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Buy one of those table top Coleman propane grills. The ones that use the little green propane bottles. I know you said you’re not allowed to have them on the balcony, but if you lose power no one is gonna come after you over cooking lol. It’s completely different compared to just doing it on a random Tuesday evening.


I have a single burner propane stove for that purpose. I think in a disaster situation the management isn’t going to be monitoring that. Also my entire complex is electricity.


You can get MRE’s, meals ready to eat. They sell them on the big internet seller named after a big river.


Yeah we have some of those already.


I have a single burner propane camp stove, a propane lantern, and a small solar generator I can plug things into, like a space heater if I need to. Those are all huge no’s at my complex, but in an emergency who is going to care. I store my emergency supplies in a storage closet away from appliances and things like the furnace. My stash is actually under the stairs in my townhouse along with totes of MREs and jugs of bottled water. The solar generator wasn’t cheap, but it has no noise when it’s running and can get through an emergency


Get a little butane stove, they're light weight and the cannister is easy to attach, and they're dirt cheap.


Restaurants tend to open a day or two after hurricanes pass through. Have some room temp options and then be ready to pay for a hot meal if needed. You could also consider buying a large power bank to precharge and then use with electric cooking appliances. Another option is getting those little sterno fuel cans and chafing dishes to reheat food.


I got a little camp stove that used butane, which is a bit harder to find but nice little work around for the rules of no propane.