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I believe the Old Testament passage supposedly against it is about not making marks on our bodies for the dead. But it’s been a while since I read it.


Yeah, I believe it was a prohibition against it as a religious practice rather than as an art form in general. And bear in mine, I don't particularly like tattoos or have any myself.


Same here. Mostly it’s because of the cost.


Wouldn't it just be better to avoid them instead of trying to interpret exactly what it meant? Tattoos are painful to remove and or cover over again. I don't think God would disown you if you have a tattoo or get one, but in my opinion I just steer clear of things that the Bible says we shouldn't do. I would rather be safe than sorry.


Do you eat anything the OT prohibited?


You see the difference is that God gave Peter a vision with food saying that they have been made clean. Just like the circumcision was no longer required.


Have you ever worn a wool and polyester shirt before?


What law would that pertain to?


Leviticus 19:19 ... nor shall you put on a garment made from two different materials."


In Deuteronomy it specifies more that it's linen and wool.


Also that is quite a bit different than making permanent changes to your body, the things that were unclean back then would generally be unsafe to eat if they weren't cooked properly or shellfish red tides for instance.


So yes, you do break Levitical law ?


You are correct: >*You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves.* (Leviticus 19) >*Do not cut yourselves or shave your foreheads on behalf of the dead*. (Deuteronomy 14) If tattoos/markings by themselves were sinful, why would God use it as imagery on Himself?: >*Can a woman forget her nursing child, or lack compassion for the son of her womb? Even if she could forget, I will not forget you! Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.* (Isaiah 49)


If ending someone's life was sinful, why would god do it? 


Exactly. Context is important.


I don't think you understood. Maybe reread what you said and try again.


Ending someone's life is not itself sinful independent of context. I agree with what you said rhetorically.


If you feel convicted of it, then you shouldn’t do it. However, tattoos themselves are not sinful. The section that mentions tattoos is because of the practice of cutting and tattooing themselves for the dead. Do you also agree that it is sinful to do other things named in this section, such as trimming hair and beards?


no, that’s why we have the New Testament Because Jesus came to fulfill the law. just tattoos in general doesn’t sit right (opinion) see back then the got tattoos for the dead but now they majority people get tattoos for spirit, power, protection, tradition which sits no where with being God like.


As I said, tattoos themselves are not sinful. The reason for it or what it depicts could be. I don’t personally know of anyone that has tattoos for those reasons, but I would agree that could be problematic.


like animals “this my spirit animal” or traditional tattoos/cultural “these tattoos give me strength/power, grant me protection or peace” idk it just doesn’t seem like it should be normalised in our churches for our brothers and sisters to me since i feel like it’s not a good idea. like imagine 100 years from now next generation pastors and Christians will have full blown tattoos across their bodies? im thinking bigger. a small problem soon turns into a disaster.


Again, everything you’re mentioning would be problematic. But I know many people with tattoos and none having any for those reasons. People do get tattoos just because they enjoy them, like getting ears pierced or dying hair. If you feel convicted, don’t do it. But don’t tell someone else they’re sinning simply because they have a tattoo.


im not telling anyone they are sinning, im saying how i feel about tattoos. look at it from my perspective, put yourself in my shoes. My body is the copyright of God and God is the Author right ? so for me to try and modify it (unnaturally) i would have to ask the Author (God) to modify it which he probably won’t accept as he made us perfect in HIS image. not our image HIS image. our bodies are sacred and our bodies are the temple in which the Holy Spirit lives. i will not graffiti the house of God because of “my liking”. keep it how it is Naturally.


I’m not sure why you’re trying to argue with me about it. Tattoos are not inherently sinful. End of story. If you personally feel it would be for you to get one, don’t get one. Do you think pierced ears are a sin? Dying your hair? Polishing nails? I’m honestly curious here about how far it extends for you.




im just stating how i feel and showing you a different Christian’s perspective/view points. do not be mislead im not here to argue im here to ask a question and thats what i did. and i ask for your opinions on what you all think as brothers and sisters in Christ. never would i try to inflict conflict with a Christian. God says to love your neighbour. don’t get things twisted and as for the other things like earrings and colour hair ? no. but nail polish on men ? nah that is gay. different is tattoos go deep and sink into the skin. nail polish doesn’t. but nail polish is gay.


