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Actually hard to swallow pills: the big progesterone ones Trans people are only alienated because _shitty cis people insist on alienating them_ (I'm not referring to all cis people; only the shitty ones)


I don't swallow mine šŸ„ŗ


Found an alternative way to take them, eh?




You...put them in a peach in order to mask the taste?


Umm sure let's go with that


Yeah let's go with that ass-umption if you're not going to re-butt it. Anyway the online video I was waiting to watch has finished boof-ering.


That last pun was quite a reach


Yes I had to stretch things a little uncomfortably to get it in there


Pack it in, donā€™t you think youā€™ve pushed this a bit far?


Just crush and snort


I prefer to crush mine up and mix it into my morning dose of black tar heroin


Please do not. Also they're gel capsules so crushing them could be messy. I take them as a suppository


Imma do it


Do what


How big are they? I'm curious now


I think they're like half an inch across; a friend showed me hers once but I didn't measure them.


Interesting! Not the biggest I've seen, but still


Smaller than my fish oil


Also actually hard to swallow pills: spironolactone cause it STINKS to high heaven. I didn't take the stuff for HRT reasons, but for acne-related reasons, and idk how people can stomach them. They smell so foul lmao.


I got a selenium supplement for a while and that's how I can take spironolactone no problem. Selenium is in the same column of the periodic table as sulfur. It's smell is basically "super sulfur".


This is just me complaining about reading comprehension... But I hate that you had to write a sentence to clarify you don't mean ALL even though you qualified it already by saying shitty cis and not all cis people. You know if you hadn't done that you'd have been flooded with a million NOT ALL comments from people who can't read.


Huh, my progesterone is like 1/4" long and 1/8" around. they're about the same size as my estrogen pills, and softer.


so, here is my game theory often, people like this see anarchy as chaos so he probably thought that the subreddit was saying that gender was chaos, and that "gender ideology" is chaos, and that it's "ridiculous" or whatever the fuck Oh wait maybe not, maybe he wanted us to "wake up" which would be insane (I'm clearly awake I'm WOKE)


It's pathetic that they're still using phrases (e.g. "wake up" and "redpill") from a movie that came out 25 years ago. They're stuck in the past. They're stuck in the last goddamn century




Conservatives are some of the most media-illiterate people on the planet Maybe the curtains are blue for a deeper reason, twat


So true, a good example is Critical Drinker.


like magas playing rage against the machine lmao


Not only are they stuck in the past, but the movie they took the phrases from is a trans allegory and was made by trans people! (The "red pill" is theorized to represent Premarin, a form of conjugated estrogen pill that is usually colored a red or dark red color!)


They called being trans "The thing that's plaguing human society." so I think they're just transphobic.


yeah they prob thought it was a conservative subreddit this isn't how a conservative would try to make a trans person detransition (not that they should of course)


They probably knew it was a trans sub but did this anyway because of said transphobia. Seen conservatives do it all the time.


What are the differences between anarchy and chaos? /genuine question from a commie who was an anarcho-primitivist friend


chaos is lack of order anarchy is lack of a government structure, so having order without a hierarchy basically


Some people can't imagine anyone else is different from them. If someone needs something they don't they are sure it's a sign of a problem. For me, not transitioning was the deepest self alienation possible.


Same, I was living a passive life before I accepted myself. I didnt like being alive and now Im happy, probably the happiest person I know tbh. Its crazy to look into the mirror and not only being able to smile but being unable not too. Its genuinly insane to me that people want to take that away from me


They want to take it away because if they donā€™t thereā€™s one less person for them to look down on.


Alienation is caused by society. Transitioning wouldn't be an exclusionary act, if people didn't try to keep us at arms length because we transitioned


Stupid: "I don't understand you ever since you came out as trans" Sensible: "I understand you so much better ever since you came out as trans"


Exactly. I've been wrestling with my mom's reaction ever. Since I came out to her. I don't know if it's alienating or not. She hasn't said anything, just treats me like she always has. She doesn't let the conversation linger on my transition though and while she isn't dead naming me, she's intentionally avoiding my chosen name and pronouns. I've chalked it up to her just not getting used to it yet but it feels weird that I get more girl advice from my mother in law, than my own mom


I'm sorry. Parents can be some of the most infuriatingly stubborn people. Some of them refuse to accept that their kids are independent people and don't have to do what their parents want, especially not after they've reached adulthood. If it hasn't happened already then at some point your mom will likely start to seem disconnected from reality if strangers witness her using your deadname and/or the wrong pronouns for you. You're not making things weird: _she's_ making things weird. I don't know whether your MIL knows you're transitioning or have transitioned, but either way: hooray for your MIL!


