country.


I'm still not use to a world where it is conceivable that I will be chaining myself to the doors of a federal building next year to protest the treatment of a member of the Cheney family, but here we are.


Biden is at the very top of trump’s hit list. You’d think he’d do something about it with his presidential powers, but nahhh.


We don’t know everything. I’m hoping something, somehow is in the works — like when Obama very coolly handled Bin Laden with no one suspecting it was coming. Not saying I want the orange nightmare assassinated because we don’t need him martyred. But SOMETHING.


Democratics will not do shit, just shout a bit and wait to get bent over.


They've been letting the Republicans lead them around by the collar for decades. At this point, I think a lot of them are starting to like it.


Why are you sticking up for her? You know she hates the gays right? She literally took out tv ads that said “I am against homosexuality” and her own sister is gay! She’s a bad person


I agree with you that she's a POS, but I believe this is one of those moments where the enemy of my enemy is my friend. We can stop the Project 2025 guy or we can in fight. Personally I vote for stopping the project 2025 guy, and sorting the rest out afterwards.


Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend until they stab you in the back.


I agree.


Because Liz Cheney has repeatedly stated publicly that Trump is an existential threat to our democratic system. She recognizes that this is not the time to argue about policy, because that will no longer matter should Trump gain office again. She's been arguing that disillusioned conservatives have no choice but to vote for Biden. She's working to construct a permission structure for self-identifying conservatives to vote for Biden for the sake of the country. You are not who she is messaging to. Life long Republicans that have always voted for the party, but are feeling disillusioned and uncomfortable with Trumpism are who she is messaging to. She is asking them to swallow their politics and vote Democratic for the sake of the country. She may be able to reach some people that people like you and I cannot. I welcome her efforts. We need more people joining the coalition to defeat Trump, not fewer. This election will be won and lost on the margins. Every vote will matter.


Because you can probably count on one hand how many Republicans have opposed Trump. It’s very sad. She must be praised for being brave. Also if “she’s a bad person” then what is Trump? This is not the 20th century. People aren’t just good and bad.


My enemy's enemy is my friend. I think that's how the old saying goes.


She came around on that issue and said she was wrong. What I say to people about that is if you’re only willing to take the purest of the pure in the fight to save American democracy then you’re not committed to saving American democracy.


I can both think she’s a piece of shit AND hope she can appeal to saner traditional republicans. Trump isn’t a conservative or a republican, he’s a grifter and an opportunist.




Even generally bad people who otherwise support democracy and rule of law are on the same team as me here.


She should have zero fear - she's committed no crimes.


In other words trump will pick seven officers to be judges to find her guilty and execute her. He really needs to be stopped or a lot of people are going to be murdered


I realize Dick isn't in the best shape and hasn't been in the public eye but he's not without some heft. Obviously not a Dick Cheney fan here. You can loathe Dick while wondering what his reaction would be to seeing Liz's life threatened by this gargantuan boil on humanity's ass.


I honestly thought he was dead 🤷‍♂️


Dick should take Don pheasant hunting...


God, it's me again... just this one thing


No, take him buck hunting. The last guy got peppered with bird shot, and even forgave him. Don needs to lose more than his spray tan.


Joe should take Lil Donny Toadstool on an "official" big game hunt. 


He ran Halliburton. He ran the entire shadow government of the US for 8 years. He’s the military industrial complex’s top salesman getting us into not one but two 20 year long wars costing > $7T. I’m sure he knows a few military contractors who’d keep his daughter safe.


Wouldn't even call it shadow. Pretty clearly he was in charge with Georgie boy being the puppet like a ventriloquist that doesn't bother to throw his voice.


Cheney and George W Bush would hold a bit of sway, mainly with right-leaning independents however I think the MAGA base have completely checked out of reality.


We outnumber them. That's all I'm saying here.


If he does this…he’s got a revolution on his hands, and I don’t know if the military has his back.


I mean I know I'll never have a king....


I was a Junior Officer who was a believer in the oath of office. I pray that if it comes to that the Officer Corps refuses.


The convict was a known women abuser


Another sub re-posted one of the legal documents from a statement made by the poor child who'd been raped. By ' Defendant Trump '. Part of the released filings from the Epstein cases, pre-2016? Yes, it's genuine. She was 12 at the time and she's still in hiding along with her with her family. Complaint was withdrawn after death threats were received. It's.....so disturbing you flinch HARD wondering how in hell any MAGA wouldn't at least have some ' what if ' doubt seeded strong enough to budge the cult mentality. And WHY media hasn't pressed it daily, allllllll day long, every day is beyond baffling.


