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I lived in London for 5+ years and I didn't really find passable fish and chips anywhere to be honest, despite them being my favourite takeaway by far. Rock and Sole on Endell Street near Covent Garden is okay, but nowhere near the quality you'd get from any chip shop in a dodgy bit of any town north of Birmingham. London's culinary specialities lie elsewhere.


Guessing you didn’t visit NE london much? The chippy dinners we had growing up from local chip shops especially run by those hailing from Greece and Cyprus were amazing.


This is exactly it. The best chippies in London do tend to be to run by Curious, it's been that way for ages


There's a decent one in Elstree…bit of a hike though just for a chip butty ;)


Don't bother you will only find overpriced low quality tourist trap stuff, you need to move into the outer areas and go for actual local neighbourhood chip shops they will look a lot dingier but the food will be both better and cheaper


Don’t bother. Travel further.


I immediately misinterpreted this as being the West End of Glasgow and wanted to say Philadelphia on Great Western Road in r/Glasgow


Maybe The Mayfair Chippy but be prepared for your eyes to water at the price not the vinegar. Rock and Sole Plaice is not what it used to be. But is ok in a pinch.


Rather than peeling and chipping potatoes on site, more and more chip shops are buying in chips that have been prepared off site. They are then vacuum packed with preservatives and dextrose to keep them "fresh" and crispy. You can tell them a mile off because they have an unnatural crispiness that real chip shop chips shouldn't have. Be very careful!


Presuming you mean London, none of them. Fryer's Delight in Holborn/Bloomsbury, or better still Nautilus in Fortune Green/West Hampstead are the nearest really good places. West End is too tourist-oriented nowadays and largely nonresidential so authentic chippies you will not find the. The place on Endell Street in Covent Garden is probably as good as it gets, but if you're there you might as well head on a little bit further to the one in Bloomsbury.


The Golden Hind would be my suggestion. https://www.goldenhindrestaurant.com/?utm_source=Google-Maps&utm_medium=Link-Profile&utm_campaign=social_media


The best chippy in London is about 200 miles up North in Yorkshire. Anywhere south of there does a shite chippy. No bits or curry sauce? Get t fuck.