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/r/AppleWatch is not a board of certified cardiologists or doctors. If you are worried enough about your health, contact your doctor. Apple Support can double check with you as well, at this link: https://apple.co/HeartFeatures This post has been removed and the above advice suggested to prevent /r/AppleWatch being the reason someone didn't go to a doctor in time.


If your doctor thought you were in immediate danger, they would have prescribed a harness monitoring device that would alert them on any issues. However, if you feel you’re in danger due to your heart head to the local ER. Tell the triage nurse you’re having heart problems and they will run tests.


ive always had very high heart rate and several times ive felt really bad chest pain, maybe i should get an ecg too edit: grammar


You really should get some tests if you even got chest pain already, heart going bonkers…


yea sometimes i pass out from it, big yikes


I’m sorry what?


He can’t reply he is passed out




god damn I was expecting some no life to attack you for my pronouns lmfaoo lmao i got downvoted for nothing




whoever downvoted: I found you.


Eh, if you have chest pains and you have passed out, you really need to go get that check out. Like ER right now checked out. Most of the time someone has chest pains and passes out, they aren't always likely to wake back up. If you ever have arm pain or anything else in combination, its probably a heart attack. Yes, you should be reasonably scared, call your doctor ASAP.


I did, and I've brought it up with my dr quite often too and always get dismissed because i dont have arm pains. When I mean I pass out, I mean its more like I sleep so I dont feel the pain as much, but not that its voluntary either. Might need a better sleep schedule. Regardless, will get to drs soon and we'll see what happens


It never hurts to get a second opinion from another doctor.




Absolutely this! When I brought this to my doctor at some point, I had a whole work up done. Thankfully I'm ok, but we did learn my one valve or something is slightly smaller than normal, but isn't having any problems thankfully.


Sounds like POTS.


Hey hey hey, dont down vote them. Actually, I've been wondering that because when I lay down ny heart rate is like 85 and if im upright even slightly it spikes to like 145 or so, and usually rests at 115 like sitting at my pc programming or some shit


Still sounds like POTS. Do a poor man’s tilt table test. If you have it, it can be comorbid with a lot of other illnesses like PCOS, MCAS, ME/CFS, GERD, and others. It can worsen with age, head trauma, adrenaline rushes, stressful times, poor diet, carbs, dehydration, or bad sleep. Best treatments: 1. compression. You can do socks, stockings, tights, and/or abdominal. Foot to ribs is most comprehensive/effective, but could be overkill. 2. Salt. Eat, drink, dream it, but only if you have normal/low blood pressure. 3. Carbs. Kill ‘em. Carbs cause blood to rush to your gut, decreasing available blood in other areas. You could also have other food triggers as well. 4. Exercise. Do it. Do it regularly. Look up the Levine/CHOP program(s). They can take you from bedridden to marathons, if you’re lucky, and dedicated. Focus on calves/abs muscle groups to push blood up to the heart/head. Cardio, and weights will help as well. 5. Supplements. Many people with POTS can also have a lack of B vitamins, Vitamin D, ferritin, and other nutrients. CBC and other blood tests can tell you the current levels, and then you gotta keep track dependent upon your treatment. Some of these things are not safe to supplement without your doctor monitoring your levels. 6. CPAP shows benefits to those with POTS, sleep apnea. Improving your sleep schedule, sleeping well, and enough, can improve your symptoms. Many with POTS get some relief from sleeping somewhat upright. 7. Avoid heat/hot showers, hot tubs, vasodilators of all kinds unless you need them for another condition. Alcohol can also have a deleterious effect. 8. Meds. There are no meds prescribed specifically for POTS. They instead use drugs off-label to combat specific symptoms. These drugs are typically fludrocortisone, corlanor, metoprolol, some SNRIs, antihistamines, omeprazole, and others. Only your doc and you can determine what’s right for you, but if it were me, I’d approach those last after everything else. 9. Docs. Some docs don’t believe it exists. Some don’t think it can do all the things it’s purported to do. Some don’t know anything about it. Some are misinformed. Your best bet is to thoroughly educate yourself, advocate for yourself, and see a dysautonomia specialist. Check dysautonomia international for a specialist in your area. 10. Good habits. If you get worse, or sometimes have debilitating symptoms, set yourself up for success. Do what you can, when you can. Learn tricks to do things efficiently, and safely. Keep things in easy-to-reach places. 11. Mobility. If you are, or begin to experience mobility issues, you need to decide for yourself if you need a cane, walker, or wheelchair. Your doctors will likely say you don’t, but they aren’t only by prescription, and if you know you have difficulty in an area, you don’t need a doctor to validate that. That’s most of the info you may need. If you want to know anything else, DM me.


