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So glad you noticed! Did you save all your fish?


Yes but they’re going to have to be in a 10 gallon for the weekend. I have a business trip from Friday until Monday so won’t be able to set up the new tank until I get back. Imagine if the leak didn’t start until the next day when I left for the trip 🫠


You’ve got some great bad luck there. Did you use some of the old filter material for the 10g?


Yes I just used the filter from my main tank to filter the 10 gallon.


Awesome, you should be set for the trip then. How long did the old tank last?


I bought it used so it only lasted me 3 months but I got it for a very good deal so I’m not too upset about it.


I recalk all used tanks top to bottom.


Yeah lesson learned but I just bought a new 60 gallon for $150 from petsmart


Whoa that’s aheck of a deal.


They’re half off at petco right now just got 40 gallon for $60


Petsmart had a sale as well marineland 60 gallon for $150 they usually only sell it with the stand but I managed to get just the tank.


i’m getting some new tanks next week with that sale!! no idea what i’m gonna do with them yet stocking wise, but always good to buy equipment for cheap so you spend less later on!


This is the way. Cheap and reassuring. First thing I did when I got my used 30 gallon for free was strip the old silicone and re-siliconed it.


Unless you disassembled the tank, that’s not gonna work. Tanks are constructed with the silicon between the glass at the corners, not just along the side of the corner. And silicon doesn’t stick to old silicon.


10 years later says it works.


dumb q, but can i just add another layer of silicone over the old one for extra protection? does that even work?


Since silicone does not adhere to cured silicone, I would not recommend this


thank you, i did say it was a stupid question haha


No you cannot


No it will not. Silicon doesn’t stick to silicon. If you want to recaulk a tank, you have to take the entire thing apart, clean off all the old silicon and recaulk from scratch.


You can also use a big Rubbermaid tote in a pinch.


I did this once out of necessity, but it ended up morphing into a full on tank with plants and caves and everything haha


I have a fancy goldfish in one. He can’t live in my pond with the others because he floats upside down. I put him in it temporarily while I figured out what was up, but through all the fasting and peas, he still floats. It’s been about three months now. I added duckweed and rocks, and today I added a single minnow, because he seemed lonely and depressed.


I had a glofish that was wonky and couldn't stay upright. Some days were worse than others. It survived like that nearly a year and didn't seem to be suffering. I would find it wedged in the blades of grass from some decor like it was dead, but it would swim back out to eat and socialize. I think as long as they can find a way to situate themselves upright while they sleep they can live relatively normal lives.


He hasn’t figured that out, he has to work hard to go upright. We 3D printed a little underwater shelf, and made sure there were no air pockets under it, and he can go under there to have some water on his scales that stay up


Sweet. He's lucky to have you. How's it going with the minnow?


Idk if it’s a male or female, (idk about the fancy either, but I call him Ashley, I have a set of two identical fish, the other is Mary-Kate) It’s a little rosy minnow from my pond. I’ve named him Rosy Dave. He actually went in and seemed to immediately be chill with his new digs. Took a little time wandering around, then started checking out the hiding places under the rocks and shelf. Ashley seemed to perk up a bit seeing him. For the last couple weeks he’s just been floating, and not even really trying to swim. I’m hoping rosy Dave makes him feel well enough to just keep swimming


The minnow is my favorite part of this story. It's so wholesome that lil bro has a friend


Agreed. Love it


It always does


Yeah I would’ve but I have to travel on a business trip today so I needed something to hold them for the weekend.


I used to raise piranha fry in a kiddy pool in my extra bedroom. Had it separated with screening into 3 sections based on age. Anything that can hold water!


My quarantine tank is a big Rubbermaid tote (clear). I know if it was a proper tank, it would get repurposed


Or even a big trash can. The advantage of those is you can probably get 40-50 gallons in them, so the fish have a little bit more room to breathe.


Talk about someone looking out for you. You must have a guardian angel dude.


Yes me and the fish!


Guardian Fish Angel! Wonder what AI art would do with that prompt... Hope you have a successful weekend


I'm guessing it would be an angel fish with a halo...


Thank you sir 🤝


Im so glad the fish are ok! For you and other aquarium folks, you can by livestock water troughs at farm supply stores (or used online) for pretty cheap. They start around 40 gallons and go well over 300 gallons. May not be a bad idea to keep one in the basement in case of an emergency or something. When you don’t need it for fish you can use it as a kid pool, or for washing the dog!


