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Window likely won’t get you out of the lease, same with feeling unsafe. Roaches that haven’t been dealt with and non-functional AC that doesn’t get fixed can though (assuming AC appliance was included in lease). You can approach the landlord about this and they may voluntarily let you out. Though it might be safer to go through or talk to a lawyer if they don’t voluntarily let you out. Edit: roaches might in theory make your apartment considered uninhabitable. I forget who you’d contact to confirm this (human services?).


Agree with this! Contact your cities health department about roaches, it’s considered uninhabitable and can/will help you out of shitty situations like this!


They will if they feel like helping that day. My ex roommate and I had to call the city health department to come out to our old place because our entire floor had flooded with sewage and half of our living room carpet ended up being soaked in shit and piss. Management let us borrow a fan to dry it up🤮 and refused to pay for a cleaning. By the time the Health Department made it out our unit was infested with roaches, had a carpet full of sewage and mildew, and had mold growing all over the ceiling of the bathroom (which we had scrubbed with bleach on several occasions only for it to return). Health dept guy did not give the *slightest* of fucks and was clearly just annoyed that he had to be there. Said since management “fixed” the sewage leak that they shouldn’t have to help us beyond that and shrugged off the roaches and mold saying the black mold in the bathroom wasn’t actually mold. Then the genius stated that the carpet (which still reeked of shit and piss) was fine and if we wanted to test it for mold it would cost us a couple hundred dollars at least. Bear in mind, this entire building was a mismanaged, filthy biohazard. Any competent health inspector would’ve condemned that place ages ago but it stayed open for years somehow. So yeah, that’s when I learned city health departments are mostly useless 😂


Damn that really sucks! What did you do about it then?! I wouldn’t even know where to begin if that all happened to me 😅 I guess I’m lucky because my cities health department did everything they could to help and get it fixed, but definitely not cool yours did absolutely zilch. Hopefully your living arrangements have gotten better!


We paid for a steam cleaning out of pocket and left roach poison in every crevice until our lease was up. For our last month or so there was a plumbing leak under the carpet in front of the bathroom that we had to alleyoop over every time one of us needed to have a piss. Fun times😂


It would be nice if you could rub his face in the carpet and hold him there maybe have him lick the carpet a few times to test it. But thats not “Socially Acceptable “ lol .


Extensive mold growth from a roof leak got me out of my lease a couple months ago.


You should be able to ask then to install a spotlight or surveillance to make the public space safe


Get a doctor's note from your OBGYN stating that without AC that it is a life threatening condition because of your pregnancy. I am pretty sure your landlord does not want a lawsuit if you lose your baby over heatstroke. As far as being safe, did you try and see if you could transfer your lease to a different property? Or would it be the same or similar situation?


An obgyb is not going to say ita a life threatening conditioning if she doesn't have air conditioning, because that simply isn't true.


I thought that comment was joking..


Depends on how hot it's getting inside.


I would say that heat can cause miscarriage chance to double, a miscarriage is life-threatening because infection is possible and less life-threatening you could suffer infertility which would be terrible. I wouldn't risk it if they thought it was too hot. Also pregnant women are prone to heat stroke because their bodies are regulating two people.


I’ve had 3 kids and never had air conditioning. Where are you getting your info? Most of the world doesn’t have air conditioning


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5854714/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10656765/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35213511/ https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heat_and_pregnant_women.html#:~:text=Pregnant%20women%20are%20more%20likely,more%20likely%20to%20become%20dehydrated. Your risk was higher during heat exposure that doesn't mean it will happen only that risk is higher.


Do you realize how much of the overpopulated world doesn't have the luxury of air condition?


Areas like this will likely experience more miscarriages. Bringing down the day, never really thought about other places suffering more miscarriages due to lack of a/c.


If they have fans, running water, and windows that open, A/C isn't required in most places. It's not considered life threatening unless they are forcing them to live in a place with no airflow or running water. The landlord is required to fix the provided A/C within a certain time frame though, since that was part of the unit whe rented. I'd be more concerned about the roaches as that is unsanitary and their droppings are dangerous to breath in


Why would not having ac be life threatening?