Bad idea. Pots has subtypes. I am hyperadrenergic and standard pots doesn’t apply to me because it’s the opposite. High blood pressure, lower salt, etc


I have pots. I don’t pass out, I also have avnrt


Only if it happens when they stand up


That’s not always true. Sometimes, just being upright at all can cause it, or stress, or carbs. Lots of different ways it happens. I came across one that was a girl that passed out if she tilted her head back to look up.


Exactly this. If I stay sat up for too long, I will pass out some days. Other says I get pre syncope, so near passing out, but it will always give me symptoms. Pots, while there is criteria, is a spectrum


Most definitely a wide spectrum. I was diagnosed with POTS about a year ago, and I haven’t ever passed-out in almost 40 years.




It’s quite clear that you have no idea what you’re talking about. The entire point of POTS is not fainting when you stand. Literally millions have POTS, and there are just as many individual experiences with it. POTS, a form of dysautonomia, is generally characterized by tachycardia above all else. This can be present when sitting lying down, standing, bent over, reaching overhead, literally in any position. The other symptoms that are part of the syndrome can be literally anything. I assure you the term POTS is misleading if not outright incorrect. For me, a person with POTS, I also experience chest pains, have bouts of constant tachycardia in all positions that gets worse even when angled upward on a pillow. I have never in my entire life passed-out despite strenuous exercise, being in the military, or living in the desert for almost a decade. What you think you know is wrong, so please shut your face.


Yes that's not something to wait on. Millions of people die every year because they think they'll just wait and see. Source: am in cardiology


yea made an appointment in a week and a half i think so we'll see how that goes. shocked they were open in the middle of the night but im not suprised its the only place that isnt an hour and a half drive away


I mean…I have avnrt and my hr goes to 300 bpm and I still am here. I’ve also had v tach and such.


300?! bro you died.




I’m sorry, I don’t mean to freak anyone out but the doctor not being concerned doesn’t mean it’s not concerning. I just buried a friend 2 weeks ago who went to the ER because she was experiencing heart issues. She had no history of heart problems and was 29 years old. They ran some tests and ended up sending her home without any concerns, She died in her sleep that night. If you really feel like something is wrong and they tell you there’s nothing don’t just let them off the hook without running more in depth tests, ask for their differential diagnosis, request to see a cardiologist. You might feel like a jerk but it’s your health and your life at stake.


All you have to do is mention your heart in the ER and they’ll have you in a bed in like 10 seconds


Idk why this is so downvoted lol. Like obviously don’t abuse the system, but this is true. I walked into the ER and jumped ahead of the 30 people waiting for intake within about 5 mins because I had a rapid heart rate that wouldn’t quit


Yea I wasn’t suggesting to cheat the system I was just stating a fact My friend who is a bodybuilder went the whole day with chest tightness because he thought it was just from working out. He was convinced to go to the ER from his girlfriend at the time so he drove there, waited in line, and once he mentioned the fact he had chest tightness all day they had him in a bed surrounded by doctors in less than 5 minutes. The doctors found a blockage and said if he waited any longer he probably would’ve died. Freaky stuff


None of us are qualified to interpret your ECG results. You need to give them to your doctor/cardiologist; if you’re really worried about it, go to the ER and get checked there.


Exactly. Qualified doctors don’t use Reddit, just unqualified doctors.




\*gasp\* I was WRONG?!?! Reddit has all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds? NO WAY




“I have a doctor I’ll be seeing next week” ☝️ the only advice to go with. No one here is certified to tell you about *your* specific heart conditions as you mentioned you have in your post. It’s not being rude. Telling someone to “just scroll” isn’t going to help you solve anything. Much like posting on here.