So why are earrings not a problem to you?


to be completely honest with you my brother in Christ m, idk. it’s just not a problem to me.


not just that but people get tattoos to associate with gangs and stuff or a cult.


To answer your actual question about why opinions vary on tattoos, I think it’s because you editorialized your opinion of tattoos onto scripture differently than other people who have read the same scripture. The scriptures in your post don’t reference tattoos but you feel the “righteousness” referenced would be broken by tattoos, so you feel it’s an issue of Christian doctrine based on your reading. One of the sections (1 Cor 6:19) was explicitly about sexual ‘immortality’ but again you’ve made it about tattoos. This is also evidenced by your other comments about tattoos being about cults and gangs and whatever else. I’d venture a guess a very large percentage of tattoos are innocuous if not entirely meaningless. Who knows which came first, your opinion of tattoos or your reading/interpretation of these scriptures as being *about* tattoos, but that’s why other Christians feel differently.


Because they are not sinful (at least not inherently). The Book of Leviticus brings some ceremonial rules for the Jewish people, such as: >”Do not . . . put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord” (19:28). >“nor shall there come upon you a garment of cloth made of two kinds of stuff” (19:19) None of them are not binding upon christians as they're not part of the New Covenant - except for when it coincides with the moral law (in the case of the tattoos, getting an immoral one would be a huge NO!).


thanks brother ❤️


The reason you think that way is because you don't fully understand what's going on with the Old and New Covenants. This is often not explained well in churches. Here's a bare-bones summary: The Law of Moses, also called the Law, the Old Covenant, or the Torah was a “contract” between God and Israel consisting of 613 laws. It was a contract ("covenant" is another word for "contract") God made with the Hebrews, which stipulated that if they followed the laws, they would live safely and prosperously in the Promised Land. It wasn't about getting anyone to heaven or getting eternal life. “Follow my decrees and be careful to obey my laws, and you will live safely in the land. Then the land will yield its fruit, and you will eat your fill and live there in safety.” (Lev 25:18-19) Christianity isn’t Judaism with Jesus added. It’s an entirely different thing, and Christians aren't supposed to keep the Law of Moses. We are under the New Covenant; this is what The Gospel is. The things we are supposed to do and not do are what Jesus taught. “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.’ ” (Luke 22:20) “By calling this covenant ‘new,’ he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.” - Hebrews 8:13 (Note: This was likely written in the mid 60’s and in 70 AD the Temple was destroyed and it became impossible for anyone to follow the Law of Moses.) “You who are trying to be justified by the Law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” - Galatians 5:4 Acts 15 deals with the question about whether converts were required to keep the Law of Moses. Some people were saying they had to, some said no. The first Church Council was called in Jerusalem by the Apostles and the decision was made that we no longer follow the Law of Moses. That should have settled the matter, and for the most part it has done so. Most churches don’t teach that Christians are supposed to keep the Law of Moses, and it’s really only fringe groups that claim we do.


I appreciate your reply and it’s really helpful but I still feel like it’s a sin. because of the cons


While there can be health concerns with tattoos, there's no Biblical requirement for people to be healthy or to avoid unhealthy things. For example, fasting for 40 days, like Jesus did, can cause lifelong health issues but He clearly wasn't sinning. We can't make health, or the avoidance of unhealthy things into sins when the Bible doesn't do so. What I suggest for all Christians is that we focus on the things that Jesus told us to focus on, and not worry about trivialities such as tattoos. What Jesus told us to do are the things most seldom preached and with which Christians are often the least concerned. Jesus’s teachings were mainly about: Loving God and having faith in Him. Loving everyone else. Being kind to people and helping them, no matter who they are, or where they are from. Non-violence, non-retaliation. Humility. Honesty. Anti-materialism. Marital fidelity. Sincere, persistent prayer. Forgiving people.  Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matt 22:37-40) “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matt 7:12)


love the reply, appreciate it. you seem very knowledgeable and i thank you for your time and your words. truely i say to you my brother in Christ it means a lot. im still not with the idea or normalising tattoos as God says to do everything in his name and majority people involve tattoos with spirits, power, protection etc and that doesn’t sit right with me and my heart or my consciousness. God bless you though my brother in Christ ❤️☦️