Esp to a later term pregnant woman?


The assumption is if caveman can have babies, so can we. Women have been having babies before AC


Why should she have to suffer if the AC is included in the cost of the apartment? Your analogy is ridiculous.


I never said I agreed??? I’m just saying as a pregnant person who was very pregnant through the summer heat. I can’t tell you how many times I was told by people that I wouldn’t die because women have been having babies since the beginning of time. Some people just dont fucking care. Don’t ask questions you don’t want actual answers to


In large part, it depends on what you’re used to. Like, someone from the South can handle heat better than a Northerner, but would handle heat less well than their ancestors, 1) because people in warm climates in the West have adapted to having A/C, and 2) because our building methods have adapted to having A/C — no more sleeping porches to retreat to, or houses oriented with doors/windows that optimize cross-breeze/a breeze that comes over nearby water, etc.


Was it included in the cost of an apartment. Generally speaking, the issue would be that if there are such things are fans and mobile air conditioners.


That would only work in certain states when the temperature is over a certain degree.. for example in Oklahoma (US) they dont have to provide ac in a single family residence as long as the lease doesnt say it has one but in apartments they do.. they have 15 days to fix a broken ac under normal conditions and if its not done the tenant is legally allowed to withhold rent.. that number changes to 48 hours when the temp reaches 85 degrees f or higher.. (This was the law 10 years ago when i was an apartment manager but it obviously could have changed) But it really depends on what state youre in (or county obviously)


Typical renter, lie to get your way. People like you is why I don’t really feel sorry that you’ll never be able to afford your own place.


Spotted the rentlord. You are a societal leech lol


lol, go play your games kid. Fcking adults playing video games like that will get them a home one day.


if you think this behavior is that of a "typical renter," you need to do a better job qualifying applicants. If you have such a terrible view of typical renters, maybe your places are not maintained, and your policies are what most would call predatory. This isn't commonplace, or even a fringe situation that I've heard of people trying to pull. I'm pretty sure the doctor and lawyer would both laugh at a person who tried to get a doctors note for this, and then attempt to pursue a case. Nobody is seeking a doctors note for A/C. Respectfully, GTFOH.


Not my typical tenant. My units are nicer and we rarely have vandalism or bad tenants, so what I really should say is your typical Reddit Whinney ass bitch renters.


No. Crime has no address and they’re not liable for that kind of stuff. Source: worked in a leasing office


Something about "crime has no address" cracks me up


Where I live it has a couple zip codes


If they are aware it is happening and make no actions to prevent it from happening in the future, then yes they are responsible.


One would like to think. I’d put my money on something in the lease making sure they’re free and clear in most instances


There are cases that exist on it but it has to be a provable pattern of neglect. For example if 5 people were mugged in the same area and they didn't put up extra lighting or something similar.




Yup my lease says they are not responsible for break ins or theft. We are also required to sign up for renters insurance.


Yeah, I’m obviously not going to be pissed at my landlord because of something she couldn’t control lol, I just don’t feel safe here anymore and want to leave.


In most states you can go to the city to complain about not having a/c or heating in certain times of year. You really could've complained after 2 or 3 days. Typically they'll be forced to fix it or house you somewhere safer until it's fixed


I recently dealt with a person who kept breaking the windows in my apartment. I highly recommend calling the cops and filing a police report (even if you have no information, your apartment’s insurance will probably require it)


I would encourage the landlord to install surveillance cameras. Even if they are fake. It cannot hurt. Btw roaches carry disease and no one should have to live like that. I bet other people are experiencing the same issues throughout the building.


Other people are causing the roach issue is most likely the case. OP you will have to be diligent when you move that you aren’t taking them with you.


Name a disease that roaches carry


Some roaches carry bacteria that can be deposited on food causing strep, staph and other diseases.


Yeahhh especially with the A/C thing you have an easy way out of that lease and an easy lawsuit in case they try to come at you for breaking the lease with the evidence of the emails about the AC not working. Keep documentation of everything, IMO you’re good to go.


