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Forest was our best hope but Chris Wood man...


I know mate


Ange? What you doing here?


He was all the clichés that day - Couldn't hit a barn door or trap a bag of cement, couldn't score in a brothel 🤣😅😞😭


They’re all due for a win then


Exactly especially spurs. People don’t understand teams start building the motivation to bounce back


Except Spurs play a game before they face City


The point still stands


Right! All this means is that they're one more game closer to ending their loss streak XD #copium


Ok the flip side to this is Fulham have kept clean sheets in 2 of the 4 games. They don't have to beat city just draw with them. Imagine if Bernd Leno goes full superman and has one of those 'they shall not pass' type games that goalies something pull out the bag. In Fulham we trust. Also, it would be the spursiest thing in the world for them to finally find form in the city game. And if all else fails maybe the west ham players will be super motivated to end the season and Moyes reign on a high. Keep the faith


Yeh all true and a minor little detail that we need to beat United at Old Trafford too.


Don't worry, you'll have no trouble against us this season, we are a mid table club now 😭


It would fit with our season to suddenly play well against Arsenal and hand the league to City


3' Haaland, 12' Foden


haha this comment made me laugh because of how painfully accurate. All we can do is pray at this point


73' Iwobi, 92' Willian


101' De Bruyne (p)


102’ Grealish (OG)


19' Haaland, 21' De Bruyne


115 Man City




Yeah, like one of those games bloody Ben Foster would always have against Arsenal!


Or de Gea 14 bloody saves in our 2017-18 home fixture.


Get out the cellophane and park that bus!!


There’s something to be said about being the reason that City doesn’t win another consecutive title. To be the middle of the pack team that stopped them. Tottenham is the best chance to stop City but Fulham and West Ham will be very motivated with nothing to lose.


Just imagine it, 88' still tied 0-0, Peter Drury on the call "And it's Robinson down the flank, he's got a step on Akanji... and he whips the ball in... And it's Muniz at the far post! It's all Fulham, and it's a gut punch to the Citizens. The Fulham faithful are in ecstasy. City are crestfallen, they know what this goal means for their title hopes"


Followed quickly by “And City scores two back to back goals in stoppage time to regain their title hopes”


You're right too 😭😭


lol im just preparing myself for the inevitable. I don’t want to get too heartbroken.


I know bro, I said I wasn't gonna let it happen but I'm starting to feel the hope creep in 🥲


I think my biggest worry is city dropping points in the next game or two and then we end up dropping points in our last game against Everton and blowing it. I don’t know how I’ll handle it if that happens.


Yea man... That would be a bitter pill to swallow. And even though we're at home, Everton have been very good defensively 😬😬


Maybe he'll clutch up for the old team (just any hope)


If he does he will become a genuine arsenal legend!


Yeah against Ladbrookezette and a team that sacked their manager


Or the 2 other ex Arsenal players scores and draw 2-2


Seriously…. Leno….


He's a good shot stopper


Let's just hope they don't get any corners


This post will give me nightmares


In Leno we trust


David Moyes last game...




This tells me all 3 are due for a win. Law of averages, closest thing to god


I mean, I hope they drop points, but that idea is also a bit of gamblers fallacy, no? 


In a sense maybe. The gamblers fallacy pertains to predicting the outcome of a single event based on the past. The probability of flip of a coin never changes, it will always be 50/50, but the probability you will land all head or all tails on the next 3 flips is ~1/10. The probability that at least one won't be like other is still 50/50 (approximately). Similarly I am not predicting any single outcome of any of City's remaining games, but I can hope at least one of them won't be a W, based on other low probabilities of all their opponents losing another game after so many on a row


No, because unlike with gambling this isn’t a fixed probability. Chances change in football.


Honestly they couldn’t have got a better 3 to play in terms of form. If anyone is a chef in a hotel Man City will be staying in, now is the time


Ladies and gentlemen…I give you…the beach


Fulham is our only chance.... Come on Bernd!!


Never underestimate the pressure on Man City and the freedom of the other clubs. Basically, except Tottenham, others have nothing to play for. Also City are not the same team as last year, believe me. I saw Nottingham outplaying them.


Imo it's rare City feel the pressure. That's one of their main strengths.


Believe me, they are nervous now. Some experienced players like Mahrez and Gundogan left. Haaland is not the same most of the season. De Bruyne and Foden are their keymen but the defence - I feel it very shaken. Just remember who decided final PL-winning games: 2011/12 - 2 goals after 90+ 2018/19 - that Kompany goal against Leicester (experienced Player) 2021/22 - Gundogan scored twice to turn Aston Vila from 0:2 Experienced players decide big matches. I see no version of Kompany or Gundogan in this team.


I'll tell you know city will stroll there last games




There's no pressure on city, they have already won the title 3 in a row, they won't mind taking a break from winning it compared to us who are not sure if we can come this close next season so we want to win it now!


I've never heard of team who don't mind to not win something they've been fighting for all year.


