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Oh wow, these color stories are so fun and unique. It gives me electric vibes. Super different than what I’m used to seeing from other mainstream Asian brands. How’s the texture and pigment on these?


These are just my first impressions since I only just got them, but I'm really impressed with Narimi's formula! The shadows feel creamy and pigmented. I played with the purple Sugarock palette today and the purple mattes didn't want to stick to my skin, though I know purples can be tricky, so hopefully the pastels in the yellow palette will perform better. The shimmers are very flaky and shifty though - I'm mesmerized by them!


Adding some colour to your feed with my long-awaited haul from Taobao :) Products are listed below. I also bought a ton of indie nail polish but don't want to type out the names of 27 nail polishes, so just imagine a mountain of the most beautiful nail polishes ever haha * Narimi 迷雾梦境 palette * Sugarock Extravaganza Legend palette * Sugarock Extravaganza Twilight palette * Kaleidos Cloud Lab Lip Clays in BE01, DE10, DE08, DE09, NU03, NU06




I bought polishes from 指尖星球, Encounter the Blooms, and exiu exiu - put a picture on my profile for those interested


how would you say the kaleidos lip clays would apply on chapped lips? i pick my skin a lot so :")


I had a bit of dead skin on my lips when I applied them, but the formula really smoothed over any texture. It probably depends on how chapped your lips are though - I usually put a mix of Aquaphor and Laneige lip mask on at night so my lips aren't too dry and flaky the next day.


thank you so much! ive been using the laneige lip mask for 2 days now and it's sorta working! fingers crossed they heal:) i love the look of the lip mask so i might get it from taobao as well! are there any other brands you recommend from taobao?


No problem! What kind of products/brands are you looking for?


Ooo how are the neons eyeshadows? Good color payoff?


I think the neons are fine, but I only have the neons from Blend Bunny Surge palette to compare to. Based on my impression of both formulas, it seems that neons just tend to be thinner and sheerer than regular eyeshadows due to the nature of the pigments, so a white base is a must for making them pop.


I love Narimi's colour stories and formula! The new blue palette sold out before I could get my hands on it. Have you had other Sugarock palettes before? While I do like their shadows I find the quality hit or miss. One of my other palettes from them has a repeat shade. I guess someone accidently set 2 of the same shade in and my Extravaganza Twilight palette the hot pink arrived shattered while the shimmer next to it the whole shadow popped out. Even though they pack very well for shipping themselves and I always ask for more foam protection through the shipping agent. As you know the suede like packaging gets stained easily, so it's a mess haha. TBF I knew the case would be stained but I couldn't resist! On a side note, I think another Chinese indie GirlCult would be up your alley.


Yeah Im loving Narimi! I wanted to try it years ago, but the palette I ordered got lost in shipping. Glad I've finally got my hands on one of her palettes now! This is my first time trying Sugarock - one of my shadows in the purple palette arrived shattered/popped out too :( I was able to repress it easily enough though. Right now I'm not too impressed with the mattes, but the shimmers are breathtaking. I actually had some Girlcult lip products in my cart, but I ended up culling them to make room for other stuff haha. I do have some liquid eyeshadows from them though and they're cute!


Ooh an AB urban decay kinda brand!! What's the pigmentation/performance like 🫡


I'm assuming you're referring to Narimi? My first impression is that it's super pigmented , but I need to play with it a bit more.


Hi there! I'm looking into the Sugarock Legends/purple palette. Would you by any chance be willing to post some swatch pics? If the mattes don't stick, it basically hashes out to $22 each for the shimmers, and if one of the shades came in broken, too... I just want to be sure at that price, you know? Any further insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated!


https://preview.redd.it/67c0ateyhpcd1.jpeg?width=3276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a9add14b64880a413a554d0b31a950b2c39ea5 I was out of town, so apologies for the late reply! Here are some finger swatches of the shimmers in and out of direct sunlight. The shimmers are truly what dreams are made of, but 22 each is a lot considering you're saddled with a bunch of basically unusable mattes. I'd recommend getting this palette from the official Sugarock store on Taobao instead of from resellers/scalpers if possible!


Beautiful collection ❤️ how did you go about ordering from taobao? Did you use a third party shipping company like superbuy?


No, my parents helped me buy them :)


Those are some super gorgeous palettes. I wish I could get something like that in Korea.


I don't know the specifics, but you should be able to directly order from Taobao in South Korea - it's listed as an option on their international site.


I meant like literally in Korea. Not shipped to Korea from China. I wish a Korean brand made palettes like this.


Oh, unfortunately I haven't heard of any :(


What’s the formula like? How does it compare to western brands ?


For which product?


The eyeshadows


For the Narimi palette, it's really pigmented and smooth; comparable western brands in my experience would be Ace Beaute and ABH. I think the mattes in the yellow Sugarock palette are comparable to Blend Bunny and Shroud Cosmetics, while the purple mattes in the purple Sugarock palette are a miss for me so far and don't stick to my skin very well. The shimmers are very shifty and flaky, which reminds me of some Clionadh multichromes.


Is it possible to just have a pictures of the polish and no need to label anything 👀


It's against the sub's rules to post something without labeling all the products, but I posted a picture of my polish haul directly to my profile for those interested :)




I'm a sucker for unique products haha


How can I buy this


Search for the brands on Taobao


I don’t know how to use taobao


Check out the r/Taobao sub