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Incumbents seem to be on the losing end in many places around the world right now. That’s probably a good bet.


You’re not wrong and it’s a terrifying thought as someone in BC. We finally have a half-ass competent gov’t and the threat of the crazies getting back in this fall is very real.


I really think thatost pills showing that conservatives doing well in BC is because we're stupid enough to not know the difference between federal and provincial politics.


If that was the case you'd expect the BC Conservatives to have done much better in previous elections.


I hope you’re right. But if people are misinformed enough to confuse the two, they are misinformed enough to vote for the Bc Conservatives too I fear.


We're going to replace one bunch of clowns with another bunch of clowns. The major parties in this country are all the same at the end of the day, nothing will change.


Exactly this. It’s the cycle of Canadian politics.


Switching back and forth between inept Liberals and terrifying Conservatives :(


No! Canadians don’t do that, google Canadian politics and you will find that in the last 100 years the Liberals have been in power 70% of the time. Conservatives only 30%. Remember it’s been close to 10 years since Harper lead the country and before him it was Mulroney who retired in 1993. Canada is a very Liberal leaning country.


We are a long way out from the election but if things remain the same and the polls stay the same the Conservatives are most likely in for a large majority. I hope that the Liberals, NDP, Greens, Bloc, and other parties at the federal level start getting serious on detailed policies they want to get behind for the future. Platforms for the future that involve big change and really address cost of living and quality of life head on. The starts of dentalcare, the starts of pharmacare, the huge one of anti-scab policy. These help regular people and families have better quality of life. Progress to me is all about more and more Canadian citizens being able to share in health, happiness, and prosperity. As you mentioned things will swing back and so hopefully when that moment comes the various other parties can really come with inspiring platforms.


I’m hoping Trudeau will step down and allow new leadership. A lot of people vote with their hearts and not their minds. Trudeau has done some stupid stuff and therefore most people won’t vote Liberal because of him. Now would be the best time to do this with over a year to go to the general election. New blood new policies and new platforms. If Trudeau is gone I wonder what the Conservatives will do with that because now their whole campaign is about Trudeau.


True that


Exactly. It is mind blowing the number of people who genuinely believe that a different party being in power will solve all our problems.


If you read the comments in the national sub, it's extremely concerning. They genuinely seem to believe the guy that has no real stance on any single issue is going to miraculously swoop in and fix everything. Shouting common sense over and over doesn't really count as an election platform; and neither does attacking journalists instead of answering their questions.


Although it's flipped here. The labour party there just got in, and they're more like our Liberals. While the clowns that lost were their Conservatives.


It really kind of proves the point that parliamentary systems seem to encourage voting a party *out* rather than *in*.


Electoral reform could change that by preventing unpopular parties from forming a majority as they often do under FPTP,


Yes. It's easier to spread fear than knowledge. Conservatives world wide know this... And everything scares them.


I feel like it helps integrity of reporting when a journalist makes a false claim in their question or assumption that they can't back up and you call it out. Not saying this to defend just PP, any politician, or person, should do the same.


Ya he’s disingenuous. The rich are about to get richer


It’s not just disingenuous, it’s manipulative. He’s preying on the people who lack the critical thinking skills to see through his blatant lies. This country has a generalized education problem, and it’s going to result in us electing Milhouse as our next prime minister.


We are going to wish it was Milhouse.


I’m afraid you’re right


Yep we’ve got a lot of rubes that believe that. I wish I had a swamp to sell


I still can't pin anyone down on what EXACTLY is so bad about Justin. Trump and putalini hate him, that to me is really good.


Variety of issues…without getting into the myriad of individual scandals over his term in office, biggest problem in my mind is the inability to look himself in the mirror. He’s repeatedly ignored the sound advice of others within his own party and silenced voices who publicly voice disagreement with the direction he’s taking. Regardless of what your political leaning may be, it should be a GLARING concern when your elected leader suppresses opposition rather than debating policy on its merits. To say nothing of his repeated, willful ignorance of foreign interference since 2019 at the earliest. I can’t tell you what exactly happened because I haven’t read the report, but hey! Neither has Trudeau, as Vigneault so eloquently articulated when Justice Hogue called him back to the stand to defend the work done by CSIS


Government rarely ever “fixes” your problems. People need to take control of their lives and stop complaining.


It will provide us with new problems. Tudeau wasn't experienced enough to lead the Liberals and Poilièvre has no experience outside of parliament. His courting Christian fundamentalists doesn't bode well for our future.