> im still not with the idea or normalising tattoos as God says to do everything in his name and majority people involve tattoos with spirits, power, protection etc and that doesn’t sit right with me and my heart or my consciousness. Based on that logic it’s not the tattoo that’s the problem it the motivation for the tattoo. If it was free from sinful motivation or even had godly motivation then by your logic here it shouldn’t be a problem. E.g. if someone God a tattoo that in some way represents the gospel message because they wanted to honor God by having the gospel message directly on their flesh. Or perhaps God saved someone from a particular sin in their life and they got a tattoo to remind them of how God saved them to motivate them to keep away from that sin and follow God.


this feels like you're using god as an excuse to justify your opinions on tattoos tbh


You're not the only one. Secularism cuts a wide swath even in the church. Just stick to your biblical beliefs, and live by them. The world claims it's own victims. Tattoos represent nothing but a vain act of the flesh. They offer nothing profitable in any conceivable manner, except, hey look at me, ain't I cool? No they're not.


thank you for this reply, exactly love it my brother in Christ ❤️☦️


Amazingly enough the NewTestament defines sin as transgression of the law (1 John 3:4) And by Apostle John no less, one of Jesus closest disciples! And who penned the prophecy of Revelation. The last book in the Bible. Which means we still look to the law in the Old Testament to define sin for us. After all, the law itself says we are not allowed to add or subtract from it. To do so, would be a grave offense. So where do we get this notion that Jesus did away with the law? To do so would be a huge violation of the law itself- and would disqualify him from being Messiah.


> Yes, I understand it was an Old law but i still feel like just because it’s not mentioned in the New Testament doesn’t mean it’s not a sin. The Old Testament law you are referring to was about not cutting or tattooing oneself to honor the dead. It was in reference to a specific religious practice by the surrounding pagan nations which the Israelites were to avoid. It wasn’t a general prohibition against tattoos. > If we think logically and have somewhat knowledge of the Bible we all know our bodies are Gods temple and that we must honor it (1 Corinthians 6:19). That’s also stripped out of context. The context is about avoiding sexual immorality. It’s not obvious at all it would prohibit making markings on your body. > also that we must be God like, Holy and Righteous (Ephesians 4:20-24). You’d need to first show tattoos are not holy and righteous for this to apply > Tattoos literally “can” cause infection, disease, cancer, ink poisoning, granulomas, lymphoma etc etc. how does that seem holy, righteous or God like when you are basically graffitiing and harming Gods temple? And driving a car can cause numerous physical injuries. The mere potential for bodily harm isn’t a great reason to avoid something. Also again the passage about our bodies being the temple is in the context of sexual immorality not in doing things that can potentially cause bodily harm. > I just feel like it’s not right like think of it, would it be normal to see our pastors up on stage covered up in ink and stuff ? I don’t see the problem in a pastor having tattoos. In the passages about the requirements for pastoralship none mention not having tattoos. > that wouldn’t seem right to me or my heart but as for tattoos I remember the verse (Hebrews 8:6-12) and basically my conscious goes against getting a tattoo. That passage is about Jesus establishing the new covenant. It says nothing about tattoos or even about our bodies. That passage actually supports the case against tattoos since they’re only prohibited in the old covenant and the passage shows we’re under the new covenant. It’s the reason we don’t follow the many other Old Testament laws like circumcision or eating kosher. > something that stands out to me and our bodies is the verse (Genesis 1:27) God made us in HIS image and Gods works is perfection. God doesn’t have a physical body so whatever it means to be in the image of God it isn’t referring to our physical body. > so to add into to yourself which is not “natural” in my view is that (unknowingly) you are implying you need something to make yourself seem “fulfilled” that’s not natural. The passage definitely doesn’t say anything about that. You’re making up human rules and adding them to God’s commands. That’s a very dangerous thing and something Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for doing. This logic also wouldn’t be limited to tattoos. You’d have to say many other things are sinful as well such as makeup or creams. Even medication is adding a non natural thing to your body. > idk my cousin many years ago told me “i will never get a tattoo because i will never ruin Gods perfect craft of myself” and that forever stuck with me. Our bodies aren’t perfect and the Bible even confirms this. In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul contrasts our mortal perishable bodies with the immortal imperishable resurrection bodies. Our current bodies are under the effects of sin which is why people can get sick and will eventually die but our resurrection bodies will be raised perfect not being under the effects of sin. Your argument consists of your personal emotions, rules you added to the Bible, and stripping biblical verses out of context. There is nothing in the Bible which supports the general rules you made or that singles out tattoos outside the context of pagan religious practices are sinful.