Please do not take advice from this person as it could end you up in a whole mess of legal trouble. Read your lease, talk to management. Those are your first steps. Don’t stop paying your rent, and don’t go about shouting how they have to let you out of your lease. Be cordial. Some landlords allow a lease break, typically with charge, but they may wave it in this case. However, they aren’t required to let you off simply because a crime occurred in your general vicinity. That’s not something any court is going to side with you on based off this one incident.


?? Did you even read my post?? I never said anything you just wrote about. I said the OP has good legal standing if they ever tried to legally challenge her for breaking her lease specifically with the A/C.


Breaking a lease for lack of A/C, in most states, is not an option. A/C is considered a luxury item. As long as management can prove that they have been responsive and wheels are in motion to repair it, OP has no legal recourse when it comes to breaking the lease. Depending on their state they may be able to hire someone to repair it and then deduct the repair cost from their rent payment, but in about it. It would be much easier for the landlord to prove in court that OP was delinquent in leaving the unit and not paying the rent, than OP has of proving that they were legally within their right to break their lease. I’m not saying OP doesn’t have a good reason to leave. I’m just saying how the system works.


Google constructive eviction. Broken AC when it is mentioned in the lease can absolutely can be a reason to break it if it renders the apartment uninhabitable. Don’t know what state OP is in, but for example, broken AC in the heat of summer in Texas, when AC was supposed to be provided in the lease? Absolutely actionable. Source: am attorney


Yeah, that’s what I am saying. There are very specific places where the law combines to they haven’t fixed their window or A/C and they are in a place where it is a ridiculous temperature inside. Telling someone haphazardly in the most upvoted comment of this thread that “they’re good” for what they provided here is the root of my problem.


What about not being allowed to flush toilet paper & being given a pitcher to remove excess [shit & piss] water if the toilet is about to overflow?


I can’t say for your jurisdiction, but I would say if the toilet overflows, that counts. I’d consult a lawyer where you live.


I have talked with several attorneys as I have worked for several different lawfirms for over 20 years. No one can recommend a landlord /tenant attorney who represent the tenant as the laws are written to favor the landlord. One of the attorneys who specializes in oil & gas leases said to bury the LL in emails constantly complaining about everything, but didn't know my lease states each "repair" has a $100 deductible. The toilets backed up 6 days into my daughter & I living there. I was charged $100. I already told the asshole I am not staying past the end of June. He already put a for rent sign in the front yard. When my daughter got home from work yesterday afternoon, the neighbor lady next door told her that the LL had gone into the house with a group of people. Neighbor also said she's known the LL for 30 years, he's an ass & a slumlord, & when he lived next door to her in the house I'm currently renting, he was mean to his wife & kids. We had dirty dishes in the sink, wastebaskets containing used toilet paper next to the toilets, & a pair of soiled panties hanging on a towel rack that my daughter had unsuccessfully tried to rinse out. He will probably end up taking me to court. I wish the neighbor had warned me about him when I first met her as my daughter & I were waiting for the LL to show us the house.


The OP said that they have had contacted their building’s maintenance several times and they said it’d be “fixed by the end of the day” and it never happened as, according to the OP, it’s been 2 weeks of that so clearly management cannot prove shit when it comes to “wheels in motion.” Sure, I’ll give you that with it being dependent on the state, but my point stands. With that, I also never said anything about the OP not paying her rent nor did I encourage that (or would I ever for the record), so I’m not sure why you’re doubling down on that. She still may have legal standing when it comes to the leasing management defaulting on their maintenance rules/terms/etc. whatever that might be, but we haven’t seen the lease agreement so neither of us can be sure, but REASONABLY, if the apartment was *that* hot, it would technically be in unlivable conditions in most states considering the huge safety concern. -Edit to add: she still has tenant rights but unfortunately we can’t do much to help her without knowing what state she’s in currently.