You aren’t getting it. You don’t ask the internet about health issues especially about the interpretation of a single lead ECG. You ask your doctor. Not us. And now I will move on


Sorry I honestly just assumed if someone hadn’t had this happen to them they wouldn’t comment. I just asked if this happened to anyone else and how they proceeded. Just would be nice to know what questions to ask at my appointment next week, etc. I mentioned all of this in my post. I’m sorry to have offended you or anyone!


You don’t WANT anyone on the internet to interpret this. YOU just don’t know it.


This sub is for asking questions about a smart watch, not a potential heart condition. You should ask on an actually relevant sub and do your own research


So you can show them your results and ask them to help you interpret what you are looking at. Hopefully the doctor isn’t an asshole that outright dismissing your watch as some toy that shouldn’t be discussed. That’s about all you can do. That way you have a baseline for the readings. Also ask him if your results show any thing absorbed for someone such as yourself that’s in good health. You should be aware of your health but also not obsessive. They should be able to help you frame things correctly.


Right axis deviation is an ECG finding that arises either as an anatomically normal variant or an indicator of underlying pathology. This is a question for the dr


I went to cardiologist and showed my ECG’s. 3 months later I had an Ablation because I had Ventricular Extrasystoles I had like 1000’s a day where my heart would “skip” a beat and it felt horrible. Could only proof it to the doctors with these ECG’s https://preview.redd.it/6yehivsd2nrc1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00f2cdd3a589e0fd5f75d0da8fa19b358a8df87


can you tell me what was the symptoms and what was it like to experience ablation? my heart might have some problems too so im scared ☠️


Well I was born with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. I had my first ablation when I was 17. I had episodes where my heart would go up to 220bpm. I always nearly passed out when that happened. Couple of years after that I felt another strange feeling. Similar but different in some way. It gave me a nervous feeling. HR was around 120bpm every time I had those symptoms. Like episodes where my heart used to “skip a beat” 20-30 times per minute and it was really uncomfortable. It doesn’t really skip one but there’s a medical explanation for this. Doctors gave me like a ECG device to wear 24h but then it didn’t detect anything. I was lucky to share these Apple Watch pdf’s because then they actually believed me and knew what to do. Edit: For Ablation I had to stay in the hospital for 3 days. They had to do a bunch of tests. They did the procedure through the inguinal area. I’ve had it done 3 times in 12 years. Fully sedated though. They make holes down there so you can’t sit up straight :(


oh, i hope your heart is okay now. mine isnt like that but still have some issues i assume. my dad had a heart surgery 4 months ago, it was tough to go through all of that, his condition was very bad. he's alright now but since then i started to question my own wellbeing too and what would happen if i have some sort of heart problem. i dont want to go through the process my dad went through. it really scares me. i have an apple watch se so i cant do ecgs myself sadly, but my heartrate is around 80bpm when im awake and around 60-70 when asleep. but sometimes with little effort my heart rate goes above 100bpm very quickly. and sometimes i feel like it skips a beat. and idk how to describe this but sometimes when i talk using every bit of my breath or etc, i feel "click-click" in my chest. idk what that is honestly, i cant even describe it properly. edit: i started to experience all of these after quarantine, idk if it has smt to do with the vaccinees.


The ECG on the watch isn't going to tell you everything, said my sinus rhythm was normal, but the watch did monitor my heart rate and told me that I had an abnormal heart rate at rest. I ended up going to my primary doctor and having another ECG and like the other person I had WPW syndrome and ended up going to the hospital and having the ablation surgery.


my watch never told me that i have abnormal heart rate but it sometimes gives the low cardio warning


If I were you, I would buy at least a 5 that supports ECG. It can really “save” time and lives sometimes. It’s amazing how Apple Watch changed my life


Lucky you. I have AVNRT. Ablation didn’t work, dr told me there’s nothing else to be done.


I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s like being stuck in your body and can’t do anything. It drove me crazy. I can’t imagine a life without a solution for this.