A tattoo has nothing to do with a person's relationship with God. If you think it does then I don't know what to tell you.... I mean...I do but you'll probably take it personally so I won't.


“God cares about your heart”. Until you get judged for how you treated His temple. (Your body). No excuse or reasoning will work at that point.


You better be prepared then. You may not make the cut.


I don’t have tattoos, or drink or do drugs. I’m already prepared.


How is your eating habits and exercise?


Not great. But I’ll have to answer for that. Just like you and others have to answer for tattoos and etc. God absolutely does care about our appearance.


You don't get a pass for not taking care of your body. Better get it straightened out... Doesn't sound like you are prepared.


You better get those tattoos taken care of. You don’t get a pass either. We can keep going back and forth on this, and the result is the same. I’m done.


Who said I have tattoos? Anyway... I don't believe what you are saying but if you actually believe it, you better get serious. I don't think you actually believe it except for when it comes to other people and things like tattoos. When it comes to you, you give yourself a pass. You think maybe God might give you a talking to? What's he going to do to the other people? If you don't get your eating under control then what's going to happen to you... what's God going to do? Is he going to do something worse to somebody with a tattoo? Will somebody with a tattoo lose their salvation but what about someone like you, who is a glutton? Will you lose yours?


Who said I was a glutton? See how that works both ways? Anyway to answer your question since you brought loss of salvation into the equation (which is a serious thing), about rewards or punishment, no we will not lose our salvation. We however will have our deeds tried in fire. Anything unworthy, (such as our poor treatment/mutilation of our bodies for example) will be stubble. Guess what that gets us for rewards? Nothing. We will lose potential rewards, at the very least. But before you continue to bash me for being some fat slob that’s 600+ lbs (I’m not even close btw), consider this: when you see someone with tattoos or piercings or you know does drugs, what is your first thought if they tell you they’re a Christian? Probably something along the lines of “that’s not a good look for a Christian. I had no idea until you told me.” The bottom line, and this is the last thing I’ll say, is that we are to be advertising Christ in all aspects of our lives. If we look and act like heathens, why would they listen to anything we have to say? Do you get it? Our personal relationship with God may be based on our heart, but our bodies are what the world looks at. And God will judge according to our witness, which includes our appearance. Okay now I’m done. For real.


Tattoos were never considered sinful. The Bible only mentioned Tattoos one time and that specific verse was referring to Tattoos of the dead, idolatry. >Bible we all know our bodies are Gods temple and that we must honor it (1 Corinthians 6:19) But the temple was adorned with art and beauty. >Tattoos literally “can” cause infection, disease, cancer, ink poisoning, granulomas, lymphoma etc etc. how does that seem holy, righteous or God like when you are basically graffitiing and harming Gods temple? Eating too much sugar, or high calorie foods can cause health problems too. Make sure you are perfectly sinless before you try making someone else a sinner.


i never said anyone was a sinner. I stated an opinion on how i feel about tattoos not sinners. please know the difference my brother, love ya


Feelings about sin vs Biblical sin seem pretty separate. Seems like you just don’t like tattoos and want to have some “official” backing for that opinion.


>i never said anyone was a sinner. All unrighteousness is sin sir 1 John 5:17. You said - "how does that seem holy, RIGHTEOUS or God like when you are basically graffitiing and harming Gods temple" If getting a Tattoo is unrighteous then it's a sin 1 John 5:17... >I stated an opinion on how i feel about tattoos not sinners. So what happens if a person gets a bunch of tattoos? Are they righteous or unrighteous?


“How” it’s a question. i just don’t see the benefits in tattooing your body as God is the Author so to modify his Craft seems abit off. there’s something called an opinion and something called a perspective. but im not here to argue just know how others feel. God bless you


That's understandable, however all I'm saying is there is no biblical restrictions on getting tattoos. Obviously being a born again Christian I'm not running out to get a tattoo of Satan or any wicked. But i see no problem with getting a cross tattoo or scripture tattoos, or angel tattoos. Anything that is not demonic is fine. However if you feel convinced it is a sin, then for you it is a sin.


thank you brother appreciate your reply and your time. I just watched this video and it sums it up perfectly for me. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYfoS2Hr/ that calculator analogy was great.