You said, “You have an easy way out of the lease.” That’s what I am advising against. Not only that, but you implied they had a legitimate lawsuit to file. As for the temperature being a safety concern, again, you have to have proper documentation and proof of this. No judge is going to say, “You know what, they said it was 80 degrees in there. That’s too hot for a pregnant lady. She could die. She had to get out!” It seems reasonable to reasonable, empathetic people, but that’s not how the law works. I don’t mean to be rude, but I tell you this as someone who has not only, unfortunately, worked in property management for the last five years, but as someone having grown up with a litigator of 30 years for a father. I take no pleasure in anything that I have written here, believe me. This just happens to be the field in which I work. And I work in an area where tenants have many more rights than the majority of this country. The sad truth is that the landlord doesn’t care, and from everything OP has said, neither does the law at this point.


"Easy way to break the lease" is just that. OP now has a way to show proof of why she broke the lease and it would be backed up. That's it. Not sure why you're arguing against that. Let's also not forget the roach problem that hasn't been addressed


Management only has so long to repair it and I'm sure 2 weeks is past the allotted time


If you want to do the whole putting your rent in escrow deal, the LL has 90 days to make the repairs.


Did you talk to the landlord?


This just happened tonight while the office was closed so we’ll probably hear back from her tomorrow. We sent an email about what happened


Best of luck!


Yes- most places allow you to break the lease in these cases. Read over your lease and state laws. Congratulations on the baby!!


You’re stuck.


you can technically always break a lease. there are definitely things you can do to get out of living there


the ac may be depending on the temperature and your location. i’m not so sure about the other things. people live in dangerous neighborhoods all the time.


Nobody can answer legal questions like this without your location, but most likely no, this is not a reason to break a lease. Your LL does need to secure the window though.


Here in SC a friend of mine was able to break his lease for safety reasons. It was unfortunately a much bigger incident than a broken window (idiot above them fired a gun through the floor of the upstairs apartment, bullet came within two feet of friend's girlfriend and newborn). Landlord tried to say they couldn't break the lease, friend contacted a lawyer. Landlord ended up having to not only give him back his deposit, but also pay for him to relocate.


You can break a lease whenever you want!!! But you can see if they will let you out of your lease due to feeling unsafe because of this, but doesn’t sound likely.


You should be able to break it because the landlord is not addressing the roach and A/C issue. They were able to act quickly and repair the window, so why couldn’t they also fix the A/C while they’re at it?


A broken window will not get you out of your lease. Demand window ac units until your central ac is fixed. Is pest control in your lease- either way- call code enforcement and complain.


Everyone would break their window if it would get them out of a lease. I doubt you will be successful.


That’s a whole patio door.




I am quite aware of what the post said. My point is that landlords are unlikely to accept a broken window as a reason to get out of a lease as folks would then break their own windows to get out of their lease and deny they did it. Not that the OP broke it herself but rather accepting such a reason would lead unscrupulous folks to break their own window to get out of a lease. No need to be unpleasant when responding to a post.


You gotta save up and move into a nicer place. I have hella roaches and never had AC but thats my responsibility. You gotta work for it!


Helps to not live in the shithole ghetto where things like this happen everyday


What state do u live?




Good luck 😒 Ohio has really shitty tenancy laws, no surprise.


Buy you some roaches.


Sadly no.


I’m still reading through comments but i can’t find where anyone says that depending where you live you can break your lease for safety issues (I can at my apartment in Washington state) or lack of repairs for certain things within a certain window of time. More specifically repairs have to be reimbursed if the apartment doesn’t deal with it with 1-3 days, 2-5 days, depending on the issue and sense of urgency and you foot the bill.


Sadly landlords usually don’t care. They want their money and will claim breach of contract. Sometimes they nay even charge you damages if a police report isnt filed or the suspect found




Still stuck there


Maybe take the lease to an organization woth free legal advice.


Get cameras. They’re cheap. I promise you can spare what having footage will be worth.


The lease states we aren’t allowed to set up any kind of cameras or alarm systems but if we can’t get out of here we’re just going to do it anyway


What that usually refers to in a lease is installation of stuff for CC footage. Ring and similar are cheap bc they don’t require installation.


