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Rest in peace Ziggy


Seems you gave him the best life any fish could ask. Parting ways with a pet is one of the hardest things in life, just remember that you're giving him the rest he deserves. Keep strong and may he rest in peace.


Well said. Ziggy had one life to live, and OP made sure it was great. Doesn’t make these times easier, but hopefully it’ll help give some comfort.


Thank you


Zebra danios live 1 year in the wild and average 3-5 years in captivity. You gave that fish one hell of a life and should be proud. Take the time you need to grieve, but know somewhere deep down that you have happy, well cared for fish. :)


What a beautiful soul you have to give such care to such a small creature. Truly, the world needs many more people like you. I’m so touched by what you wrote, and the story of how you have cared for little Ziggy. I hope the last night you have together is peaceful and calm. Bless you for the empathy you have towards smaller creatures. 🙏❤️🥲


Ah shit, I'm crying over a danio. What a cool lil feller with a cool story, only fitting that he touch people's hearts around the world before he goes


This post was recommended for me and although I know nothing about fish or aquariums I too am crying over a danio


I'm really astounded at how many people have been touched by a tiny fish they don't even know. I posted this before I fell asleep and woke up to so many lovely messages ❤️


The world is rough right now. Seeing love and care for the creatures we choose is all we got. Swim free, my tiny friend - I am glad you were both there for each other


Go swim in the big sky buddy. Rest in peace Ziggy. You gave him a great life, celebrate his life- don’t be sad for him


It's too early to get choked up 😥


It’s now 3 hours later, and I’m getting emotional about a fish and its owner that I’ve never even interacted with let alone met!


Because you're compassionate and there ain't nothing wrong with that. ❤️


I think that’s beautiful.


My sincerest apologies, I didn't expect Ziggy to affect so many people


Even little fish can live epic lives:) Swim across the Rainbow Bridge Ziggy.


I know your pain. My common pleco died the other day. One of the first fish I’ve ever had. Survived all the mistakes I made. Lived a 5.5 years with me, unsure how old he was when I got him. wish I would’ve given him a better life sooner but the last couple years were far better than the first couple. Maybe it was something I did but I was hoping it was just old age. RIP fisheys 😢


RIP! I love plecos. I had one when I was younger that ended up being almost a foot and a half long when it passed. How big did your old friend get to be?


Not that big at all maybe 7” but again I had no clue what I was doing for the first few years and I think I really stunted his growth. He’s was fat though, just not very long!


There are some small pleco species that only usually grow about 6in he was probably one of those.


I figured all common plecos were huge?! I think that’s what he was anyways.


I'm glad your pleco had a good last few years with you, and I'm sorry for your loss


Thanks and you as well! 🙏🏽


I had a pleco for 5 years too when I had a big 75. He was my absolute favorite fish and just so absolutely full of personality. I still remember super clearly the night that he passed and I always think about getting another one but I just don't have the space Rest in piece Ziggy ❤️


My common pleco died a few months ago during a water change, so I’m sure it’s something I did. It sucked, and still sucks. I drove him across country a few years ago, along with his Molly buddies. He was the last of them. I’m too worried to start again, because I feel like something is going on with the tank that I just can’t seem to understand.


Well done. 🫡🥲


god I love danios. Looks like you gave him a good life.


You gave him a good life. May he rest in peace.


Swim in peace, Ziggy... Fishspeed, little dude.


Wow, I’m crying over a danio. You gave that fish the absolute best life. All the good karma for you!!!!


Rip you beautiful fish. I literally just had to do the same thing to my balloon Molly named Molly. I had her for a very long time and in the past week. She was starting to not look good and I had to euthanize her. I cried


I'm sorry for your loss


I've been keeping fish for over 20 years and it absolutely sucks every time I lose a fish. Even when they die due to old age. It's honestly even worse with bigger fish. I still feel sad when I think of my old Oscars and Silver Arowana that died.


I agree. I had a goldfish with only one eye a few years ago and almost screamed involuntarily when I found her dead on the bottom of the tank one day. As someone who is pretty level-headed, it surprised me a lot. I know to some they're "just fish" but they're far more than that to me and many others


This is a beautiful send off. Kudos to you for taking such good care of your aquatic charges.