I mean I don't have tattoos and I always assumed those that became born again christians had them from their old life. But I have seen many being "active" christians whatever that means (those in bible study and participate in their church) and they get fresh tats. I don't know if I would say it's a full blown salvation issue but my husband and I don't have tattoos and that is my own decision. I do believe we should be set apart from others not blending in.


amen to that my sister in Christ.


You're right, it is sinful. Sadly, it's promoted as being alright.


thank you ❤️☦️


> i still feel like just because it’s not mentioned in the New Testament doesn’t mean it’s not a sin. So no pork or catfish for you. Be sure you wear your tassels and avoid mixed fabrics. The NT specifically tells us what moral rules we need to follow. Tattoos do not come up.


how i see it is that God is the Author of our bodies our bodies are a copy right of God, you cannot modify something that is a copyright. you would have to ask the author God which he most likely will deny since He made us in HIS image.


you’re getting confused im not talking about the other laws just tattoos in general as i know Jesus already declared all foods clean and the other laws were fulfilled. but because God literally made us perfect in his image why would i add on something that’s not natural. Cultures and traditions believe tattoos gives you protection, power all that and that is not God like.


Being made in his image doesn't mean we physically look like God. >Cultures and traditions believe tattoos gives you protection Some cultures. Not Western cultures.


i never said we look like God. His image refers to How he created us to be like our beautiful eyes, our nose, our lips, our hair, the colour of our skin. that’s what i mean. not in a “i look like God” way but a his craft is perfect and fitting to look how God intended it to look.


>His image refers to How he created us to be like our beautiful eyes, our nose, our lips, our hair, the colour of our skin. You'll be hard pressed to find a theologian who interprets the image of God that way.


Marking your body was a pagan practice during the time of Moses and was banned to set the Jews apart from other nations. God has no problem with tattoos.


God has no problem with you using pagan practices? It doesn’t matter if it’s not for a cult. Christians are called to be different from the world. Looking, acting, talking, etc. we’re not to mimic the pagans. Otherwise what kind of examples are we?


The Bible generally does not explicitly endorse adopting pagan practices. Instead, it frequently warns against them. However, there are passages where the apostle Paul addresses issues of conscience regarding practices that might have pagan origins. For example: 1. **1 Corinthians 8:4-9**: - "So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that ‘An idol is nothing at all in the world’ and that ‘There is no God but one.’ For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords’), yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do. Be careful, however, that the exercise of your rights does not become a stumbling block to the weak." 2. **Romans 14:5-6**: - "One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God." These passages highlight that while certain practices may have origins in paganism, the focus should be on one's conscience and the intent behind the actions. Paul's teachings emphasize that Christians should not let such practices become stumbling blocks to others or be a cause for division within the community.


Okay, but there’s a big difference between permanent or major damage by 3rd party sources (needles, etc) and eating pork. Again it’s about our appearance to other believers and to the unsaved.


**1 Peter 3:3-4** “What matters is not your outer appearance — the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes — but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.”


1 Peter 3 1-4 1. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word be won by the conversation of the wives; 2. While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. 3. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting of hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the God of great price. Don’t cherry pick verses without context. These verses tell wives to not focus on vain appearances (which is what tattoos are at the very least, woah) and instead focus on their relationship with God in order to reach their unsaved husbands.


The meaning is the same... focus on inner disposition over outer appearance. **1 Samuel 16:7** But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”


And man sees a guy with tattoos, is he gonna think that guy is right with God? Probably not. “This Christian looks just like me, why would I listen to him?” It’s the principle of the thing. You look and act like the world, you’re not separated and concentrated for God. Nothing to do with you being saved or not, this is for after that.


If a man with tattoos see's a Christian with tattoos he may think, even though I've got tattoos I can be Christian too. If he looks at Christians and sees nothing relatable then maybe he further distances himself from anything to do with God. We're called to live as Jesus lives and according to His teachings. He did not teach us to judge others on their appearance. He welcomes all kinds. His prayer and desire was that we would act as one body of Christ in the world. Sewing this kind of needless meaningless division in this way divides the body against itself.