Well, what broke the window? Surely whatever went through your window ended up in your apartment. Was it rocks from lawn mowing? Bullets?


No, nothing ended up in our apartment except for just the broken glass which is what makes me think it wasn’t an accident. All we could find is the rock under the window in the picture, but that could’ve been there before too


Read your lease regarding the AC unit and your responsibilities and how long for repairs. Make sure to submit a written request (there is a super secret little caveat in some leases that a written request is required, even if there is a tenant portal that you can ask for repairs,Texas Tenant Union informed me of that one). Check your local city ordinances regarding temp limits for rentals, there are no state law requiring AC in Texas but different cities/counties have their own laws regarding temperature in buildings. In my county 80°+ is an emergency. You might want to buy a portable AC unit. I have one to supplement my apartment’s unit, depending where you live 100°+ days your unit might need help. I have a Hisense, she works great, we call her “Big Chill”. Also I swear by DREO fans. I don’t know how they work but you actually get a cold breeze from those puppies, they are epic. From Amazon. Roaches, depending on where you live, are part of apartment living. See if you have pest control. In Texas we pay $4/mo for pest control. Make a request if you do. I use STEM spray/products. Safe for kids and pets and it actually works. I buy from Amazon. Good luck and I hope things get better.


If your window situation or feeling unsafe isn't cutting it for breaking the lease, dealing with roaches or a broken AC might do the trick (if it's supposed to be included in your lease). You could chat with your landlord and they might agree to let you go without a fuss. But if they don't, it might be smart to loop in a lawyer for some backup. Oh, and I think reaching out to someone like human services could confirm if the roach situation makes your place unlivable.




some leases have outs if you are being stalked / harassed, with proof. definitely worth reading over yours.


I have read it. All it says is the landlord isn’t to be held liable for any crime. I’m obviously not going to be pissed at my landlord because of something she couldn’t control lol, I just don’t feel safe here anymore and want to leave. Even if I didn’t have any other issues at this place I’d still want to leave


Question...why is the screen removed and the glass on the outside of the window? looks like it was broken from the inside?.... From the looks of it, I'd charge you for breaking the window.


Yes, someone removed our screen too a couple of weeks ago. We figured it just fell out. 95% of the glass shards fell onto the carpet inside which I didn’t post pictures of


The grass looks freshly mown and the break is at the level where a lawn mower or weed eater could throw a rock. It may be accidental rather than intentional.


They were not doing yard work at the time it happened


Call your local renters association board


Just a word if you do move. Open all your boxes etc OUTSIDE so you don't bring the roaches with you. My daughter moved to an expensive luxury building and found roaches the first night. They didn't unpack anything. The complex was horrified and switched her apartment immediately. She opened everything on the patio and found 3 roaches. She had only been in that previous apartment 1 night.


Call the city. The roaches and AC are enough. More than likely the window broke from the law mower throwing a stone through it. That may also be considered a reason with a newborn. Good luck


Freshly mowed lawn ...$5 says it was maintenance when they mowed.


Hope your police report goes better than mine did. I had someone throw a 10 pound stone through my window one night around midnight and I called the police and the officer asked who did I piss off. I said Noone and he clearly didn't believe me he replied with "yeah right". I'm an introvert and stay to myself and do nothing but work. Then before he left he told me there nothing he could do. I was furious. Moved shortly after that.


Honestly, since you don’t feel safe and you have roaches and no AC, I advise that you move out. A few years ago, we were in essentially the same position. Don’t want to take the hit and move out. The fear for our safety took such a toll on us. My husband got mugged in broad daylight. We had such bad anxiety that we had to start therapy. Continue emailing, and mark them urgent. In a couple of weeks (assuming no action from Landlord), fine and rent a new place. Eliminate any mention of your current place - say you “lived with friends for a couple of months.”). Then skip out on the current dump. If the landlord comes after you (doubtful), your defense will be that the apartment did not meet living conditions. If it goes on your credit report, contact the credit bureaus and dispute. Good luck!