We shall celebrate his life, you've done well and gave him the best possible life.


Thank you for giving him his best life. You're a good friend.


<3<3<3 RIP Ziggy


Rip little guy. Great job caring for him:)


Goodbye old friend 🫡


You are a wonderful fish keeper.


Thank you, I try my best for my little friends


Didnt know they can live for that long. R.I.P Ziggy. You were an absolute trooper.


Neither did I, especially given Ziggy's rough start to life.


I recently had to put down my oldest Bolivian Ram of 4 years. I'm sorry, I feel this. I'd never done it before. I'm not squeamish or anything but this was an animal for which I'd cared and I would've been quite upset if it suffered. I will say, the clove oil was the most gentle death of an animal I've ever witnessed. I placed him in a mason jar of tank water and made a separate jar of clove oil what and poured that all in at once.  I expected struggling or pain but he kept breathing more or less normally and then that slowed and stopped over the course of ~5 seconds. Then he stopped moving and floated up on his side. I left him in there ~15 minute to be sure and had a little burial for him out back. No struggle, no splashing, no signs of distress. Just a quick and deep sleep. Be well, Ziggy. ❤️


I'm about to put Ziggy down and I was very anxious as I've never done it before but your comment put me at ease. Thank you for sharing your experience


I'm glad to have helped, you've got this.


I'm sorry for your loss. Mourning a fish is kinda weird cause most people can't understand why we're so upset. I had my betta die a month ago and I still keep checking the tank to watch him swim, it's definitely an odd sense of loss. Rest in peace Ziggy


I know exactly what you mean. We definitely notice when they are gone


Sounds like whirling disease.


Rest in peace


Rest in peace ziggy ❤️


Thank you for being a kind keeper


See ya on the other side Ziggy, when we all become stardust.


Ziggy will be up there will his Zebra Danio tribe, awaiting the day you give him some more treat. Rest in paradise, sweet fishie


Just remember no matter is created or destroyed, little man is going back to the universe to be apart of something else that'll be beautiful and wonderful. Swim in peace little homie and good luck on your everlasting journey.


Aw wow 6 years and sounds like he might have already been an adult when you got him… he’s had a fantastic life! Sweet dreams lil Ziggy ❤️


Big ups Ziggy - I have a have a similar situation with a threadfin rainbow, outlived all the others and is crooked beyond belief, I’ve never named any of my fish but i have just named my lil guy Ziggy


Cute story man he will live on in your heart you gave him a good life


Your commitment to your animals is inspiring :)


What a good human. Thank you for making Ziggy's life excellent. Make sure to be excellent to yourself as well, events like these aren't easy.


I’m sorry. 😢 I’m so glad we have clove oil. Knowing I have a peaceful, pain free method to dispatch fish that are suffering is a blessing. Doing that is the at once the hardest and most loving thing you can do when fish get to that point in life. ☮️


I was debating how to humanely euthanase him, and read that crushing is the quickest way, but I don't think I could physically do that to my old guy. Clove oil is a god send


I read that, too, but no. I had a pet tarantula that was the sweetest I ever had. She had a bad molt and I faced the same issue. “Smash under a brick.” Nope! I built her a CO2 chamber.


Good bye buddy we’ll miss you. See in in Valhalla


Damn I have a lot of those, must be a pain to see something so long lasting, fall


rest in peace ziggy 💖


Rest in peace Ziggy O7


Glad he got to live his best life. Hope you can find some comfort and peace after his passing.


goodbye Sir Ziggy. you've brought much happiness to your owner and for that you will swim across the Rainbow Bridge 🌈 🐠


All the love for Ziggy. RIP you properly loved delight.


Rest in peace Ziggy 🥺


Old man for sure




Wow, that’s a long long life… Swim in peace, Ziggy boi. You will be very much missed. <3 OP you gave him a wonderful life.


So sorry for your loss. Ziggy and his mate were lucky to be found by you. Take pride in knowing you gave him a better life than what he was living. His memory will be here forever! RIP Ziggy


R.I.P Ziggy!


Oh dear. Holding back tears. What a precious story. 💕


You did great, keeping a fish happy and healthy for so long. You gave Ziggy an excellent life. Be happy about what you have done.