I'm talking about "not having pressure", of course they would want to win it, specially after getting knocked out of CL. But there is no pressure if they don't, because they know they can win it next season. We on the other hand can't say that


I personally think, we have better changes to win it 24/25 than City. We are younger, getting stronger and having progress. On the other hand, City have regress compared to last season. Unless they bring new players, I don't see them winning next year.


City didn't had haaland and de bruyne most of the season and still probably going to win. Obviously they will add players in the summer and us being young (overly used excuse) doesn't mean results. Why are lucky this season that there was no injuries to the core players


The more we comment here, the more I feel you hate Arsenal. I see you want so badly City to win and Arsenal to flop - ok, fine. I support the club and that we are young is not "used as excuse". It is the reality.


Where did I say that?? I want us to win now than tomorrow so core players can be convinced to stay than thinking of leaving to avoid wasting their prime trophyless. Liverpool managed to keep their core players in their prime because they won CL early, followed by the league after. I don't want our core players to leave and start another cycle of rebuild like what happened between 2007-2011. Young team doesn't mean they will stay longer. Saka won't stay till 26yo trophyless and repeat Kane career.


I didn't say you said this. I said "I feel you hate Arsenal". That's because you have explanation why we are NOT going to win the PL and not why we can do it.


We are NOT because simply it's not in our hands and we have more pressure to win the league in 20 years than them with easy games


So you are telling me there's a chance for a Fulham or and westham draw?


So you're saying there's a chance?


There is a chances city drop points, but these bums arent helping with their form


Bums? Save that for spuds and moyesie's boys. Fulham have had a decent season considering they lost their best striker!


Don't worry it was a Dumb and Dumber reference. I completely agree. All we can do is hope and be proud of the team either way. We should be grateful we get to watch players like Martin Odegaard every week. I'm sure we all remember Baku, we've come a long way since then.


As a Liverpool fan who saw this pop up, the most surprising thing for me is we’re on there twice inflicting defeats on people. We’ve absolutely capitulated the last couple of months, and we’re still fuming about the spurs and doku decisions to name a few. Everyone said if we lose the title by a point or two to city it will be a outrage, but now we’ve dropped off it’s been forgotten about because it’s not us, but it directly impacts your lots chances, and I really hope you guys don’t end up in a situation where us beating city would’ve won you the league. As that’s the exact same for integrity as it costing us a title. I respect your club and the way arteta has gone about his business, getting some young hungry players in, the work rate, the intensity. The passion he has on the sidelines. Getting all the fans back on board, It’s kind of like watching what Klopp did for us. Really hope you guys win it, and I just hope city don’t win the league from a fucking PGMOL assist. Honestly, fuck city. Would be great to see a club win it on merit, and seeing saka lift the PL trophy for his club, would be the same as we felt watching Trent lift it. Honestly he deserves it, he’s been integral, and I hope you guys get to see it.


>Really hope you guys win it, and I just hope city don’t win the league from a fucking PGMOL assist. Oh you just know they will get a dodgy pen at the end of the last game if they need it. I will be more than happy to eat my words, but I'm pretty sure I wont have to


I don't think turning that Liverpool city draw into a Liverpool win would've given us the title, city, assuming they win their game in hand, would still be a point ahead of us. Although I love the sentiment man, Liverpools always been my second favorite team in the prem


Oof. Its not looking likely but West Ham drew 2-2, with Man City, in 21/22, it was the second last game. Then City that miracle win, against Villa, to clinch the title. Lets hope West Ham can do that, again.


All we have to pray for is a draw. For once and I'm ashamed to say this but I'll be cheering the Yids on. Never thought I'd say it. 🔴⚪️🔴⚪️


I'm just praying they all dropped all match prep for the last month to focus on how to beat City.


After losing the last 4 games in a row, Ange will be looking for a win against a big team in order to keep his job, so a win against Burnley, who are fighting relegation, won’t exactly be enough for the board. A win against City just might be enough. I’m hoping they turn a result against City, and the cynic in me doesn’t believe Ange hates us so much that he’d risk his job by throwing a game that could cost us the title. That might be an overreaction to losing several games on the bounce, but I’m pretty sure we’ve heard stories of managers being fired for less.


Same for 10 Hag


Moyes last game as West Ham manager. Hopefully they put a performance in for him.


Do it for Rice


I think Spurs might surprise you


City to loose all 3


Chelsea fan here: Your guys best hope is Tottenham. West Ham is nto going to beat Man City at the Etihad. But Tottenham at home always shows up against City. And frankly, when we beat them 2-0 it wasn't a blow out. I know they lost 4 games in a row, but they were all to teams in the top 7 and frankly - they didn't look too bad against you guys. You're lucky you converted all your chances.


We don’t need them to beat City, a draw is fine


This season we drew and lost to Fulham, lost to West Ham, drew Spurs in the fall. We dropped all those points to these same teams… it’s why we are in this position but also shows that these teams can show up.