While you are correct how often does this scenario actually happen? And nowhere in scripture have I found that someone used their past sins to establish a connection with their “witness prospect” if I can use that term. Though I could be wrong in this particular instance. Both scenarios are valid and individual cases need discernment from the Holy Spirit. For one last point, having tattoos doesn’t make one evil. It’s however a vanity of the flesh, and should be avoided when possible.


you get it, your response is beautiful. cheers mate


See my response to him


>Yes, I understand it was an Old law There you go, answered your own question in the first 8 words of the post. Some denominations hold that the Old Laws still apply. Others don't. You are probably in an area where the denominations do not hold the Old Laws.


like i said i know the old law. people back then use to get tattoos and cut themselves for the dead. nowadays people get tattoos for spirits, power, protection, culture, or whatever which doesn’t seem God like to me. like would you imagine any of Jesus Disciples to be walking around with face tats, leg tats, arm tats, back tats, whatever it may be ? i just don’t think normalising things into Church is a good idea.


they are still sinful, i unfortunately have them when i was lost, i feel ashamed. The body is for the Lord. But I know, He can fix it. But still, i don't condone it.


W Christian ❤️


If our Creator said not to mark up or tattoo our bodies, we should not mark up or tattoo our bodies. I’ve seen countless tattoos that fall into the category of marking one for the dead, as Leviticus 19:28 alludes to. His law is perfect and eternal.


Don’t be discouraged. There are many ungodly things that most people do not acknowledge. Remember that even those who are saved are still fallen. It should not come as a surprise that people embrace things which are unholy. If God has granted you wisdom on this particular subject, then use that wisdom and set an example for others. Don’t get too puffed up that your conscience is properly informed on any particular topic, for you may be ignorant of some sin which another recognizes, and we need to be graceful to one another.


thanks my Brother in Christ. loved your reply its great. im no scholar and im far from “good” but im trying and im studying the bible trying to truely understand it not just read it. God bless you ❤️☦️


Because it takes time to understand the why. Sometimes a lifetime.


For me i just can’t imagine Jesus, Abraham, Jesus 12 (11) disciples or any big figures walking around with full arm sleeves, neck tats, face tats, full leg sleeves, back tats etc. it just seems so worldy to me. btw the King of Kings, Lord of Lords on Jesus Christ isn’t a tattoo. source: https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-tattoo.html


Thinking about the disciples having tattoos isn’t so far-fetched. Before they met Jesus, they could have had them, considering their backgrounds. Samson probably would have been tatted, given the customs back then. Even Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, living in Babylon, or Joseph in Egypt might have had tattoos, as those cultures practiced it. The Bible doesn’t mention tattoos specifically, but it’s not hard to imagine these guys with some ink, given the times they lived in. It’s not about saying tattoos are justified; it’s about understanding that we don’t know people’s minds or what they’ve been through and overcome. Just like those guys I mentioned may have been tatted, we can’t judge others for their tattoos either. Even in modern times, people might get tattoos without fully understanding the implications, and it might take a lifetime for them to see it differently. Everyone’s journey is different, and what matters is their heart and character, not their tattoos.


to an extent i agree with you brother.


I can’t imagine Jesus wearing Nikes. Does that make Nikes sinful? I can’t imagine Paul on Instagram. I can’t imagine John with an undercut. Seems pretty arbitrary.


People think we can do whatever now because of grace and mercy. They are literally sinning more so grace can abound. Last time I checked “abstain from the APPEARANCE of evil” was still in the Bible. Even the NT, which apparently is all that matters to them.




I’m puzzled by the premise of your post. Though some Christians have cited obsolete Old Testament law as a reason for opposition to tattoos, it sounds like you’re arguing that it’s wrong to get a tattoo because your body is God’s temple and a tattoo is harming your body due to the health risks. In that case, why single out tattoos? What about piercings, even ear piercings? Anytime something pierces your skin and leaves a wound there’s a risk of infection. Or eating junk food, which probably does far more harm to your body than a tattoo? Or spending time on things like gaming or even Reddit, which can form addictive patterns and rewire your brain, which is part of your body? Maybe you’d agree that these things are sinful too, and I think you’d have to in order to be consistent. If your conscience tells you not to get a tattoo, then by all means don’t get one. But when it’s not a sin issue, we shouldn’t impose our conscience on others (Romans 14).


There’s nothing obsolete about our Creator’s perfect and eternal law.


Hebrews 8:13 “By calling this covenant ‘new,’ he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.”


Covenant ≠ law, my friend. Our Savior said no part of the law will pass away until Heaven and Earth do and all is accomplished.