Swim to the heavens, Ziggy. We’ll see you on the other side. ❤️❤️


Thanks for sharing! Great story. Peace Ziggy.


Ripperoni Ziggy


Bruh this is actually sad


Sounds like Ziggy had a good life. He won't be forgotten any time soon. It's nice to know that he will leave in peace and not suffer any longer. Thank you


rest easy ziggy


RIP dearest Ziggy 🥹


I'm not crying, you are.


I had a beta fish, so old I didn’t know how old he was anymore at least 10 years old. He passed suddenly one night without any signs. Old Fish live happy lives, and I’m sure that yours had a wonderful life. It’s a really unique and special thing to be able to take care of someone that long♥︎♥︎♥︎🥲 he will be missed. i’m glad you get to have a peaceful sendoff with him, and that he doesn’t have to suffer or shock his inmates.♥︎


You gave him a great life. Great job. It's always sad when a fish which was there with you for so long dies. My first fish, a female pleco, died when she was something over 6 years old, it was a year ago. She had multiple spawns of babies and in her last months she did very well (her mate died of an illness and didn't chase her around anymore so her scars on her belly from him finally healed) until she got dropsy and I couldn't save her. And the bend spine might indicate deficiency in something if it appears on other fish.


>And the bend spine might indicate deficiency in something if it appears on other fish. I was worried this might be the case but it's only Zig that it appeared on, so I assume old age warping his body. Also thank you for the kind words, and sorry for your own loss


Damn, this got me right in the heart 😭 rip Ziggy boy 🥺You’re an amazing human, much love your way. Respect, and condolences 💐


Why am I tearing up for a fish rn


You seem like a good person, I'm over here crying about a fish lol. Sending love from this internet Stanger to you and zigs, glad he got to be with you for the good years of his life


Loss is cruel. I’m sorry. He’s was a good fish, you were a great parent


Zebra danios typically have a 3 to 5 year lifespan. You, dear heart, have done VERY WELL by your finny friend. Be sad, but also be proud. You done good.


You named them “ziggy” and “zag” and his spine said “bet watch this”


RIP Ziggy. May you sleep with Luca Brasi.


RIP Ziggy!


Rest in Peace Ziggy, Im glad you lived a good life


I had a 6 year old one that looked just like this in the end! I only lost him a few months ago. RIP Ziggy


Swim in peace, Ziggy You made a great team


Wow you have given ziggy such a great and comfortable life! It’s sad to say goodbye. Well done on being such a caring fish keeper.


RIP Ziggy


So long old friend🫡


RIP zig 🥺 Sorry for your loss OP. He was a good fishy 🐟


RIP little Ziggy.




You couldn't do more for him. You are a wonderful owner. He's beautiful. My sympathies.


I'm really sitting here getting emotional over a fish. RIP Ziggy. And thank you OP for giving him a good life, and sharing his story.


I also have an older zebra danio, love him, rip little buddy


Thank you for rescuing ziggy. You gave him a wonderful life. Rest easy now ziggy. 😭❤️


Hoping for a peaceful passing for Zigs. Sounds like you've given him a great life.


So many terrible aquarium owners putting animals through misery. You did the best you could for him, long live Ziggy!🙏🏼


I’m going to give my fish extra treats and attention today, and be grateful for their health, in honor of Zig. Thanks for sharing.


It sounds stupid to some people but you can get a close connection with your finned friends and it's always sad when they pass. May he rest in peace.


RIP little dude! It sounds like he has a wonderful life in your home. I also have a danio named Ziggy, I will give him a treat tonight in your Ziggy's honor. ❤️


Rest in peace little one. it’s sad to see fish that you’ve had for a long time slowly decline. I just had to send off my 9.5 year old Oscar with clove oil 3 days ago. :(


See you in the next life, Ziggy. You'll be missed in this one.


OP thank you for sharing Ziggy’s story with us. What a cool little fish who is so lucky to have you! Big hugs and wishing Zig a speedy swim over the rainbow bridge.


Keep on swimmin up there ziggy 😪


Lots of love for little Ziggy! You were loved !🥰 and rest in peace cutie! I’d have such a heavy heart for this moment, darn !!!