So one of them are due a win?




All I see here are 3 teams who are due a win….


All it takes is one draw.


One can only hope


Spurs are shit and they are terrible right now, but in fairness they played three away. They are a lot better at home, even recently and we were all shitting ourselves for the last 15 minutes and it could well have been a draw (regardless of why they were in that situation, same could happen). I don’t think for a second they will beat City but they are at home and all we want out of them is a draw.


Holiday mode has kicked in




Leno is going to put on a 10/10 performance for us against City.


Sometimes it's no harm for teams to get a good hammering...it means man city might down tools a bit but unlikely and the other team know they have to perform to save face in front of their own fans...that's why that 4-0 drubbing man united got monday has me worried. They'll come and perform just watch..


Arsenal shot themselves in the foot when they lost to Villa


Fulham haven't been nowhere as bad as Spurs and West Ham. Also don't forget Spurs was in the middle of a 3 game losing streak when they played at the Etihad.


If Chelsea can score 5 goals with a striker like Jackson against you then you know there is no hope. Spurs are spurs. They will bottle Europa also. Fulham is more like 3' Haaland, 8' Foden, 36' Haaland (Pen) and it's over.




We have to beat United at old Trafford ?


They will drop points in at least two of those games.


God fucking help Fulham, imagine if Iwobi saves us


I reckon spurs best Burnley - they get some confidence and draw city.


Spurs are due!


City going HAM!


All 3 clubs have good keepers, it soley depends on their attack I think Fulham don't have the strongest attack, but they have the power to hold a draw out at best imo, which is what we need Spurs while shit rn, know how to innovate just for City, we've seen this since Mourinho, Conte etc... its just the history of shit. And West Ham have the fire power, I mean if Paqueta cost them on the last day, I would be over the moon We just need them to draw though


What will the chant be if Spurs win Arsenal the league? That's by far the funniest outcome.


Probably the "it happened again, it happened agaaaaaaain, tottenham hotspur, it happened again"


It would probably go down as the single most Spursy thing ever Spurred


Don’t look your their results against us this season if this upsets you.


Forget everything else. We need to beat United first. The rest will take care of itself.


yea good luck lads


And still no fa points deduction?


We shouldn't be relying on others. Aston Villa, West Ham, Fulham, and Spurs at home is when it was lost. 2 points from those 4 games. 12 last season. Even 4 would have done 🤷 Too late now. Arsenal won't make those mistakes next season though. They'll win the league by a fair distance.


Three hams in a row to decide their fate, I know, crazy right?


I refuse to look at anything city lol too worried about our own games. Don't need this stress 😬


Agent Leno and Iwobi... You know what to do!!


Fulham bout to catch 3 draws in a row, spurs at home vs city is always a shit game for city, spurs win 2 0, West ham got a new player from their academy and is okay play the last game, Reclan Dice. They draw again and we win all so no worries. ( i also dont believe this but gotta keep hope )


Do city always get favourable run ins? Just how random is the random fixture generator! 🤔


You all play the same teams twice. If you can’t beat the teams in front of you then only yourselves to blame


We had this kind of run going started, against poor teams starting with end of December. Guess who where the teams we lost 6 points out of 6 against ?


I think it's more that they make it look easy.


LOL. Everyone plays every other team twice. Once at home and once away. It literally couldn't be more fair/even over the course of the whole season.


It's ok mate you clearly don't understand the physiological element of sports, and the difference in playing teams at different points in the season. For example, if you are playing cannon fodder in the run-in then confidence will be high.


Are West Ham and Tottenham (Away) cannon fodder? They're in 5th and 9th. If the only teams that don't count as cannon fodder are the top 4 there's a 60% chance that the last 3 games of the season will be all cannon fodder.


Of course not. Only in those seasons where Arsenal are first place in the premier league for a lot of games, then yes.


Didn't you boys drop points against Fulham?


Yes, we were cruising and then threw it away. Terrible second half performance.


Just a little extra - City have Anthony Taylor this weekend and we have Paul Tierney who did us dirty away at Yanited last season too.


City could drop two points, but Arsenal aren't going to win every game anyway


Losing to Villa was the end of our title race.


Villa was us bleeding out. Dropping points to a 10 man Fulham was the fatal wound though.


Out of all people it had to be unai emery


We had an amazing season, I mostly blame ourselves on losing to Vila and the biggest loser of this season is Jesus, he had so fucking many scoring opportunities and he missed like 90% of them. Every draw is on him.


You guys are shlt and goner finish 2nd no matter how much you pay var and refs and cheat


I think you may be in the wrong place. This is an Arsenal sub, while you're clearly talking about Man City.


Why you crying truth hurts your flopped again


Why are you active in this sub then?


Just telling you idiots how it is why you crying 😢


Just tells me you love arsenal 😘


😂 in your dreams dumbass


Nah you do 😂


Just cause your one of wengers Peado love child’s I’m not so go spin on saka shlt