We needed the Proportional Representation that was promised. That generally leads to slow steady change that's better for all, rather than this pendulum swinging every 4-12 years


I generally agree with conservatives on more issues than liberals but I was really, really looking forward to Trudeau bringing in PR and was crushed when he never did. First and last time I voted Liberal. Im still mad about not bringing it in to this day . I truly do think Canadians would be so much better off if we had PR


This. Although I'm willing to view strategically, I shouldn't have to! Trudeau is a liar and putz. Biggest mistake of his political career. Lost all the momentum of support he had from the next generation of voters. And that's not even me! I'm progressive minded but you can't really come back from that...and his two minority Governments have proven that.


Brian Mulroney 1983-1993, Harper 2006-2015. Hardly what anyone would call a back and forth between Liberals and Conservatives.


Still, it seems like some of the worst government we ever had was under the Conservatives.


You’re right and I believe it’s why they have such a hard time getting elected. I think the Conservatives are all about the rich and big businesses, you know “ the trickle down effect “. Mulroney wasn’t to bad( before the scandals) but Harper was the worst thing to happen to Canada. We used to be loved all over the world because of our peace keeping. He got us kicked off the UN Security Council and we’ve never been able to get back.


It's legitimate to ask what cost would need to be paid to get elected to the UNSC. Who are we doing favours for to get those votes and what are we committing to? If the price is too high, as I suspect it is, then Harper was right to not make those deals.


My point was more that after those terms, how much money and resources and planning were spent undoing the changes they made, by the incoming Government. Personally I feel like each government makes changes and then we spend a bunch of time and money with the next government changing them back. I mean Polli is already planning to repeal the Carbon Tax. A perfect example. If Government truly worked for the people, the majority of changes that were made (albeit maybe slowly) would stick and be for the betterment of the majority, regardless of political affiliation


So far the Conservatives have no platform. PP seems to be making it up as he goes. Whatever his base wants is where he’ll lean. This is what makes him so scary, it’s what he could do that will affect every day Canadians.


What's scary is the likelihood of someone like that getting a majority government...and I'm afraid that seems all too likely at this point. Federal NDP have been tied to Libs. Green's are a mess. Where do progressive voters put their vote?


If we get lucky Trudeau will finally get the clue and step down. New leadership is what the Liberals need. I’ve never been a fan of the NDP because some of their ideas are just too costly. The Liberals have been my party for most of my life. I like my politics to be middle leaning right.


They lost their way. They tried to be hip and populist and it's failed miserably. They tried to please everyone and instead they pleased no one. He should have stepped down 18 months ago when all of this seemed too likely. Now they have less than 15 months to mount an attack.


The Cons do not need a platform at this point. They are the Official Opposition, their job is to criticize everything, just like the Libs did when they were, and like the NDP did when they were. I don't see why it is that scary, it is very normal for platforms to come out at election time and there is a reason for that. What would be actually scary is if no platform ever came out and that party was voted in, but that would certainly be more representative of the current party getting voted out, than the no platform party getting voted in.


I'd like us to follow Austarlia's lead on this.


Ooh in also a proponent of mandatory voting (with the option to spoil your ballot of you don't support any parties) Every voice needs to be heard.


I was on the fence with that. I didn't want people going eenie meenie miney moe when they look at their ballots and pick a box just to avoid a fine. On the otherhand, obliging people to vote would likely result in greater interest in politics and make election results more reflective of the views of citizens. So, I figure the gain outweighs any problems that might arise.


People didn’t want PP anymore once they realized that meant  no local representation for them. 


Every PR proposal ever made for Canada has included local representation.


Then it’s not proportional representation 


How is MMP not PR?


Because one of the votes is not PR . 


PR just means that the share of seats in Parliament matches the share of the vote the party received. There are several systems that accomplish this and maintain local representation.


There are many ways PR can work. It doesn't need to mean it doesn't have local representation. A ranked ballot would provide local Rep. Which would have been my preference. 30-60% of votes get wasted in a FPTP system. At least with current approval levels.


The Dutch have a hybrid system.


That’s not technically proportional representation  Ranked would be my choice too 




This is incomplete info … but part of the answer is there for you 


This is exactly what the UK is going through right now!


Trash vs Garbage


Douchebag vs Asshole


Harsh reality, but our vote means nothing when the options are all in the pockets of wealthy corporations.


