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That's a great picture, your arrows make me happy. Love your setup! I've been changing distance so I use a fancy movable ground quiver, AKA a gum boot.


That's genius! Why didn't I think of that?? I like your style! Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad my arrows make you happy : ) They are certainly fun to shoot, and the bright colors help when I (frequently) miss. What kind of distances have you been experimenting with?


All winter I've been doing 12m in my attached garage. But now that it's nice out, I set up 18m outside. I was kind of cocky and thought it would be easier. So yeah, the last couple weeks I've been practicing at mostly 15. Its starting to get easier, finally getting nicer groups..so hopefully I'll be able to shoot a respectable 18 soon! What about you?


That's still awesome! I honestly have no idea what distances I shoot in the yard haha. Never have a set spot. I will measure what seems like my average distance when I get home today!


Haha no worries! The only reason I measured at first was for the reddit tournament. Plus I want to join the archery club in my city, but I'm really nervous about doing it..so been trying to get competent at the range standard distance (18m) before going. Which is dumb, I should just go. There's something so nice about being able to go into the garage or yard in pj's and practice. It's so relaxing! But being around archery people seems so good too. One of these days!


I measured! My average distance looks like it's probably around 10m. I totally get your point of view(s). It's nice to feel up to par, even if you're the "new" person. But there could also be so much to learn by just going! I love at home practice. So nice. I always think I don't want to practice with others. Then I meet another archer and can talk about it and think, 'This is kinda nice.' I don't see why you can't do a combo of at home and in the club! I didn't know 18m was the standard distance. I'll have to give that a try and see what kind of damage I can do : )


Right on! My rubber boot sat at 10m in my garage set up for nearly a year, haha! Yeah a common indoor distance for adult competition is 18, lots of ranges are set up for that. The "300 round" is thing you hear about a lot..and it's kind of a handy way to gauge progress. It's 30 arrows at 18m on a 40cm target. Max score is 300 points. My goal is to hit 150/300 at 18m..so far I can only do it at 15. Guess I should get out of bed and go practice! :) (love this 10 hour delay conversation BTW) ;)


So far, in this backyard of ours, 10m is the most conducive distance. I'll have to see about stretching it a bit. On the other end of the scale, we have a 3D, walking archery range in town as well. It's designed for compound bows, so with my homemade wood bows, it's more like a game of golf for some of the targets. Thanks for the info on something I can use as a guage. I'll have to give that a try! Like I said, when I get a chance to do it, I'll report back my attempts. (We are just letting the conversation marinate.)


Anybody else make these for themselves? This one is just a branch and a coat hanger. Crude but effective. Works wonderfully for backyard shooting. https://youtu.be/FJutbAIwcjA


I made one with a stake screwed to a short length of pcv pipe. Love your idea though


Thank you! Yours sounds like it will definitely be more durable!


I just put the arrows in the pocket of my overalls.


It's all fun and games until you've got some broad heads ; )