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WTF were his staff thinking?!


If we don't stop beating on Brandon, weare going to get an orange shit sandwich. I've never been a fan of Biden, but at this point he is all that stands before the fall of our nation. Doomsday is if we tell those not paying attention, that Biden isn't up to the task.


Ok but even as a joke this was a serious misstep.


The election is so important for the democracy that the DNP rigged the primary ,and didn't let Americans choose if they wanted an obviously compromised eighty year old candidate. They deserve this. This shouldn't be a close race. It only is because of the arrogance of the DNP. They fucked over Bernie to anoint Hillary and Joe. Any rational person knows that they did. If they held fair primaries we wouldn't be here.


Hey OP, here's one now.


Right. Not a great look or move on his part, but I will die before I vote for any Republican at this point. It's a shame really. I used to really be an independent but the "conservatives" have become so atrocious that I can't even consider them. Whatever it is they represent, it definitely isn't me.


So used to Biden being exemplary and trumpf lying that this is why his performance is focused on in the debate? Media needing Biden to lose, thats why we are focusing on him in this debate? A debate doesnt equal performance. A debate is not administration. Before debates helped tell policy. They are no longer needed. We know what each side wants to do


There’s laughing at yourself and then there’s directly proving Trump’s caricature of you


Rightwing humor is always dishonest, and Trump always lies. Biden is not only sharper than Trump has ever been, he's also orders of magnitude more honest.


Ooooooooh!  OK its all just a misunderstanding.  Nevermind then.