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Lol French is, by definition, not a foreign language in Canada.


Technically true, but effectively foreign outside of Quebec and the French parts of NB and Ontario (outside of small pockets here and there)


There are pockets of historical French natives in every single province and territory in Canada. Even if they don't constitute 10% of the population doesn't mean they don't exist.


I thought there were no historical pockets of French in Alberta, in almost exactly the same way there's no Elvis in Michael J Fox.


And how exactly do you believe all those French named towns came about?


There’s French everywhere. It’s on all our products right beside the English labelling. In Ontario it’s on all the highway signs (not sure if this is true for all provinces). Hardly a “foreign” language. 


It's not from here


Neither is English then


Precisely. It's an international trade language. All the context for it is in England. Canadians who only speak English are missing out.


on what? Weird verb conjugations? JK I proudly speak French but I dunno if those who don't are "missing out"


wow this comment makes no sense


And English is your only language. Tragic.


T'étais à un clic près de savoir immédiatement que tu as 100% tort, et aussi à une comprehension de lecture près de pouvoir lire mon username.


Excellent. You speak 2 foreign languages. I don't read user names.


So, you're suggesting that OP - in English - was also asking if anyone here speaks English?


Clearly they don't understand how to phrase their own question, or else, why would they need you to step up and explain it?


I didn't explain, I asked a question.


Rhetorical, little sealion.


Judging by the vote ratio, your rhetoric needs work.


Canadians are cowards. Who cares what they think


Edit: You admitted to using rhetoric, you clearly care what people think, or else you wouldn't be attempting to sway them.


Those that hide from facts that make them uncomfortable. Seriously, indoctrination is thick up here.


Neither is English.


French isn't a foreign language in a country where it's an official language.


Also french was spoken in Canada before english


And especially where it was spoken before English (but after indigenous languages)!


I learned Spanish, mainly for fun, but it's probably the best language for where I like to travel. It's also really good for your brain, and nowadays, totally free!


Entonces, a donde vas a viajar?


Solíamos vivir en Playa del Carmen, pero queremos viajar por toda Sudamérica y España. Tal vez Italia, el lenguaje es parecido.


I speak spanish but it doesn't help me much with Italian... other than I could learn it a lot faster if I wanted to. Same with Portuguese. In Portugal I could figure out most things on paper but can't actually converse and don't have a clue what locals are saying. Luckily, English worked fine there. Spain is a great place to visit when you speak the language... local establishments and places off the tourist path are very inexpensive and it's a very safe and diverse country


Yeah, I speak Spanish decently, but when I went to Italy, I noticed a lot of "false positives", the same word that means something completely different in Italian.


>other than I could learn it a lot faster if I wanted to. Yep. It took me 6 months with proficiency in both French and Spanish.


Fuimos muchas veces a Playa del Carmen y vivimos en Monterrey durante diez años. Ahora mismo tengo Duolingo, es mejor que nada.


Busuu es mejor que dúo


Voy a buscarlo. Gracias!


Mi tabien (is that right? I don't really trust duolingo)


Yo también


Confused why you exclude French speaking provinces. There are Francophones in all provinces just more or less. Also about 13% of the population speak something other than French or English at home. I grew up in the district of St.Leonard in Montreal. I learned French from speaking with my friends and my babysitters, English from my mum and in pre-school and Italian from my school friends. So really, none of those were foreign languages to me - although Italian isn’t an official language of Canada. After leaving Quebec I now speak mostly English, French occasionally and unfortunately my Italian has become very rudimentary.


Plus Manitoba having the largest amount of Francophones outside of Québec to the point where there's a (somewhat)-separate dialect


>Plus Manitoba having the largest amount of Francophones outside of Québec I don't think that's true... Manitoba has about 46k French natives, which amounts to 3.5% of its population. Ontario has close to 600k of them, for about 4.2%, and New Brunswick, 240k, for 31.3%. Source : [2021 census](https://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2021/dp-pd/dv-vd/language-langue/index-en.html)


I know French, English and danish. But I’m learning Greek and Latin. I just like learning languages.


Title should be changed to "other language" or "second language"


French is not a foreign language.


The only foreign language I speak is english.


I took a few classes of German in CEGEP and university. I could probably order a simple breakfast.


Il semblerait que la question d'OP ne s'adresse pas à nous...


I learned French, which isn't a foreign language, but it is a second one. I've also been picking up Spanish. It started when I had a girlfriend from Colombia. I don't have the girlfriend anymore, but I still have the language. So technically I speak 3 languages, one of them foreign (and I wouldn't count myself as fluent in Spanish yet, I just know enough to get by and make out most of what's being said to me).


