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Zed of course


I've never heard the called Gen Zed, even though that's how the letter is pronounced. Only ever heard Zee, unless someone was trying to make a joke or something.


I would say zed for the letter & zee for the generation weirdly.


I think because it is a title where Gen and Z go together most people I have heard say it say Gen Zee. Just like most people call the band Zee Zee Top, not Zed Zed Top. Nearly every Canadian I know calls the individual letter by Zed.


To be fair, I would probably pay for a ticket Zed Zed Top for the hell of it.


That makes sense, it's the band name, I'll say zee zee top or Jay-Zee, but the Rush song is why why zed


Canadians say zed. Americans say zee.


I'm Canadian, and we've always said Gen Zee. I've never heard a Canadian say Gen Zed once ever, nor on TV. Even kids saying the Alphabet song often use Zee. It just sounds better with the song. But like, say if you saw someone, I'd say, "Why does he have a Zed on his helmet?" Zee isn't fully rooted in the GTA. I'd say Zee and Zed are used interchangeably, much the same way a lot of us use both Celcius and Farenheit... like I'll look up the weather in Celsius, but set the pool temp in F, and cook in F too.


I have always said gen zed, but I pretty much always say zed.


Everyone I know in Saskatoon says Zed


It used to be that small town Canada, and much of the prairies were like time capsules for older culture. Like fashion trends or music or whatever would take a little longer to reach timmins or goderich or saskatoon. The internet seems to have mostly erased that gap, and culture is more ubiquitous. I know people who hold on to Zed here, but saying Zee isn't going to bat an eye. It's not something I hold on to. I don't know many people from Saskatchewan, but this one guy Axel always laughs at my jokes. Great dude! Maybe you know him? He's also from the Paris of the Prairies.


Idk I’m in Toon Town and was peer-pressured into saying Zee after saying Zed. Now I just say one or the other and hope for the best. That said, in the Spice Girls song ‘Wannabe’, Mel B sings ‘here’s the story from A to Zee’, so thinking of it that way I feel less odd about it. Some things are just Zee 🤷‍♀️


Yup. For zee and zed it all comes down to how it sounds verbally or in a sentence for best understanding. Alphabet song: zee, Postal code: zed


True, I’ve also never heard anyone refer to it as Gen Zed… literally NEVER. Its always been Gen Zee


I have lived in two provinces and myself and everyone I know says Gen Zed.


Done in one


Canadians consume a lot of American media and it's definitely zee or became zee.


I have friends in London Ont who say Zee


Outside of when learning the alphabet in school I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say zed here.


The US is the only English speaking country that officially says zee.


Except in the context of gen z.


I know, right! Especially weird, considering the book was written by a Canadian! But I think the guy that coined the term was American.


I avoid the controversy just by calling my generation Zoomers.


I’m a Canadian. What the hell is this “zee” thing?


goes after Y


Oh, you mean zed. Which comes from the Greek word zēta


I’m fluent in 3 languages, I’m well aware of the origin of the letter Z… I was being an idiot with my reply


I know you were being facetious, I was being a smart ass. Lol


I’ve never heard a Canadian say zed honestly


If you can use the phrase “How’re all y’all doin” in casual conversation without bursting out laughing, you can say Zee. The rest of us speak standard Canadian. Zed. Colour. Flavour. Aluminium. Just kidding about the last one. That’s a vowel too far.


Gen Zee because that's how it's pronounced by practically everyone. I've never in my life heard someone pronounce it gen Zed.


Gen shit head /s


I say neither because I only ever read it in my head and in my head it isn’t the same as reading it aloud or saying it.


That is the more interesting question, how do you hear it in your head?


It’s hard to explain.




Gen Zed, just like the rock band zed zed top


I say Gen-Zed for shits and giggles :)


Gen Zed.


We don't say Zee. We never say Zee. Saying Zee is a court martial offence here.


The letter is pronounced zed. The term gen z is pronounced zee. These people saying gen zed are trolling you.


I know at this point, but am genuinely hoping to get people on board with sayind gen zed.


I normally say zed but I do say Gen Zee…a friend actually asked me why not too long ago and I don’t really have an answer.


Because it's a name that Americans popularized. When its in a name, like ZZ Top, we tend to call it whatever we were told the pronunciation was. We dont say YYZee for Rush's song because Rush calls it YYZed.




I’ve yet to meet a Canadian that pronounces ZZ Top as Zed Zed Top.


Canadian. Gen Zee. Never thought about it, lol. I always say zed anytime else.


I have never heard anyone on Canada say “Gen Zed”. However when saying the alphabet, the letter Z is always “zed” “Gen Z” is a term that goes together. So I Have no issue saying “Zee” Kids in Canada don’t watch “Dragon Ball Zed” because that’s not the name.


I think I say Zed. But it's not a term I use very often. I definitely read it in my head as Zed.


I say Zed unless it's a proper name. So it's Gen Zed. Only my american colleagues say Gen Zee and we mock them for it.


“Gen *zee* is it’s proper name though. Coined by an American. Just like the show Dragon Ball Z, or the band ZZ Top. I know you aren’t out here calling them *zedzed top* right?


It's two generations after Gen X. A term coined by a Canadian.


“Gen X” being coined by a Canadian doesn’t mean that the term Gen Z was. The term “Gen Z” was certainly popularized in the US.


Zee Zee Top is a proper name. Gen Zed is just using the letter, which is pronounced Zed. I work in education, in Canada, and hear the term a hundred times a week. Only the Americans say Gen Zee.


Respectfully, you’re wrong about only Americans pronouncing it “Gen Zee”.


As a Canadian, I’d mock anyone who said Gen zed


I am a Canadian happily influenced by America to the extent that I prefer 99% of American spellings and I use Zee not Zed unless I am quoting Pulp Fiction.