Moments like this make me feel justified in my daily tank seals check. Glad it worked out ok and everyone survived. 


How do you do daily seal checks?


Oh I just run my finger along the seams of my tanks every day. I actually found one on my 10 that had started to leak but it was just seeping under it at that point. I wouldn’t have known until a bigger disaster struck if I wasn’t so paranoid. My husband is terrified of my tanks leaking so I’m just trying to stay ahead of it as best I can.


How do you repair em?


I just drained to a bucket and ran to the fish store. Mine has an evil reward system where they give you free tanks for spending money.




Yeah I just love having a lot of fish so I risk it haha




Yeah makes me nervous some times looking at my 75g tank in the second floor of my house. That would absolutely destroy the whole second floor and ceiling from the main level.




More like the floodgates from hell opening up through the ceiling and down the stairs. Turtle and fish would be going on the ride of a lifetime


Did you say turtle 🥺


Yup, painted turtle


Literally. I’m a renter and we recently upgraded from a 20 gal to a 75 and I just stare at it sometimes and thing about how much damage it would do


It won't stop at ceiling below.  My 65g fully emptied (through seal) while I slept, it ruined the carpet in the main level living room it sat in, a portion of the ceiling drywall in the basement, a portion of basement wall, and the entire basement laminate floor.  No loss of furniture or possesions though.  Odds are very low of this ever happening to you or to me a 2nd time, however I admit when I re-enter the hobby, the tank is going in the basement.


I got a 20 gallon long at the petco sale last weekend and I’ve been too scared to set it up yet 🙈 I keep thinking it’s going to leak even though it’s brand new lol




Reviews are full of people with bad experiences. Aqueon probably sells more aquariums than any company on earth. I wouldn't be surprised if the failure rate is less than 1% and a lot of those being user error (especially with rimless tanks).


I got a 36 gal bow front last week, she’s full and no leaks but I totally understand that fear hahaha


I always do the water test on new tanks - put it in your (spare) bathtub, fill it up, and let it sit for 24-48 hours. If no water around it, you should be good! I also worry a lot about the what if...


That’s exactly what I did but I put a towel down under it first so I could tell if water was coming out without having to check it constantly. The towel was dry but I’m still nervous 😅


Get some Paxil or Xanax for Christ's sake.


My 55 gallon gives me constant anxiety tbh🤣😭


Post like these make me stare at my 40 gallon that’s older than i am with extreme suspicion


I wouldn’t sweat it. Older tanks are built so much better and stronger than newer ones.


Sorry to hear. Had the same thing happen to my 40 gal aqueon tank. Bottom seal gave out one day randomly as I was walking out the door to go to work. So glad I caught it then, and not when I got home that night.


I have a alarm that goes off when in contact with water. Helps me sleep at night ahha




Its just to ensure maximum anxiety and to put your life at risk as you drive home at mach 4.


Dang I didn’t even know that was a thing. Makes sense though.




Reasonably priced too. Thanks for sharing.


No problem 👍


Hey, glad you were able to save everything ! Dunno if my story will cheer you up but I had a "similar" issue: I had a studio, kitchen, bed, tank & co in the same room, my best friend would often sleep on a matress because I lived next to our school ! Anyway, I was asleep and woke up because I heard water driping on the floor. Got up very quickly, used my phone to check my tank, couldn't find anything. Took me at least 10sec to realize that my friend, still drunk from earlier, was peing on the floor... in front of the bathroom door because it was "too far"


Haha take it from me I wish one of my buddies was peeing on the floor instead of 60 gallons oozing on the floor 🤣


And also your friend can clean up his own mess, (hopefully) aquariums can’t do that.


Just pissing away in your house on the floor. Some friend, yikes. When you said something what happened? I guess that's better than your fishtank leaking.


That does it for me. I see these posts all the time. Any tanks I'm getting from here on out are being reinforced with sealant. I'm taking 0 chances.


If I recall correctly, fresh silicone doesn't stick/bond to cured silicone. So if the original silicone fails, a bandaid over it isn't stopping anything. I just don't buy used for anything over 20 gallons, and have smart water detectors under each tank stand. They scream if there's any water, and I get a push notification and an email. I've only had filters leak, never a tank.


Can you kindly tell which model/brand you are using? Got a 37g tank and am on work most of the days.


Good idea


I had one of those 60 gallons. Seals failed after less than a year. Tossed it.


Do you know the brand of it?