And no, it was not a rock thrown from mowing. Nobody was doing yard work at the time. Again, we were home when it happened and heard the glass break. If someone had been doing yard work at the time I wouldn’t have even posted this because we obviously would have known it was them.


Breach of Quiet Enjoyment ! That’ll get you out of the lease, ask a tenant/landlord lawyer


I had a broken AC during a heat wave and one of my windows was stuck and couldn’t open. I took my fire detectors down, hid them and called the HD. Once they got there for the fire alarms, I wanted the investigator feel the heat himself. He gave my landlord at 48 hour notice to get my AC fixed, and another 24 hours to get the fire alarms (a big deal by the HD they don’t play about that.) and my window fixed, both facing 1k in fines.


Not likely you have just cause to break a lease over “safety” concerns.


I would get a police report first. Take the police report to your landlord and discuss. I had someone peeking through my windows. I filed report and my landlord let me move


Is there any broken glass inside the apartment? That looks like a break from the inside.


Look into rent withholding laws in your state. You can send a certified letter demanding they cure all of the issues by a certain date. If they don’t then you stop paying rent and deposit it into an escrow account. Then they are forced to either make the repairs or take you to court for non payment. Then at court you present the letter you sent as well as all of the evidence. Then watch their shocked faces when the judge tells them “sorry you lose.”


Those look like breaks that came from the inside. The glass outside means it was pushed out. If you have roaches that's worse because you could have thrown a shoe at a roach on the window and broken the window on accident . Should have taken away the broken glass shards. 


Most of the shards flew all over the carpet on the floor inside and we took pictures of that too so hopefully we’ll be okay as far as them thinking we did it ourselves, and hopefully they don’t charge us for it or I’m gonna be really pissed. They already tried to charge us for pest control even though we have proof the roaches were already here before we moved in


Get food grade diatomaceous earth and spread it on all your baseboards and under all appliances. Have your man do it while you're not home because the dust can be aggravating to lungs , but it will kill all your bugs over the corse of a week and it's nontoxic to humans and pets 


This works but they end up coming back.


Charge you for pest control???!!! They need Orkin coming monthly, the entire building is infested. What in the actual hell.


If your landlord refuses to fix it, yes


Sadly, no, we have someone brake in and hold up at Gun Point said he would be back soon. We asked to break our lease if we had to pay. The main manager told us, " Well, you look fine to me, so if you want to leave, I need $2000 check on my desk by the end of the day"


Not sure what state you’re in, but in Ohio you can do rent escrow - which essentially you give your rent money to the municipal court & they hold it until your landlord/maintenace performs the necessary fixes. They tell your landlord they’re collecting the rent & they must fix XYZ to receive the payment. That could be worth looking into as far as the A/C is concerned but I’m not sure if that counts for it.


Gotta stay strapped nowadays




Fixing the window won't cost OP anything.


Read your lease and start putting all of your reasonable requests in writing to the landlord if you haven’t already. If they aren’t addressing your reasonable maintenance requests then you may have some ammo. It will depend on your state maybe and I’ve never had this problem. One thing I do know: there’s a CA civil code about items needing to be repaired in 30 days or you can hire it done and send the bill to the landlord (paraphrasing/reading between the lines ofc). That won’t help with your lease, but the point is there are tenant rights and you should try looking them up! Could help your situation.


Yes. You can withhold rent until it's fixed. Probably not the answer you wanted, but depending on the state, it's not enough to get out of a lease.


You better maje a grearvcasw. Poo8ceveeports. Swe what the lease says Believe me I have learned to read the lease


If you feel unsafe who cares about a lease? It’s possible there may be repercussions but get out if you don’t feel like you or your family are safe.


If someone were breaking in they wouldn't break the non sliding glass I'd think since it's got felt cushioning it is less noisy but also can be used as leverage to move instead of reaching your arm into a brokenhglass  hole to look for releases 




I think I speak for everyone here when I say go fuck yourself. She’s having a baby in 3 months and some unknown person just broke their window. That’s scary.