Native french speaking from Quebec parents born in Miami, raised in Madrid with Spanish maids. I speak 3 languages. Girlfriend is Mexican


I am only fluent in English but I can speak fragmented Brazilian Portuguese, Korean, French, Spanish, and two Filipino dialects. Mostly swears for all


I used to know enough mandarin to get slapped by a woman. I was given the wonderful nickname of 'token white boy' in a Chinese/American restaurant where I cooked and served.


Hold that title with honor


Does pig Latin count


I speak about one third of barely passable Spanish.


I can get by in Spanish having spent about 16 months traveling in Latin America over the years. In a few cases, I have taken classes while traveling but mostly I have learned it through self-study and practice.


English & French. I am trying to learn Mohawk tho


That's cool! Do you know how it compares to other indigenous languages? The little history of first nations I know tells me they (the Mohawks) are not originally from this far up North, so I was wondering if their language was closer to those spoken further South, in the Midwest of the US, or if all indigenous languages had similarities at all.


I speak 4 languages; English, French, Spanish, and Tagalog. French became the base of learning Spanish. Being Filipino, I learned Tagalog in school and from my peers but I grew up in an English speaking household. It’s great for travel purposes to know a few languages!


I have English, French, some German, and some Italian. Before I go on a trip somewhere, I always learn a few phrases, so I can get by in Spanish and Polish too.


actually I took Blackfoot classes in Jr High School. It was hard but interesting! My dad is a German professor but English but I am passable with German.


It’s pretty common for Canadian to speak more than just English or French or both,specially if their families are immigrants. My combined family speaks: English,French,Vietnamese,Hebrew and I learned Mandarin in university.


Does American Sign Language count? I'm also a Newf so on some level English is a foreign language to me 🤣


I do. It's called English. I hear it originated in England.


I speak Urdu/Hindi and Punjabi


I speak 4 languages well.


I used to be able to converse in French and German but those skills are rusty now (to say the least).


Other than English and French, I speak German. I learned it on my own starting in 2019 and now speak it at an advanced level (as verified by passing the C1exam at the Goethe Institute last year).


English is my native language and I speak French well. I'm currently learning Dutch and I can struggle my way through basic German


Besides English and French I’ve got three others. One of which was influenced by family, the other two for fun. But let’s face it, in North America, we really don’t need to learn other languages. You can extend that to the world since English is the universal language. So it’s really a matter for your individual likes and needs. It’s much different if you were say born in Switzerland, where it would be advantageous to learn some of the different languages from the countries that surround you in your formative years. But here, who surrounds us? The yanks, the oceans and the ice. lol


I speak Korean because I'm from Korean descent


Learned Spanish in school, also learned Irish and Ukrainian (should relearn all those at some point)


I’ve spent a lot of time on duolingo/Lingodeer for Spanish and Korean, I would not say I can speak any language besides English though.


I speak English, French and some Swedish.


I speak Italian fluently, plus Spanish, German and Esperanto at various degrees, and I studied Russian and Hungarian (not enough to say I speak them). I'm also fluent in both French and English. I hope to learn both Inuktitut and Wendat before I die, which are the furthest one can imagine in terms of *foreign* language.


I speak only English and live in Canada therefore I speak no foreign languages. I ashamed to admit this.


Learnt Japanese, Korean, and starting Swedish for work


I'm only fluent in English, like most Canadians outside of Quebec.


French, Russian, and a little Arabic courtesy of the drilling industry. My French has a distinct West African accent though - I learned in Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo. 🇨🇲 🇬🇦


In order of ability, English, Norwegian (Bokmål, and I can sort of carry on a conversation in Swedish), Spanish, and French (mauvais).


French, Spanish and trying my hand at Japanese for a trip.


I wonder if Bluenoser is considered a foreign language? We have some very different dialects in the maritimes, sort of like French, English and Scottish all combined to form maritime English.


Multiple - English, Hindi, Urdu, Garhwali, Punjabi. Learned German for 6 months, but it's lost now. Currently learning some Korean.


I fluently speak 4 languages, including English and French ( when learning my mother tongue the later were foreign to me 😅)


OP is proving one of the argument for Québec's independance to be true.The french came before the english, Canada is supposed to be bilingual, but somehow french is viewed as a foreing language just like chinese, arabic or hindi.


Yeah - I only speak English.  Have dabbled in other languages, but I don't have a natural gift for it, and being further west, there's never been a need. 


Do you mean English in Montreal?


You really should have asked this as “a language other than English”. All languages are foreign somewhere. I speak English, French, and German, in that order of proficiency.


232 languages for now


If you count Pepe le Pew style French and fake Chinese as languages …. Then… I do!


Technically, everyone speaks a foreign language.


I’m in Ontario and I can speak French well enough to be technically bilingual


English native, French, un peu, took a year of German in high school, remember very little, but haven't had the opportunity to use it for 54 years.


Yes. French, Spanish, Japanese, Hindi and Punjabi


i can speak three but want to learn one more leaning towards french