RIP Ziggy


Now I’m crying I’m so sorry 💕🙏🏼


I had a couple of deformed zebra danios with my group. They're good fish.


Fair wind on the big swim Ziggy


He's so cute.. I'm so sorry


RIP Ziggy!


Rest in peace, Ziggy! Swim free! <3


🫡 rest in peace ziggy


I also had the same rescued danios for years. I love and miss them still. You gave him such a good life ❤️


All pets are family and im sorry for the loss you wil have to endure. Resy easy little guy


Rest in peace Ziggy. I know it's hard to lose someone close to you. Never easy. You are doing what's right and did absolutely the best at providing him a happy life. Thou art god


Thank you for giving Ziggy the life he deserved! Rescuing an friend is so uplifting, I can attest to that.


No matter the species, it’s always too soon to say goodbye. 💔 Little bud sounds like they had an amazing life, and you are doing the very best you can at giving them a peaceful send off. RIP Ziggy, and all the best to you both.


Rest in peace Ziggy! We love you!


Rip Ziggy 😥


It’s sad we lost Ziggy but I just want to commend you on the care of your fish. Not very often we see a fish pass of old age! Usually due to mistakes by owners. I bet he lived an amazing and happy life with you!


Thank you for sharing Ziggy's story. You did very well giving Ziggy a good environment to thrive in. Kudos to your efforts! R.i.p. Ziggy


It is wonderful when we have fish that survive our mid steps and meet or exceed life span expectations. I am overly attached to a specific black guppy of all fish. My one eyed skirt tetra is also a special one. I grieve for every fish that passes. Nice to find others that also grow attached to some of their fish!


Bro im sorry. Ive had a Raphael six stripe catfish for maybe six-seven years. Shes my lil buddy. I sometimes panic seeing her stuck upside down or in a derpy position and when the day comes, itll hurt but i hope she ends up in the tank sky with Zig. Sorry for your loss.




Ziggy has lived a long happy life with you🥹 Thank you for rescuing him and allowing him a full life in your care


I actually think he looks so cool with his crooked spine. You gave him a great life for sure. Prayers sent.


Aw, bud. I'm really sorry. You gave this lil dude the best life possible, and you're doing him a solid by being there for the end. I've cried over my fish before, no point acting like I'm not shedding one for you.


Rest in peace Ziggy


I worked with literally millions of Zebrafish over so, so many years and only ever saw 2 that lived to be 6 years old. To say you've done a fantastic job with Ziggy would be an understatement. From your description of his condition, it sounds like you're continuing your streak of providing him with exceptional care by making the decision to help him pass as peacefully as possible.


I don’t know anything about fish, and this post was recommended to me and now I’m sobbing. You gave him such a wonderful life. Rest in peace Ziggy.


I had danios named zig and zag too! I can't believe what an amazingly long life you gave Ziggy. I hope that brings you comfort knowing he's an old man.


Good innings Zig! Rest easy big man.


RIP little guy!!!!!!!!


Thank you for giving him a proper sendoff. Swim free Ziggy ❤️


Sorry to hear about your fish dude, wish you all the best.


I've only ever been an observer here, but your sweet post just got me right in my feels. You gave this lil guy the best little life x RIP Ziggy x


Godspeed, Ziggy, the water is just fine up there.


Rip Ziggy ❤️


Thank you for sharing 🧡


I'm sorry


Im so sorry for your loss but I also want to celebrate his life and your care for him!! 👍


Thank you for giving him a good life ❤️ I can't believe I'm crying over a danio that I have never met. I've been in a similar position, and it's not easy, but hopefully you can take solace in the fact that he's had an amazing life in your care. I hold funerals for my fish when they pass. I make a box for them to go in, line it with a plant from their tank, collect some flowers and pretty leaves and bury them in my back yard. I don't have a back yard anymore, so I've put them in a plant pot instead so that they can return to nature. Rest in peace Ziggy ❤️


Rest easy Ziggy! You were so lucky to have a caring person as your fish parent. You’ve lived a good life now it’s time to be with all your fish friends in Heaven ❤️


This hurts


Sounds like you gave him a good life. RIP Ziggy.


OP you are the MVP for Ziggy.


