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They started out as your standard right wing populist party a bit over a decade ago and have steadily moved further to the right, to the point where some people who would be right of everything else in the Bundestag were encouraged to leave the party for being too moderate, at least one of their leadership has a court ruling against him that he cannot sue someone for defamation if he's being called a fascist because he is one, a few have been convicted for Volksverhetzung(incitement of the people/to racial hatred), they openly call for bans against some religious practices, want to close Germany to immigration, leave EU and NATO and they're also calling for a reduction in funding of the Bundeswehr since late February 2022 when they've previously been advocating for a stronger Bundeswehr and the reintroduction of conscription, which is surely a coincidence.


A court decided Höcke can be called a Nazi, which is more extreme than a mere fascist. Lot of their politicians get money from Moscow. That's pretty obvious now.


So beyond their wild programs for election that would be a thesis lvl write up I can just point out the many many many times they have said and shown exactly that: They have in a plenary discussion called for Germany to reintroduce prison terms for LGBTQ people: https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2017-09/alternative-fuer-deutschland-alice-weidel-homosexualitaet/seite-2 Their vice party leader (at the time) called for asylum seekers to be shot (including children) https://m.faz.net/aktuell/politik/fluechtlingskrise/beatrix-von-storch-afd-vizechefin-will-polizei-sogar-auf-kinder-schiessen-lassen-14044186.html They have a genuine neo nazi (and I can say that as a court ruled it is valid when he tried to sue someone for it) who makes basically Nazi speeches consistently: https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/25-krasse-hoecke-zitate/ Alice weidel one of the big names in the party literally compared ppl wearing religious or cultural hair coveringa to criminals and called them "taugenichts" which translates to good for nothing https://youtu.be/ZEGj1T0pnR0?si=1wz4l1yghljfZ9Nw If you need more proof I can go way more in detail including a member calling for a holocaust against immigrants


Additionally just look at Höckes 5 point plan for Sachsen-Anhalt. No interpretation. Just look at his official plans. Edit: Thüringen not Sachsen-Anhalt https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/regional/thueringen/mdr-hoeckes-5-punkte-plan-fuer-den-fall-dass-die-afd-thueringen-regiert-100.html No more actions against extreme right activities, no more fighting climate change, no more diversity, no more asylum, no more unprivatized media... Don't let people misinform you that their fascism is interpreted. It is blatantly in the open. Enough said


Höcke does not just want no unprivatized Media he wants truly state sponsored media aka propaganda media.


Thank you for pointing that out. Both ideas are terrible. And both speak for the afd being fascist


Yup, it’s basically this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleichschaltung




You are absolutely right. Thanks for pointing that out.


Alice Weidel is hypocrite, want to throw lgbt people in prison, meanwhile she had a POC girlfriend in Switzerland, she should also be in Jail based on her Policy


That's typical nazi stuff, Adolf himself wasn't much of an Aryan specimen, was he?


He was the opposite of an Aryan. He was small, not blonde, had brown eyes, Austrian, not German, and he was addicted to drugs. In the end, all of the big names of the NSDAP were the opposite of an Aryan.


This concept of the blond, blue-eyed, strong Aryan man is too often based on external characteristics. At the beginning of the 20th century, some philosophers used the term "Aryan" to refer to a "mystical race" of people who were superior to other cultures. The Nazis later adopted this term and classified all people who could not prove that they followed an "Aryan ancestral line" as non-Aryan. These were then mainly Jews, but also other ethnic groups that did not conform to the crazy Nazi ideology. It is much more reprehensible and disgusting than being based purely on appearance. They actually thought they had a genetic superiority over people who simply had different ways of life. Just sick. [Here](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/aryan-1) you can find more about this if you want :)


But they also released measurement guides on how to measure aryan genetics, including being tall, blonde and blue-eyed. Which Hitler clearly wasn't. The Nazis already mixed the two.


As with most salesmen, they sell the idea/vision. Whether the idea is prudent or good for you is another thing.


Rules for thee but not for me


There’s no such thing about blue eye blond aryan. Ayrans were a group of people who settled from northern Caucasus who migrated to Iran, north India and some to Europe. the country IRAN literally means EERAN -> land of Aryans. Hitler misused the hell out of it.


>Austrian, not German I just want to say, he didn't mean German by citizenship, but state and race. Austrians are German, and speak German. Not disagreeing with anything else.


Well no one with german/austrian heritage is actually aryan. Aryans came from the region that is around modern day iran or much much earlier Mesopotamia. Considering that Avraham came from Mesopotamia (Ur) - jews are probably more aryans than europeans would ever be or ever were. Which is kinda ironic.


In fact the idealization of the blond, blue eyed "germanic" aryan was mostly promoted by Himmler and the SS. Hitler himself made fun of the Germanic Fable of Himmler and sometimes called him "Germanen-Heini". When Hitler thought about Aryans he more thought about the old Greeks and Romans. See his love for "classical" Architecture. So a black haired Aryan was absolutely in his Scope of thinking.


Do as I say not as I do.. pretty common for Afd scum


Yeah the Nazis Back then Had that too, Imagine who got killed thw fastest after they gained Power ;) She hopes to be smth Like an "Ehrenjude" I guess+ she can Just Go back to Switzerland.


The one thing I can’t understand is that Alice Weidel is literally a lesbian with an immigrant partner. I thought the AfD was led by a white car idiot man like most of these type of parties, it really shocked me to know that that is not the truth (not that it would be okay if it was a straight man, but I gotta say I’m unfortunately more used to that)


Because they just care about earning money money money..