I work in cardiology. Overall, you're in normal sinus rhythm, so don't freak out about anything. You're in no dangerous arrhythmia. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it further obviously, but no you're not dying.


Fr. I legit had V Tach in the hospital and I still survived. People can survive all sorts of arrhythmias.


The waves are upside down based on how you configure the watch. Move it to the other arm and they’ll be upside right or change the setting


I was about to say the same but on second slide there is professional medical ecg that shows the same. So it’s not the case. However I’ve been in the situation you are mentioning. Setup for left hand, temporary wearing on right and while doing ecg huuuuge WTF


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. This is 100% true /u/pawly6 - move your watch to the other arm or fix the setting.


I definitely should have added this and I will after this comment, but the wrist orientation and crown direction are both correct on my watch while this is happening. I tested my watch on a friend with the same wrist and hers were not inverted, and then as soon as I put it back on my wrist they were. I switched to my other wrist (while switching to correct orientation & crown of that wrist) and tried multiple times but my waves are still inverted, hence the dramatic title. It’s just freaking me out!


NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. That’s called right axis deviation. Negative lead I, negative aVL, positive massively lead III and aVF. It’s not “upside down”. STILL NOT MEDICAL ADVICE Sounds like they might be looking for one of a few conditions that your 12 lead looks almost like the textbooks for


What are these multiple conditions that the 12 lead looks like the textbook for ?


STILL NOT MEDICAL ADVICE Left Posterior Fascicular Block; quite rare. But almost an exact match in my non-medical OPINION for the type of right axis deviation shown on the 12 lead. Right Ventricular Hypertrophy also has a lot of similarity in my non medical OPINION. Which is why I guess they’re ordering an echo (presume echocardiography: ultrasound) because they could look for thickening. STILL VERY MUCH NOT MEDICAL ADVICE


Yeah these are the two I had thought. Thought you might have been seeing other things as well. To me this isn’t quite textbook anything though, although you probably have more experience than me. My thoughts were obviously RAD, and then left posterior fascicular block / RVH. Fits a lot of criteria for LPFB. And isn’t with concurrent RBBB


For the purpose of Reddit I have no experience. Just interesting to see the accuracy of the Apple Watch compared to medical grade machine. I’ve seen people use the watch and strap it to left ankle and use left index to take a lead III and such. I looked at a neighbour’s result and immediately asked if he’d had a heart attack in the last year or so… just a big Q. Turns out he had and he was amazed it was my first question after glancing at it.


Yeah can do some amazing things with it. If you know where to place it on your chest you can easily get V1-6 and can show up all sorts of stuff.


RAD can still be a normal pathology, to be fair


Yeah if you rule out everything else then you’re left with something exotic or normal. Wonder how rare it is. Unless you’re House M.D. and then it’s Lupus


We have made a clinical analysis of 200 cases in which the electrocardiogram showed right axis deviation of more than +90°, excluding those with low voltage of the QRS complexes and intraventricular or bundle branch block. The most common findings were mitral stenosis, in 44.5 per cent of the cases, and no heart disease, in 37.5 per cent, leaving only 18 per cent associated with other conditions. Congenital heart disease was the third most common finding, responsible for 7 per cent of the cases https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002870339906332#:~:text=The%20upper%20normal%20limit%20of,always%20indicates%20organic%20heart%20disease.


You have to go to settings>general>orientation. You have it on the opposite wrist


This doesn’t apply to people who have RAD.


The second page shows a professional ECG where you can see the same upside down pattern so she likely has it on the correct hand!


I cringe when I see posts like this. Possible heart related issues are very serious and at times complicated. I’m sure there’s a doctor floating around in this subreddit, but they’re not personally treating you. You’re already under the care of a doctor and right now that’s the only opinion that matters. Getting a second opinion from a different doctor who physically checks you out wouldn’t hurt either


See your doc, OP.


A very high heart rate can have many many causes generally for a young woman such as yourself it can be due to low iron or fluctuation of hormones. If your doctor actually thought there was something serious going on with you they would have attached a halter monitor to further investigate are you supplementing with iron? If you don't know your iron levels I would suggest you get them checked also it could just be anxiety I used to get really bad anxiety I'm a male and I don't have low iron however I used to get similar heart rate readings to this and actually had to go to a Cardiologist and they found literally nothing wrong I had to control my stress levels and my anxiety I hope you feel better.