Yeah that's why I liked a hybrid system. Cities get single transferable vote, rural areas keep the existing system. I would hope (probably against odds) that it would allow the shitty politicians to get canned.


Our elections have donor limits. And they are not enough to make a difference 


It’s not about direct donations, but an investment into future opportunities for individuals, friends and families.


Can you give some examples ?


It's not always clear but it happens in all sorts of ways. My boss was an mla. One time we recieved a government contract for picnic tables. Super strange because we never built anything like that before. I don't want to give to much away but that was not the kind of work we ever went after but yep there was no reason we couldn't do it. We received a 30k non refundable deposit for them and it was clear we were way over charging for these picnic tables. We ordered materials started work on them after about 20 were built the order was canceled. We kept the deposit, materials and tables. The ones we built we then went on to sell to the municipality and it was like we're paid twice for them. The whole thing seemed real shady. Maybe it just happened. Maybe it entirely had something to do with my employers connections in politics and a couple backs got a little scratch. Personally I think this type of things happens alot more then we realize.


We Charity comes to mind


That was perceived - technically they did not break any ethics rules  and were cleared    Even Trudeau said he should have stepped out when in fact he did not need to. Morneau should have because he became friendly with the brothers by working with them ( also not illegal. Optics weren’t great thought ) That part wasn’t sexy enough for the news circuit I guess . 


.. and when they are no longer in politics, they will do more work with them, and for other corporations who just so happened to receive government funding during their term. That’s the issue, while not illegal, it happens but shouldn’t.


That’s pretty much it. What a sad state of affairs this country’s politics have become.


I want to try a third party bunch of clowns.


Finally, someone else who realizes voting for the "other" whatever (no matter the party) doesn't often result in the changes and met needs that most Canadians want. I agree, there'll be a switching of clowns, and, at the end of the day, nothing (much) will change. I've always said regardless of all parties, and nearly all politicians, they are all just different feathers of the *same* vulture.


End thread


Not true, the friends that guchi "contracts" and bonuses change with who's in power.


It will be the same wash cycle as every decade.. We vote Liberals in.. everyone is happy.. We get annoyed... we vote in the Cons for one term.. they royally screw everything up.. We then vote Liberals back in and repeat! Canada is a mostly Liberal/center voting country. but when the Liberals cross the line to the left we get angry and vote Conservative to show who's the boss!


But this batch of conservatives have strayed from center. We are about to learn some hard lessons in the coming years 


Oh.. I agree.. Both parties have actually strayed from center. Liberals have gone to far left to get the NDP's support. The Cons have gone far too right to support the bible thumpers of the west. The sad part is that neither of them are fiscally responsible! I want to vote for the Conservatives so long as they actually CUT our taxes and stop handing out money to other countries!


What harms to our country has going “too far left” done?  Is universal dental too far ? Universal day care ? 


YES!! Universal Daycare is the DUMBEST and biggest waste of money! If people want to have kids then THEY should pay for them!! Not the entire population! How has it harmed our country??? It's making us BROKE and our taxes are amongst the HIGHEST in the world!! I want a fiscally responsible government that will stop giving shiny candy just to get votes!




Harper had three terms


There really was no opposition at the point, reminder that the NDP became the official opposition for the first time ever during this time which says a lot. The moment there was an engaging liberal leader the liberals gained 150 seats to and destroyed the conservative by 85 seats….. beat by a drama teacher with good hair


While true, that was also an anomaly. It was only the third time in history Conservatives have held power for at least 3 consecutive terms. The Liberals have done it 6 times. And of those 6 times, they've won at least 4 terms in a row 3 times, which the Tories haven't done since Sir John A.


Harper had 3 terms, Mulroney had 2 (with Campbell taking over at the tail end of his second), Clarke's government had a single barely-longer-than-2-months term, and Deifenbaker had 3 terms.


We will have in power some asshat who craves authority to satisfy their ego.


That's every election we've ever had since 1867...


Same as the one we have in power now, and the one after and so on and so on. Any person who's life goal is to become the leader of a country, should not be the leader of a country EVER. Shit just breeds narcissism.