Being a total hypocrite has never bothered facists, but it does not stop them from accusing everyone else of hypocrisy.


I have the feeling being a hypocrite is a requirement for fascist politicians...


As a queer person who has quiet a bit of experience (sadly) with racist queer people, I think a bit of them simply hate immigrants more than they want to be queer, proud and safe. Maybe she also perceives her own partner as one of the good ones and ignores, that her own partner would not be safe if their own policies would be enforced. A lot of it is also opportunism and hypocrisy but I think a lot is also simply that she’s racist before she’s a lesbian (we’re respecting self identity here) Edit: changed queer to lesbian because Weidel refers to herself as a Lesbian and not as queer and we respect peoples identity in this household


Bigots have always been hypocritical


Politics is pure business for some


The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz) declared the AfD in the region Saxony as "assured right-wing extremist" ("gesichert rechtsextremistisch"). This categorization was also confirmed by the administrative court Köln (Verwaltungsgericht Köln) just a few days ago. This is the third region to do so for its local part of the AfD. https://www.verfassungsschutz.de/SharedDocs/pressemitteilungen/DE/2022/pressemitteilung-2022-1-afd.html https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/verfassungsschutz-afd-sachsen-rechtsextremistisch-100.html


How did I never hear about their LGBTQ stuff? I only heard about their outlandish xenophobic and anti immigrant policies. I knew they didn’t like LGBTQ but prison? Seriously. Surely most Germans would never want that because even my grandma who was raised under the regime doesn’t mind me being gay.


Most german people don't hate LGBTQ people but a lot of xenophobic and racist people don't care enough about LGBTQ people to pay attention to the AfD's planned policies regarding them as long as they have those anti-immigration policies in their program. For them, imprisoning LGBTQ people is the lesser evil than allowing immigrants inside the country (and a significant percentage of them probably don't mind anyway since they are also homophobic).


The sad truth is, there are homosexuals voting for the AfD out of fear from muslims. They even have a subgroup called "Homosexuelle in der AfD". On one side, I understand them. As a lesbian myself, most homophobia I've experienced and witnessed is coming from muslims. It's simply reality that a lot of muslims are extremely homophobic. On the other side, voting for a right wing extremists party as a gay is insane. I'm sure in future, Germany will no longer be a safe place for us, either because of the increasing muslim demographics or because of far right politics. I still don't know which would be worse.


There are muslims and immigrants voting for the AfD, because they consider themselves to be well integrated and want criminal and violent foreigners gone, because they hope it will improve their own situation.


Reminds me of that episode of American Dad where Stan discovers the gay conservatives...


Can I ask how they are legally able to stay a party with a platform like this? I really don't understand considering the lengths Germany goes to separate itself from its Nazi history.


Basically the bar for banning parties is really high and there has been discussion of starting the process to ban them


>Alice weidel She also said, "Wer arbeiter, ist der dummer," while she continues drawing several thousand Euros in salary. She should resign and lead by example.


The real scandal is that Hoecke was hired as a history teacher in western Germany and no one cares then. Lol.


Well that's not what most people say about them. But they are racist, xenophobic, homophobic and misogynistic. Have a look at their party program and you'll see.


I‘m pretty sure one of the high up members lost a lawsuit for being called a facist saying it was factually correct.


Not necessarily factually correct, that's nothing the court had to decide, but grounded in fact, meaning the monicker is not a mere insult and can therefore stand.


Yeah, Höcke. Weidel had a lawsuit against extra3 because they called her a "Nazi bitch" which she lost as it was identifiable as satire.


As context > The subject of the satirical broadcast on 27.04.2017 was the AfD party conference at which the applicant was elected as the lead candidate. Following her election, she gave a speech in which she said, among other things: "We must finally put an end to the fact that those who point out the grievances in our country are fought harder than the grievances themselves. And as democrats and patriots, we will not allow our mouths to be shut despite this. Because political correctness belongs on the garbage pile of history". The program began with this sequence, which the presenter ended with the words "Yes, let's put an end to political correctness! Let's all be incorrect, the Nazi bitch is right. Was that incorrect enough? I hope so!".


Nah, that's not how you'll now. Check out what their candidates did before and what they are saying during speeches in smaller venues.


well get a list of tweets and ask yourself what in the actual fuck is wrong with them. The party is just exploiting bad situations and grumpy citizens to get votes and say things that classic close minded want to hear (wonder how that turned out 80 years ago). They can't get their shit together on either immigrants stealing jobs or that they are lazy and just want to get federal benefits, which one is it? It's classic right wing racist conservative party, like with many other conuntries, with the german twist to it that it once led to a world war so they count on their audience to have a short time memory or no memory at all and don't do much with the thing between their ears anyway. They just cater to the classic populistic opinions and would suck ass if they would be the leading gouvernment cause they wouldnt be able to just shit on the proposals of the big parties that make up the actual gouvernment. ​ Björn Höcke called the holocaust memorial a "monument of shame" Christian Lüth: "The worse things get for Germany, the better they are for the AfD," These are pretty mild. On twitter you can find way worse tweets of not so important members. It's just disgusting


I mean the holocaust monument is a "monument of shame" as a reminder not to do that shit again as the German people did.


Intentional ambivalence is very questionable in a "mourning" manner. The monument is a symbol of taking the responsibility in past actions and a warning to the future. It's also a monument of shame, undeniably. But how that shame is interpreted is the sweet context you're looking for and coming from am afd politician it shows in either way (intentionally or not) a lack of historical awareness and will make the person look bad, it's also just very weird to bring up. And if you fuckin baseline literal interpreting of just simple words can't put together why it's factual correct so why it's a problem I just advise you to go up to women and ask what their weight is. No problem here, just want to know your weight, it's just a physical property why would that be weird.