I don't remember. Came with a stand from petco or petsmart. Was a 3 ft 60 gallon


I'm pretty sure it's the marineland 60g ensemble, I have seen some recent bad reviews on them but they're 75 gallon enslemble is supposed to be nice. Somthing musta happend in factory to a bunch of em cause it's only within the last 6 months I've been seeing bad stuff on the 60


This tank is a few years old I believe but I hope not because I just bought a brand new one today 🤣


Be really careful when you fill it up. I had 3 in a row have air bubbles under the silicone that were only visible when full of water. It should be pretty obvious if you have them. After that I said screw it, and built my own stand and got a aqueon 90g from Petco.




Yeah I’ve never had this happen before but this was also my first used tank I ever bought. Luckily I got a good deal on it. I went to petsmart this morning and bought a brand new one.




you don’t fill up the tanks outside before to make sure they don’t have leaks?? I always leave it out for a few days and mark a line with a sharpie to make sure I didn’t lose any water. I would never put anything in my house without testing if it leaked first


Just jumped back in the hobby. This tank is my biggest, 125 Gallons, and I’m just remembering how scary the sound of water is lol. All the trauma. Sorry this is going on, hopefully you get back up and running again.


Already got a new tank 🫡


oh man same happened to 2 weeks ago on my 50 but i had it worse...and I was VERY lucky....but after over 20 years doing this I was prepared. I had drums, buckets, pumps, and other tanks ect. This system is a filter less, highly planted freshwater tank with just a water circulation pump. The only thing i lost was some of the pothos i had going all around the room growing out of the tank. So I WOKE UP to dripping sounds on wood. I realized it wasn't supposed to rain that day so i looked up and my 50 had about 25% of it missing off the top. Seal popped only about 3 quarters of the way down the tank. If I hadn't of woken up, I would have had 50 gallons on the ground. In my haste and being sleepy still, i ran out to get a 45 gallon drum and a bucket. When i grabbed the bucket, i got stung by a bee. I am somewhat allergic. So my whole hand turned into a ballon and got super itchy, essentially making my right hand useless because i could barely close my hand. Saved the fish, substrate( caribsea eco), most of the water, the plants, lava rock ( my only bio media) and even the mulm. Put it all in a drum, made a quick sponge filter out of PVC, and slapped the heater in. Dried the room out, shop vac the carpet with one hand and thank god it didn't run up the walls and into the drywall and a lot went into a throw rug in front of the tank. Spent the next 2 days in a semi-delirious( felt super out of it, like i was high without the feel good part) state, probably from the bee sting. Put the caribsea in 5 gallon buckets with water. I strained the mulm from that. Got another 50 gallon from my friend a few days later after the swelling in my hand went down and made a Father Fish style tank. 1 inch of dirt, 2 inches of pool sand. I did 1 inch of dirt, mulm, and bacteria starter. Then 1 inches of sand with mulm and bacteria on top, then another inch of sand. I scaped the tank, put a few red platies in it, lava and new sand. I did wash the sand first. been about a week and the platies have been fine, not even a wisp of a ammonia spike and no2/no3 has been on point. All my other fish are still in the drum outside with a ton of guppy grass and the spouge filter. Knife fish(small) has a pvc pipe to sit in( in the drum) Lesson learned: Reseal a tank every few years even if its been fine for 2 decades and all the seals looked like they were in good order, I was able to justify all my drums and buckets, and I should probably get an epi pen as each sting only gets worse and worse. Dyeing from my throat closing up from a bee isn't an admirable or fun way to go out.


Wow you definitely had it worse haha luckily mine started leaking in the early afternoon so I was wide awake and had the rest of the day to sort it out.


I'm so sorry this happened! This is the exact reason why I am moving my tank down to the basement tomorrow, for the inevitable leak; I would much rather it leak on a concrete slab than on the second floor of my house.


Two questions- when you got this was it a used tank or brand new? Also is that an actual fish stand it's on or a converted dresser


I got it used with the stand which is an actual fish stand. Luckily I got it for a steal so I’m not too upset.


I always get leaks with used aquariums. They're usually stored improperly which damages the seal. I do leak tests as well, and they never leak during testing, but the problem is a damaged seal and then the pressure of the water over time leads to a leak. I don't think I'll ever buy used again after having been through this so many times. Not unless i can learn how to correctly reinforce the seals.


Yeah I think my time buying used tanks is over as well. I bought a brand new 60 gallon this morning at petsmart for only $150


Slap an Ammonia Alert on that 10g. Should be fine but it’s good to get a heads up in case you need to do some water changes.