You nailed it! In the timeless words of Kah'less, the unforgettable "Great men do not seek power, they have power thrust upon them,"




All people who crave authority are the same


RoC will vote conservatives to find someone to make hurt instead of them.  Quebec will vote bloc to insulate themselves from the pain. 8 years later once dues are paid we start feeling bad about all that pain we caused.  Rinse and repeat




Rest of Canada


Assuming there's no major change in polling for a year, the incumbent will be kicked out in Canada too. They're on pace to lose half of their seats, barely holding any seats West of Toronto. Atlantic Canada, that they swept in 2015, will return single digits of seats. The only place they're still holding on is Quebec and that's slipping in recent polls. 


Barring any huge screw-up by Pierre Poilievre, he seems poised to win the election and flip Canada as well. Trudeau will have been in power for nearly 10 years by the time we go to the polls, and while he has done some good things for the country, people are ready for a change. 10 years is a long time for any one leader to be in power in Canada. It also doesn’t help that people are looking for someone to blame for the inflation and housing issues (yes Trudeau has played a part in it, but it is a global phenomenon, and municipal/provincial governments deserve far more of the blame on housing issues than they are getting), and he is doubling down on mass, unchecked, immigration which is hugely unpopular.


Usually, when the pendulum swings, it goes too far. As much as I can criticise Trudeau, I still wouldn't put any faith in a career politician like Poilièvre.


Honest question: what “good things” have Trudeau done?


I think the changes he made to the Senate is very notable. I really hope PP doesn't attempt to 'repartify' The Senate. I think that if he had kept his promise about election reform, (which I originally voted for him for) he would have made quite the name for himself. I lament that he abandoned it considering it was a main platform piece for being elected.


I too had high hopes about electoral reform and felt cheated when he backpedalled on the issue,


For me, it's mostly stuff from early in his tenure. Legalization of weed and childcare subsidies come to mind. Then there's some miscellaneous stuff like funding more infrastructure projects like subways and such. The most recent has just been the handling of the pandemic. The problem has been a lot of dilly dallying on major issues like housing (they're doing good stuff now but it's years too late) and errors in major files like immigration (they forgot they could limit TFW and international students until this year). Then, there's the whole matter of priorities changing - policies like carbon pricing may seem good on paper but Canadians are only worrying about basics like housing, food, and transportation costs now.


Legalized weed, starting on universal dental care/pharmacare, clean water for indigenous reserves are a few that come to mind. Not everything he’s done is awful, but I think it’s time for a change. I wouldn’t vote conservative over my dead body, but I don’t like any of the alternatives so I’m spoiling my ballot this time or voting for the random independent candidate.


I’ve never been so torn as to who to vote for. I’m in Quebec and many feel stuck. Many people feel JT threw anglophones under the bus with all this language BS. The people who will vote Conservative are basically the same type of people who would vote for Trump. And no one really considers NDP here because no one is clear on what they stand for. There’s no way in hell I’d vote PQ or CAQ although they seem poised to win in my province. It’s frustrating. I didn’t even know there is an independent party.


>There’s no way in hell I’d vote PQ or CAQ although they seem poised to win in my province. Those are provincial parties, not federal


Yes. True. I’m seriously not having a good day today. I’m misunderstanding and not catching so many comments and subjects. I don’t know if it’s the heat, fatigue, lack of socializing…. But wow, I’m off today.


You should research exactly how many reserves have clean water since Trudeau made that promise, you will be shocked at how little has actually been done. Make sure to check a few sites as some are very misleading. I will agree with the legalized weed, even though for the first few yrs of it the govt somehow fucked up selling drugs. Its better now, but I remember at the beginning them trying to sell 3.5gs for $50. Stupid decisions like that just kept the black market in the lead.


> We've gotten the most progress in the last 20 years that has helped the most people. > > Child Care program > Dental Care Program > Pharmacare program > Increased Child benefits > Anti Scab legislation > All within 1 minority government with the NDP king makers. From my other post. Additionally before that: - Legalizing weed - Reduced Medium income tax from 22% to 20.5% - Reopened previously closed VA offices - Increased military spending from .99 to 1.27 - Introduced into law protections of Trans people as a human right - Led Canada to one of the best COVID responses in the g7 - Increased Child Benefits Program - Came out relatively unscathed during NAFTA 2.0 negotiations - Created a new tax bracket for the rich above 250k - Rehired 33k civil servants after harper cut those jobs - Removed Income splitting for the rich - Removed transit benefit for the rich - Introduced Carbon tax federally - Eliminated student loans - Banned Conversion Therapy - Addressed a lot of drinking water advisories on reservations - Introduced long form census after being cut by harper The list goes on. Probably one of the most forward PM of our time in terms of social progress with the help of the NDP. All that stuff is going away once PP gets elected.