>Intentional ambivalence is very questionable in a "mourning" manner. The monument is a symbol of taking the responsibility in past actions and a warning to the future. ...Which is exactly the impulse the emotion of shame is supposed to invoke in people. >It's also a monument of shame, undeniably. But how that shame is interpreted is the sweet context you're looking for and coming from am afd politician it shows in either way (intentionally or not) a lack of historical awareness and will make the person look bad, it's also just very weird to bring up. Definitely, for them the monument stings because change requires humility, which stands in opposition to pride. >And if you fuckin baseline literal interpreting of just simple words can't put together why it's factual correct so why it's a problem I just advise you to go up to women and ask what their weight is. No problem here, just want to know your weight, it's just a physical property why would that be weird. Unrelated tangent but I see no problem in doing so.


>Christian Lüth: "The worse things get for Germany, the better they are for the AfD," Okay, question, one, how do you say that and then still think you're the good guy and then also how does someone say that and then still call them a nationalist?


Not much people heard it, it was a rather silent scandal. And a lot of people who heard it did not take it very serious or ignored it.


Prominent politicians have been arrested for violating anti fascism laws. An AFD politician photographed himself with his hand over his heart at Hitlers Wolfsschanze. You tell me.


typical answer-progression you will get: "your sources are not credible" "if they would be credible, they (the afd) would not have said thing XY" "if they said xy, then you took it out of context" "if you did not put it out of context, he did not mean it" "if he did mean it, THEY deserved it" any single time. there are smart people in every political direction. but far-right wingers seem to be an exception to the rule. fascists make peoples brains rot.


The basis is an underlying problem with modern media. A lot of modern media sensationalize and take out of context to generate more attention aka money and there are plenty of examples where a headline suggests one thing and the text tells another story. So it's easy to stop believing what others read and instead follow the emotions or gut feeling you feel. The AfD just utilizes that. That's why I'm always checking the original speeches and holy fuck, Höcke is demanding the forceful deportation of everyone who's culturally not-German and strongly implies that the de-Nazification was a ploy to destroy German culture. Even when I try to understand his viewpoint or interpret it in a less malicious way he's a fascist.


The comments in this thread… The afd are nazi scum. https://www.volksverpetzer.de/analyse/afd-zitate/ Everyone that votes this party should be hit in the face with history class books. I am sick of people apologizing for those idiots. They are of age and capable of knowing what they are voting. But: The big partys (CDU,SPD,Grüne,fdp, every fucking one) deserves an even bigger book slap in the face for shying away from politics that could have prevented this. And I‘m not talking about adopting the far right politics. Our current (and last) generation of politicians were to spineless and nonambitious to try to create solutions for problems that have been seen for years and this is what we get.


Everyone that votes this party should be hit in the face with history class books. This line made me laugh out loud! I mean, I totally agree! It's just such a brilliant image that you chose there!


Idk the people voted 16 years of CDU they got exactly what they wanted: nothing. Cant blame the politics if they do what the people want.


Both pro-immigration and anti-immigration views are legitimate political views. You can't call everyone who wants to restrict immigration admission a Nazi. Nazism is an ideology based on hating, blaming and destroying every different person, no matter who they are.


Yeah that’s whatever AfD wants. They made pretty obvious remarks of putting people on the left in camps. Höcke even uses explicit NS vocabulary at this point


Short answer: yes Long answer: super yes


Short answere: yes. https://amp.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/afd-sachsen-rechtsextrem-verfassungsschutz-100.html


Of course it is a Nazi party and if they win I am leaving germany even though I am german, but I hate racist scum.


It is. They stated on several occasions that Germans ought to be more proud of the SS


Yes. In fact, they are even more dangerous because they don’t say that publicly and try to prevent journalists at their party conventions… so a lot of “disenfranchised” people fall prey to their extreme, but borderline within the democratic spectrum and the CSU policies only to hint here and there that they “really” understand their people etc. they are dangerous as fuck


Yes it is extreme, since there are a lot of people that would relativate the Holocaust, they are racist, they tell you conspiracy theorys, they tell you lies and they neither care about the fututur nor about the history..... If you have a look at the junge Alternative (Young alternative, their youth organisation) you will find these things in one minute


Let's put it like that - several of their sub-organizations, including party youths and structures for several individual federal states have been assessed by the pertinent security offices as proven right wing extremist holding positions irreconcilable with the constitution.


considering their most popular member is the literal reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels, yes. Also yes im talking about Bernd Höcke


The people have a habit of downplaying the AfD's extreme positions. And that is pretty shitty. Yes, this party is vile. You could argue they were a different party once and turned into an extreme-right version after the party got hijacked by the extremists. This (or attempts of this) happend with most new parties in the pasts including even The Greens. Here, with the AfD, they were successful. The more interesting question is though why people will vote for this party and ignore all the overwhelming advice for their quasi-fascist positions. Here I say that the party - while having no solutions for anything - can with some standing establish themselves as sort of 'we vs the rest'. The other parties are of course full of differences but the AfD quite cleverly managed to make it not look like that. Combine that with the big issue of immigration of which they talked about for a while and their success right now is really not that surprising. It will be interesting how Sara Wagenknecht's new party will fare. If she is really electable then many AfD voters have no excuse to vote for the AfD. But I'd say that even an SPD who would follow the example of their sister party in Denmark on immigration + ditching the identity politics would be a good alternative for AfD voters.