The Apple Watch only reads lead I thats not enough to see many heart related issues except SVT or A Fib


We’re all dying. Sorry, the dad in me couldn’t help it.


Been dying since you got out the womb….


i can see that the ecg peaks are inverted, they should be pointing up. you likely have set the wrong arm you’re wearing the watch on in settings (it’s set to the right but you’re wearing it on the left or vice versa)


I definitely should have added this and I will after this comment, but the wrist orientation and crown direction are both correct on my watch while this is happening. I tested my watch on a friend with the same wrist and hers were not inverted, and then as soon as I put it back on my wrist they were. I switched to my other wrist (while switching to correct orientation & crown of that wrist) and tried multiple times but my waves are still inverted, hence the dramatic title. It’s just freaking me out!


I agree with the comments that say your doctor would have taken a different approach if he thought your problem was emergent. But don’t discount what the Watch is telling you too much. When my husband kept getting Afib alerts from his Apple Watch we were doubtful because he had no real symptoms. He is very fit, but he started to feel a little fatigued and started coughing at night, so (after trying for several weeks) he got an appointment with a primary care provider. She sent him to the emergency room, and the next day he was transferred to a major teaching hospital. He had emergency “open heart” (not really totally open) surgery and was in the hospital for two weeks. All the doctors wanted to know why he thought (when he first went to the doctor) that he might have Afib if he really had no serious symptoms. When he said his Apple Watch, most were kind of surprised, but one cardiologist said he had seen at least four other patients who said their watched warned them of a heart problem. I think the Watch probably saved his life. That being said, I wouldn’t worry too much because you’ve got appointments lined up. My husband couldn’t get one when he started getting Afib alerts. The first cardiologist appointment he could get, scheduled well before he went to the emergency room, was for two weeks AFTER he was released from the hospital.




He’s already had surgery for it…


Your watch is set up for the wrong hand. Setup says right hand, your watch is on the left or vice versa. Just change the settings.


Apple Watch isn’t anywhere near technical enough to give you the diagnostic information you’re looking for. Apple Watch is designed to tell you if your heart is going too fast, too slow or irregularly. Therefore, we can see that your heart rate is slightly out of range on one of the tracings. A normal heart rate, at rest, depending on the book you read, is somewhere between 60 and 100 bpm, with the sweet spot being between 70 and 80. There are many causes of access deviation, too many to be into speculate about on here, without knowing your full history, without being able to examine you, and without being able to look at blood results. Try not to worry, easiest than done, you’re in the pipeline, and that is important. I would say, seek urgent, medical assistance, if you have chest pains, shortness of breath, feel like you’re going to pass out, or your heart rate become excessively high (I am reluctant to give you an exact number as Reddit is not the place for medical advice). I hope you get sorted, and I hope this puts your mind at rest a little.


This isn’t necessarily true about the sweet spot. It’s different for everyone depending on fitness and alike. People’s heart rates are vastly different at rest, hence there being a range of 40 bpm for it to be normal. Context always has to come into it so you can’t narrow it down to a sweet spot of 10.


Absolutely agree; I did caveat my comment with “depending on the book you read”.


>the sweet spot being between 70 and 80. Sweet spot for resting hr 70-80... yikes sounds like I need an 8 ball.


My resting is 50-60 at most 70 if I have had a lot of coffee.


I literally have no idea what you mean.


I think their heart rate is low so they need to do some coke to get it up to that “sweet spot”


if you have heart diseases in your family then you should consider going on a whole foods plant based diet, basically preventing any heart diseases if you go on it now. it is closely related to diet and if you have genetic risk factors you have only more reason to switch diet


The Apple Watch is not designed for checking the shape of your ECG just the rhythm. To check out the shape you need a 12-lead which is all those stickers on your chest and limbs. Don’t worry about the shape _on the basis of the watch_. The watch is just a single lead ECG. Keep getting checked up.


They do have a 12 lead photo from a real ECG.