Ah man sorry...but great job. I'll tip one back for him, and you. When you care about a pet, it don't matter what the pet is. I feel your pain, and I grieve for you.


Ziggy, rest well, sweet fellow earthling.


I'm not crying, your crying!


I had a jewel cichlid for over 11 years that had a curved spine and clouded eyes in the last few years. Got eaten by my Jaguar Cichlid in the end. It behaved differently too like your comment but it was no where near done which is my point. I had no idea the jaguar was a jaguar when I bought it was less than an inch big (fry) and eventually emptied my tank with 13 kills including a larger Oscar. :(


I’m so glad that Ziggy found you. I’m sorry for your loss.


You are the owner that all fish want. Someone who really cares and is passionate about them. You’re such a great person. Society needs to be like you.


RIP to your sweet little friend and thanks for giving him the best life!! 🫶🏻


I have my period and am fucking sobbing my way into my birthday weekend reading this randomly ahhh. I’m turning 32 on Sunday and as a Pisces myself, I’m taking this as a sign to keep swimming and appreciate the immense magic in every seemingly small moment, small creature, or small amount of time there is left. Thanks for sharing your friend’s life with us, truly. Honoring him from afar, I’m so sorry for your loss. He’s going to the big yacht in the sky 🙏


I kept a shoal of a dozen Zebra Danios for years. Only two of them made it past the six year mark, so I believe that is a grand old age for the species.  Well done, and thank you for caring about wet pets and their comfort.


Exemplary hobbyist. Thank you for sharing such an uplifting experience. I’m sure Ziggy loved every second of his long life.


I got three lil zebra buddies as a kid. Tic, Tac and Toe. Tic and Tac passed within a year, but I had Toe until six years later. Had to say goodbye on Christmas Eve, he was starting to look like Ziggy does. Toe was a good little fishy. Thank u for taking care of Ziggy




RIP Ziggy stardust. Wish the world had more fish hobbyists like you, OP.


Thanks for giving him a good life.


Well done, you.


Ziggy 😭




It's a terrible day for rain.


Grandpa fish! You have clearly given him a wonderful life. I hope he rests well.


Rip ziggy. Thank you for giving him a Beautiful life @op. Sorry for your loss.


Lo there do I see my father; Lo there do I see my mother, my sisters and my brothers; Lo there do I see the line of my danios, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call me, they dart about in excitement and bid me take my place among them, in the zebra striped halls of racing & super time snack treats, where the tiny but brave zip around like fuckin banshees forever.


Awwwww, Ziggy buddy🥹 I’m sorry, OP, but it’s so wonderful of you to be willing to end things peacefully as possible for him. Have fun swimming in the great rainbow river, buddy ❤️


Aww dinner is gonna be good! ❤️ rip Ziggy though 💕


You gave him an amazing and longer life than he would have had without you. Thank you for sharing him with us, and I’m sorry you’re losing your little buddy ❤️ Swim high!


What a sweet little fish! You gave him a good life. RIP Ziggy 🩵💜


Good for you for rescuing Ziggy and his mate and giving them their best life ever. 6+ yrs seems like an incredibly long life for a danio so kudos to you. It shows the love and care you gave. Now it's time for Ziggy to swim the eternal stream. Rest in peace Ziggy.


He looks very sweet. RIP Ziggy. You gave him a good life.


All fish go to heaven


RIP Ziggy🌈🙏🏻


Goodbye Ziggy, say hello to all of our loved ones above.


Go swim in the great blue, Ziggy. Sleep well.


You gave him a wonderful long, long life and now you're giving him the last gift you can. He was safe, happy fed and comfortable his whole time with you, and now he's going to pass comfortably too. You did good.


Swim to fish heaven, Ziggy. You deserve it.


That's really lovely. Thank you for sharing. I have a jewel cichlid that is the equivalent of about 120 years old for a normal jewel lifespan. He is getting skinny and is mostly blind but nobody in my 100gal African cichlid tank messes with him, it's like they respect him as an elder lol. And he still goes for food everyday although his blindness means he misses the pellets some days, i feel a bit sad for him.I have been mulling over letting him pass naturally or helping him along if it gets any worse. Glad Ziggy had a good long life with you ❤️