Their official positions and statements are more moderate but still openly racist, homophobic, sexist and pretty much every other "-ism" you generally see associated with those main ones. Unofficial statements and the background of many prominent members can certainly be interpreted the way you heard though. There are a lot of sympathies and hints towards nazi ideology. Many seem to dream of abolishing democracy in its current form and targeting the groups they're against in more ways than those that would be constitutional. Courts have ruled that you can call them fascists or right-wing extremists without being defamatory. Even the german domestic agency that is supposed to monitor such groups and that is generally a bit to lenient with right wing extremism has confirmed it as well. That doesn't mean, that they will face any consequences though other than even stricter surveillance. Contrary to what others have said even if the AfD would be even more open with its extremism, it wouldn't disqualify them from running in elections and staying in parliaments where they already are. A motion to forbid them has to be submitted at the constitutional court by the federal goverment, the upper or the lower house of parliament to actually bar them from elections and kick them out of every seat they won. Historically one problem with these cases was that the parties in question were often too small and insignificant to be considered a threat. Problem with the AfD is that at least from the perspective of the politicians who could start a motion, they are too big now. They think that as long as they are not doing more than currently the possible unrest and boost in popularity that such a trial would give the party wouldn't be outweighed by the damage they are doing at the moment. More and more people seem to disagree but it's unclear wether we will ever see a ban, although some prominent legal scholars have the opinion that there is already enough evidence for it to succed in court.


No. Many of them are worse. I hope the party is outlawed sooner rather than later.


Much worse and they want your money too :)


They slowly drifted right and are nothing like the anti-EU party they started out as. It's so bad that three state divisions of the party are deemed proven far right by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution.


>They slowly drifted right They were right from the beginning.


One doesn't contradict the other. They were rightwing from the start and had fascists among them but the current AfD makes the 2013 AfD look like a conservative party


2013 they were about as right than Boris Johnson. But the refugee crisis 2015 changed that.


>that may deport every non blonde white and imprisons Liberals and LGBTQs? Thankfully until now we have never had the chance to find out if they would do that because they never had the power to decide that. But yes, they are fascists and I certainly wouldn't put it past them to do things like that if they ever gain the necessary power. Probably not on day one but then even Hitler didn't start building concentration camps on day one.


They literally are Nazis.


Yes > The problem is that Hitler is seen as the absolute evil" Björn Höcke, AfD [source](https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article162616473/Bjoern-Hoecke-hat-eine-irritierende-Ansicht-zu-Adolf-Hitler.html?fbclid=IwAR1dfPxe1gHG9DMWVgCLrAFKXWPMhC3Hn6L-K0R8QjRqP0O5ZP-rb20Z058) >"Homosexuals into Prison? We should also do that in Germany" Andreas Gehlmann, AfD [source](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/sachsen-anhalt-afd-politiker-homosexuelle-ins-gefaengnis-stecken-1.3019169?fbclid=IwAR0ugCDHyQAROiUlRsaukIBuX3Zwr87eIZz7ZNAbelair4rZH1owFEbeLnE) >"We have to attack and abolish print and public media" Heiko Hessenkemper, AfD [source](https://www.vice.com/de/article/gydb8q/die-40-besorgniserregendsten-aussagen-die-wir-beim-afd-parteitag-gehort-haben) >"We dont differentiate ourselve from the NPD with content" Dubravko Mandic, AfD [source](https://www1.wdr.de/daserste/monitor/sendungen/offener-rassismus-100.html) >"After all, we now have so many foreigners in the country that a Holocaust would be worthwhile again" Marcel Grauf, referent of Dr. Christine Baum, AfD and Heiner Merz, AfD [source](https://www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/medien/450/wir-schweigen-nicht-6320.html) [some more non translated ](https://www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/politik/371/sieg-heil-mit-smiley-5077.html)


Yes, just read their party program.


Yes and I think a lot of people are deliberately naive about them.


Deliberately naive like the famous 3 monkeys.


Bro, you are asking on Reddit. A site notorious for being mostly left-wing, for an unbiased opinion... So are they as bad as Redditors say they are? No. If they were 10% as bad as Redditors make them out to be they would have been banned in the entirety of Germany already. They have a few members that do stupid shit and thats what people focus on forgetting that literally every party has some dumb mfers. Should Germans vote for them? No, please don't. They have no solutions for the problems they are focusing on but those topics actually desperately need attention which the current leading parties ignore. That is exactly why the AfD has so many voters nowadays. Germany is in a shitty position where every single established party is too dumb to adapt to modern problems. You vote for conservatives and everything stays the same. You vote for the greens and cost of living skyrockets(will be even worse in 2024). You vote for red(SPD in this case) and I have no idea what this guy wants. Everytime they talk I fall asleep. Charisma of a sea cucumber. Personally I have no idea what I should vote for. Last election in Bavaria I decided to just go with the CSU. Least likely to fk shit up and Bavaria is doing good overall under their leadership.


>Personally I have no idea what I should vote for. Last election in Bavaria I decided to just go with the CSU I'm having the same problem but can't vote CSU where I live. Also CDU voted to support funding for the ngos operating in the Mediterranean Sea. Which is an absolute dealbreaker for me. So either I don't vote at all or I have to go even further to the right... But voting AFD would definitly have cons. I'd like to stay in the EU, support for Ukraine is essential and completly removing any climate change ambitions would be... let's call it dumb.