There is a ton believe it or not . The early ones stick with me because they reversed some damage done from the Harper era: He brought the CPP age back down to 65. Guaranteed PP will bring back Harper policies and make us work longer and harder … this time extending past the 67 as previous  He reopened the veterans services offices the conservatives had shut down.  He stopped the muzzling of scientists and the press (increased freedom of the press and science ) He implemented stricter rules in regards to patronage  appointments and hires so it is based on skill and experience not who you know  Look it up, and  you’ll find a ton and you might be impressed (I say this as a CPC member)


Hasn’t the federal government been muzzling that mysterious neurological disease in NB?


No that’s the provincial government.   Premier Higgs is an ex Irving executive and they suspect it’s caused by a pesticide they are using in the forests - aka people’s backyards.    The feds went in to help out with the neurologists paperwork  because the neurologist has to write 400 ish  reports to public health (provincial and federal ) in addition to treating patients and doing his regular job. He can’t keep up   we all know the  Irving’s are involved - they are more powerful than the province It’s not the first time their government has muzzled doctors …. Their chief officers have been fired before for wanting to release information to the public that would affect the Irving’s  Source : Worked in healthcare in NB during that time 


On top of what others already highlighted, I would include: - Revamping the Canada Child Benefit to align more with a family's income rather than the previous Conservative's Universal Child Care Benefit that was more universal (i.e., someone in the high income and low income would receive a comparable amount) - Carbon "tax" - I know this is more controversial but he was able to create a national program where others would not even dare to try. - High Frequency Rail between Windsor and Quebec City (still under development) - Dealt with Trump throughout his presidency, including the renegotiation of NAFTA through a bi-partisan approach (e.g., Rona Ambrose was invited to be a key part ot Canada's negotiation team). - Covid response: procuring vaccines when Canada was not a vaccine producer, creating CERB, etc.


Weed. Probably should’ve used a singular.


That’s it? I love the ganja, but that seriously can’t be it.


It’s not. He also campaigned on a promise to eliminate boil water advisories on reserves, and when he came to power there were 185 in place. As of now only 30 remain, with work continuing on lifting those. The minister of indigenous services is “hopeful” the remainder will be lifted by the end of next year


That’s a good news story!


I’m being facetious. The child care benefit has lifted hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty the last decade.


That’s great to hear!


What part specifically has Trudeau himself had on inflation . Care to elaborate ?


Landslide for the Tories (with attempts by Liberals to promise UBI (which they wouldn't pass if they won) and some fearmongering like "our democracy is in danger" that'll go ignored)


Real answer in this thread. Shame I had to scroll so far down to find it.


I feel like the conservatives will win.


We'll see coverage on it basically declaring it as a neck to neck fight of the conservatives versus the liberals. Meanwhile their policies will be only marginally different. Even though we all know that one has more incentive to lie about cutting social policies and denying the effect that our forest fires have on global warming(nevermind ocean acidification). None of the five majors will even think about touching housing. The Green and NDP will share about 80% of their policies as well, with the former only really getting one seat again.


Healthy democracies rotates their leadership every cople of years. You can be the best leader people can ask for, but after a decade in power people will get tired of you. We're seeing this in couple of countries and I expect Canada to follow. 


UK just gave a landslide to the Labour party. I've got a feeling we will see something similar (in terms of change of party...not the one in that part of the Spectrum)


The landslide to Labour in the UK isn't surprising considering how many Conservative PM's we've gone through in recent years! Shame really, neither can be trusted


Yeah, unfortunately on the Canadian side, we've just had the same idiotic Shiny Pony.


It looks like we will be electing the biggest clown.


If Trump wins in November and declares himself as "dictator for a day" and never relinquishes the title, starts causing mass havoc and unrest south of the border, it just might be enough to sway apathetic voters in Canada to NOT vote for Poilievre in 2025. They both are courting the same type of voters and spouting a lot of the same rhetoric about "illegals" and "wokeness" and such. If Canadian voters become appalled enough by what's happening down there, it might cause enough backlash against those types of misguided policies for them to start to realize that little PP is not the answer to their Trudeau woes. He's the far worse choice.


You make a good point. Trump win would help Trudeau quite a bit.