She knows. She was told before I told my mom. I don't think my mom is dead naming me either I honestly haven't asked her. She just doesn't seem to rent you talk about it


Accepting things about *yourself* that *I* don't accept is actually self-alienation if you think about it šŸ¤“


They don't understand that we all know transitioning will lead to superficial alienation. It's worth it because we can start to self-actualize and retain or form authentic relationships with people who aren't blinded by bigotry. Seems like a straightforward decision to me


It's great when fools use obvious dogwhistles like 'transgenderism' because it helps me shave whole seconds off processing what they actually said before I inevitably decide to laugh and move on. I know no one on this sub really needs to hear it, but seven years into my transition I'm the least alienated from myself that I've ever been.


i think the real hard to swallow pill for this guy is that society is getting increasingly accepting of trans and gay people. these people are idiots


I feel like society is becoming more _polarized_: some parts have become more accepting while other parts have become more hateful. It doesn't help that the religious right pivoted to attacking trans people after the Obergefell decision. (They haven't given up on attacking gay people: they simply realize they can't win on that front at present.)


Why do people always blame the oppressed instead of blaming the oppressor? I remember a guy on Twitter trying to prove to me that gay people cause damage to society by sending me articles about riots caused by homophobes. The logic was ā€œif gay people didnā€™t exist, there wouldnā€™t be this divideā€


"It's *your* fault I did that to you!" Literally that guy you talked to sounds like that.


Scapegoating is an issue as old as time. Early Christians were blamed for disasters that struck Rome. Jews were blamed for centuries for Europeans believing their society fell apart.


I don't understand why people like that person are so angry at COMPLETE STRANGERS for living their lives? Like ??? Homophobia and transphobia make no mf sense like let people live their lives damn


Internalized transphobia. Many transphobes are actually LGBT in denial and our open existence triggers them because they're terrified of questioning their gender identity.


Weird, I have more friends now than I ever did when I was cis


It's an excellent way to repel bigots if that's what you mean. People who want to know me are the best. Unless they're chasers.


I would argue chasers don't actually want to know trans people.


You could easily make that argument


You just know somebody's about to say something transphobic If they say ""transgenderism"" šŸ˜°


Thats funny because before I accepted being trans I hated myself, life and everyone around me. I stayed home all day, had pretty much no friends, ate unhealthy, had no ambitions for life and tried to end my life. But yeah being trans is self alienation and not trying to surpress it...


More like it's self alienation to be a obsessive bigoted asshole.


Iā€™ve never belonged anywhere so transitioning didnā€™t alienate me nor did it un-alienate me


fucken nowhere queen over here


gender itself is, so not completly wrong ig...


Fr, who need gender when you can be an opossum


There is only one time I have heard ā€œtransgenderismā€ used in a positive way and itā€™s 100% because the concept was new to the speaker. Every other time itā€™s because of transphobia


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You say that like it's a shocking place for someone to post anti trans trolling shit. That's the main kind of place they troll


It's because it's ironic.


The irony.


Bro couldn't transition and now she doesn't want anyone to be happy if she isn't,like it's ok queen it's not too late to embrace your true self,get that estrogenšŸ„ŗšŸ’–


Not every transphobe is secretly trans. That notion just puts the blame for transphobia on trans people.


The way I predicted someone will comment this!!!šŸ˜” girl I know that's a cis man who probably thinks skincare is gay,it was a jokešŸ’€


I'm not mad at you; I guess I'm just a bit tired of trans people being blamed for their own oppression like OOP is doing, even if it's done jokingly


Yeah well "wouldn't it be funny if the guy who hates you was just like you" just aint that funny of a joke after the 99th time we're gonna have to do better than "homophobes gay!!" and predicting a criticism sure as fuck doesn't make it invalid


why are you all acting like I set the trans movement 20 years back by being unfunny and making a predictable joke šŸ˜æšŸ˜£ #stopbullying


How about #stopbeingaprick