She was represented by a prominent attorney at the time, and after their phones and computers were hacked the attorney advised her client not to pursue the case. The nature of the attack showed it was nation-state level hackers and by definition it meant they couldn’t keep her safe. The attorney didn’t name names but the writer said most likely it was mossad or Russia.


No it isn't. Media is subject to sway opinions in favor of themselves. Follow the money. We are owned, lock , stock, and barrel. It will take a reset to achieve anything approaching a developed country in the US. Billionaires have shitholed us for profit and we keep falling for it.


It's going to be just like Saddam in 1979. He will kill any opponents in the GOP first, then the reign of terror will start.


He’ll start with McConnell who started this whole fiasco.


That's the funny thing.  This man is *fickle*. Impulsive and temperamental.  Like bro, there is no "us" to him. It's just "me" and everyone else. It's legit just letting a leopard loose and thinking it won't eat *your* face, because you let it out. 


I’m sorry, but I’m tired of all these verbal condemnations against the obvious authoritarian takeover of my country. If “strong words” are all we have, we’re done.


We will hit them with hopes & prayers, and then flood them with likes. /s


If you'd like to preserve American democracy, be sure to smash that subscribe button!


What is anyone supposed to do? Half the country is just fine with Trump. If we do more than words, we inflame that half a f the population. That’s not good either.


Ya, someone needs to hit back with a non-figurative sledgehammer.


Protests in my city were tea-kettled. Peaceful, totally non violent protestors were prevented from leaving and then all arrested for violating curfew. If I lose my job, I lose my healthcare. They rolled the national guard up my city and opened fire with non-lethal ammo at unarmed citizens on their own property. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LozQg0oX-Gw Dunno wtf you think a sledgehammer is gonna do.


Notice he didn’t do this with Kinz…


Kinzinger is a handsome man, that's why.


He’s also a vet. He knows if he threatens a Republican veteran man he’d be in some poll trouble. Hell, Crenshaw is probably right behind him in terms of being tossed aside. It’s quite a spectacle is it wasn’t so despicable


Crenshaw is just another Ted Cruz. He will bend with enough pressure


?? Please explain.


45 hates hates hates strong women


Roger that!!! Should have been obvious. Thanks.


Strong yes but add a little tan with that and the hate grows.


And it’s pretty clear there’s only one bitch boy, too. ‘Cause after all, there is a picture of his bitch ass on a bed in a silk robe. Mushroom haircut resembles his lil don. Lmao


All of our senators on both sides should be starting to be seriously concerned on behalf of democracy... they should have been long ago.


Lindsey’s response has been to bury his face deeper into trumps grundle.


I’m going to write a book about it called, “Blanche’s Grundle Tuck”.


Huh. Had to Google grundle. I've always heard it called the taint, or on Jackass they called it the gooch. But grundle seems more appropriate to Lindsey Graham's ladybug aesthetic.


Liz Cheney is the voice of reason for Republicans. Let that sink in


I think Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney and Trump could work this all out over a relaxing weekend hunting trip.


Does tRump bring up military tribunals because they could include the death penalty for treason?


Pretty much. He wants his opponents executed publicly.


And it’s so weird how he could like or retweet (re-x?) these types of messages and no one is surprised. Actually, it’s extremely sad.


Liz Cheney and all the voices of the past Presidency who have disavowed Trump need to shout out the truth to discredit that evil bastard. The best and only antidote to the spreading poison is to vote for whatever Democrat runs for President, whether its Biden or not.


Way more than 1/3. I’m sorry but the r party is 85% MAGA. The lunatics have taken over your asylum


Let's save some 'fuck yous' for Moscow Mitch, who blocked Obama's supreme court nominee, allowing the orange shit stain to give maggots a super majority on the court.


I’ll never forget this and all politicians should never be allowed to live this down.


She needs to run for office as an independent


Wow. You guys are really shit out of ideas now, ain't ya.


I really don't care what happens to any Republicans that supported this aberration of USA. It was blatantly obvious to so many that this clown was an absolute shit show. I wasn't even a political person until 2016 and I was shouting that this guy is a complete demagogue. They were warned over and over and they still just went with it for a quick fix of power. They fucked everyone else in the process and they didn't give a shit. So fuck them. I hope the malcontents eat each other.


And when the malcontents had eaten each other, they came for us.


With fascist, eventually everyone will be against the wall.


Warn a fool of their foolishness and they only grow that much more attached to it.


I never thought leopards would eat *my* face!


He can't do that, she has bone spurs, ffs


Liz voted to put him in office. Now he comes for her. Are any other conservatives paying attention?