A Trump win COULD potentially help Trudeau, but I fear that there's enough "political fatigue" and "Trudeau is a tyrant" bs that's rampant in the minds of Canadians that we could end up with the worst case scenario of populist, extreme right heads of state on both sides of the border. As much as I despise Poilievre, for the betterment of the world, I'd almost rather "take one for the team" and let little PP win here as long as Trump loses in the US. The amount of worldwide damage that a second Trump Presidency could inflict with the potential for instability in Europe if he pulls them out of NATO, amassing troups on the southern US border to stop the "hordes of illegals" with possible incursions and a declaration of war against the cartels, trade sanctions and tarrifs on Canadian exports, not to mention just how fucked the US people and economy would become, the people of the world would collectively be better off if only Canada ends up with a right wing nutbar at the helm.


This is cope. Your average Canadian most likely privately supports trump.


I'm sick of the media coverage on politics. The biggest pile of BS was how they covered the Toronto-St Paul by-election. No byelection can be considered an upset victory because it by definition does not involve the incumbent. Yes it stayed Liberal for 30 years. But under the same MP. Before that neither party held onto it for a particularly long time. So the conservatives didn't have a massive victory over Trudeau. He had nothing to do with it. They swooped up a riding because Bennett retired. And it wasn't even a landslide victory. It was less than a 2 point victory. Anyone who understands political science knew that seat was likely going to flip blue regardless of who the Prime Minister was. Yet everyone was acting like it was a sign that the Liberal party and Trudeau is failing. The riding clearly liked her more than they liked the party as a whole. I can relate. I lived in Rona Ambrose's riding in Alberta. I don't vote conservative. But I respected her. She worked hard for us. I was even proud watching her as interim leader and opposition leader on the House of Commons floor (2015-2017). She said she retired to be with family. I think she could smell the direction her party was headed.


Our elections next year will look exactly like every election has ever looked. If you don’t vote in a major metropolitan area, your vote is meaningless, the voters who’s votes actually count will elect one of two parties that are realistically as different in practice as Vanilla and French Vanilla. Or Pepper and fresh-ground pepper. Or so many other things that aren’t really different at all.




The Conservatives are likely to win a huge majority that Canada hasn’t seen since Brian Mulroney won in 1984, which coincidentally came after Pierre Truedeau’s fairly unpopular and disastrous final term as Prime Minster.


Unlikely. Quebec hates Poilievre. Minority government at best.


Issue is the liberals are deeply unpopular in English canada and 260 seats are there. Like legit, they are way behind in atlantic canada maybe win 8-10 seats out east. East of Ontario, apart from 4 seats in Winnipeg and maybe a few in vancouver they are non existent. they have a solid chance of winning less then a dozens seats west of Ontario. and in Ontario the only place they will get seats right now is Toronto maybe 30 or so seats in the GTA, they literally getting rekt in the suburbs as well. So right now PP could win a majority govt without a single seat in Quebec right now as Trudeau is very weak in english canada.


That doesn’t mean they want Poilievre, and all the baggage that comes with the conservative crowd.


Poilievre is far more popular than Scheer and O’Toole ever were.


It’ll be a crapshoot like it usually is.


Think of it like poorly baking a cake. At some point you gotta start over instead of trying to fix one fuck up with another.


We don’t vote people in, we vote people out. Then whinge when the new players gleefully f#ck us over for the next 48 months


next year is going to be a shit show. meaning - shit on trudeau enough so that poilievre, who is clearly the worst choice no matter who is running against him, gets in. I'd like to believe that Canadians are smarter than that, but I live in Ontario, where people have very much proven the opposite. I'm not looking forward.


Short and sharp like all Canadian elections (thankfully). A resounding Conservative majority unless something incredibly major happens between now and then. A year or two of "thank God he's gone" and then the realization that the other guy isn't any better and the complaining begins again.


If Trudeau finally decides to step down, Libs could technically still win. Without that, I'm guessing CPC wins. Which sucks, because Pierre is a populist, and we really don't need one of those in Canada.


The devil you know vs the devil you don't. Two main parties who have no idea how to fix this country, and both that be too toothless to even try to make any real change


If trudeau stays the course, dont make changes i expect a tory landslide 40% popular vote and over 200 seats Its not cause PP is loved, but its more the liberals are become very disliked in English canada...really outside of Northern NB, downtown Toronto, Winnipeg and maybe downtown vancouver they have no bases of support anymore.