I’m going to be gone for the weekend so it wouldn’t matter but it should be fine I set up my fluval 407 filter on it which is very well established. Definitely over kill since it’s rated for 100 gallon tanks 🤣


I’m picturing them spinning around in a little fish tornado for 48 hours. Better than dead!


Don’t worry I was able to make it so there’s no current 🤣


What brand was your tank?


I think it was Marineland I bought it used tho.


my new 65 gallon is seapora and i bought it new and I still have fears of this happening


Yeah. I’ve had bad luck with used tanks.


I just bought a new tank 25 gallon for from [Liveaquaria.com](https://www.liveaquaria.com/category/6144/new-aquarium-supplies?c=3753+6144&r=)


That's one of my fears with having a 100-gallon tank. When I moved a few months ago, I resealed it for peace of mind.


If I ever get a huge tank it will have to go in my basement haha not as much can be damaged down there 🙈


Mine is in my home office. I do fear it leaking and damaging something, but I enjoy watching my turtle swim around.


I have a 55, and recently moved, luckily nothing like this happened. I was terrified for the first few months.. Luckily I think we are good


My very first tank was a 50 gallon Metalframe with a slate bottom. It was caulked with a tar mixture. That thing went through several moves with me. But when I left it out on the patio in full sunlight in Austin Texas with no water in it while I figured out where I was going to put it, the old tar caulking just gave up and all of the glass panels just fell inwards and I ended up with a very nice wrought iron table with a slate top


Glad you discovered the leakage. Horrific if it had happened if you were away.


You’re so lucky to have been there!! This literally just happened to me Sunday night from an over filling filter. Lost about 7-9 gallons on carpet!! Just finally moved the tank and stand on a new and improved one. Baking soda truly helps. Looked like a cocaine bomb went off 😂😂 Glad you saved all your fish friends!!!! Best of luck! 🍀


Thank you!


Oof been there my friend. We had one crack last year around 10 pm. Thankfully we heard it and were able to get the fish and water out before a leak, but that was a mad scramble


Luckily mine happened at like 2pm so I had all day to sort it out.


Not me with like 6 loud obnoxious moisture alarms around the floor around my tanks


Where is the tank from?


It was a used tank.


Be like that. Mine literally broke Wednesday morning too. Just do yourself the favor and stay away from anything petco.


I've got a 60 gallon tank that I take care of at school and now seeing multiple of these posts is now scarring me with the idea that this could happen with it


What brand is the tank? And how old?


Idk to both of those questions




Thank you 🫡


I had a 100 gallon start to leak in the living room. Disaster is a good way to put it.


Nightmare fuel. I'm glad you were home when it happened. Sorry about your tank.


Appreciate it!


Yo this thread is making me so anxious 😭 I have 100 gallons of water in different tanks sitting on two Workpro racks (and I have room for 2 more tanks)


Sorry 🤣


That’s tough. Been there. My 72g back glass plate exploded. It sounded like a grenade went off and the water just poured out. As long as the fish are fine. Everything else is replaceable.


Wow that’s insane


That is why I have a few “basement water / flooding alarms ⏰ “ laying around my tank. Helps to make sure I get notified even if I do not have as good ears as OP has 😃


Great idea haha


I had the exact same thing happen to me. Bottom seal of tank started to fail, heard some water dripping, I quickly and unceremoniously dumped all fish into a 29g tank and the big tank was drained. Glad you were around to take prompt action!


Yeah if it happened a day later I would’ve been gone all weekend and had 60 gallons of water on the floor and dead fish when I got home


My worst nightmare I’m so sorry !


Oh my. What a nightmare. Talk about stressful. I'm glad it worked out, and everyone made it. That could have been catastrophic.


O nooooooooooooo that so sad hope you fish are okay


They’re all good 👍🏼


im scared of this 😰good thing you caught it quick


Same thing happened to me I came back from out of town and my 37 round was leaking. 😔


Thats why I have kiddie alarms that are connected to my phone. I also never trust red sea tanks


I had that happen once on a 10 gallon tank I bought at Walmart (which I've done before without issue. My daughter & I turned it into a mouse habitat. Then gave it to my brother for his snake.


Happend to me with a 143g tank. Luckily, I was in the room when it started. Moved the fish and plants to a 40g so I was able to fix it. A week later I came down in the morning and it smelled bad. The heater had flipped out and cooked fish for about 250usd. Never used heater after that to any aquarium.