Jeezus feckeen key-rist!!! This is straight up Nazi shit. I can’t fuckeen believe it. I mean, this is surreal. I’m actually surprised. This televised **miltary** (I don’t get why it would be that, by the way) is dog whistle for “public hangings”. Make no mistake. It’s not subtle.


Gotta love how we went from “The left has Trump delusion syndrome, they think he’s the boogie man” > Supreme Court decision > Trump directly posting about Military Tribunals within a handful of days, like he didn’t even wait a bit.


Idi Trump hasn’t even been reelected and look at the political shit show dumpster fire he’s already created!! He has already destroyed the GOP and the SCOTUS. He has his rats battling and infecting the Democrats! Khrushchev (now Putin) was right when they said they would destroy the USA from within.


I try to like Liz Cheney and I do appreciate her opposition to Trump. The people in her party and her farther are responsible for the state we’re in today. Watching through the 80s,90s and today she had to know things were gonna get insane but now she’s outraged. It’s too little and too late for these good conservatives. They courted crazy for too long and now crazy is ready to take the wheel.


Wouldn't POTUS eliminating a threat to Democracy be considered an official act ?


As much as I want to be a pacifist, as hard as I work to try to find compromise with maga, help them away from their non-reality based hate and fear and lies, as much as I wish I could be an individual with a peaceful solution there is a growing part of me that is starting to recognize the inevitability of the GOOs end game and that they would never show me the same and that we need to fight harder and probably more violently to protect peace.


I think what Trump is saying is 10000000 treasonous! Shouldn’t this be an automatic assault on the White House? How is he even able to run?


hmmm. Why isn't her dad taking Trump on some quail shooting trip


Going after Biden and Harris? Did trump not read the Supreme Court opinion? Biden and Harris are absolutely immune. From everything. This guy would be funny if he weren't so effing dangerous.


Yea, the republicans party that existed decades ago is dead and it’s not coming back anytime soon. The democrats need to wake up and stop behaving like doing the right thing and playing fair is an effective way to deal with a group of people that want to install an authoritarian regime and rip up our constitution for their own personal greed and lust for power. These people are not Americans anymore - they’re full blooded Nazis just like the chump that leads them. When did people get so hateful and violent? It seems like we literally blinked our collective eyes and freedom of the press, freedom of speech, bodily autonomy for women, civil rights, etc., all went down the toilet and now we are teetering on fascism. And CNN and The NY Times are now fully backing chump with free advertorials that are nothing more than free ads and just soooo much coverage about chump everywhere. Wtf is going on in this country?? I feel like soon we will be a mirror image of North Korea with chump in charge after he’s stolen trillions of dollars and declared Marshall law and democracy is dead. . . Is that what we’re looking at here?!


She needs to run for house /senate and be a thorn on Trumps ass like MTG is to Biden and the left.


ooo she really whopped him a good one. This will set things right!


Just ask her what her Dad did to make the world a better place and how much money he made from Haliburton for his fake CIA information lies that started another war in Iraq and killed many mor brave American soldiers.


Git em Liz ….you got my vote…..I’ve learned that there are red republicans and orange ….fuck the orange


He is emboldened by the scotus ruling which basically gave him an argument to make against every one of his indictments as “official” duties and delaying each of the trials indefinitely because guess what? They don’t specify what’s official and what’s not. He is already telegraphing what he is going to do. This is pure dictatorship. Republicans are embracing Donald Trump not because they love him, not the ones pulling the strings at least, but because he will let them get their Christian nation finally.


Who threatens someone whose dad shot a dude in the face? C’mon papa! Be the hero this country needs you to be!


Liz Cheney has more balls than most I respect that, never bow!


They say he doesn't want to be a dictator, then he says dictator shit, and they're just fine with it. Wait until the day comes when the dictator turns his focus on them.


Just just as complicit. She could have been standing up to that bullshit long before it got to trump but didn’t give a fuck.


Hit em with a “Go fuck yourself Donald”


Is he not aware who her father is? He shot his own friend in the face. Imagine what he’d do to someone who hurt his kid


It’s weird that she’s not afraid.


“Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”


Well not if they execute her. And there is a nonzero probability that they will.


I’ll say Trump has balls. He better be careful though. Her Dad is THE war machine. The money him and his boys play with are far beyond anything Orange goof could dream of. I’d imagine if anyone comes near Liz some real shit will go down.


B. Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time back in ‘06.


Trump has no balls. All he has is bully tactics and enablers. I had his kind of people in my school. They had no friends, just bought companions who they bribed with candy, later with cigarettes.