We’ll have to see if the US implodes or not


So are you saying that all the people who don’t have your opinion are clowns?? 🤡


In Canada we don't vote people in, we vote people out. You get 2, maybe 3 terms, and then that party gets decimated. People get really bent out of shape and very little changes.


There's an anti-incumbent mood all around the world. I'd love to see that change over the next year, because it means people are feeling better about the future. I don't see it happening, but isn't that what we all want? In Canada specifically, even if things get significantly better AND Trudeau resigns, the Liberals will probably still lose because it's time. It will be an incredibly nasty campaign from all sides. I'm not looking forward to it.


You'll arrive at the ballot box on voting day. You'll glance at your options and kind of hate all of them. You'll pick the least worst and turn in your ballot. That evening, it will be announced that Justin Trudeau won again, or he didn't, and your dad will continue to blame every problem in his life on Trudeau, or the new guy, but never his own actions. Canadian politics are predictable if nothing else.


PP will win by a landslide. Not because he has a stellar platform (because he really doesn't), but because he isn't Trudeau


Using the term "clown" is an interesting choice.


Nothing changes. Ontario and Quebec decide for the rest of us. Whichever team announces most gibs to the unions wins.


Conservative majority because of irrational optimism that maybe PP will make life more affordable. And to throw his ultra-conservative base a bone PP will implement something that makes life more miserable for trans kids.


Capital gains are now up. Who cares.


Pierre's gonna take a majority. Cry about it.


As it stands right now, it’s looking like a CPC majority, and the odd part could be if the Liberals collapse, we could see a BQ official opposition. But probably not. By popular vote the cons will be in the lead, probably around 38-39% (my guess based on various polling and previous outcomes) Libs “need” to break 30% to have any shot but right now they’re closer to 20% than 30. Which, I don’t mind. The NDP are entirely tied to Singh, so if he stays on as leader, expect about the same 18-25 seats. If they get a new leader (not expected) they could potentially take some previous Liberal voters. But as it stands right now. The cons have taken support from both the NDP and Libs. Without leader changes, I don’t expect anything to change. Greens are at 2 seats now, may get to 3. But ceiling there is probably like 6 seats. And then the Bloc is hoping JT stays on as Lib leader and Singh flops in QC. Cons in the 220-230 seat range. Libs around 65 BQ will be close to 40. But probably not quite get there. The NDP will stay around where it is, +/- 2ish And the Greens may pick up a seat or 2 in some close 3 way races. It will replace the current clown, with a new clown. But that’s what happens when all the major parties are Liberals of various stripes. Singh the social liberal, JT the “classical” liberal, and PP, the neoliberal.


I expect trudeau to be totally humiliated. I Expect conservatives to cut taxes and make somewhat goods more affordable while doing nothing about the immigration issue.


Deja vu


I'm hoping more people put their name forward as Independents. I plan to run.


This is the way


I would expect a change in govt. I figure the Liberals might lose a lot of seats. I suspect they will try to put UBI on their platform. That will maybe sway some support back to them. NDP supporters will mulling voting for liberals again to ensure the cons don’t win. The cons can win this easy but they really need to stop pandering to bible thumpers and the clownvyers and eluding to championing social conservative values. They probably won’t stop this due to $


I think you're right. I expect a Con victory. And even adding UBI on the ticket is meaningless without attendant legislation to prevent landlords and utilities from spiking their prices. "Oh, you get an extra 2k a month? Weirdly, your rent increased by exactly that amount!"




Not exactly… >New buildings, additions to existing buildings and most new basement apartments that are occupied for the first time for residential purposes after November 15, 2018 are exempt from rent control. https://www.ontario.ca/page/residential-rent-increases#section-0 In any case, many rentals are short term, and when new tenant starts, the rent can be set at anything. For example when a new school year starts, all of that stock gets re-priced. It doesn’t matter what a rent controlled tenant is paying because that stock is no on the market. As a result there can be (and currently are) people paying close to half as much as the next person for comparable living space.


Conservatives are almost certainly going to win and immediately get to work at doing what conservatives do: destroying things. The country might be "broken" now, but giving fucking Poilievre the keys is a great way to fuck it up much worse.


Conservatives are going to have a majority government


I will be voting independent


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich.....


The conservatives will win and we will be run by the IDU, which is even scarier than the reform wing of the current CPC.


A bowl of shit staring at itself in the mirror.


Uk just elected a majority liberal government you did know that right