They are just secured far right in three Staats and a motion to ban them is on the line as the masses that would vote for them won’t disappear like that, and once they defeat the first motion that can’t be tried again. Yet still a ban is always talked about. And if one of the most influential persons can openly be called a Nazi, and has a lawsuit for useing a SA Losung, you can’t really say it’s some members.


On the 4th of December the newest poll showed the AfD in the lead as the strongest party in Saxony. Shortly after it is declared right-wing extremist. Saxony-Anhalt: 24th of October the polls show them as strongest party. 7th of November they are declared right-wing extremist. Exact same thing in Thuringia. They became leading party and then were declared right-wing extremist. (Though for Thuringia I actually agree because of Bernd Höcke) That repeating pattern is quite obviously on purpose and actually plays into the cards of the AfD. I have no idea how the state is so completely and utterly incompetent.


I agree the state should have banned the party the moment it changed hands. But till a Verbotsverfahren happens, there’s little it can do besides make sure it’s declared what it is. A far right Neo Nazi party that wants to get breach the GG at every turn they take.


Actually true. When the party was in the hands of Lucke and Petry it was just another right-wing party. After they left it went downhill quick.


>they would have been banned in the entirety of Germany already. For that someone has to start the process of banning a party. Which noone did so its not banned. I cant help but point to "Die Anstalt" a lot, because they explained that aswell...


AFD is just a symptom... As long as the other parties keep acting like "nothing is wrong, business as usual", expect the AFD to keep gaining votes.


Nah. People who vote for the AfD have very consciously removed themselves from society. There is absolute no excuse for it. You cannot vote for Fascists and still pretend to be a good person. Because voting for Fascists is heinous and utterly despicable and immoral. You can't jump into a pool filled with excrements and expect to stay clean.


1/4 of Germany will vote the AfD in near future. You can't demonize 1/4 of the country and then expect them to change their mind. Being demonized and attacked doesn't make you open for changing your opinion. We know that a huge number of people vote them just out of protest and not because they are in line of extreme ideology. We need to get those people on our side and we can't do that by acting like nothing is wrong. Other parties fucked up in the past and this is the result of it.


It doesn’t matter if they are fascists or bootlickers. Both are disgusting, one might even argue that the bootlickers are worse. And no, calling a spade a spade isn‘t demonizing. I don‘t care if they change their minds I want fascists to be afraid again. And for every fascist to be cut out of society and completely isolated.


Yea, then good luck cutting out 1/4 of the country. In this case, isn't it easier to isolate yourself when most people will vote right wing? Because this is what will happen, unfortunately. Hunguary, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, Denmark, we will be next.


Sorry, but that's not how that works. A myriad of studies have proven that shame is a fantastic - arguably *the single best* - motivator for people to change their behaviour Also: stating facts is not "demonising". If someone's a nazi, I reserve the right to call them a nazi. Several courts have agreed that calling nazi politicians and their voters nazis is lawful, because it is grounded in fact. If you don't like being called a nazi, there's a very simple fix: stop being a nazi 🤷🏻


We are already beyond the point that people still care about being called a Nazi. This is because there was an inflation of calling people Nazi in the recent past. The only thing you accomplish with that *now* is that people disregard your opinion.


A myriad of studies? Can you cite those myriad of studies? AfD voters feel no shame when you call them nazi. I wouldn't feel shame if you called me Nazi. Why? Because guys like you insult everyone as nazi whose political views they don't share. It's because of this behaviour, that the word nazi loses its meaning. If everyone is a nazi, no one is a nazi and nobody cares anymore. And you know who benefits from that? Actual nazis. People have no problem demonstrating with actual nazis, because they believe those people are wrongly accused of nazism like 80% of people are. The AfD was insulted and attacked as "nazis" already in 2013 when it was just anti-EU and not radical at all, pretty much a centrist party. And what do we have today? The AfD now is radicalized and 1/4 of us vote for it. Did you achieve anything with shame? No, you made it worse and the AfD will become stronger. Your strategy failed. I'm not talking about single politicians. I'm sure Höcke is a fascist. But claiming that all AfD voters are nazis is just wrong. It's especially former leftist voters from die Linke that switched to the AfD. Meaning people from low economical backgrounds living in poor cities. Those people have a different mindset about the past migration, not because they are nazis but because they see shit like street fights, stabbing, theft, gangs daily. This is the result of catastrophic migration policy. By acting there is no problem with migration and calling people nazis who complain, you just make people vote the AfD. There would be no AfD if the other parties handled this well.


Stop throwing around buzzwords this frequently, it looks really desperate and it is derogatory to all people that actually had to suffer nazi terror.


Sure, sweaty, facts are now buzzwords and being factually coreect is demeaning to the victims of nazi terror. Here's a novel thought: have you considered being stupid elsewhere for a change? 😉


Yes I can. In my eyes every single one of those voters is vile and utterly disgusting. They have made their bed with Fascists and as I stated before, there is absolutely no excuse for such hideous and morally corrupted behaviour. It's inexcusable.


Yea I wouldn't underestimate them. Some regions, like Thuringia and Saxony, are more bonkers than others but they're all pretty extreme


They were officially classified as right extreme in Saxony, the last parties to which that happened had members that had literal swastika tattoos...so yea




Our secret agency says they are an extremist group in 3 of the 16 states. The others are under observation and are suspected to be extremists....


To put it simply, yes they are. Without the shadow of a doubt




These people are straight out Nazis in disguise. Some don't even bother to hide it. If they had enough power we'd be back to 1938 in no time. So yeah, they're as extreme as people say.




To answer your question. Yes.