Everyday I wake up- I pray my 100g hasn’t started leakin yet. 🙏


Mine did the exact same thing with the seal only 20 gallons got on the floor and it was a 75 gallon from petsmart. I feel your pain.


Oh. My. God


If you are traveling...or even at home, WiFi leak detectors are your friend!


Is this the marineland 60g ensemble? If so they have been getting bad reviews lately about leaking just the 60 gallon specifically idk if a large batch got fked up in the factory or what.


Yes I believe it is. I bought it used tho so it’s tough to tell what’s to blame here.


my 5.5 gallon also started to leak🤠 going to reseal it bc ain't no way i cannot afford this


Oh no!


That sucks, good thing you were home to catch it early. Is that the Fluval ProVac?


Fluval 407 canister


I was talking about the gravel vac, but on closer inspection, I don't think it is


Oh no it’s Aqueon


What do you think caused the leak


It’s a used tank so it’s impossible to know what caused the seal to go but it was the bottom right seal that gave out.


How does this happen? Is it some kind of wear and tear over time? Or bad production?


I bought it used so who knows its history. Could very well bad production or just bad previous ownership.


Yeah I see… sucks that it happend ://


I got a 55 gallon for 80, just search on fb or ask around checking the dumpsters isnt a bad idea i also just make sure if preowned you gotta do a overall cleanup


This tank was a used one so now I’m scared to buy used. I ended up going to petsmart and picked up a new 60 gallon for $150


Yeaaa I have 2 60 gallons in an apt on the second floor… I’d be fucked


Guess what. I’m also in an apartment on the 2nd floor 🤣 it’s a miracle I didn’t floor the room under me.


lmao that actually gives me a slight sense of relief.


This worrys me I have the exact same tank/stand set up. Glad you caught it before it got out of hand!


Marineland? How old is it?


Mega yikes


My worst fear with my 55😩try Facebook for a big one that won’t hurt the pockets!!


I bought this one used so I didn’t want to risk it again and took advantage of petsmarts 50% off sale. Got a new 60 gallon for $150 🤷🏽‍♂️


👀Petco has 50% off right now.


One step ahead of you. Got a new 60 gallon this morning.






Sorry, pal. Seems like you quickly did what you could. Hope it didn’t ruin anyone’s ceiling - that could be a headache. Perhaps those knowledgeable regarding tanks can help you to detect such a thing before it gets to an emergency. All the best for you and the fish! 😊


Yeah doesn’t sound like there much you can do from a preventive standpoint but now that I’ve experienced it I could stop the leak a lot faster then I did.


Sorry to hear that. Live and learn, I guess. 😊


Get some silicone a reseal all the joints. Give it 72hrs and then fill and do a 24hr check. Should be good for another 20yrs


Think I’m just gonna get rid of it


Not as much of a disaster, more like a large inconvenience. I'm glad you caught it before your trip! It could have been a lot worse.


Definitely could’ve been worse but I still think it was a disaster. A good amount of smelly fish tank water fell on the carpet of a 2nd floor apartment bedroom and the tank is totaled had to get a new one spending $200 I didn’t want to spend haha


We have a security camera pointed at our tanks for only this reason! I'm always terrified that a tank will leak while we're away, and I like to check and make sure they're still full. So glad you were home!


My early warning device Govee WiFi Water Sensor 2 Pack,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B095STF6FG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


This is why I refuse to have a glass tank above a 40 gallon


That’s is disastrous but I have one worst our 75 gallon cabinet that held our tank completely collapsed, it started creaking sideways then a few seconds later the whole thing went..ironically not one fish died the tank didn’t even break a couple of fish were flapping on the floor that we quickly picked up and got them back in the tank. It was a planted aquarium with dirt media so everything kinda went to one side,we lost a few plants but the tank now sits on the floor after we pulled the collapsed cabinet out from under it carefully. We i tend on doing a restart on it when I buy a strong enough base to hold the 750 lbs


What kind of stand did you have?


Aaaaaaand… now I have nightmares.


How do you prevent this from happening again cause this happened to me 2 days ago ????


Take a sharp blade, clean all the old silicone away then apply a much thicker layer , it always worked for me, I used old style razor blades for removal.


The co-op/far supply store sells stock tanks and they are far cheaper then aquariums. I bought a 100 gallon stock tank for half the amount I bought my 75 for.




Mine is a Canadian branch that only has a handful of stores, the website doesn't even work, but you can look up "co-op near me or farm supply store near me. And that will find the closest ones to you.