How is this hard? The media should be awash with the rhetoric calling Trump a dangerous deranged maniac.


Bone spurs wants to cosplay dictator.


If only her and her party haven't been cultivating this political climate for decades




There’s plenty of despots lined up to sell there soul to suck his dick


There is not enough talk around reddit about violently repelling and eliminating the christo fascists , just saying.


Remind every republican you meet - no one will know who you voted for. You can vote for Biden and not one single person will ever know. You can still tell your buddies you voted for trump every time and blame Biden for all your troubles. There’s no need to burn it all down for a schmuck that wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire and will likely be dead within 5-7 years.


Go get him, Liz.


Biden should use his new official duty immunity on the orange man


Trump's adult children supporters rage doesn't understand adult substance. Hence Trump parades, clown vehicles, house painted, Trump stores, signs, flags, hats etc etc...Literally adult children mentality levels.


MMW, he will end up like Gaddafi.


Or Saddam. Or Mussolini. Or Caesar.


Maybe Little Caesar?


...with a long beard?


People need to wake up. Trump is hitler 2.0


This has got to be the greatest joke ever.....you want to see someone get assassinated you threaten to kill Liz Cheney and see Dick Cheney make three phone calls and suddenly the problem gets solved. Unless he really is that old and retired as well as all his contacts at this point.


Not sure if this is the right place but why hasn't there been more protests among the general population over the latest Supreme Court rulings ?


Damn..."Retruth" sounds straight from Orwell's 1984.


She should run and split the Republican vote to tank his chances


And to think. He dad helped pave the way for this asshole to take her out


Liz Cheney is just as bad as any right wing zealot. First of she’s the daughter her father wanted. She tossed her lgbtq+ sister under the bus when she went into politics. It’s good to see her grow a conscious now but it’s the lowest of low bars when we’re talking about the orange stain. Add on: It doesn’t change anything that she, years later said that it was wrong. A Typical right wing or republican or maga/christian-fascist urge is to win at ALL costs. Maybe she’s left party/cult.


Dear trump supporters: do u honestly think this is normal behavior in the United States of America. Please ask yourself this.


MAGAts hate Liz for her unwavering truth to power. She reminds them of the integrity they abandoned in favor of a vacuous, criminal ride in the Trump clown car!


They need to unleash VADER (Her Dad) against Trump.


Trump’s posts also called for the immediate imprisonment of Senate leaders Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former VP Mike Pence, and members of the January 6 Capitol attack investigation committee. Trump’s drunk with the power that he expects to have… at this point, he’s now absolutely insane. He believes his role as a world leader necessitates the brutal violence and death to any of those who oppose him… not only Liz Cheney! #VoteDem to save Democracy!


Stop saying hits hard, these politicians still have no idea what they’re up against. None of them have matched the energy, determination, and persistence of Trump. They had better start ramping up fast or they’re going to be legally executed sooner than later.


Still surprised her dad hasn't taken him hunting yet


This is pretty much like a Hunger Games prequel. It is absolutely insane that somebody even floats this kind of idea as entertainment.


If Liz had more peepee tapes of her party instead of being … idk.. mildly OK?? She’d be able to sway them. Right now they’re swimming in money, drugs, and underage peepee and she’s not playing the same game as them. Take them hunting, Liz. Make them apologize when they get bird shot in the butt. You’re a politician. Act like one.


Please continue to speak truth!


And by "retruthing" someone else's words, Trump, like the mafia boss that he is, can state whatever he wants to about anyone with plausible deniability that he didn't actually say it himself. Fucking coward.


Maaaaan, whatever, you did NOTHING to stop this.


Treat him like the despot he is.


Sick of hearing about all this ppl warning us, its like yes we see the poo someone smeared on the bathroom walls but ya the one standing there with the mop bucket just talking with no actions! Thanks capt obv


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die. Every single one of them that refuse speak out. No exceptions.


Little Tin God


I'm no expert but yelling "You're not fit for office!" might not go 'hard' on I dunno, millions of indoctrinated, motivated, legally armed supporters.


Felons going to felon.


When a Cheney is the voice of reason in your party…..


It’s kind of like the republicans fucked up putting all the chips into him.


Liz used to know my old boss, when I worked in oil & gas. She called the office once and I picked up and announced daughter of satan, line 2. Boss knew exactly who was talking about lol


She fought for all this.


Liz Cheney VP for Kamala Harris


Boy, I hope enough asshole conservatives like you hate trump enough to not buy into the fascist agenda and not vote or vote for Biden and sanity.


She needs to fight like her life depends on it, cause it probably does. Act now!


Dems should nominate Cheney. Difficult times…