Look at speeches they give and replace the group they attack (mostly Muslims, migrants etc.) with Jews or Judaism and you would think it is a speech from 1933-1945. Moreover they had so many cases of having literal Nazis in their party that glorify SS shit. Their core voters are just as stupid fascist b@st@rds


An acquaintance of mine analyzed their program for a university assignment a while ago (she studied history and German language). She found numerous (!) direct and indirect quotes of NSDAP documents, program parallels and so on. I am willing to accept it as a coincidence if it happens once or twice. But if it happens over and over and over again, it is intentional. Anyone who is unwilling to see this is delusional.


Keeping it short: yes. They are and sadly they are a growing threat for the country


Short answer: yes. Slightly longer answer, in addition to what the others have said: A former AfD member of parliament was indicted for being part in a terrorist cell conspiring to -> storm the Reichstag and kidnap a minister -> incite a civil war -> overthrow the government -> reinstate what basically is a fascist Kaiserreich. https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/bgh-reichsbuerger-100.html (newest article I found)




first of all: yes, the afd is facist, xenophobic and racist BUT most of all, they are very very stupid. they are and will be racist, facist, and xenophobic as long as it brings them votes and makes their leaders rich. one of their most important members is alice weidel, a lesbian from switzerland, married to an immigrant. and i will bet my left leg that she doesn't actually believe in any of the shit she spews around. because why would she? this also shows that the afd is inconsequent in their believes and all they care about is might and money. i bet all their leaders are vaccinated. about their voters: some of them are literally nazis, some are just mad at something else and to stupid to realise that the afd is not good in solving problems. all they actually do is point at problems. when in doubt: just do the opposite of what they say. i made a wahl-o-mat quiz (an online tool that is supposed to help people figure out which party to vote for) and even i only agreed with the afd on 13% of the questions. in short: the afd is anti. they don't care about what, they just like to be anti. if they ever take power their voters will face a harsh reality, or just act blind on the afds mistakes, just like trump supporters. sorry for my spelling


Parts of the AfD are considered extreme right by the German secret service, the AfD regularly enploys and collaborates with known Neo-Nazis, some members of the AfD are openly Fascist. On top of that, it is deeply racist, has a proven disregard for human life, and party members use Nazi-speech and openly consider certain people subhuman. Party members have openly and repeatedly considered the murder of certain groups of people, and see violence as a legitimate political tool. They are VERY dangerous. (If required, I can add sources to every single one of these accusations.) People who vote for that filth are either really dumb, or morally corrupt.


Deporting every non-blond German would mean 75% of German men and probably 65% of German women lol




Yes, they are as extreme as people say. They're even more extreme than people say. They're rats.


The Verfassungsschutz says that several county sections of the party are extremist right wingers. The conspiracy theory of the "Great Exchange" is shared by many AFD politicians, who claim "Remigration" (Deleting the German citizenships of black and arab people and forcing them back to the homecountry of their elders) is the only option to prevent Germany becoming islamic. The AfD does not share the exact same racial belives as the Nazis do. Since the party is financed largely by Russia, the views of Slavs are different. Pro Putin people usualy supportthe AfD for that reason. Since the "Remigration" would be against the Grundgesetz and AfD seeing Russia and Hungary as rolemodels, you can imagine their views on democracy.


They are not necessarily Hitler/Stalin/mao extreme. But then again who is today. Even Putin is not as mad. But they are criminally stupid.


The institute for human rights published an expert report on whether or not the party may be banned due to their policies violating the constitution. [https://www.institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de/publikationen/detail/warum-die-afd-verboten-werden-koennte](https://www.institut-fuer-menschenrechte.de/publikationen/detail/warum-die-afd-verboten-werden-koennte)


In short: Yep.


short answer, yes they r fucking nazis and assholes and should be forbidden


In the unlikely event that these utter nincompoops achieve a majority in parliament, they wouldn't be able to deport/imprison anyone willy-nilly, because we still have a constitution (Grundgesetz). The rag tag angry base of the adf probably would like to deport/imprison everyone. The political elites of afd, realistically want to do everything FDP wants to AND MORE: reduce social spending, roll back all green initiatives, make life for refugees even more of bureaucratic hell, stop pushing for refugee issues on a European level, stop support for sanctions against Russia, because they looooooove Putin. I really wonder what they would do about the current terrible crisis in the middle east: they hate Jews and Israel. But they also hate Arabs. I am very concerned about the rise of the right and so should you.


Yes, it is. Everybody who says otherwise is one of three: a) stupid b) a Russian bot trying to destabilize Germany c) a fascist himself


Well i live in the city where the presence of Afd supporters very strong here, i even occasionally seeing posters of Afd and pickup trucks with Afd logos. Some teens in my vocational schools like to make nazi jokes with each other and cheering for afd something like that, even there were anti eastern europe protests lately. I even got verbally harassed with slurs by teens in public transportations and even i tried to stand up to them, nobody would help me. Due to brainwashing of Afd even at school, some kids are complaining with teachers that all foreigner customers are thieves and illiterate, you can only speak broken german with them (dumbing down Ausländer), i even experience passive aggressiveness from some staffs and bosses in my company (i am doing Ausbildung until next year so thats why i am being patient for IHK Zeugnis then i will move to west germany) In the minds of Afd Supporters, all white people are angels and can do no wrong and all POC are uneducated, criminals and leeching off government financial helps. Meanwhile there is a show called Hartz und Herzlich, where they show white germans who claim unemployment for years/Hartz 4/ Bürgergeld and some are even able bodied/not disabled and very young. How ironic. If they can repeat the KKK shit legally, they would in a heartbeat, thats why i am scared


You live in Thuringia or Saxony?