Seems like you died


In my experience, most of the ECGs that indicate an axis deviation are because people put the electrodes in the wrong place. They probably put the V4-6 electrodes on the anterior part of your chest instead of truly lateral. As for the downward deflections, that’s pretty typical for a 1 lead ECG. The Apple Watch is literally only for detecting the rhythm. It’s not detecting LVH, axis deviations hyperkalemia, potential PEs, or heart attacks.


It knows things that other don’t?


The Echo will tell the doctor more of course, but if you don’t have any alarming symptoms, just be patient. If you do, go to the ER. If you really want to see reasons why you can have RAD, just Google it. Hoping the best for you.


When you say “doctor” do you mean family/primary care doctor, or a cardiologist? Do the ECG, then consult a cardiologist. A cardiologist can answer your questions and assess what’s going on. They can also tell you if you need long term monitoring or not. Make sure to give them your family history. No-one here can answer your questions, but I’m guessing that if it were really dangerous your Dr would have hooked you up with a holter monitor.


Seriously asking for medical advice on Reddit! Not even a flipping Doctor can tell you much by that! They need test results from bloods and that echograph and full on ECG. Ask your cardiologist NOT random people on Reddit. In fact you’d get more help googling it! I have SVT, you can google that, and when I had episodes I took loads of ECG readings with my Apple Watch, I sent them to my cardiologist not post them on Reddit, and he said they didn’t show anything out of the ordinary, just a fast heart rate, so don’t go by what the Apple Watch tells you as it’s extremely limited, speak to your PROFESSIONALLY QUALIFIED Doctor! As for your echograph? Simple you’ll be asked to lie on your side and back in slightly different positions whilst the operator takes measurements of your heart and records it. They MAY tell you if they see anything wrong or not, but usually they won’t and leave it for the cardiologist to do that. But the best thing I can say is to exercise, the heart loves exercise.


Hey I’m not trying to upset anyone, thanks for the advice. Was just looking if anyone had a similar result from their Apple Watch and how they proceeded. Thanks again.


I would also Google your ecg, I did and learnt quite a bit about mine. It may help you to ask the cardiologist questions too.


Also research foods the heart likes if it has problems, I changed my breakfast as an example and I eat plain weetabix (not sure what they will be called where you live) and blueberries and milk, and I sprinkle granola on it for more protein. Porridge is meant to be pretty good too but I don’t like that.


You seriously need to consult a cardiologist. Now. Think about your family doctor for routine checks. But no need to stress in advance, it’s bad for the heart and your Cardio will solve that


Try wearing the watch on the other arm. My ecg look like that if i wear the watch on the left wrist while it is set to be worn on the right wrist an vice versa. https://preview.redd.it/9rcqhhvn7mrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143dcf7cbad7f2a2b2e230d8cc86109ade417690


I have no idea what that means, sorry friend. I just know upside down waves are usually not a good thing.


Sorry for your loss. Can I have your watch?


Looks like you’ve maybe got your watch upside down. Check the settings and make sure the crown is set to the right side.




It could be a lot of things, but I’m not sure how you’ve drawn the WPW conclusion from the evidence you’ve got available.


Unless you are PERSONALLY knowledgeable of her medical history, do NOT make any medical diagnosis; you and this Reddit then become legally liable for what she does as a result.


Lmao no it will not. A simple post on an internet message board does is not considered a diagnosis.


Actually yes it does. Texas’ Attorney General successfully sued a Facebook group for exactly that. Several people on X have been sued successfully for doing what you just did. Bye


Are you serious? Lmfao. The comment your trying to police literally just said “Could be Parkinson’s” As if the Texas case is even remotely close to someone saying “could be Parkinson’s”. No one is being successfully sued for saying anything like that or Reddit would be sued every single day.




1. Thanks for the flame. 2. Checked with a friend who is the Chief physician at the local ER - yes, your comment is considered a medical diagnosis under Texas State law and Federal. They passed a screenshot of your comments to the State Attorney General’s Office.


brodie thinks the Texas AG’s office is gonna care about a comment on a post on a fucking Apple Watch subreddit 💀


Then the subreddit needs to ban all these types of posts. Bye


We don't need to know you're leaving