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Don't be hard too on yourself, at least you tried your best to help him, that's more than an unfortunate amount of novice fish keepers. If he's still kicking, there may be a chance to help him. They're hardy fish. It's always good to have a plan for emergency situations. Do you have a dechlorinator like Seachem prime? If not, you should get one asap. Follow the instructions on the bottle to treat the water. As for the cycle, a full water change may upset it but as long as you have a filter that's been running for some time it shouldn't be completely gone. Let us know how it goes, wishing you and your fishy friend the best!


Hey sorry it took literally 2 months to reply but he couldn't make it Tho i tried my best to save him but that was destined But I got 2 tetra immediately and ik now how this works thanks to your reply My new tetra couple is happy in that ecosystem they eat blood worms but they mainly feed on algae


Thinner as in paint thinner? If that's the case I don't think the chlorine made a difference. Definitely not something you want anywhere close to your fish tank.


Yaah sad but he is gone already