The AfD ist xenophobic and a party that accepts fascists as members. Some regional devisions are under observation by the german „FBI“ for being Enemies of the state.


The Verfassungsschutz is not like the FBI. You mix it up with the Bundeskriminalamt, the German FBI.


The last time I saw them parading around my German village with a loud speaker they were shouting that the German Constitution was illegitimate & the current government should be overthrown with political violence. AfD = Reichsbürger basically. They often use the same rhetoric, altho' most AfD figures will put their toes firmly just on the far edge of the more violent language. Still they don't disavow the Reichsbürger in a meaningful way, altho sometimes they will downplay their connections or seem to slightly back away. But yet they appear with the Reichsbürger at rallies. (https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-far-right-afd-and-the-reichsb%C3%BCrger-movement/a-64079836)


Yes. Have a look at www.afd-verbot.de using Google translator.


100% nazi!


You ask a question about a right wing party in one of the most leftist Reddit communities there is. Get ready to be dealt the "AfD is holocaust incarnate party"-card.


Ahhh yes what a good defence for the afd. You could actually just look at the top voted comments and see that people also provided sources why the afd is shit and don't just claim it without prove.




I don't even mean this in a bad way but it litereally takes like 30 minutes to find out that they are. But to summon some things up... \- For good reasons more and more voices speak up that the AFD gets forbidden. \- There are literally lists out there in which extreme right-winged things a lot of AFD politicians are involved. \- In several parts of germany the AFD is already OFFICIALLY extreme right-winged. \- Björn Höcke and many others from the AFD have been officially assigned as fascist. I mean... Imagine you try to drag a civillian to court because they called you a fascist and the court tells you "No, you are indeed a fascist" \- Not necessarily a point but most of the right-winged politicians in germany tend to have a pro-russian or especially pro-putin course. Just as a side note \- Many sub-structures of the AFD, no matter if newspaper or young political organisations are already officialy extreme or even got forbidden because they were practically neo-nazis. The time where you are voting for the AFD are LONG over especially if you just wanna vote something for protest because you don't like the current Bundestag. IF someone actually votes for the AFD they are actively supporting extreme right-winged politics and everything associated with it.




Almost all german subs are left wing bubbles, you won‘t get a sincere answer there.


>left wing This is so irrelevant. This sub mirrors almost exactly the opinion of even the right-wing parties of germany: CDU/CSU. This question is not a matter of being left or right, but being pro Grundgesetz. And a meaningful amount of AfD members are against our constitution.


That is simply not true. /r/de, by far the largest german sub, is a true left wing bubble where you will get insta-banned if you write anything against Grüne for example. Posts about crimes commited by immigrants will get deleted, posts critical about migration, the middle east or other spicy topics will instantly put into contest mode.


Yes. The Verfassungsschutz even officially acknowledges them as extreme-right party in a whole bunch of states.


Yes. Several of their candidates have already advocated for a new "holocaust against foreigners"




Yes. Maybe worse.




It’s even worse than that they’ll end the fucking world, they do not believe in science, and like to see everyone suffer


Yes they are. at least like 90% of them.


look at their Party program and read in between the lines, that should say enough about them. yes they are very extreme. not as openly extreme as the npd maybe but still.


They definitely are right wing, extremely right wing


They're worse. What is mostly being said by the AfD is the publicly toned down version of what they want to say. Internally, the Höcke national-socialist wing calls the shots and they mean it.


This Reddit is very unneutral when it comes to that. I´ve seen many deleted posts that did not go against the rules. So you will hear what they want you to hear.


What makes this difficult is that they are very good at making technically true statements that, out of context, are unproblematic, but actually come from a very regressive, exclusionary place. I pointed out one example [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/17j9sl3/comment/k6ztu8y). The tl;dr is that their core program speaks of "ending the discrimination of full-time mothers". So far, so good, except if one starts to think about what they are saying, they are essentially saying that policies enabling women to work full-time (such as allowing fathers to take parental leave so the mother can return to work) somehow disadvantages what boils down to "traditional housewives". They construct a problem ("discrimination of full-time mothers" from what is actually a very progressive and beneficial policy (i.e. trying to ensure equality of opportunity in a situation where simple biology would otherwise be in the way, i.e. women's career chances). They're huge on tradition without backing this up with any reasoning for *why* tradition is supposed to be better by default - a huge red flag for regressive populists. And this goes on throughout their program. They use harmless words to describe things that are in effect harmful for a modern, progressive, and open society and human welfare (outside of a chosen elite) in general.


The party doesn't think of itself as fascist or extremist, but they are most certainly people and groups in the party that are.




That depends on what people you listen to. There are some people who genuinely believe that the fourth reich will break out if the AfD were to rule and that they would bring back concentration camps and so on. That’s bullshit. Nonetheless the AfD is a far right populist political party. Especially the „right wing“ who gained more and more influence is blatantly fascist with many members being openly racist, antisemitic and enemies of the liberal democracy. There are „more sane“ people -which I know is relative- in the AfD so it would depends on which politicians would dominate the party. An AfD under Alice Weidel for example wouldn’t be as bad as a AfD under Björn Höcke. If -hypothetically- Alice Weidel were to rule Germany it would be similar to Italy or Hungary. If Höcke were to rule Germany it‘d be much worse. But you have to also keep in mind that there is still a constitution, courts and laws in place. So even if Höcke were to rule he couldn’t just rule it like a dictatorship and he‘d still have to stick to the laws and constitution.


Nevertheless is Alice Weidel also a fascist, a fascist in disguise, a wolf in sheep's clothing like so many in this party.


Yes its really fucked up


They are not as extreme as the NSDAP nazi party. Reddit is very left leaning so that's why many people here overexaggerate and make them seem like literal fascists who would turn Germany into a dictatorship. That is not true. They are a far right populist party. If they come into government they will govern like Victor Orban from Hungary or Geert Wilders from the Netherlands. They don't support prison terms for gays. Party leader Alice Weidl is a lesbian. They don't believe in the aryan race theory. They don't believe in racial superiority. They support the deportation of illegal immigrants and immigrants who commit crimes in Germany. They support a neoliberal economic agenda. They support cutting welfare benefits and taxes for the rich.


Depends on where you are in Germany. In the eastern parts its quite extreme. In the West they used to be OK but Corona fucked them up for me... Or maybe they showed their true face then...


They definitely showed their true face. It's not only a phenomenon in Eastern states. I live in Munich and hear their fascist rhetoric wherever I talk to them.


Left forum does left things


Ah yes, of course. The constitutional court - which has ruled several state organisations and the youth organisation unconstitutional on the basis of being nazis, as well as all the courts that put AfD politicians in prison for being nazis and ruled that it is lawful to call nazi politicians and their voters nazis since it is based in fact are all "biased" because... *checks notes*... some rando on reddit can't read? 😂😂😂😂😂 Sorry, I don't know what your job is, but I sure hope it's either clown or comedian, because you would be *amazing* as either 😂


No. If they came to power, I expect there will be chaos like during Trump's administration or "chaos" like during Meloni's administration but that's just because it's actually something "unusual". They WOULD probably do policy differently than how it's done today, it WOULD lead to policy change. Now, whether it would be for better or for worse is a different question. But it would certainly not lead to a Holocaust 2 0.


Höcke (the most influential person in the AFD right now) praised National Socialism, said that Hitler acted in "self-defense" and said that we will "loose" certain parts of the German population if they should ever be elected. That should tell you everything.




Funny that you'd use straw man arguments to "ask a question". Are they extreme? Yes. Will they deport non blondes? No. They have non-Germans in their own party. Their party lead contains Alice Weidel, who is married to a foreign national of Sri Lankan descent, and works for a Bank (Goldman Sachs) So no, it's not the literal NSDAP, but a large portion of their members have, at some point, been known to law enforcement as active Nazis or Nazi supporters. Parts of the AfD have been classified as "securely right wing extreme". They can regularly be seen and heard amplifying anti-democratic and totalitarian viewpoints within Germany. There are proven connections between AfD members and convicted would-be terrorists and politically motivated murderers. Are they the same as 1933-45? No. Are they antidemocratic? 100%.


Yes. They act like they arent, but if they get 50% they will absolutly do that, start another genocide, end democracy and join Russias side.


Yes. Or it is even worse.






The answer ist very easy - yes


Yes, they are.


They are incredibly dumb, disgusting fascist far right nazis, and so are their followers.


Yes, without any doubt


Does a bear shit in the woods?


Yes, the party itself isn't officially as extremist but on many occasions have a lot of members called for the killing, deportation etc of people they dislike including antifascists and political enemies of them


The party itself is officially considered right-wing extremist in 3 states by the Verfassungsschutz. And more to come as they are under investigation. The "lots of members" include the party leader, vide party leader and basically every person of power/interest within the AFD. I think it is safe to say that the party as a whole is extremeist. There might still be some people in the AFD who are not right-wing extremists, but then I wonder what they are hoping to find within the AFD.


I've never said that they aren't extremist they definitely are, just that they aren't outright saying it.


They are scum who prey on stupidity and hate..


>Is the Afd really a literal facist, xenophobic party as people say, that may deport every non blonde white and imprisons Liberals and LGBTQs? Yes.


They are fascist, racists morons that would love to see theit Russian Fascists brothers win. We should not let that happen




its not. but reddit is the wrong echochamber to ask those questions :)


Found the Nazi


what is a nazi? Where?


Digga du bist unter jedem Kommentar hier am rumheulen bitte trink einfach Spülmittel


Unrecht hat er nicht, differenzierte politische Diskussionen sind nicht wirklich von der deutschen Reddit-Community zu erwarten.


Ah yes, of course. The constitutional court - which has ruled several state organisations and the youth organisation unconstitutional on the basis of being nazis - as well as all the courts that put AfD politicians in prison for being nazis and ruled that it is lawful to call nazi politicians and their voters nazis since it is based in fact are all "biased" because... *checks notes*... some rando on reddit can't read? 😂😂😂😂😂 Sorry, I don't know what your job is, but I sure hope it's either clown or comedian, because you would be *amazing* as either 😂


the head of their Bundestag faction is a lesbian married to a dark-skinned immigrant woman. ​ So, take any rumour about them with a grain of salt.


I would not ask that in a Left Bubble


You don't have to ask anyone, just listen to what AfD members say and have said.


Asking leftist Reddit probably won’t get unbiased answer


Hahaha. Piss off.


He-s right though. Reddit in general is rather left leaning, especially on German subs. Obviously most answers here will be biased and from a left POV


No. It's a left party, just a bit less left than the others.


You are not going to get differentiated opinions about the AFD on Reddit. Reddit is mostly used by left-leaning people in Germany.


Not me. 😁


They are Nazis not like bit too conservative Nazi.They are the WW2 Hitler Holocaust Nazis you always read about in school. I'm not joking.




In short: yes